we are now // lewis capaldi [...


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A Lewis fanfiction because there aren't enough on Wattpad and because he's a cute little baby - Thanks for re... Еще

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter six

chapter five

645 18 3

I woke up from someone caressing my cheeks. Immediately, pictures of the past night were flooding my mind. The beautiful date. The kiss. Him asking me to sleep in his room. I slowly opened my eyes.

Lewis was half-sitting against the wall, his fingers were stroking my face.

"Good morning, love. How did you sleep?", he asked me as soon as he noticed I was awake.

"Good morning. I slept well, you?"

"Me too. So, what are we gonna do today? Anything special you want to do before you have to leave?"

"Nah, not really. I mean, there are many things I want to do, but we don't have that much time, so I guess we'll just stay here and talk or so."

"Sure. When's your flight going again?"

"At 3:30 pm., but I wanna be there an hour earlier, if that's possible. I'm not that used to airports as you are, I need some time to get to the right gate."

"I'll bring you there at 2:30, don't worry. I'll...", he started, standing up and searching for some clothes to wear, "...go to the bathroom now, yeah?"

"Sure. I have to go to the guestroom to get ready now anyway, I have all my stuff there."

When I entered the guestroom, I pulled some cosy clothes out of my backpack which I could wear during the flight and a pair of jeans to wear now. I packed everything else I had with me together so I wouldn't have to do it later and placed my toiletry bag on top so I could still brush my teeth and my hair. A look on the clock made me realize that by this time tomorrow, I would be sitting in school, watching my biology teacher trying to operate the computer. Fun. Especially when I could be laying in the bed with Lewis at the same time. I hated school, and I couldn't wait to finally take my final exams and leave.

After I used the bathroom too, we both went downstairs, where Lewis mum was just placing everything on the table for breakfast.

"Good morning!", I said when we entered the kitchen.

"Hello! How are you both? How was the date?", Carol asked.

"Fine", Lewis answered both questions, smiling. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he's going for a walk with Paddy, he'll be back in some minutes.", she told him and sat down at the table, motioning for us both to do the same.

"When did you get back yesterday?", his mum wanted to know.

"Oh, I think it was somewhen shortly before midnight.", I answered.

"Because, I woke up during the night at like two in the morning and the guestrooms' door was open?", she said, half questioning.

"Err, we, err, both slept in my room.", Lewis answered, looking down on his plate. It was silent for a second, and I was afraid it would get awkward, but Carol just said: "Oh, right! I didn't think of that, sorry", and with that we started eating.

"When do you have to leave, April? I want to make sure you'll be at the airport on time, I don't want you to miss your flight.", Lewis' Mum said.

"I'll bring her to the airport around 2:30, her plane leaves one hour later. Don't worry, mum.", Lewis answered for me.

Back in his room, we put on music and spend some time singing at the top of our lungs, it was really fun and made me forget about the fact that I had to leave in just some hours. After the first half of his album, we stopped, though, because my phone was ringing. "I'll be back in a second", I told Lewis and left the room.

I saw on the display that it was my mum calling me.

"Hi, Mum"

"Good morning, April, how are you?", she wanted to know.

"I'm fine, how are you?", I replied.

"I'm good I just wanted to make sure you won't miss your flight. Do you know which gate you have to go to?"

"I do know, no worries, mum.", I said, smiling because she was the third person today to ask me this.

"I'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the airport at 6, yeah? Just walk out and you'll see me. And don't forget anything!"

"Sure, mum, I won't."

"Alright, that's all I wanted to say. Have fun then, enjoy your day, yeah?"

"I definitely will, mum. Bye! See you later!"

"Goodbye", she replied and hung up.


"Can we take some pictures?", he asked me. "I just noticed I don't have any on my phone."

"I mean -- sure.", I answered, and he grabbed his phone from his bed and opened snapchat.

"We're gonna use snapchat, I don't wanna look like a fat bastart."

"You don't!", I told him, laughing.

"Which filter do you want to use?"

"I don't care, let's just try them all."

We sat on the bed, making weird faces and trying about thirty different filters.

"I wanna take some with my phone, too, yeah?", I asked and pulled out mine. I managed to take a photo of him with a bunny filter before he could pose, and it was so cute that I immediately saved it.

When we were done and we both had like 200 photos with each other on our phones, we laid back on his bed.

"What are we gonna do now?", he asked.

"I don't know.", I responded. But, of course, I loved just loved spending time with him and I wouldn't care if we just laid here for the next few hours as long as he was with me.

"We could cook lunch maybe", Lewis suggested after a while.

"You like cooking?", I asked, surprised.

"I'm not doing it often, but I'm sure it'll be fun. I'll just ask my mum to give us an easy recipe. But we don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"I do, I do. It sounds fun. And, also, I really have to learn how to cook because I'm gonna move out of my parents' house during the next year I think."

"What? When are you moving out? Why didn't you tell me?"

"No no, I mean, I'm eighteen and I'll leave school in some weeks. And when I start to study, I have to move out, I think. I don't have any plans yet, though."

Lewis nodded to show me he understood.

"Ok, so you can wait here if you want while I go searching for my mum. I'm gonna ask her if we can make lunch today and if she can give us a recipe, yeah? I'll be back in ten."


When he was gone, I opened my phone and looked a bit through Instagram, watching my friends' stories and all that. Then, I decided to call Scarlet.

"Hiii How are you?", she asked.

"I'm fine. Do you know what happened yesterday? Lewis kissed me. Scarlet. He kissed me."

"What wait why didn't you tell me already. Oh my god. This is the greatest news I've heard in months! You need me important things like that on instant, yeah? April has been kissed! Ahh, you don't know how happy I am for you!", she basically shouted into my ear. Scarlet lived for boys-talks and girls-nights and all that and I had to listen to her telling me relationship advices for the past eight months or so.

I just wanted to start speaking, but she hadn't finished yet.

"Come on, tell me the details. I need to know everything, okay? E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I'm so excited! How did it happen? Did he just kiss you? Is he a good kisser?"

I had to laugh at her excitement.

"Well, we went on a date yesterday. And the, we went for a walk and he asked me if he could kiss me. And I said yes, of course. And yes, I think he is a good kisser.", I answered all her questions.

"And then?", she wanted to know.

"We just spend the evening together and kissed a bit and then we went back home."

"And then?"

I actually didn't want to tell her everything but I guess she'll squeeze every bit of information out of me anyway so I could as well just tell her.

"He asked me to sleep in his room. And I said yes again, of course."

"oh-oh April!", she squeaked in my ear.

"That hurt, Scarlet. Anyway, I'll see you in school tomorrow, then I tell you everything you want to know, I promise. I have to hang up now.", I quickly said when I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Sure. Bye! I love you!"

"Love you too!", I ended the call.

Lewis opened the door and came in.

"My mum said she'd be really happy if we cooked. And she gave me a recipe for pizza."

"Pizza? Ohh, that's cool! When do we start?"

"Now, if that's okay for you? The dough has to rise later so we better start now so that we can eat before you have to go."

"Let's get started then!", I yelled excitedly, on my way down in the kitchen.

"Okay, so here's the recipe. I'd say we first search everything we need and all the ingredients before we start."

"Alright. I don't know this kitchen, so I read the list and you get it then, okay?"

"Sure", he answered, and I read the ingredients list while he was searching for everything and put in on the counter next to the oven. The, he placed a bowl beside it, and we started with putting the yeast and the flour in and then all the other things.

"Knead the dough for five minutes with a mixer", Lewis read and handed me the mixer. I plugged it and started mixing. I was concentrated on what I was doing, so I didn't notice Lewis standing behind me until he wraps both his arms around my waist. I squeaked, slightly scared, but he pulled me to him and kissed me on the neck. His breath was so close that it was giving me goose bumps. I tried to just continue mixing, but when he began kissing me again, I put the mixer to the side and turned around.

"I can't do that with you standing behind me, Lewis. It's distracting me."

"So... you want me to stop?", he asked me, knowing that I won't say yes.

"Let's get that dough ready now, we can still kiss when it's rising, yeah?", I tried to convince him, but instead of listening, he was watching my mouth. He was squinting a bit to do so, and he looked adorable. Before I could even close my eyes, his lips were on mine. He was kissing me longer than he did ever before, and we were both breathing heavy when we pulled back. I only pecked him on his lips. "The pizza", I said, pointing behind me, not capable of forming a whole sentence after he just kissed me like that.

"Sure.", he replied, and we quickly got the dough ready.

"It needs about one hour.", Lewis said, "So what are we gonna do?"

I knew it was an allusion and he waned to kiss me again, but his parents could come in the kitchen at any time and I didn't want to kiss in front of them, it was all so new to me.

"We could play a bit with Paddy in the garden?", I suggested, pretending not to have noticed it.

He looked at me, confused for a second, before saying: "Yeah, sure."

"Paddy!", I called.

"He's deaf, you know.", Lewis mocked me. I ignored it and got the dog. We put on our shoes and went to the garden.

I took one of Paddy's toys and throwed them away so he could bring them back. I had pretty much fun doing that, I've always wanted a dog, but my dad is allergic, so I never got one.

Lewis was standing beside me, openly staring at my face. I didn't say something, but after a time it got annoying.

"Would you mind stop staring?"

"I would, yeah.", he answered, smiling at me. "You're pretty, you know. And I really like you. So why can't I stare at you?"

I was a bit caught of guard with that answer and didn't know what to reply. Instead, I stand on my tiptoes and kissed him. I actually was a tiny little bit annoyed at him, but he was so sweet and I don't think I could ever stay mad at him. He wanted to kiss me back, but he stopped before our lips where touching and started to tease me. He never touched my lips, just came nearer and then pulled back again, trying to get me desperate. I made a little noise of despair by mistake, and he just chuckled, then pulled back far enough to look at me

"Hey", I said, disappointed, playing with the buttons of his jacket.

He made me face him again, and now he didn't have the playful look in his eyes anymore. He placed his lips on mine and kissed me with so much emotion that I nearly got dizzy. It felt like one of these movie kisses, where the whole world stopped turning and everything was focused on that kiss. Lewis' hands made their way under my top, caressing my waist. My hands were buried in his hair.

When we stopped, we looked at each other for what felt like minutes. Paddy barking beside us made me think of the dog again, I completely forgot about him.

I played with Paddy for a few more minutes, aware that Lewis was staring at me again, but this time I didn't mind.

"I think we should get inside again", he said after some time.

We went back in the kitchen and formed pizzas out of the dough. Lewis preheated the oven and then we put different toppings and cheese on the pizzas before putting it in the oven.
Guyssss I'm sorry this was really boring but it's like a filling chapter I had to write, the next one will be better I promise.

Please leave a vote if u liked it!

I think it will only be one or two more chappies because I actually planned on 3 but it already got so much longer because I can't write things short it always gets way too long :(

Thank u for reading my weird little lewis fanfic lmao it makes me really happy to see that people read this and even vote even though it's a bit shitty.
Also, this story got over 200 reads! This is sooooo much and I'm really grateful.

Stay safe and feel hugged!

Date: 11/05/2020
Word count: 2.546

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