The Woods | Taekook ✅

By cyphersans

40K 1.9K 93

Dark things lie within. Things that your mom always warns you about. Things that people wouldn't want to talk... More

Pair Of Rubies
Mystery Friend
Daily Doze Of Happiness
You're Mine.
Rotten Eggs
Mark Me.
What the...
Voice In My Mind
The Alpha Side.
Grams Secret
Blue Moon
Moon Goddess
The Woods.
New work announcement

I'm Back.

1.1K 52 3
By cyphersans

Next few weeks pass bye quickly. October is in 2 days that means Jimin's birthday is coming up. I'm sure Yoongi is planning something big which he hasn't told anyone. He's  called and asked me million times about what Jimin likes and what he doesn't. Which flowers he prefers over others. What's his favourite flavour and etc. Not that.. You dirty minds.. Favourite flavour for cake. What he would want as a gift. Honestly it's annoying me now.. But it's cute to see him wanting to make his mates birthday special.

Two days went by in a blink of an eye. And now me along with our friends and families are all gathered here, in this beautifully decorated lawn, with blue lights running across the walls looking like jewels, the beautiful white curtains stretching from every corner to meet at the centre consisting of million yellow roses, the ethereal beauty of flower beds surrounding the lawn creating a boundary, there are tables scattered around with few people occupying the chairs. It's royal yet simple. It's seems extra but it's all made from love.

Yoongi enters with a blindfolded Jimin. I can see the smile on Jimin's face and the nervousness on Yoongi's. Yoongi slowly takes off his blindfold and the birthday song starts playing, Jimin is so happy, it is reflected right through his face. He jumps on Yoongi, which makes all of us laugh.

A soft music starts playing shortly after the cake is cut and all couples, young old join the dance floor. Some are with their partners, some are with strangers while some are just swaying their hips standing by themselves. There are teens flirting around, some kissing carelessly whereas some have just found love. The whole scenario is so pure and calm. It's full of love.

While I'm busy in my own thoughts Jungkook comes and asks for my hand to dance. I gladly take it. The music is slow. His hands are resting on my waist while mine are around his neck. He looks so handsome. What did I do to deserve him? I wish life was always this way.. But it isn't, and what followed a few minutes later  proved it.

Loud howls were heard from the guards and immediately all alphas present there took their stance. My mom helped all children and old people in evacuating the place and sent them safely to the new build safe house. My dad, Yoongi, His dad, Jungkook and few other alphas where standing in front of us like a shield. A laugh erupted and we all were shocked to see the person standing in front of us.


He's supposed to be dead. What is he doing here. Jimin quickly came and stood in front of me. "shocked to see me? Alpha Jeon?" Chen said, "I'm back." he said tilting his head with a dirty smirk. The hair on the back of my neck rose. How is this possible? Jungkook killed him right in front of my eyes. His body was lifeless, he was killed by an alpha. There's no way he could survive. Yet..

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