Everything Is Purple (A$AP Ro...

By SilverGoldie

483K 14K 4.3K


Opposite Love (A$AP Rocky)

The end. (It's Still Purple...)

8.6K 207 11
By SilverGoldie

| Hazel |

"Why we leave so early the other day?" Rakim asked me, as we sat in the hotel room packing. All the stuff we had planned with my family isn't going to happen so Rakim thought he could start his little tour earlier than planned. "Because they pissed me off and I wasn't going to stay there." I rolled my eyes getting annoyed just thinking about it. "Well hurry up and pack, we leaving in an hour." Rakim zipped up his suit case and walked out, our room.

"You still packing?" Austin walked and sat in my bed. I frowned, "Come pack the rest of my shit please." I was so damn tired I ain't know what to do or where to start. Austin help me pack the rest of my stuff, we were almost finish when my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I answered it. "Hey, change of plans we not leaving until Sunday. I got some work I need to finish down here before we leave." I rolled my eyes. "I just packed all my shit and now you telling me were staying?"

"Yeah, imma talk to you soon. I gotta go, love you." He hung up. "Don't tell me I packed all this for nothing." Austin turned to me. "Let's go out and do something fun. I'm so annoyed right now I could cry." I said getting emotional. "Don't cry. It's not that serious Hazel." Austin tried to calm me down. "It's is that serious! I don't know what to do. I feel like your the only one that actually cares. Rakims never here, and I'm starting to think the only reason he's bringing me with him on this tour is to shut me up." I cried.

"That's not true Hazel. Don't forget your carrying his child. He wants to make sure your okay and you know he loves you." He rubbed my back. I just want to get away, I just want to start over. I don't want any of this." I broke down. "What are you trying to say Hazel?" Austin asked. "I don't even know. I wanna go back to California now." I said wiping away my tears and getting the rest of my stuff together.

Every since Rakim and I met and he's been in the music business, it seems like I've come last to everything. I didn't even get to go to my check up for my pregnancy because he had to go 'handle some business' and I couldn't go by myself. I had no way to get there. This has been heavy on my mind for a while but I tried to stick it out but I can't. I don't care how many months I am, I shouldn't be running around like this with Rakim or worrying about him wondering where he's at.

Like I've been saying before. He needs to get his shit together. "Come on Austin were leaving. Get your shit and let's go." I said getting my stuff and calling down stairs for someone to get my stuff. I don't care how much it cost I'm leaving today on the first plane back to California. "Hazel, are you sure you want to do this? When Rakim finds out we left he's going to be livid." Austin was standing by the door.

"Yes, I'm too pregnant to be stressing like I am. I'll call him when we get on the plane." I said as there was a knock on the door. It was room service bring our stuff down stairs. Austin got his stuff out his room and the man took it downstairs as we followed him. We called a cab to take us to the airport for whatever flight we could get on. Once we got there Austin took care of everything and our flight was in a couple hours.

"So what's the plans when we get back?" Austin asked me as we sat. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. "A lot. I obviously need my own house, I need to go back to work or something my belly big but not that big. I need to get stuff for the baby, and I gotta get caught up for school, I've been lacking lately." I sighed. I wasn't planing on never talking to Rakim again I just couldn't continue to be put second to everything. I can't run all over the world with him I'm pregnant for crying out loud.

When the plane arrived we boarded and I turned my phone on to call Rakim. I saw I had more than enough calls from him so I called him. "Hazel where the hell are you? I've been calling for hours. What the fuck Hazel?" He shouted on the phone. "I'm going back to California Rakim. I'm tired of being second in your lifestyle. I'm going back to California to see my doctor and handle things down here." I said trying to stay calm. "What about you coming with me for the tour? You know how much this tour means to me. Where are you?" He continued to shout. "I'm on the plane Rakim. I can't travel with you everywhere Rakim. Look Rakim I'm tired of coming second to your lifestyle. All you do is go to the studio and go out and I have no idea what the fuck your out doing. I thought the first time we ended things you would get it but obviously you don't so we're back at square one. I'll keep you updating on everything on the baby but right now I have to go Rakim." I hung up the phone and turned my phone off.



It's Still Purple... {Book 2} first chapters up!

I have finals ALL next week, but for the second book I'm going to try and update every weekend or so

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