insight. jschlatt x reader

By okaylux

40.1K 1.2K 530

in which reader has terrible anxiety and recounts what caused this in her. lowercase intended. mention of men... More



3.6K 111 78
By okaylux

carson and cooper were very cool to (y/n), cooper having a very distinct californian accent and carson sounding like people from where she'd grown up. when questioned, carson revealed that he was from indiana but lived in california with cooper now. (y/n) was from kentucky, so her and carson quickly bonded over being midwestern buddies. cooper was very calm, and had a very fun sense of humor. they didn't have much in common, but he was extremely easy-going, so they still got along very well.

they all added each other on discord, and eventually (y/n) and johnathan had to get off. it was nearing one am in new york. carson and cooper called them wimps and called johnathan a simp a couple of times before the both of them logged out. of the server and left the call.

"they were really fun," (y/n) laughed, turning off all but one monitor, which a call with johnathan was open on, "one question though, why do they call you by your last name?"

"oh- uh- well-" johnathan stammered a bit, rubbing the back of his neck, "we- uh--"

"it's okay if you don't want to tell me johnathan," she smiled at him, and he felt relief wash over his body, "i'll just assume it's your nickname with them!"

"yeah! that's basically what it is anyways, it's just, uh, kinda hard to explain why i guess? sorry,"

"seriously, johnathan, don't worry about it. you don't have to tell me every little thing about yourself," she reassured him, a bright smile finding its way onto his face. he thanked her and bid her a good night before logging off to go to bed. (y/n) sat at her computer for a second, a stupid smile on her face. she'd be the first to admit that johnathan intrigued her quite a bit, and she'd really like to get to know him better.

as she went to bed that night, she hoped and prayed that he wouldn't stop talking to her after the project was finished.

speaking of the project, they only had one more day to work on it before it was due. luckily, both her and johnathan worked diligently and it was entirely completed. all they had to do was go through and proofread everything. then it'd be finished. and her and schlatt would have no reason to talk anymore. she felt a little bubbly pit in the bottom of her stomach uncomfortably arise. she'd just have to talk to him about it tomorrow, she supposed.

the next day in class, (y/n) had the sickening, bubbling pit in her stomach. it'd been there since the morning, and she was starting to question whether or not she was sick. it felt like it was all consuming, like she'd eaten too much food and now had a stomachache. maybe it was just indigestion? or maybe she had a stomach bug, although she wasn't sure where from.

after class had ended, she headed home. it had been her last class of the day, her computer architecture course. usually, she rather enjoyed the class, however today she could hardly focus. she sat down at her computer for a while, pulling up the project her and johnathan had been working on and deciding to go ahead and start working on it anyways. she had around a half hour before they were set to call anyways so she figured she wouldn't get too far. 

a half hour passed and she'd put a pretty small dent into the workload, not so much that she practically did it all herself, but enough to say she started it. looking up at her screen, she messaged johnathan that she was ready to call whenever he was. as soon as the message was sent, a call popped up on her screen which she quickly answered.

"hey johnathan!" (y/n) greeted him enthusiastically, picking up her water bottle from her desk and taking a sip, "ready to start working? i got through a little already,"

"yeah, totally! i'm gonna have to leave a bit early today, my friends and i have plans to do some stuff together on discord later," he clicked around on his computer a bit, "i can't really get out of it, and we planned it a while ago, sorry!"

"it's no problem, all we have to do is make sure everything is okay and then we're done, right? i can print it all off here at my printer and everything," 

"perfect, let's get started then,"

turns out, they'd done a much better job than they thought they had, and there were hardly any mistakes. all the mistakes they'd found were easily and quickly corrected, and they finished in just under an hour and a half of working. they had dissolved back into conversation, mostly about work after college.

"i'm hoping that after i graduate, i can start working somewhere quick," (y/n) scrunched her face up, "i don't really care where, i just want to start paying off my student loans as fast as possible,"

"no, no, i feel that. i have a kinda part time job right now, and i'm putting up most of the money so i can pay those fuckers back," johnathan quipped, leaning back in his chair and rubbing a hand over his face, "i've been kinda slacking on it though, but also putting in a lot of work if that makes sense?"

"it really doesn't, but carry on,"

johnathan just laughed at (y/n)'s cheeky comeback, blowing a raspberry at her before continuing with what he was saying. 

"like, my original job was more of one thing, and i've started slacking on that but doing more work in a different aspect of my job,"

"that makes more sense," she nodded, smiling at him, "where do you work? i'm working at the target near my apartment, and it sucks,"

"oh, uh, it's kinda hard to explain," johnathan kinda stammered again, "but, uh, i work on twitch and youtube mainly,"

"like, doing coding work or something?"

"no, more like creating content for them," he rubbed the back of his neck, looking a little red in the face, "it's, uh, weird, i know,"

"you're telling me you're a twitch streamer and a youtuber?" (y/n) looked at him intensely, watching him nod, "dude! that's sick! i'd always wanted to be one, but i don't think i could do it full time,"

"have you ever tried it?" he asked, looking over at her, "if not, maybe i could help you set everything up and try it a couple times!"

"that would be cool! oh! didn't you have to go talk to your friends now?" johnathan made a noise of agreement, "go tell carson and cooper i said hi and have fun! i'll talk to you later, if it's not like, i don't know, two in the morning or something?"

they both said their goodbyes and then ended the call. (y/n) sat back after starting to print the project, thinking for a second. she wished she'd asked for his twitch username.

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