
By emo_chick_666

16.5K 529 64

Chris decided he needed a new slave, he had to get rid of his old slave, Devin, because he became too soft to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (Epilogue)

Chapter 27

340 12 0
By emo_chick_666

Two weeks later

Ricky leapt up and dashed over to the door, pulling open with a joyful yell.

What was going on? I quickly walked up behind him and felt a smile grow on my face when I saw Ryan, but he was with Josh and Justin. Why was my old slave here?

Well, Josh wasn't my old slave, but I still trained him so I guess it counts. "Hey guys, come on in." Justin raised his eyebrow and smiled softly, walking in with Ryan and Josh following.

We all sat down in the parlour, I obviously had Ricky on my lap, because he's just too damned irresistible. "So, how's shit going then Chris?"
"Well, I'm a different person now, so, you tell me." Justin smiled widely at my comment before Josh decided to speak.

"So you're not a slave master anymore then? What made you quit?" Justin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, gesturing for me to tell him. "Josh, would I be sitting here with someone on my lap, and two of my old slaves next to me?"
"I don't know. What do you mean, Old slaves?"

"Ricky and Ryan were my slaves. But I freed them because I fell in love with Ricky." Ricky blushed softly and buried his face in my chest with a weak noise of protest. Ryan kept his head down, but I saw a joyful smile on his face. Josh, however, seemed confused.

"Justin, explain?" I asked, turning my attention to Ricky. "Baby, what's wrong?" I mumbled softly, ignoring whatever the hell Justin was telling Josh. "I don't know.." he whispered softly before clinging onto me tighter and shooting Josh a dark glare.

I wonder...

I picked Ricky up and walked out with him, putting him down and dragging him upstairs. We went into our room and he sat down on the bed with his head in his hands. "What's wrong?"
"He's so stupid. Why does he have to bring that sort of shit up? Now all I can think about is..."

Ricky broke off with a sigh, keeping his head in his hands. Well this is fucking great, isn't it. I crouched down and lightly rested my hands on his knees, resting my head against his. "I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, you know I will Ricky. I love you and I meant it when I said it."

"I know you did. And I know you'd do anything to make me feel better. All I want is to move on with my life, I don't want people constantly mentioning it. I'm still trying to get used to being me again, and not somebody's property." He spat, shuddering at a previous memory, I assume.

"What, exactly happened? For you to end up as a slave? I'll tell you why I became a slave master if you want." Ricky took a deep breath and shuddered once more before he nodded, keeping his head in his hands.

"My ex. His name was Jackson, and I thought I loved him. He's 3 years older than me so I guess he's a year older than you. The first date was amazing, I was 15 years old, so it was a while ago. He took me out to a fancy restaurant, took me home. He made sure I was okay and stayed on the phone to me until I fell asleep..."

"I loved it. It felt like someone had cared about me enough to show it me. And I quickly thought I was in love. Looking back on it now, it was probably just hormones. Jackson did this a few more times, making sure I was comfortable with him, until he proposed something. He asked me to move in with him." I nodded against his head, urging him to go on.

"Haha...fuck. I was nervous, I mean moving out at the age of 15? It's not what most people do. But I wanted to, I thought he loved me the way I thought I loved him. My parents didn't care so I packed my stuff and moved in with him. The first week at his house wasn't too bad. He treated me like a king, making sure I was happy. But the second week. That's when he started asking me more stuff, personal stuff. Like if I'd had sex and kinks I had. Which, at the time, I didn't know about."

"I was still a virgin, for some reason when he found that out he was adamant that we never had sex. Before he used to ask almost daily, begging for me, but after? No. He seemed interested by my lack of a sex life, and he had this glint in his eye. I didn't know what it meant, but it make me feel weird. To this day, I can't explain the way it made me feel because I don't know. Anyway, he started asking me if I'd be interested in trying something out for him, to make him happy."

"Well. I'm sure you know how teenagers go when they're in love. So I said yes. He shoved me to my knees, and made me suck him off. I was confused, sure. Who wouldn't be? I felt like a slut, and when I told him he wasn't happy. After, he started getting violent and explained what he wanted. I wanted to make him happy, so I did everything he said and he rewarded me with blowjobs and treats."

Ricky laughed bitterly before he carried on. "A month before my 17th birthday, he put a blindfold on me and said he was taking me out, surprising me. Fuck, he did. When the blindfold was taken off, he was handed a couple thousand dollars and I was chained up, gagged and beaten. Nothing could describe the pain I felt, I don't think I'd ever felt more alone than I did at that point.  I ended up hating myself."

"Then, after two years of constantly getting beaten, starved and abused, Frank and Gerard saved me. They helped me get better, they didn't treat me the way Jackson did, they treated me like I was human. By the time I was better, I'd given them both a few blowjobs and they seemed surprised, because I was a virgin."

"They spoke to Ashley. The first time I saw her, I thought she was a goddess coming to save me from everything I'd been through. And I was right. She did save me. Gerard and Frank told her that some stuff needed to be refined, so I was sent to her with Ryan and a few other slaves."

"She finished our training and by that point, two maybe three years ago, I was severely depressed. I felt so alone, and she knew that. She promised me that she'd make sure I go to a good Master, she spoke to Gerard and he pretty much said the same as her. And then, you brought me."

Ricky looked up at me with tear filled eyes before he broke down, sobbing and gasping in air. I pulled him into my arms, disgusted at what his ex had done. If I knew where he was, I'd give him the slowest, most painful death going.

"'s okay, it's okay my beautiful Ricky. You're safe now, nothing like that will ever happen again. Not while I'm around." He sniffled and seemed to calm down slightly before he looked at me with worried, and scared eyes. "W-what about you?"

"I said I'd tell you, didn't I? Very well. When I was 15, I wasn't a virgin. Let's just get one thing clear, I was addicted to sex. The pleasure was something I wanted all the time. It was all I could think about and it wasn't just because of the hormones. All I did was fuck people, I didn't care as long as I could get my fill, my hit if you'd like."

"When I was in my early 20's, normal sex was boring for me. I think I'd most likely over done it, because I was pretty much a whore. All I wanted all the fucking time was sex, and it never changed. But I didn't get any pleasure out of it anymore, and I got annoyed."

"Very annoyed. I knew Gerard and Frank, and I knew what they did as well. It intrigued me, probably because I'd been told it was really good sex, so I spoke to Gerard and asked him for some advice. His reaction was priceless. I can't remember his exact words but he said something like bored of sex already? Jesus fuck Chris, this world is fucked."

"It was a lot funnier coming from him. One of my friends, Mike, was already a salve owner and he's the one who introduced me to Nikki. It was Nikki who suggested that I tried being a slave owner. He trained me, I suppose you could say, until I was almost as good as him. Almost. By this point, my record label was flourishing and I was earning fuck loads of money."

"So I moved into this house. I thought that having a bigger house would be better. Now, I'm not so sure. There's a lot of memories here I wanna forget, and loads I wanna keep. Anyway, I renovated the basement into the room you and Ryan stayed in when you were my slaves and I went to Gerard and Frank. They seemed shocked, but showed me their slaves. That was when I brought Devin, and they also asked me to help them out with training a slave, Josh."

"So I agreed. Things weren't too bad, actually. Josh learned quickly and I didn't have to punish him as much as I did with Devin. The difference with Josh and Devin, was that Josh chose to become a slave, just because he wanted to know what it'd be like..." I broke off and shook my head.

Ricky was looking at me with fascinated eyes, so I continued. "Now I didn't have sex with them a lot, the thrill was almost a thousand times better than it was normally. I ended up an abusive, megalomaniac who was addicted to beating people up. I had a girlfriend, her name was Gaia. I didn't love her and she knew I didn't love her."

"Justin came around a lot while she was here, but he did before that as well. She ended up doing something to him, which I'm not saying because it's his business not mine. While he was recovering, Devin made it abundantly clear that he was fucking all of the maids. It really pissed me off, especially because none of the punishments were working."

"Not even Kuza could punish him. Devin enjoyed it too much, I think I turned him into a masochist. But I think I started hating him because he wouldn't listen, and adoring him for the same reason. Looking back on it, I don't know why I ever started being a slave master, All it did was fuck with my head. Anyway, Devin knew I couldn't do anything to stop him. I almost killed him...But he didn't stop and I finally had it."

"I felt sympathetic towards Devin and I sold him. I didn't want to see him again because he'd lied to me over and over. I couldn't win with him, but I knew I needed to do something. So I spoke to Frank and Gee again. The first time I saw you. Well it was a picture and I was hooked instantly. So I brought you..."

"...and now we come full circle." I said softly, pressing my lips to his before looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry about your asshole of an ex. If I knew who he was, I'd make sure he gets what he deserves."
"I'm sorry about you getting addicted to sex."

I laughed carefree at his words, relieved when he joined in. "Maybe...maybe it won't be such a big issue for me anymore."
"I hope so. You're amazing, Ricky. And I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too."

"Come on, let's go see what they're doing." I said, carrying him downstairs. He protested once, before I kissed him hard enough to make him forget what he was complaining about. Ryan was chatting to Josh and Justin was staring at the wall with a frown on his face.

Ryan went silent as soon as me and Ricky walked in, and the atmosphere grew cold and tense. What's happened? Pretending I didn't notice, I sat down and kept Ricky in my lap, turning my full attention to him. He was looking into my eyes with an admiration I hadn't seen in a long time.

And I fucking loved every second of it. I couldn't take my eyes off of him either, he was just too entrancing. "Why were you two up there for so long?" Justin said a few moments later, shattering the awkward silence instantly.
(2181 words)

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