A Dance with Darkness and Lig...

By OGCarrel

818 51 6

Wordcount: 88.33K A bully in school, a parasite as a grown-up. The shadow of a man. A shunned member of socie... More

1: Room Full of Stars
2: Dead Prince Walking
3: Visit In The Mists
4: Demands
5: The Eastern City
6: The Difference
7: The Invitation
8: Dungeon Entertainment
9: Dining with Brothers
10: Return to Solgang City
11: A Fish Hunting A Flea, Unaware Of The Hawk
12: Don't Fear The Reaper
13: The Darkness Rises
14: Heavy Rain I
15: Heavy Rain II
16: Night out with the Silkpants
17: Redrum, Come And Get Some!
18: No Honor, No Face
19: Yao Ling And Elder Fu
20: On The Road
21: A Kingdom Forged by Thunder
22: No Blood Left
23: You're Mine...
25: ...And I'm Yours
25: Slapping Faces Before The Trials
26: The First Trial
27: The Labyrinth I
28: The Labyrinth II
29: The Labyrinth III
30: Shadow of the Blade
31: Blocked At The Door
32: Moonlight
33: Event Horizon
34: Argent Moon - Golden Sun
35: Belated Birthday Party
36: The Hidden Dragon Trials Turn...
38: ...Into A Dragon's Feast
38: Ten Dragons Emerge
39: Inside The Library
40: The Banquet
41: Meeting The Adversaries
43: The First Match
44: The Tournament In Full Force
45: Making An Example
46: Contrast In Conduct
47: The First Round Concludes
48: The Quarter-Finals Begin
49: Jian vs Bazuul
50: Blood Essence
51: The Semi-Finals Start
52: Bazuul vs Horlet
53: A Dream For Many
54: Back In Ralun
55: There Is No Love Like The First
56: Rion Ebonwillow
57: You Make For The Perfect...

42: The Royal Tournament Begins

9 1 0
By OGCarrel

"My, my, even the second fairy of the Seven Kingdoms is falling for this notorious silkpants from Ralun." The sound of a crisp but cold female voice traveled through the lobby.

"Un, it would be wise to quickly cut off all relations between the two, Arkenon. Lest you wish your sister's name forever tainted." A male voice said in agreement.

Naturally, the voices also reached Bazuul, Elanar, and the rest at their table. As both of them followed the origin of these voices, two figures met their gazes. Alessandro and Valentina Quintana, his former fiancée, Emilia stood next to them. Further away stood Massimo Dias, which had also given him dirty looks ever since he entered the lobby. For some reason, though, he kept quiet but didn't relent in his gaze piercing assault. Many could feel the temperature in the hall gradually fall. Obviously, these two were trying to incite trouble before the competition.

"ELA..." Arkenon already strode toward the Ralunian table as he prepared to shout but was ultimately cut off by the young men besides his sister.

"It seems chickens from the same nest are alike. Pitiful, the next as was the last. Though I have to commend you on your guts. Although Arkenon is an idiot, he is still a prince of Lumin. You, on the other hand, are royalty from Ibera. Everyone knows that when it comes to military strength or strength overall for that matter, Ibera is the freeloader of the Seven Kingdoms. So, it would be wise to know your place before trying to use others as your puppets." As Bazuul talked, he looked completely relaxed and indifferent, but his voice carried the coldness of the coming winter months.

The words shocked the people within the lobby. Even grand elder Efyr was slightly taken aback. Though his claims were valid when it came to the Iberan's strength, it was not really something people would talk about in this setting. There was a sort of decorum that should be upheld between the nations, after all. As for the matter if the first prince of Lumin had a problem with his brain was out of the grand elder's knowledge. What really shocked him was that the youth had casually slapped the faces of both parties, as if it was nothing to write home about. It felt like it was just another meal for him.

Many other competitors had also taken notice of this fact. Silently forming a rule as to not engage in a battle of words with this youth.

Meanwhile, Arkenon had actually begun to have a verbal altercation with the Quintana siblings. By the side, Eirik looked at his friend with twitching brows. Wondering if his friend really did have a problem with his brain. After all, how could those casual words divert his attention so much? Then again, he was at the threshold to become a grand magister, this naturally turned the possibility of brain damage into nothing but air.

At the same time, amidst the commotion, two figures approached the Ralunian table.

The people around Bazuul locked onto them as they approached, wondering what they wanted. However, both Horlet and Nazela ignored the rest and only looked at Bazuul. "Are you perhaps the one called Bazuul Ylvazad?" Horlet asked bluntly.

Bazuul was about to speak when another, this time a well-dressed, attendant of the grand arena showed up, "Hello young heroes, my name is Tyr Helson, and I'll be the announcer of the royal tournament." The man seemed to be around his thirties and exuded a charismatic air that captured everyone's attention. He explained to them how the opening ceremony would be held. Told them by which order they should form a line and said, "Now if you may follow me, the tournament will start shortly."

As they walked through the long hall, ever closer to the growing light at the end of the tunnel, the noise from the spectators also increased in volume. Tyr stopped right before the end and told them to wait as he entered the grand arena with great fanfare as he leaped onto the battle platform.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come! From all around the Seven Kingdoms, the heroes of our younger generation have gathered here to prove themselves. Many of them have prevailed through the hidden dragon trials and overcome hundreds of other competitors. Today, they, and all of us, stand here together, friends have been made, alliances for the future have been formed - but surely, each and every one entertains the idea to outshine their peers. So, without further ado, let me introduce the youths that will fight for glory the coming days!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, even whistles could be heard.

"First up we have seventeen years old pride of Donar, everyone, welcome the crown-prince of Donar, Eirik Donarim!"

The spectators once again went wild as the first competitor walked in. The shrieks of young maidens on the stands could be heard clearly.

"Next up, we have the twin sister and first princess of Donar, Ragna Donarim!"

Once again, the people went wild.

This went on time and time again, until at last, it was the competitors from the hidden dragon trials turn.

Hylion Luminaire was introduced, and similar scenes occurred as before. The same went for Jian, Derek, Haldur, Emilia Stark, Corwin, Tarek, Emilia Quintana, and Idriel.

"And now, as the last one, one of the youngest competitors in this tournament. With only thirteen years old, welcome the fourth prince of Ralun, Bazuul Ylvazad."

Bazuul walked out of the tunnel and into the light were the vast arena erected itself in front of him. To the eyes, there was an uncountable number of viewers in the stands.

Once on the battle platform, he had a better view of the grand arena as a whole. Each section of a nation was segregated and surrounded by a mass of neutral parties or civilians. At one spot, a wall protruded out of the stands, while it kept the same height as the highest point of the grand arena. Therefore, it broke the flow of the circle of viewers, and once seen, it attracted the attention of each onlooker. At both sides were stairs slowly leading upwards. First came a sort of balcony that had two rows of empty chairs, twelve each, twenty-four as a whole. About ten meters further up was a smaller balcony with six already filled chairs. Considering the fact that he saw his uncle Faolan and grand elder Arya up there. Bazuul concluded that the other four figures should be representatives from the remaining four nations. Even five meters more, at the highest point of the wall, was a throne. Sitting on it was most probably the current king of Donar, Baldr Donarim.

Once the crowd's cheers settled down the figure rose from its throne. After a couple of breaths in silence, the king's rumbling voice like a thunderstorm did the same. "We welcome you to this occasion youngsters. My name is Baldr Donarim, the twenty-sixth king of Donar. Far have you come, especially the ones standing here today that have weathered through the hidden dragon trials. Some of you, We are sure, will come very far in this tournament." The thunderous voice of the kings slightly shook the whole arena, and Bazuul could feel the king's gaze currently rest on him for some reason. After a short pause, the king's voice rose once more. "To all of you, though, a word of praise. Our eyes have seen your abilities ever since you entered Leizyr. Truth be told, all of you are as impressive as they could come in the younger generations of the Seven Kingdoms. Now, We will not hold you up any further, may all of you gain experience and glory, no matter today's results."

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