The Shadows I Hide

By MenaStorm131

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Izuku was a boy born without a quirk. All his life he's been trying to fight against his disadvantage, determ... More

Chapter 1: Disclosure
Chapter 2: Anticipation
Chapter 3: Introduction
Chapter 4: Reparation
Chapter 5: Motivation
Chapter 6: Taken
Chapter 7: Terror
Chapter 8: Return
Chapter 9: Preparation
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: Legend
Chapter 12: Suspicions
Chapter 13: Slipping
Chapter 14: Silence
Chapter 15: Secrets
Chapter 16: Repeat
Chapter 17: Hidden
Chapter 18: Shadow
Chapter 19: Questions
Chapter 20: Answers
Chapter 21: Focus
Chapter 23: Searching
Chapter 24: Locating
Chapter 25: Shatter
Chapter 26: Tranquility
Chapter 27: Choice
Chapter 28: Forgiveness

Chapter 22: Confrontation

121 12 3
By MenaStorm131

Izuku woke up later that day tied up in Katchans' room. He was released once Kacchan saw he was back.

"This is bad!" said Izuku. "I've only ever changed at night before, and I didn't even get the chance to try and stop it. I don't understand what happened!" The blond boy shook his head.

"It seems to be getting worse," Before Deku could reply an alarm began to sound. It seemed to come from every loudspeaker on campus. The siren trilled from outside at full volume.

"Warning, level five security breach! All students please evacuate, use quirks if needed for self-defense,"

The two teens looked at each other in shock for a moment before a loud explosion rang out and the two rushed outside. Stepping outside they were shocked to see UA's main building up in flames. The campus was in chaos, students were rushing towards the exit from every direction while teachers frantically tried to keep the chaos organized to no avail. Looking up at the building Izuku felt something watching him, and he shuddered involuntarily.

"It's them," said Izuku to his companion. Kacchan's eyes narrowed.

"Let's go after them!" Izuku's eyes widened,

. "Are you crazy?! We were told to evacuate!"

"Well, if we don't confront them then you'll never get any answers about what's going on. And besides, I've been wanting to see one of these things for myself for a while," Izuku didn't like the idea, but he couldn't disagree with his logic.

"Fine, but we get out of there the second things start looking bad," With both the pair in agreement they charged into the fray and fought their way through the other students making their way towards the main building. They plunged into it and started climbing upwards. The first three stories were completely deserted and normal, the fourth floor, however, was bathed in flames. The pair pushed through the heat and smoke, covering their noses with their sleeves to try and clear the air they breathed a bit. They kept climbing and as they did they felt the heat increase. Reaching the eighth floor it began to feel like the air was suffocating them, the air was so hot it felt like no oxygen was entering their lungs. Both of them plunged forwards, forcing themselves to continue despite the feeling of suffocation that was coming over each of them. It was when they reached the tenth floor that they stopped. All the other floors had just been filled with the sound of the crackling fire and the hiss of scorching heat but now they heard a faint murmuring muffled by the sounds of the burning building. Izuku looked over at Bakugo who nodded. The pair crept in silently as they could following the sound of muffled voices. The voices were getting clearer, but not enough to make out words. Izuku was getting frustrated that he still couldn't make out what he was saying he kept his eyes trained ahead trying to pick up any sign of who or what might be here with them. Unfortunately for Izuku with his focus trained ahead, he didn't notice the table to his left or the potted plant which was on it until he had knocked it over. A loud crash echoed through the room seeming impossibly loud. It rang out, the sound of it making itself known over the sound of the flames. The first thing Izuku noticed afterward was that he couldn't make out the voices anymore. They had seemed relatively close before, but now he couldn't pick them up at all. Izuku turned around and gave Bakugo an apologetic look but halted when the shadows behind Katsuki seemed to start moving on their own. Izuku opened his mouth.

"Look ou-!" but it was too late. Something large slammed into Katsuki's side sending him flying into the window. A loud crash ensued as the glass shattered from the force and suddenly Bakugo was gone. Izuku stared at the broken window numbly.

"That's better. That human wasn't invited to this event."

Izuku turned his head towards the voice to see the demon emerging from the shadows. It wore a large cloak and hood which concealed its face but judging from its voice and build he was sure it was male.

"Thank you, Talos." Another voice spoke from behind him. Izuku wheeled around to face the sound seeing another cloaked demon. This one had it's back to him but was clearly larger than the last one. Izuku looked behind himself once again to find only flickering shadows and no trace of the first demon. He turned his attention back to the demon in front of him. It wasn't saying anything but Izuku was sure he knew who this was. The blood-red cloak was a large indicator here. He was speaking to the one in charge. The man kept his back to him although Deku was sure that he knew he was there. He was either incredibly stupid or incredibly confident to keep himself so open. Izuku was sure it was more the latter than the former, this didn't look good. The image of Katchan flying out the window was still fresh in his mind and he couldn't stop himself from charging the bastard. He rushed towards Daku and flung a kick at him but his leg struck nothing but air. What? He was sure he'd been there no less than a moment ago, but now he wasn't. Instead, he could now see Daku facing him from the other side of the room with an amused expression on his face.

"Do you intend to keep fighting me like a normal human?" he asked, grinning. If Izuku had had any doubts before that the demons had done this to him intentionally he certainly didn't anymore.

"SHUT UP BASTARD!" he screamed and flung himself at him. His anger was uncontrollable. They had abducted him, cut him, imprisoned him, and turned him into a monster. His whole life had been turned upside down and now they would pay, he would make sure that they paid. Suddenly something slammed into Izuku's stomach and sent him careening into a column. He felt the concrete crack under the force of the impact and pain raced through his body causing him to cry out. He fell to the ground in pain, making it difficult to try and move. That wouldn't stop him though, but before he could get up Daku had knelt down next to him.

"Are you angry with me?" he asked calmly. Izuku gritted his teeth. He hated the way he spoke like he didn't have a care in the world!

"Do you feel the hatred coursing through you?" Izuku growled and tried to stand up but his body wasn't letting him. He desperately tried to get up all the same. He wanted to tear out his through and spill his organs onto the ground.

"Perhaps I should kill another one of your friends, how does that sound?" That did it. In an instant, all the pain Izuku had been feeling disappeared. Izuku roared and lashed out at the figure next to him. Daku jumped back quickly to dodge the blow but wasn't fast enough when Izuku then lunged at him and kneed him in the gut. Daku was knocked back several paces and clutched his gut. Izuku felt a rush of satisfaction, the bastard shouldn't have messed with him and he definitely shouldn't have brought up Katchan! But when Daku lifted his head he saw that the demon was grinning madly. How dare he! He would regret that! Izuku took a deep breath in then let forth a stream of flames from his mouth. Daku was bathed in his fire, he was sure he was suffering as he should. He deserved every bit of pain. Izuku kept the flame going, hotter and hotter, he wanted no trace of him to remain. Finally, he stopped, the concrete that he had hit with his flame had melted and glowed a reddish-orange but there was no sign of Daku.

"Yes!" shouted a voice from behind him. "Use your power!" Izuku spun around full intending to plunge his fist into him and watch him bleed out when he came face to face with a cracked mirror on the wall. Izuku's breathing started to come out shaky as he breathed in and out faster and faster. When had he transformed?! It was only then that Izuku realized what he'd been thinking mere moments ago. He hadn't even noticed the way his thoughts were turning more and more animalistic. Daku appeared behind him with a wide smile on his face.

"Embrace it," he said. "It's what you were meant to do," Izuku was still staring in horror at his reflection, tears making their way to his eyes.

"Why did you do this to me? Why did you turn me into one of you?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Izuku clenched his teeth, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't play dumb with me! I saw the room you took me to. And you know I did. SO TELL ME! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME A MONSTER?!"

"Oh Izuku, you naive boy," the voice whispered. Izuku felt his blood run cold.

"How do you know my name?" he managed to choke out fear taking control of his body little by little. Daku simply began to chuckle, louder and louder until he was practically roaring with laughter.

"Did you really think we did all of this to you? You see, this is what happens when one of us spends so much time with these insignificant pests,"

"W-w-what are you saying?" asked Deku, barely managing to get the words out.

"I'm saying you've always been a demon, since the day you were born," Izuku felt his limbs begin to shake and renewed tears come to his eyes.

"You're lying," he said turning around and backing away from the demon.

"YOU'RE LYING!" he shouted again.

"Do you want to know how I knew your name, Izuku?" asked Daku the tone in his voice making it clear he was enjoying this.

"NO! STOP TALKING!" he screamed desperately trying to block out his words.

"Takaru! Your father was one of us!"


"Oh but it is. And you know it's true," Izuku stared blankly down at the floor, tears streaming down his face turned grey from the ash on his skin. His dad couldn't be one of them, he just couldn't. His dad had always been human the same as him.

"Did you know that we demons possess "demon arts, which are abilities similar to humans "quirks"? At this point you probably do, you have his research after all. But what you probably didn't know was that we use those abilities by harnessing demonic force. We are taught from a young age how to make a connection with it and control it so that even if we were to enter another world we would still be able to use our abilities. But you are different. You are only a half-demon and you were born in the human world, so you never learned how to make that bond. A demon who can't channel the energy needed to use demon arts is practically identical to a quirkless human, and they possess no demonic form. You become almost human. Even so, we could sense what you were and so all we did was help you get that connection, and would you believe it, you activated fire breath within only a couple of weeks. But your control was still weak, you can't control how much energy you channel and so you begin to rampage. You become more and more like the rest of us,"

"You're wrong!" shouted Izuku. "I'm not like you!"

"Would the "friends that you attacked agree? Would they want to be near to you when they find out what you are? Face it, you belong with your kind, that would be us,'

"What do you want with me?"

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out already, young Izuku. All the pieces are right in front of you. We need you to help us bring the rest of our kind to this world; as is the job of the Nexus," Izuku looked up at him shocked.

"Yes, you are the Nexus, you have been all along, but to think the Nexus would be born a half breed was something I was not expecting. Nevertheless, you were born with power, so what do you say Izuku? Join us, be with your kind," It took a moment for Daku's words to sink in, and when they did Izuku clenched his fists.

"My kind? You are not my kind!" For the first time since he'd encountered Daku int burning building his smile broke and turned into a cold blank expression. Izuku felt a masked threat hidden in the cold still face and his presence was almost suffocating. He felt the urge to scream or run, but he found himself unable to do either.

"I suggest that you reconsider my offer for the next time. We will open the gateway with or without you. For your sake, you should make sure that it's with. Playing human will get you nowhere, your power will continue to run wild despite anything you try to do so sooner or later you are going to hurt someone for real. When that happens you'll be left alone,"

"DEKU!" someone shouted from behind him. Izuku turned around to face the sound, it had come from the stairwell. That voice had sounded like Kaactchan. Izuku felt a sense of relief wash over him.

"Stay back Bakugo, a student like you shouldn't be up here in the first place," That was Mr. Aizawa. Izuku's relief quickly turned back to fear as he looked at himself. He wasn't changing back, Mr. Aizawa would see him like this. He could let that happen. He looked around frantically, the footsteps were approaching fast. In his hast Izuku only had one idea ad as the sound of the approaching hero reached the top of the stairwell Izuku wound himself with no other choice. He charged at the window and braced himself for the pain. He hit the window and the glass gave out under the force, glass shards flew past Izuku as he met the open air outside and began plunging towards the ground. He heard someone shout behind him, but he paid them no mind. He plummeted towards the ground spinning around to angle his feet downward. He felt the impact rattle his whole body despite him bending his knees to soften the blow. He let his arms absorb the rest of the impact feeling a minimal amount of pain. Opening his eyes after the jarring sensation he looked around to see large cracks in the stone emanating from where he had landed. That's when he looked up entirely and came face to face with his audience. A large group of students from campus was all staring at him wide-eyed, the fear was clear on their faces as they beheld Izuku's appearance. Izuku clambered to his feet and many of the students at the front took a step back. The panic was beginning to set in for Izuku. No, no this couldn't be happening! His gaze flashed over face after face and each time he was met with another expression of fear or disgust. And then he saw her, Uraraka was right there and she was looking at him. She had seen him in the way he had never wanted her to see him. But the worst part was the fear he could see on her face, clear as day in the way she was looking at him. The way she was looking at him caused a jolt of pain in Izuku's chest, this wasn't physical pain, but if anything it hurt more, and that was the last thing Izuku could take. He turned around and started to charge the shadow being cast by the main building. As he ran he could hear voices shouting behind him, but they all seemed so far away. All Izuku wanted was to get away from this place, away from everything, but most of all to get away from the way she had looked at him. He felt a buzz begin to run through his body which rapidly grew stronger as he approached the shadows. The buzz had become a roar in his ears when he jumped into the shadows felt the darkness swallow him, and take him somewhere else. At that last moment, the roar had been so loud in his ears that he hadn't heard the cry that had rung out a moment before he disappeared.

"Wait! Izuku!"

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