Polyamory (yandere! various x...

By The_Dark_Mist

162K 4K 961

Alternative title: a book where I'll dump my yandere reverse harem one-shot/scenario. ××O N E S H O T×× CHAPT... More

⚜ - σ η є - ⚜ (yandere! m. knight x fallen princess! f. reader)
⚜ - T w o - ⚜ (yandere! m. soulmate x f. reader)
⚜ - T h r e e - ⚜ (yandere! male x f. reader)
⚜ - F o u r - ⚜ (yandere! m. immortal x spirit! f. reader) (1/12)
⚜ - F i v e - ⚜ (yandere! m. immortal x spirit! f. reader) (2/12)
⚜ - S i x - ⚜ (yandere! f/m various x f. reader)
⚜ - e i g h t - ⚜ (yandere! m. immortal x spirit! f. reader) (4/12)
⚜ - n i n e - ⚜ (yandere! f. immortal x spirit! m. reader) (5/12)
⚜ - t e n- ⚜ (yandere! m. omegas x f. alpha! reader)
⚜ - e l e v e n - ⚜ (yandere! f/m x f. reader)
⚜ - t w e l v e - ⚜ (yandere! m. siblings x f. childhood friend! reader)
⚜ - t h i r t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! world x f. reader)
⚜ - f o u r t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. mermaid x f. reader)
⚜ - f i f t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. former hero x f. reader)
⚜ - s i x t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. mermaid x f. reader)
⚜ - s e v e n t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. mermaid x f. reader)
⚜ - E i g h t e e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. mermaid x f. reader)

⚜ - S e v e n - ⚜ (yandere! m. immortal x spirit! f. reader) (3/12)

7.5K 238 50
By The_Dark_Mist

◇ー[m e e t i n g] ; THE THIRD SONー◇

The familiar decoration in the mother's workroom enters the flower spirit's sight, but what catches her attention isn't the well-decorated space but the handsome man that sits on the sofa. The young man doesn't seems to notice her stare as he is too busy trying to gain sympathy from his mother. Alas, his effort seems to be futiled when the mother deliberately ignores her third son's pleading gaze. Instead, opting to focus on her cup of green tea.

After a long while of silence, the third son finally voices out his opinion. "Mother, please, you know I don't likeー"

"My decision is final," she interrupts him. "Like it or not, that girl will be your lover for three days, so I treat her like one."

The third son looks down dejectedly at his mother's order, causing the latter to secretly smile while sipping on her drink. She never told anyone this before, but actually, out of her many children, this third son of hers is the child that she favors the most. The reason for that is related to his personality that never indulged himself in love and lust. The mother can vouche with absolute confidence that this son of hers is the purest out of her other children, hence she is also a little reluctant to force him into a relationship, but glancing at this man's skinny figure, anyone can see how malnourish he is.

After all, creatures like him rely on love to live.

The only reason why he isn't starved to dead yet is probably because he still has someone in this realm that loves him, which is her, but even that clearly isn't enough for him. That's why she needs to quickly find him a wife, and during that time, she needs the flower spirit to feed her child well in order to focus on her task so she wouldn't be so worried.

I hope that girl can feed my son until he's plump and fat.

She then notices that he is glancing at the exhausted girl lying on the sofa right across them. Fortunately, the mother had already taken the girl's memory before letting her sleep, lest she might need to explain more to this adorable son of hers if he were to see her use her spell on that girl.

"But mother," he looks devastated. "You know I have always wanted to give myー my first time to my future wife. How could...?"

Her eyes soften when she sees tears pooling in his eyes. Such a pure words coming out of her son's mouth almost make her feels like a pimp selling her son to a bastard, but looking at her son's skinny figure and sickly appearance, she had a premonition that if she were to let him be, he would perish without her knowing.

"Don't worry, you don't need to kiss or consumate to be fed," she assures him. "Just treat her right and I'm sure you will be full in no time."

ーafter all, this flower spirit is really easy.

Her son remains silent, but eventually, he lets out a heavy sigh, smiling reluctantly as he leans to his mother and kisses her cheek in gratitude. He goes to the girl on the sofa who's now awake and confused. He wonders how should he touch her when he is suddenly reminded of his mother's advice.

"ーtreat her right."

And so, he reluctantly, yet also shyly, pulls her up in a bridal style, suprising the two women in the room. After bidding his loving mother "goodbye," he goes inside the portal and disappears.

The mother of immortals smiles, loving her third child even more for his polite manner. She decided that she doesn't need to worry this time as she focuses on her mission, which is to find a suitable spouse for each of her children. However, when the temperature in her room all of a sudden dropped drastically, she didn't expect that an unexpected visitor would suddenly appear out of nowhere in front of her. Her face drains of colors, fingers shaking when she sees the handsome man before her.

"Husband," she whispers in a trance, never breaking eye contact with the man.

The father of immortals gently pushes her worktable away, yet even that gentle gesture can make the table fly and hit the wall. If an outsider were to see this scene, they would have thought that the man was going to beat that woman, but in actuality, he is just that strong. Ignoring his wife's unwillingness, the man pulled the woman to his embrace, brushing her soft hair lovingly, totally obliviousー or rather, acting oblivious to her discomfort.

"I miss you like crazy, wife."

She tries to stay calm, but the loud beating of her heart and the blood rushing to her cheeks betray her. "Wha- What are you doing here? What about our daughters?"

Ignoring her questions, her husband goes straight to the point.

"Our second child told me that you've taken back the bride you've given him, is that true?" Seeing that his wife is in a state of silent, the man immediately knows that his son didn't lie to him. He blinks in suprised. "Why did you do that?"

Hearing his inquiry, the woman snaps her head to face her husband. Obviously suprised that her child would snitch on her like this. Her fists quivers as rage takes over her at the thought of her sonー that son whom she had been carrying in her belly for nine months in the past, biting the hand that feeds him.

She bits her lower lips, admitting that while she's not a good mother, what rights does that rascal has to report every little action she does to his damned father? Obviously, he knows what this man is capable of, and yet he still snitched.

"Didn't he tell you?" She sneered, her face flushed. "That bride who he spoke of, is barren."

At her answer, the man is even more suprised. "That won't do."

She looks away from him upon seeing his reaction. Her legs feel so weak like jellies.

"But then again, how did he end up falling in love with someone barren in the first place?" He tilts his head. "Unless you let the two of them met?"

"Iー It can't be helped. You know that they are reaching the state of maturity, which means that they are instatiable. You don't know how many mortals I have sacrificed just to keep them well-feed, but then this flower spirit suddenlyー!"

Her speech was cut off when her husband cups her cheeks.

He chuckles. "Hey, why are you so anxious? I'm not mad. I just wanted to know."

"I," no more words leave her lips as she feels like she can no longer pretend like he doesn't affect her at all.

The drugs that she was forcefully fed hundreds of years ago by him are, unbelievably, still have its effect on her until today. The mother of immortals gasps as she finally falls down to her knees after holding on for so long, she clenches her legs together, feeling something slowly pouring out of her secret place.

ーand yet this damned husband of hers still had the nerve to act all innocent like he doesn't know anything at all.

"Wife," he glances at her nails which are digging on his skin, feeling something akin to an ecstasy from the pain. "Is twelve not enough? Do you need another one? Being so lustful at your age is not good for your health, you know?"

"Shut up. Are you insinuating that I'm old?!"

Staring at his wife's angry face that resembles a cat with its furs puffed, the man can't help but laugh. He pulls her up and supports her weight, letting her wraps her legs around his waist as she grinds against him like a cat in heat. He licks his own lips, tasting something similar to a mineral water in his mouth but with rotten fruits fermented in it.

To put it simply, the taste was disgusting.

But this is the taste of his wife's love. The love that he has become accustomed to after tasting it for years.

He undressed his wife's clothes and sees old scars on her skin. He can't help but feel distress but what can he do when he was the one who scarred her? Blame it all on his youthful, reckless days when he thought violence can solve everything.

He kisses the scars on her.

"I will love you forever."

Even if you can never love me back.

◇ー[a t t r a c t i o n] ; THE THIRD SONー◇

On these cold days, the flower spirit takes sanctuary in the embrace of her lover. Cuddling close to him in the warm room where the fireplace glows with radiant gold flame upon wintry nights, yet her heart is cold. What went wrong, she wonders? Since the day she was taken into the mother's workplace the second time, exhaustion filled her every being and she can no longer find any joy in the immortal realm. Instead, her mind often wanders to Aishihira and her beautiful garden, wishing to travel there and showering the lovable girl with her blessing, yet she is stuck here with nothing to do and no flowers to view. Woe is her.

It doesn't help that the one who's embracing her right now is the third child. What happened to the first and second? She couldn't remember them at all.

Someone has been tampering with her memory. The spirit knows this, and her instinct also knows that she allowed it to happen, but the question is; why?

Frowning, she eventually decides to let it go, knowing nothing good would happen even if she were to recover her lost memory.

"Are you still cold...?"

The sudden question by the immortal catches her off guard, especially when the back of his hand touches her cheek. The girl flushes for a while at the gesture but remains silent. Her heart aches with guilt. To be honest, she has been neglecting her task as his lover; she wasn't eager to know him, and she also didn't care enough about him, yet this man keeps being gentle to her and treats her kindly.

Tears of frustration slips down her cheeks. "I'm sorry..."

The immortal panics upon noticing the quivering of her body and the sobs that escapes her lips. The spirit isn't able to see his expression since he is hugging her from behind, but she does know that he cares for her judging by how restless he is behaving.

"I'm useless," she wails. "I was supposed to love you, but in the end, you're the one who took care of me. I never did anything for you."

"Honey!" He tries to calm her down by rubbing her back frantically. "It's fine. Iー You did plenty for me too! Thanks to you I wasn't hungry anymore..."

She sniffs. "But I never cook for you though...?"

He smiles in relief when he sees her calming down. All of a sudden, the sound of doorbell echoes, causing the girl in his arms to flinch in suprised. The third son blinks, wondering who's the one that could be visiting right at this moment. He was about to go and take a look when his honey grabs ahold of his sleeve, wanting to follow him.

He unconciously smile and brings her along, carrying her like a baby who needs his protection and constant observation.

Her love isn't sweet enough nor is it plenty enough for him, but for this man who never had a lover before, it is more than enough.

However, his steps halt in reflex when he sees his living room had changed. Although it's not rather manly, his favorite color is pink, and so his living room is decorated with such color, and now, for some reason, it is heavily decorate with more pink ornaments. There are love balloons stuck on the ceiling, chocolate fountain on his coffee table with strawberies lining up waiting to be dipped and eaten, a pair of pink teddy bears snuggling on his loveseat, and a banner that says; congratulation for your first love!

He glances at the girl in his arms who looks as dumbfounded as him.

"It's not me," she shakes her head.

He wonders for a while until his honey gasps in awe as she points at a certain direction. He looks at it and immediately knows who's the culprit that secretly barged into his home to do this. He smiles sheepishly, staring at the variety of winters flowers that bloom out of nowhere on his yard.

The flower spirit, who earlier acted like a woman in a postpartum depression, is now back in spirit as she jumps down from her lover's embrace, running to the yard with bare feet, ignoring the stabbing cold as she watches the flowers in awe.

A moment later, her body is covered in layers of blankets brought by none other than the immortal himself. He looks at her in worry, kneeling down to put a pair of shoes for her.

She watches as he gently grabs her ankle to put on the shoe, and at that moment, the vast world in the immortal realm who looks rather monochrome in her eyes, is now filled with wonderful colors, and (Y/n) found her man to have such a pretty strawberry blonde hair, and his eyesー

Her heart skips a beat upon seeing them.

The right eye reminds her of "greenball dianthus" while the left one reminds her of "forsythia." It was absolutely breathtaking.

The immortal who suddenly tastes a burst of sweetness in his mouth: "???"

He was suddenly knocks down by his honey who seems to have been behaving like a kid who is having a sugar rush.

She takes him by suprised when she palms his cheeks with twinkling eyes, "Pretty."

His mouth feels dry all of a sudden at the closeness, even more so when his honey smiles at him sultrily, tilting her head to give his lips a lick.

Blood rushes to his face.

ーhe doesn't think that he can give her to his mother back.

◇ー[s u s p i c i o n] ; THE THIRD SONー◇ 

He was a prince, a man of the highest class, yet he was also a whore, a dirty, filthy, degenerated bastard who could not get enough of cock. He wanted to be my slave, my pet, my sex toy, my little cum-slut, and Iー The flower spirit shuts the book off with a face that could even rival a pomegranate. She turns to look at the immortal tremblingly as her world view comes crushing down.

"Whaー What is this?" She shows him the book that she found in his library.

"Scum's Derailment Record?" He tilts his head in confusion. "Oh that book was left by my little brother. I haven't read them though."

The spirit looks back at the forbidden book before taking a peek inside once again. Although the temperature is below zero, the further she reads, the hotter she feels. She closed off the book once again and goes to pick up another book only to realize that most of the books in his library are all lewd. Though that was the only book with "bxb" pairing and not "bxg". She wonders what kind of hobby his little brother has.

She then goes to take a peek at the book her lover is reading and is suprised to find it indecent too, yet he is reading it like normal, like it was a classical literature or something.

She blushes. "You... like these kind of books?"

He turns to her and smiles, as if there's nothing wrong with his liking, yet she can see how his jaw clenches nervously. "Would you dislike me if I said that I like it?"

She shakes her. "No, of course not, I just..."

She grabs one of his hand and shyly holds it with both of her hands. "Whatever that book can make you feel, I can also do that, a hundred times better than it."

In short; please pay attention to me too!

He blinks at her words for a while before coming into an understanding. Blood rushes to his face and he hides his face behind his other hand that isn't hold by her. He remains silent in that state.

"You don't want to...?" She squeezes the hand that she's holding.

"It's not like that. I've just never done it before," he averts his beautiful eyes away. "So I'm scared that I would hurt you."

He hasn't done it? The flower spirit feels shy all of a sudden. She has never done it with a virgin before, and she also doesn't have any confidence to take the lead, so wanting to retreat, she comes to a realization that it was too late now that he suddenly takes the initiative to lean closer to her. Under his determine eyes, she meekly teaches him slowly. Before she can adjust to this sudden development, the book has already fell off the floor and she's now lying on the bed.

Perhaps, she should thank those books because he's a very fast learner. When he thrusts inside her, the girl laughs a little when she sees his tears because he's happy. He calls out to her lovingly, saying her name like a prayer as he moves, and as their lovemaking comes to a conclusion, she is given another suprised when a pair of black wings unfolded behind his back.

Her lover is beautiful, no doubt, but seeing him in his vulnerable state with sweat dripping off his chin and a pair of wings on his back, the girl falls in love all over again.

She reaches out to touch the glistening feathers and feels him shudders under her touches.

"I'm sorry, it always came out whenever I'm too excited," he confesses, letting his honey plays with them. "Ah, um, gentle please. I haven't use them for so long that they are quiteー ah! Sensitive."

His honey smiles sheepishly before retracting her hand away. "They are so lovely."

Seeing the fascination in her eyes, the immortal feels tears pooling in his eyes. He is reminded of his father who disliked his wings, to the point of clipping them off, and although the feathers grew back, he's too traumatize to use them, but here his honey is, looking at him like he's the most precious thing in the world.

He opens his mouth to say something, but he finds that even the words 'I love you' are too simple to describe his immense adoration for her, so he closes it back.

It would be great if you can be mine forever. He thought bitterly before resting his forehead on her shoulder, causing her to gasp in confusion when she hears him whimpering, but she decides to coax him nonetheless, rubbing his back gently to soothe him.

Eventually, he pulls away from her, retracting his wings as he sullenly tells her there's something he needs to do. She nods obediently, feeling a little lonely as he goes out with a simple robe hiding his bare skin. (Y/n) doesn't know what he's doing, but it doesn't take her long to be curious as she goes to take a peek in the living room, her exposed skin is hidden under the duvet.

Her eyebrows furrow when she sees him holding a face-sized wooden puppet with little white wings on its back.

"Can I accompany you?" She grips the wall.

He nods and beckons for her to come closer. She complies and the two of them snuggle on the loveseat as she looks at the wooden puppet in his grip. Turns out, there's a bunch of them piling up on the floor. She stares at him curiously, like a cat eagerly waiting for its owner to open a can of food for its.

"They used to be my familiar," he explains, patting her head. "But back then, I didn't find any use for them so I took away the life that I gave them."

"What are you going to use them for now?"

"Security," he smiles. "So that no one can enter this place freely."

ーand also leave this place freely.

She nods. "Is it because you still haven't found the one who broke in and decorated your living room?"

He chuckles. "No, that was my little sister."

"Is she also the one responsible for the sudden appearances of the flowers outside?"


"Then she must have been a very good sister." Anyone who can raise flowers definitely have to be a good person!

"Yeah," he smiles, looking nostalgic. "Hmm, well, I need to make these things work again. If you're bored, honey, you're welcome to read the books in the library."

Recalling the adult content of the books in his library, she blushes and pouts, snuggling closer.

"No thanks, I'll just stay with you."

He looks taken aback by her decision before smiling warmly, holding her close to him. He glances at the pure white snow outside and then back to the wooden puppet he holds, melancholy in his eyes.

If only time would stop.

◇ー[i m p r i s o n m e n t] ; THE THIRD SON

The snow outside is starting to melt under the heat as the land prepares itself for the arrival of spring. The flower spirit kneels on the floor quietly, immersed in the book left behind by her lover's little brother; a story of a man who traveled around the world while copulating with every cute male he found. At the end of the story, he met a hermaphrodite who gave birth to him and he finally decided to sett to settle down.

ーnot exactly a good story but this is the first BL book she has ever gotten her hands on so the novelty is strong.

A child, the spirit unconsciously touches her stomach, feeling upset all of a sudden at this flaw of hers. At that moment, as if sensing her discomfort, the immortal walks into the library with a red-color wedding dress. She tilts her head at the sight.

"I made this by myself," he declares proudly. "Will you put it on for me, honey?"

She nods obediently, taking off her dress right there before putting on the one he made. Her lover watches her in awe as she twirls around, showing off the way that dress hugs her skin.

"It's beautiful but what's this for?" She looks at the dress.

"For our wedding," he answers happily, grabbing her left hand.

The flower spirit goes still at the news. "But, didn't your mother tell you that I'm not suitable to be your wife?"

The man goes silent for a moment before kissimg the back of her palm. "She did, but she change her mind. There's no one suitable to be my bride more than you. Look, she hasn't even visited us once. Even her familiars are nowhere to be seen."

(Y/n) starts to panic, pulling her hand away. "But this is not what we promised!"

"Honey," he looks at her in sadness. "I love you, don't you love me too?"

She did. She does love him, but she finds it hard to accept that his mother had abandoned and betrayed her without saying a word. She looks around anxiously and decides to escape only for that man to grab her by her waist. He buries his face in the crook of her neck from behind, his pair of wings move to cover her front. She stares at the soft feathers in fascination, feeling her anxiety disappearing.

"I," she pats his head, feeling something wet dripping down shoulder. She concludes that it is his tears. "I am very fickle. I can fall in love as quickly as I fall out of love. If you're going to marry me, it won't last."

"That's fine," he rubs his face against his neck. His voice quivering. "I will make you fall in love with me all over again."

"I can't give birth."

"Huh?" At that, he goes rigid.

At that moment, the pair of lovers feel a strong presence in the room.

[I tried to write more but then Wattpad crashed and it wasn't saved 💀💀]

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