Change In Play // Tyler Segui...

By tyler-seguin

12.5K 258 35

Life long best friends, Kylie and Mackenzie, are both juniors, attending Texas A&M. Mackenzie is a single mot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

1.4K 42 10
By tyler-seguin

Mackenzie's POV

It has been a few rough days since the confrontation with Matt. Tyler has been trying to spend as much time with me as possible since he knows I'm on edge, but all I really want is for all of this to go away. I still don't get why he showed up in the first place.

I pull myself out of my bed reluctantly, heading down the hall to Tripp's room. I check to make sure he's still asleep before making my way to the kitchen. I have two early classes today, so Kylie agreed to watch Tripp.

I make a cup of coffee in my travel mug and eat a bowl of cereal quickly before heading upstairs and throwing on a random outfit consisting of yoga capris and an old softball tournament t­shirt. I throw my hair up in a pony tail and slip on a pair of Nike's. I grab my backpack from the corner and double check for my binders, picking up one I had forgotten as well as Tripp's monitor.

I retrieve my phone and keys, getting my lanyard and wallet. I put everything in the kitchen and go back down the hall, knocking on Kylie's door before walking in. Kylie is still fast asleep, so I shake her gently to wake her up.

"What?" she groans, slapping my hand away.

"I have to head to class, you can still watch Tripp right?"

"Yeah," she yawns. "I'll text you when he wakes up."

"Okay, thanks Ky." I say.

She waves it off and I hurry out of the room, checking Tripp for what felt like the millionth time before gathering all of my things again and heading out to my Jeep. It doesn't take me long to get to school, and once I park, I head to my first class.

My phone rings as I arrive, and I see Tyler's name and picture pop up on my screen. I smile and press answer.

"Hey Ty,"

"Hey beautiful, what are you up to?"

"I have class in a few minutes, you?"

"Just chilling at my house. How long do you have class?"

"An hour and a half now, and I have one right after that's an hour."

"Well, I was thinking we could take a trip." Tyler says.

"Oh really?" I ask, laughing.

"Oh yes. Maybe the zoo? Me, you, Tripp, Jamie, and Kylie?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun." I smile. "But I have to go, I have class."


I hang up the phone and walk into the building, climbing two flights of stairs and walking into my classroom. I don't have any friends in class with me, so I settle for a seat in the back corner. I take out my binder, pen, and assignment for the class, setting them on my desk. I take out my phone and send a quick text to Kylie.

To: Kylie
Hey, I talked to Tyler just now and he suggested a trip to the zoo after class; me, him, Tripp, you, and Jamie. Sound good?

I anxiously await a response, and I do just as the professor walks in.

From: Kylie
Sounds fun! Text me when you leave campus!

I quickly type a simple "okay" and put my phone screen down on the desk. I look at the clock briefly as the professor begins his lecture, knowing it's going to be a long hour and a half.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I finally am able to get into my jeep after a painful 3 hours of lecture. My second class had run late, so as if the first hour wasn't bad enough, the professor had extended it another half an hour. I stop for coffee on the way back to our apartment and I am thoroughly excited when I pull into the driveway of the complex.

I juggle everything into the apartment, putting everything on the kitchen counter. I hear the TV in the living room and walk in to see Kylie spread across the couch with her feet in Jamie's lap, and Tripp playing on the floor.

"Hey Kenzie!" Ky says, smiling at me. At the sound of my name, Tripp looks up and giggles, crawling over to me as fast as he can. I pick him up and balance him on my hip, kissing his forehead.

"When's Tyler coming?" I ask, directing my gaze to Jamie.

"Soon," Jamie laughs. "He texted me a few minutes ago and said he was leaving."

"I'm gonna go change him."

I take Tripp down the hall to his room and lay him on his changing table. I take him out of his pajamas and change his diaper before picking out an outfit for the day. I choose a Dallas Cowboys onesie and a pair of shorts. I put a pair of navy sandals on his feet and pick him up, walking back out into the living room. I set Tripp back on the floor and let him play while I put my school stuff away and grab the iced coffees off the counter.

"I would've gotten you one if I knew you were here," I tell Jamie after settling on the couch.

"No big deal," he says, waving it off.

My gaze alternates between Tripp and the TV, watching whatever Kylie has on. I hear Tyler's Range Rover pull up outside, and Kylie shuts the TV off. Jamie helps me pick all of Tripp's toys up while Kylie checks the back door, making sure it is locked.

I pick Tripp up and balance him on my hip, grabbing my keys, purse, Tripp's bag, and phone before following Kylie and Jamie out the door. Tyler gets out to help me, and I hand him Tripp and Tripp's bag. I put my purse and phone in the passenger seat before grabbing Tripp's car seat from my car. Kylie grabs the stroller from my trunk and puts it in the back of the Range Rover.

I buckle it into the back seat of the Range Rover and Tyler hands me Tripp. Once Tripp is secured, I shut the door and get into the front seat. Kylie and Jamie leave before us, and Tyler programs the GPS before backing out.

"How were your classes?"

"Boring," I sigh. "It'll all be worth it when I get my degree though."

Tyler nods and laces his hand with mine. Tripp is quiet in the back seat pretty much the entire way, and soon we are pulling into the zoo. Tyler takes out the stroller and opens it up for me, and I remove the car seat from the car and attach it to the stroller. I pull out the hood so it covers Tripp's face from the sun, and Tyler locks the car.

We meet Jamie and Kylie by the entrance, and Kylie and I fight Jamie and Tyler to let us pay.

"You guys are so frustrating," Kylie mutters as we walk through the entrance of the zoo. Jamie just laughs and interlocks their hands, leaning in to kiss her temple.

"Where do you want to go first?" I ask.

"Doesn't matter to me," Tyler replies, taking my hand in his.

"I say we go see the tigers," Kylie says, pulling Jamie in that direction. Jamie chuckles and follows her, and so do Tyler and I. Tripp is still sound asleep, so I just watch the tigers roam around as we walk by.

"I feel like tigers are actually really cuddly." I say randomly.

"I don't really think so," Tyler laughs.

"You don't know that," I counter, with a smirk on my face.

Tyler shakes his head as we keep walking. When we arrive at the monkey exhibits, Tripp finally begins to wake up. I give him a pacifier which keeps him happy, and he wiggles around in the car seat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we sit down for lunch, Tripp is eager to get out of the car seat. I pick him up and sit him in my lap, bouncing him up and down on my leg gently.

"Jamie and I will go get the food. What do you girls want?" Tyler asks.

"I'm good for a burger and fries." I say.

"Grilled chicken sandwich with fries please." Kylie smiles.

Both boys nod and head over to the counter.

"How did we get so lucky?" I ask Kylie, shifting Tripp in my arms.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Kylie says.

"I feel like this is going to last too," I tell her. "I know its early but-­"

"I feel the exact same," Kylie reassures.

All I can do is smile. We wait in silence for the guys to come back with the food, and I take out Tripp's bag once they come back. Kylie brings over a high chair and I place him in it. I take a bite of my burger and then give Tripp a few spoonfuls of yogurt. I am only about half way into my burger when Tyler finishes his.

"I'll feed him so you can eat," he says, taking the yogurt and spoon from me.

"Thanks," I smile as I pick up my burger.

Once I am done eating, I clear mine and Tyler's trash and get out some more snacks for Tripp.

"What are you thinking after this?"

"Well, there's a family skate over at the rink if you guys are up for it." Jamie says.

"I am definitely," Kylie says. Jamie throws away their trash and Tyler looks at me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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