Chapter 5: Motivation

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Deku winced as his back forcefully hit the ground.

"Sorry, did that hurt too much?"

Deku waved her off and smiled as he climbed to his feet.

"No worries. That was good, you executed it perfectly."

"Well, I've had a pretty good teacher to help me learn."

It had been a couple of weeks since school had started and Uraraka was really starting to get the hang of some of Deku's fighting moves. Also in that time, Ochaco had been spending as lots of it hanging out with Deku. She quickly realized that she enjoyed training with him and was a supportive friend.

She had introduced him to Iida soon after properly getting acquainted with him to try and help him integrate into the school and feel welcome. It seemed to be working the girl thought as she smiled to herself. Deku was being a lot more open and confident than he had when she had first met him.

"Hey Deku, can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? What?"

"Who really taught you to fight in the beginning? Because I find it difficult to believe that you only learned from school and from yourself. Some of your moves are way too advanced for that to be the case."

Deku's face fell. He looked away from her and sighed.

"Alright, I guess if you figured that out on your own I might as well tell you. It was my father that first taught me how to fight. Because of him, I got the chance to come here."

"Sounds like you admire your father a lot. What can you tell me about him?"

"Actually, if you don't mind... I would rather not talk about it. Sorry..."

"Okay then, it's alright. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

The two of them walked out of the gym silently and headed to the dorms for the night. Both of them had homework to do so they agreed to work on it together in the common area.

"So Deku," she cut in unexpectedly.

"Why do you want to become a hero?"

Deku looked up at her across the table with an amused smile, "You know that has nothing to do with math right?"

Ochaco rolled her eyes, "Yeah of course. It's just that, I don't know a whole lot about you and I'm curious,"

Her freckled companion sighed, "Okay, fine,"

"Really?" she gasped excitedly.

"Yes, now be quiet and listen because I won't be repeating this often,"

"Okay, okay" Ochaco quickly closed her notebook. She then crossed her arms over the table and leaned in a bit to listen.

"Well," he began.

"Ever since I was a kid. I'd always wanted to be a person that could help others. I wanted my life to mean something, wanted to make a difference and helping people continue their own lives seemed like the best way to do that. I admired pro heroes and out of all of them, I admired All Might the most. I wanted to be like him more than anything."

He stopped in his speech for a moment and sighed. "Unfortunately, life had other plans for me. I was diagnosed as quirkless. Suddenly my dreams seemed unattainable, everyone told me I should give up and I almost did. But then someone I knew helped me. They told my dreams were possible if I worked hard enough. They brought me to where I am now."

Wow. She thought. Deku's level of determination was something else if he had managed to get into UA.

"Your story is really inspiring. How do you like being where you are now by the way?"

The boy grinned a bit and pretended to contemplate the question.

"Well y'know it's all right I guess. I did meet this nice dorky girl early on and she's fun to hang out with- Ouch!"

Ochaco playfully punched him in the arm.

"Right back at you jerk," she laughed

Suddenly a crack of lightning and thunder startled the two teenagers and cause them to look out the window to see rain pouring outside.

"That's probably our cue to get some sleep," said Ochaco.

Deku nodded, "Yeah, goodnight Uraraka,"

"Goodnight Deku,"

Izuku grabbed his belongings and headed back to his room. He slowly traversed the dark halls with his head down. The pouring rain echoed outside and shadows danced across the walls with every lightning strike. Izuku walked slowly through the darkened halls until he reached the door to his room. He opened it and slipped inside. After closing the door, he dropped his belongings next to the door and sat down at his desk. He picked up the photo on his desk again and looked at it longingly.

A sad smile played across his lips and a few tears filled his eyes.

"Hey, Dad. I made a friend, a real friend. I just wish you were here to see me," a tear slowly rolled down his cheek.

"I miss you, Dad, wherever you are."

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