Blossoming Love • Harmione ✓

By Sci3ntific

76.1K 1.9K 1.4K

Best Ranks: #1 - harryxhermione and #1 - harmione "It's funny how fast friendship blossoms!" Hermione Granger... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Sequel or Rewrite Anyone?
Sequel Suggestions

Chapter 18

1.8K 59 53
By Sci3ntific

Harry, panting from his fast running, quickly ran into the classroom of his Physics teacher Minerva McGonagall and found the room looking destroyed, student's paper exams scattered the floor and broken furniture laid everywhere. He looked around and made sure there was no one else in the room and then he closed the door. He ran straight to the cupboard of the classroom and took out the weapons that were loaded in there, he also found a note, it read:

'To whom it may concern:
In the headteacher's office lays a secret that would send this building crumbling.'

Harry's eyes widened. What does that mean? A secret to send the building crumbling? It meant something and he had to find out. So he grabbed some extra weapons and reloaded his trustworthy pistol and then left the room for the headteacher's office. On his way there he ran into Luna and Ginny and begged them to find Hermione, he was most certainly sure that they kept her in the dungeons, they nodded and ran off.

He also ran into several policemen on the way there and helped them out a little just for them to run around and get themselves in trouble again.

Finally, he arrived at the door of the headteacher's office, if course it was locked so he hand to knock it down. After the dust clears off Harry began his scavenger hunt for what could make a scene foot story crumble.

Minutes later, Harry thought he was being fooled, how could he be so darn dumb? He walked towards the door, until sir thing in the morning if his eyes drew his attention, it was a cricket bat, and for McGonagall to have a cricket bat in the office was something weird, despite her living to kill the other teams are the sport. With three large strides her picked up the bat and examined it.

'Bombs. Seven of them at seven different places, make sure you do it in orders 1 through 7; the places are:

Bomb 1: The Headteacher's Office: under the knowledge.

Bomb 2: At the cell that breathes fire.

Bomb 3: In the room of stars.

Bomb 4: In the room of strength.

Bomb 5: In the room of knowledge.

Bomb 6: In the room of injuries.

Bomb 7: In the room of announcements'

Harry's eyes widened, bombs it was a suicide mission, but what if the person that write this was a maniac that wanted the person to go find something that wasn't there? There was only one way to find out, he quickly grabbed a pen and scribbled down the words written in the bat. Bomb 1 was first so he first one and thank goodness he was in the right room.

"Under the knowledge?" He read to himself, "What does that mean?" He placed back and forth in the room, thinking about it, he had no time to spare, "Knowledge." He kept repeating.

"What's the first thing you think of when you think of knowledge?" He asked himself.

"Hermione!" He answered his own question.

"Hermione. Knowledge.... knowledge comes from books: books come from bookshelves, wait...bookshelves!" He said, he ran over to the bookshelves that were neatly places at the wall and looked under them, under the third one he searched, he found a large box, carefully he pulled it out and looked at the contraption of wires.

Being trained to diffuse bombs by Sirius, Harry took just some tweezers and clippers and began, nervously, working on the bombs.

After a few minutes, Harry wiped his sweat and he saw the time down stopped, but it stopped at fifty minutes so that meant he only had fifty minutes to diffuse all the bombs.

He ran his hand through his hair and began thinking about the other bombs and where they were hidden.

"At the cell that breathes fire..." Harry read the paper, "Where can that be?" He asked, his mind flickered back to when he first met Hermione and she was explaining the history of Hogwarts, she said that in the dungeons, the mist difficult cell to break out of, was the cell of fire.

"Hermione you're brilliant!" He yelled.

"Next, Bomb 3" Harry said, "In the room of stars?" He asked himself, "Think Harry, stars, room if stars, Astronomy Tower!" He scribbled the answer down in the paper.

"Bomb number 4, strength? There can be different kinds of strength, emotional strength, no, that's dumb, physical strength in a room? Physical Education! Gym!" He wrote this down with a 'maybe' next to it.

"Bomb number 5, knowledge, that's easy, the library," he wrote this down.

"Injuries?" He asked, "A room that someone gets hurt in? The Dungeons, but no they can possibly be two, injuries needs bandages, bandages comes from hospitals, hospital wing!" He wrote this down as well.

"Last one is easy, it's obviously the Great Hall."

He got back his pistol in his hands and ran for the place he never knew he would be running for; the dungeons.

When he finally ascended the long steps, he was met by a long concrete pathway that was very dark and lonely, he put in a flashlight that he left and soon he found a torch so he lit that up, in case bats wanted to come Snoop in him.

He walked through the walls and noticed how terrible and creepy each cell looked, there even were some skeleton bones in some of them to which he cringed to.

Eventually, he came to a large black door that had a haunted aroma in the air, it sent shivers down Harry's neck. As his hand went for the door nob he felt his hand heaten, the cell was definitely the cell that breathed fire.

When Harry opened the door, he held his gun out, thinking maybe it may have guards around the bomb, but luckily he wasted the thought. He expected the room to be filled with some sort of animal like a dragon that breathed fire, but it was just his imagination, instead there was a thin pathway that led to a bomb in the middle of the room, beneath the pathway had hot boiling lava threatening to burn the flesh if the young man, that's what the person meant by the cell that breathed fire.

Harry filled and chose his steps carefully, he put one foot forward to make sure that pathway was stable, and it was, so he cautiously made his way to the bomb and with the heat making him sweat, he diffused the bomb withing 5 minutes.

Harry sighed in relief, but looked at the timer with a face filled with fright, 43 minutes left alone to diffuse 5 more bombs!

With his hand shaking, he pulled out his scrambled paper and read it, the next bomb was sin the Astronomy Tower, it would take long to reach up there, he needed help, he needed to find someone.

Harry ran up to the main floor in long strides and looked for anyone from Dumbledore's Army who could help him, he poked his head out from the corner of the wall and scanned the corridor, he saw Neville being pinned to a wall by none other than Lucius Malfoy, the blonde had a strong grip on the Longbottom heir's neck in an attempt to strangle him.

Harry held up his pistol to the man's chest, he didn't want to do this, but, Neville was going to die if he didn't, Harry pulled the trigger and after a loud bang, accompanied by a scream if horror, Lucius Malfoy fell to the ground, dead.

"Harry!" Neville said,massaging his neck and gasping for air, "Thanks!"

"No problem, Neville, now, I need your help!"


Harry was on his way to the hospital wing if the school while Neville was on his way to the Astronomy Tower to diffuse the bomb that resided there. He dodged some stray bullets and fired some of his own to help his team, and on his way there he couldn't help but notice that he didn't see Hermione, when he was in the Dungeons he didn't see her in any cell and he also saw that two of them were broken into to, or rather someone broke out.

He was arriving the door if the infirmary when he dropped to his knees after a billed gushed out of his leg, he bellowed in pain his vision blurred. He managed to stay focused and conscious, when he regained his eyesight he saw a man with dark grey overgrown hair that pointed out in different directions, his grin evil with his decayed teeth and his torn, ruddy attire adding to his dark demeanor.

The man stood a dozen a feet away from Harry with his pistol pointed to Harry's face, Harry didn't have time to react because he was seconds away from his death, he also dropped his pistol when he fell so that was another problem, "Mr. Harry Potter," the man said, coldly, "You may not know me, but I was a close friend to father and godfather, I helped him kill then and now I'm going to kill you, the only disappointed in it is that I won't get to do it...twice!" He laughed, maniacly.

Harry was beginning to think that Riddle fed his followers medicines that made them mental.

The man turned back to Harry and his smirk grew, "Say 'bye bye' baby Potter!" He pulled the trigger and Harry closed his eyes.

Harry heard a grunt and then a nother gunshot and when he felt no pain he thought he was holy until he opens his eyes and saw the Sirius laying on the ground.

"Sirius!" He yelled, dragging his body with his hands to his godfather's body.

"Pity," The man said, shaking his head.

Harry's eyes went red with anger and he picked up Sirius's gun and shot three times into the man's chest, who fell on the ground, lifeless.

After Harry mercilessly threw a brick in the man, he turned back to Sirius, "Sirius! Sirius! Sirius please!" He pleaded, as tears rolled down his eyes.

Sirius nearly had little life left in him and he turned to Harry, "Go!" He said in a hoarse voice, "I love you, now go! But Harry look at me!" Sirius said, Harry looked at his godfather, "You really do have your mother's eyes," And with that being said, Sirius's expression went pale and his hand, which was in Harry's face, dropped to the floor.

"No, Sirius!" Harry said, hugging the man, "Please don't go!" Harry yelled, he stayed there for a minute or two until he composed himself and closed his godfather's eyes, he pulled him into the corner of the corridor and Harry took out the key he had in his pocket, the same hey to the car Sirius took from him and placed it in Sirius's hands, "L-let this t-take you onto y-your ne-next j-journey," he sobbed.

He sighed and he got up with the pain if his injured, bloody leg weighing him down, yet, with determination to make Sirius proud and save Hermione, he limped over and into the Hospital Wing.

The hospital wing had Madame Pomfrey running around, tending to injured students, with the help of the assistant medics. He limped over, where was the bomb, his presence alerted Madame Pomfrey who told him to lay down, that his injuries were severe but he refused by shaking his head, because no words were coming out if his mouth.

Harry laid down on the ground, while others looked on weirdly and he spotted it under a hospital bed at the end of the room, "Mr. Potter! I order you to lay down let me look after you! You're losing a lot of blood!"

Harry shook his head and limped over to the hospital bed, all eyes were in him now, he kneeled down and when he pulled out the bomb, some people gasped, while others screamed, "A bomb!?" Madame Pomfrey yelled in horror, covering her mouth with her hands.

Harry simply nodded and got out his tweezers and started to diffuse, while doing that, he wondered if Neville had done it before him, because it had to be in order, Neville had to finish before him.

He pulled the last wire and it disarmed instantly, meaning Neville already diffused his, he wiped some.sweat and tears from his head and the occupants sighed in relief.

But when things seemed to be going in track, the schools PA system turned in and the hoarse voice of Tom Riddle began speaking, "My loyal followers I order to retreat the grounds with pride and dignity you have all served me well. Mr. Potter, you have let your friends die for you, you know it's you I want, so why don't you come here, alone, or your little girlfriend here will meet a faith similar to yours, join me in the Great Hall and don't try any games, come alone!"

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