Love is Love: A Scorose Fanfi...

Από christinahpfan12

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Scorpius Malfoy had a crush on Rose Weasley since first year. She has always despised him, but the summer bet... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: Where it all began
Chapter 2: Thinking
Chapter 3: Summer Days
Chapter 4: The Burrow & Shell Cottage
Chapter 5: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter 8: Studying
Chapter 9: Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin
Chapter 10: Hogsmeade
Chapter 11: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
Chapter 12: Rose's Recovery
Chapter 13: December
Chapter 14: Merry Christmas Scorpius; Part One
Chapter 15: Merry Christmas Scorpius; Part 2
Chapter 17: Back to School
Chapter 18: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw
Chapter 19: O.W.L's
Chapter 20: The First Kiss
Chapter 21: After
Chapter 22: Love at First Sight
Chapter 23: Al's Birthday & O.W.L. Scores
Chapter 24: Staying with the Potters & Sunsets at The Burrow
Chapter 25: Teddy and Victorie's Wedding
Chapter 26: An Interesting Night
Chapter 27: Confessions
Chapter 28: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 29: We're now 6th Years
Chapter 30: Carving
Chapter 31: Herbology & Slytherin Quiddich Tryouts
Chapter 32: The Double Date; Part 1
Chapter 33: The Double Date; Part 2
Chapter 34: The Unexpected Seeker
Chapter 35: Who knows?
Chapter 36: Stargazing
Chapter 37: Gifts
Chapter 38: Christmas Again
Chapter 39: Ron's Reaction
Chapter 40: After the Holidays
Chapter 41: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, Year 6
Chapter 42: Dinner with the Weasleys
Chapter 43: The End of the Year
Chapter 44: The Start of the Summer
Chapter 45: The Tattoo
Chapter 46: The Date
Chapter 47: James's Quidditch Match
Chapter 48: School Preparations
Chapter 49: Final Year, Here We Come
Chapter 50: Hosting Tryouts
Chapter 51: Rose's Birthday
Chapter 52: Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw, Year 7
Chapter 53: Broom Cupboards & Christmas Eve
Chapter 54: Christmas and New Year's
Chapter 55: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, 7th Year
Chapter 56: Dress Shopping
Chapter 57: What's Next? & Ron's Permission
Chapter 58: The Quidditch Cup
Chapter 59: N.E.W.T's
Chapter 60: The Graduation Ball
Chapter 61: Graduation & Surprises
Epilogue: Part 1
Epilouge: Part 2

Chapter 16: Merry Christmas Scorpius; Part 3

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Από christinahpfan12

A week passed by since Rose had gotten Scorpius's gift together. She couldn't wait for Christmas Day. Not just that she got to see her entire large family at The Burrow, but she would be able to send Scorpius his gift today. It was about 7:15 am, Rose was stirring in her bed, as Hugo came in and shook her awake.

"Rose, come on get up! It's Christmas!" Hugo yelled in her ear. He was 13, but he still got excited on Christmas morning.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Rose said as she glanced over at her clock. Christmas Day was the only day she liked to get up early. And yes, she was 15 and she still got as excited as Hugo.

"Well let's go!" Hugo said eagerly.

"Okay I'm coming, I'm coming!" Rose said as she slipped out of her bed.

Then, Rose and Hugo headed downstairs to the living room towards the Christmas tree. When they got there, Ron and Hermione were already there.

"It's about time you guys got up!" Ron said. He got as excited on Christmas as much as his kids did.

Then, the Weasley's had their Christmas morning. Rose tore open the wrapping paper on her presents. Rose had received some new muggle books, some nice, new, comfy, sweaters, (jumpers), new Quidditch pants, (her last ones got all tore up in her accident), and a vinyl record of Harry Style's album Fine Line. Rose had a muggle record player, and she had a few records. Rose favored muggle singers over magical. She had loved One Direction back when they were together, and she still had their albums on vinyl. She had also received a pair of Timberland boots. Anyway, that's what she had got on Christmas morning.

At the same time, Hugo opened his gifts. He mostly got new Quidditch gear and sweats. Then, Rose and Hugo gave their parents their gifts. Rose had gotten her mum a box or gourmet Toffees, and her dad more Chudley Cannons memorabilia. Hugo had got them something similar. Then, Ron had went to make breakfast as Rose and Hugo gathered up their gifts and said thank you, as Otter and Crookshanks II were tarring and playing with the wrapping paper.

After breakfast, Rose went up to shower, change, and do her hair and makeup. She settled on one of her new sweaters, (she knew she would have to change out of it later, due to the receiving of her annual Weasley jumper), a nice pair of jeans, and her new Timberland boots. She then braided her hair into a messy fish tale, and flicked on a bit of mascara and concealer. After that, she went over to her table and popped in her rose shaped earrings, and put on the matching ring and necklace that Scorpius had got her. Oh wait! Scorpius!

Rose had ran over to her bedside table and grabbed the wrapped box. She sprinted downstairs to Pig's Perch and told him to deliver it.

"Okay Pig, I know it's Christmas, but you need to deliver this. It's urgent! It's a gift, so be careful with it." Rose told the owl, he seemed to perk up at this, he liked making deliveries. Rose put the package into his talons, and he flew out the window towards Malfoy Manor.

"What are you sending on Christmas Day?" Ron asked Rose as he walked into the room.

"Oh, a last minute gift for a... um..friend." Rose responded.

"Oh, alright." Ron said. He seemed to buy it, despite Rose's long pause between "um" and "friend."


Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor, Scorpius had woken up at 8:45. He remembered that it was Christmas. Christmas was a hard Holliday for Scorpius. It just wasn't the same without Astoria. Christmas had been Astoria's favorite day of the entire year. She would used to decorate the entire house from top to bottom, with strands of garland hanging EVERYWHERE. The whole house smelled like a pine tree. The day just wasn't as enjoyable without her. Christmas morning had been pretty quiet these last few years for Draco and Scorpius. Draco had let the payed house elves have the day off on Christmas, so it was just him and Scorpius in the big, echoing house.

Scorpius got up and headed downstairs. When he got down there, he looked at Draco. He looked like a wreck. This was also a very hard day for Draco. Scorpius didn't know this, but, on Christmas Day, many years before now, Draco had proposed to Astoria. He knew that Astoria had loved Christmas, so he enchanted the entire manor to look like a winter wonderland, and had mistletoe hang from the ceiling. Of course she had said yes. But, also on this day, he got into a huge argument with his parents. They did not approve of the Greengrass family. But, Draco didn't listen to his parents and proposed to her anyway. From that day forward, Draco had only talked to his parents a number of times, only because Astoria made him. This day just brought back many memories.

"Hey dad, are you okay?" Scorpius asked

"Oh, yea." Draco responded untruthfully.

Then, Draco and Scorpius went into the main room. They had their own Christmas Morning, even though it wasn't as good without Astoria. Scorpius opened his gifts, and gave the gift he got for his dad. Scorpius had gotten muggle books. He had asked for them, he was intrigued ever since Rose had lent him some of her muggle books. That was all Scorpius really asked for, he already had everything he needed or wanted. Well, almost everything, but there was nothing he could do about that. Scorpius said thank you to his dad, and he noticed an owl coming in the window.

"Mail? On Christmas Day?" Scorpius questioned as he went to open the window to let the owl in.

"Oh, I guess." Draco responded. Draco had remembered that Rose was going to send a gift to Scorpius. He was curious to see how it would work.

"He has something. It looks like a package." Scorpius said as he took the package and letter from Pig.

"What is it?" Draco asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Scorpius Malfoy. Oh, is this for me?" Scorpius said as he looked at the letter and box.

"Well, I'm not Scorpius Malfoy am I?" Draco said playfully.

"Oh never mind that." Scorpius said as he ripped open the envelope, and started to read it. Scorpius read:

Merry Christmas Scorpius!,

I know you said that I didn't have to get you anything, but I had to! I couldn't just let you spend all that money on the beautiful jewelry set you got me, and not do anything back. No, you can't return it! I honestly don't mind. Besides, this is not just an ordinary gift. It's a very special one. Now, I assume that you're reading this before you opened the box, so you'll just have to see for yourself. I just wanted to do something special for you for once. Your always doing special things for me, I wanted to do something back. I miss you, and I can wait to see you when we get back to school. I look forward to our study sessions, and I'm thinking about you. Again, Merry Christmas and I hope this makes your day! Oh, and don't forget to lift the shackle. You'll see what I mean. :)


Scorpius read the letter two more times, forgetting his dad was standing there. He couldn't believe it. Rose had really done this for him! Just the letter in itself was enough for a gift for Scorpius. And the best of all, the word love. She put love. This made Scorpius's insides hot yet once again.

"Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to open it?" Draco asked.

"Oh, yea!" Scorpius said. He set the letter down, not realizing his dad secretly read it. And, he then grabbed the box and wrapped off the wrapping paper.

He then found himself looking at a black box. He took off the lid, and inside was a silver chain with a tiny lock charm, with a rose thorn engraved into it. He just starred down at it, with on of his mum's smiles on his face. He loved it. His favorite part was the rose thorn engraved into it.

"It says you have to lift the shackle." Draco said as he finished reading the letter.

"Hey, that wasn't for your eyes." Scorpius sarcastically scowled.

"Well, go on, lift the shackle." Draco continued, he was really curious on what was about to come out.

"Okay then," Scorpius said as he took the tiny lock into his fingers and gently lifted the shackle. What came out shocked Scorpius. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. He could instantly feel hot tears spill from the slits of his eyes. He was looking at the most beautiful, misty, portrait of Astoria. Her wavy hair was gently flowing and moving, like there was maybe a little breeze. And, she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Mum?" Scorpius said as loud as a tiny whisper.

Scorpius was focused on the the portrait, as well as Draco. He was shocked also. He was also staring at the magical picture of his wife. He also had tears running down his cheeks. This was incredible. Rose had only asked him for a photograph, he didn't expect that this was what she was going to do with it. He was just in awe. It was like she was there. Her dark brown, soft, wavy, hair blowing in the breeze, giving them one of her signature toothy smiles.

"Wow." Draco said in the same volume.

Scorpius then closed the shackle, and instantly Astoria's picture disappeared inside of it. He took the chain, opened the clasp, and put it around his neck. From this moment on, he promised himself that he would try and not to take it off.

"I can't believe she did this for me." Scorpius said, still in shock on how thoughtful Rose was.

"Me neither." Draco said, as he quickly pulled himself together.

"Did you know about this?" Scorpius asked.

"Partially, but I didn't know she was going to do that." Draco responded.

"Well, I'm going to write her a thank you letter, I'll be down in a bit." Scorpius said as he walked up the stairs, still clutching the lock. When he got up to his room, Scorpius set the letter down on his desk. He would enjoy re-reading that later, but now he got out a piece of parchment and quill, and began to write.

Merry Christmas to you to Rose!,

I can't believe it. I absolutely love your gift. I'm not going to take it off anytime soon. I just can't believe you'd do something this nice for me. No one has ever done something as nice as this before for me. I can't wait to go back to school and see you again. Again, Merry Christmas and have a nice day, I assume your spending the day at your grandparents house. Tell Al I said hi if your reading this before you leave. Anyway, thank you so much.


Scorpius almost didn't write the last part, but it just felt right. He grabbed an envelope and sealed the letter inside of it. He then gave the letter to his owl to deliver. This was probably one of the best Christmas Morning's Scorpius has ever had.


After Hugo finished getting ready, they finally left for The Burrow. Everyone stepped into the fireplace and Floo'd over there. When they got there, Rose could smell the scent of her Grandmother's cooking, and Dominique's new Christmas Album playing softly in the background, even though it was barely heard by the chaos in the packed house. Then, Molly came into the living and engulfed them all in her signature bear hugs.

Christmas Day went as usual at The Burrow, as it did every year. Everyone sat around the large table outside in the snow, (Molly had charmed the area with a warming charm, so it wasn't freezing.) As usual, Arthur, Molly, Bill, Fleur, Victorie, Domonique, Louis, Charlie, Percy, Audrey, Molly, Lucy, George, Angelina, Fred, Roxanne, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Hugo, Harry, Ginny, James, Albus, Lily, Teddy, and Andromeda surrounded the table.

"So, have you guys finally picked a date yet?" Ginny asked Teddy and Victorie, as they were holding hands under the table.

"As a matter of fact, we have. July 10th. We plan on sending on sending the invitations out next month." Victorie responded.

After dinner, everyone headed to the very crowded living room for presents. This process always took forever due to the 27 people. After everyone opened their individual gifts, it was time for Grandma Molly to get the jumpers. When she came back she balancing many boxes, and started handing them all out.

When Rose had finally got hers, she ripped open the packaging to reveal a light blue jumper, with a gold R stitched on the front. She instantly changed, a long with everyone else.

The rest of the day was spent chatting, playing games, etc. Later that evening, Rose had Floo'd home, and she noticed an envelope on the table.

"What's this, oh Rosie, it looks like you got mail." Hermione said.

"Oh, okay, I'll take that." Rose said playfully as Hermione handed her the envelope. Hermione had a pretty good idea who it was from.

Rose went upstairs to her bedroom to open the letter, just in case her dad was near. When she ripped it open, she immediately noticed it was Scorpius's handwriting. She read the letter over four times. A huge smile was across her face. She was so happy to know that she made Scorpius happy. She took the letter, held the letter close to her chest, and spun in a little circle. She didn't realize she did this at first, but she kissed the letter. She was so happy to know that she did this for Scorpius.

Overall, it had been a really good Christmas for Scorpius and Rose. They both stared at their gifts from each other all night. They were both happy to know that the other was happy. They couldn't wait to see each other again.

Author's Notes:

Hey everyone! Sorry, I had to drag this out to three parts, that would have been the world's longest chapter if I didn't. The next one will be after Christmas, I promise. Like I said before, it was a little weird writing a Christmas chapter in the middle of May, but it was worth it. Thank you guys for reading, and let's continue to give some votes. They are greatly appreciated! As always, stay safe and healthy everyone.


Oh, p.s., Sorry, I couldn't help myself on the part where Rose likes Harry Styles. I was actually listening to Fine Line while I was writing this. I'm a huge Harry Styles fan myself. 😁

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