Ryokuryuu's Lifeline (Akatsuk...

Por NotchesAndBullets

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Jae-ha x reader [COMPLETED] You were saved by him years ago, joining him as a pirate on Captain Gi-gan's ship... Más

Part 1: The Pirates of Awa
Part 3: Pure Love
Part 4: Midnight Battle Plans
Part 5: Tidal Wave
Part 6: Pain
Part 7: The Trap
Part 8: Taking Back What is His
Part 9: The Party and Another Kiss
Part 10: The Choice

Part 2: Unresolved Fury from the Past

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Por NotchesAndBullets

Jae-ha had situated the two of you behind one of the trees, giving you a clear view of the setting sun from the cliff side. You stayed tangled together for a while, until your eyelids started to feel heavy. Surrounded by Jae-ha's warmth, it was all too easy to fall asleep. But even still, you fought silently against the urge to drift off into unconsciousness.

As you squirmed in his arms fighting your silent battle, Jae-ha gently rubbed your skin soothingly, looking down at you in concern. Blinking your eyes open slowly, you focused in on the frown that had settled on his face.

"I'm sorry..." You apologized quietly, hiding your face in your hands.

Jae-ha shook his head quickly, expression echoing disbelief but before he could say anything, Yona burst through the trees, hands tightly pressed  to her chest as she ran. Your eyes snapped open and you were up on your feet in an instant, startling the princess as she nearly knocked you over.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed in surprise, turning her attention to the green dragon as he stepped up behind you. "Jae-ha!"

"Hello, Yona dear." He replied with a signature smirk on his face. "What are you running away from?"

"N-Nothing!" Yona denied hurriedly. You raised an eyebrow at her, and she turned her face away but you caught a glimpse of it. She was blushing.

Actually, that was an understatement.

Her entire face was bright red, and you had a feeling that it wasn't just from running.

"Girl time!" You announced loudly, taking Yona's hand, not hesitating as you felt something sticky and pulled her towards the path leading back to the ship. Jae-ha moved to follow the two of you, but you stopped him. "Whoa there, big guy. Girls only."

You grinned cheekily at him as towered over you with his broad frame. 

"You beautiful ladies need protection, and I am inclined to provide it." He said charmingly, flipping his green ponytail over his shoulder. Yona refused to look at either of you at this point, and Jae-ha didn't miss the way you stiffened at his words.

Meeting his gaze, you offered him a small smile, but Jae-ha didn't feel all that reassured as he felt the guilt creep in.

"Later," You mouthed to him, pressing two fingers to the inside of his wrist in assurance.

Jae-ha relaxed slightly.

You were okay.

But that didn't ease his guilt.

As you and Yona continued in the direction of the docks, Jae-ha kept his eye on both of you until you disappeared from his sight. He thought about following you, but you probably wouldn't be too happy about it when you found out.

Her safety is worth the consequence. He decided, readying  himself to spring up into the air.

Then a very distressed Hak came exploding from the thicket, causing Jae-ha to very nearly jump out of his skin. The Thunder Beast and the Ryokuryuu stared at each other in silence for several moments. 

Then Hak groaned, tossing his weapon down to the ground and sliding down the trunk of the tree behind him. His head lolled back, landing on the bark with a resounding 'thump'.

Jae-ha strolled over to the visibly conflicted ex-general, standing adjacent to him against the tree.

"Go away Droopy-Eyes." Hak's voice was muffled by his hand, the other running through his tousled hair.

The green dragon looked up at the sky, slyly smirking. "Did something happen between you and Yona dear?" He teased.

Hak growled, "You're asking for it." He threatened darkly, slapping a hand against his head incredulously as Jae-ha grinned knowingly, spinning around on his heel to face him, robes fluttering.

"What did you do?" Jae-ha pressed, leaning forward. "Yona dear looked so embarrassed. Though, she looked so cute like that, all fluster-"

He raised his right leg to block Hak's strike as he brought down his spear, preventing the Thunder Beast from doing any real damage.

"Ah..." Jae-ha sighed, "Careful, if you don't make a move on her soon, I just might."

Hak froze.

Then, Jae-ha held up his hand, a smug grin on his face.


The teasing smirk faded as he identified the pain flickering across the man's face.

"I'm sorry for hurting her." Jae-ha looked carefully at the Thunder Beast whose eyes were downcast, as if he couldn't believe that he had hurt you.

Jae-ha's jaw hardened as he recalled the blood that marred your face and didn't respond.

They sat in silence for a moment before Hak broke it. "What happened to Y/N?"

The green dragon's face quickly became guarded. "What do you mean?"

Hak almost smiled at Jae-ha's protective streak, but the Thunder Beast had noticed your quiet resolve to fight, he just didn't know why. You were never like that back at the palace. You were just as childish as the princess at the time, not aware of the world outside the castle walls. By being sheltered for so many years, Hak was worried when he noticed your childish streak was not quite the same as it was before.

You had grown up.

But there was more to it than that, wasn't there?

"Y/N is different than I remember." Hak explained carefully, not wanting to unintentionally evoke the wrath of the dragon. "I expected that much, but it seems as though she's been through some difficult times."

Jae-ha exhaled heavily. "That's an understatement." He muttered. Hak shot him a curious glance.

The Ryokuryuu settled on the ground across from the Thunder Beast, leaning back on his hands. His green fringe almost covered his eyes, but Hak could distinguish the unresolved fury barely restrained beneath.

"I don't know everything that has happened." Jae-ha started, brushing hair from his eyes to study Hak closely. "I don't think she fully knows what happened either."

Steel glinted dangerously in the moonlight as Hak's grip tightened on his spear.

How bad was it that you unconsciously blocked it from your memory?

After a heavy pause, Jae-ha continued, "I don't know how she got to Awa, I was the one to find her. She was chained to a back alley on the far side of town, near the forest."

Hak's eyes widened in shock.

"I had been scouting the area, I had just recently joined Captain Gi-gan's crew back then, and was trying to prove myself and be useful." He gritted his teeth. "When I first found her, huddled in a ball on the corner of an alleyway, dressed in almost nothing, I ran away."

Jae-ha left out the part where the reason for that was because he was so traumatized at such a familiar sight that he couldn't take it, so he fled.

The Thunder Beast didn't need to know that.

Jae-ha leaned forward, resting his arms on his criss-crossed legs. "I didn't get more than a few feet away before I went back as fast as I could." He shook his head. "I broke her chains with my leg and brought her to the captain. She's been with us ever since."

Hak fixated on the grass on the ground, deep in thought. "Is that why you're so set on taking down Yang Kum-ji?"

A scoff came from the green dragon in front of him. "He needs to be taken down." Jae-ha sneered, violet eyes akin with fire. "The fact that he was most likely the one who allowed her to be treated like that goes against my views of beauty."

The inferno blazed.

"He's not walking away from this alive."

Hak jaw locked. "I want to help."

Jae-ha shot him a familiar charismatic smirk. "You are already going to be."

He straightened when Hak shook his head in response, cobalt eyes flashing with fury. "I want to kill him." He snarled.

Hak looked up at the slightly confused Ryokuryuu. "Growing up, she looked out for me at the castle. She was so much like the princess; innocent but precious. I'm going to kill whoever touched her."

Jae-ha's mouth pressed in a thin line. "I'm sure not sure she would appreciate the gesture, but either way, that's my job."

"Hey!" Hak interjected as Jae-ha stood up. "Wha-"

"It's my job to keep her safe." Jae-ha interrupted. "Just like you protect Yona."

The Thunder Beast's mouth snapped shut at that.

"I love her." Jae-ha admitted, no hint of his usual sarcasm or teasing. "She is for me, what Yona is for you. She's my entire world." 

His eyes shone with whirling fear and fierce determination. "Let me protect her."

Hak looked down, before nodding reluctantly. Jae-ha started to walk away.

"But," He heard Hak remark, halting him in his tracks. "I'll help, in any way that I can."

Jae-ha dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I know." He studied the former general. "I'll look out for Yona too."

He heard Hak whisper a 'thank you' under his breath, and he grinned. "Of course, I can always ask Yona dear if she needs help with other things..."

Jae-ha sidestepped the blade as Hak swung his spear at him, easy laughter echoing in the night as an infuriated Thunder Beast chased him all the way back to the docks.


You arrived with Yona on the bustling ship, alive with the pirates' excited chatter. Yoon was in the center of it all, having whipped up dinner for the hungry crew.

Quickly pulling Yona behind you, you led her to your room below the deck. As you closed the door, you noticed the princess relaxed a bit. You grabbed some water and bandages from off the table on the far side, making your way back to Yona who was shuffling her feet awkwardly in the center of the room.

"Come sit," You called, patting to your side as you situated yourself on the bed. "I don't bite."

Your grin put Yona at ease and she sat down beside you. "I'm sorry about your father..."

You saw her stiffen from the corner of your eye. You gazed at her sympathetically, but Yona wouldn't meet your gaze as she trained in on her hands resting in her lap.

"Before we made it to Awa, we passed through an abandoned Fire Tribe village."

You looked up at her in surprise and then closed your eyes in sadness, already knowing where this was going. 

She told you about the state it was in, and that the people left behind were dying. Yona was silent after she finished, and you could only imagine the suffering she had gone through when she left the castle and finally learned about the reality her kingdom was in.

You gently inspected her hands, taking notice of the many scratches and dripping honey on it. Gesturing for her to let you see them, you raised your eyebrow questioningly, "Do you want to talk about what happened? I'm assuming Hak played a part in this." You said, pointing out the amber liquid.

Yona sighed shakily. "He said it would help take the thorns out."

You nodded as you dipped her hands in the water, noticing her wince as you cleaned the cuts. "That's true." You mused.

The princess' eyes squeezed shut. "Then..." You looked up. "It started to overflow..."

You narrowed your eyes, beginning to bandage her hands.

"What happened?" You inquired after she failed to continue for a few beats.

Yona hesitated, an unknown emotion flickering across her delicate features. "....H-He l-licked it off..."

Staring at her in shock, silence enveloped the two of you until you couldn't hold it back anymore. You laughed heartily, clutching your sides as you rolled back in your bed.

"Y/N!" Yona cried out, "It's not funny! He's always teasing me, and making me feel-"

"What?" You paused your laughter as you inspected her closely. "Making you feel what exactly?

Her purple eyes darted around in confusion. "I-I don't know..."

You softly encouraged, "Try to describe it."

The princess drew her bandaged hands tightly to her chest, bringing her knees up to rest her chin on. The sight before you was nostalgic as you remembered how Yona used to do this years ago when she was scared.

Even back then, Hak was always the one to look out for his princess above all else.

"My h-heart," Yona mumbled, sniffling, "It hurts when h-he does things like that. W-when he teases me, it beats really fast, and I feel like I-I might c-cry when he pulls a-away..."

You watched as she burst into tears, hiding her face in her hands as her small body racked with sobs.

Gathering her in your arms, you patted her head soothingly, the other going to rub her back comfortingly until she eventually quieted.

"Yona," You spoke softly as you pulled back, looking her in the eye. "I know you're scared by what you're feeling," A finger came up to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. "Do you want to know what it is?"

The princess didn't miss the underlying warning. There was a chance she wouldn't like what she would hear, but Yona braced herself and nodded.

You smiled comfortingly, "Know that even with what I say next, it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it, okay? You can choose to acknowledge it or not, both have its own set of consequences." After receiving another dip of the head from the trembling girl across from you, you started.

"Your heart beats faster, right? Almost like it has a mind of its own when you're with him and you can't control it.You feel especially emotional, sometimes you can't even explain it. It's like you're drawn to their side without reason, and you want to protect them and see them happy."

Yona looked at you in wonder. 

Looking closely at the princess who had opened her eyes in realization, you finished, "You don't feel this way around anyone else, like you feel incredibly sick if you envision the future without them and it's baffling. Am I right?"

"...How?" Yona asked, uncertainty lingering in the depths of her eyes.

You placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's how I feel around Jae-ha." A blush made its way onto your cheeks, and you resisted the urge to cover your face. "He makes me feel safe around him. I love him."

Yona froze. "You, love him?"

You nodded. "I do." You whispered.

"But that's not," Yona stumbled over her words. "You, he... That's not... Hak couldn't possibly..."

You shook your head, ignoring her earlier words, chalking it up to astonishment at all the information you had just revealed to her. "It's not whether he does or doesn't, those feelings usually indicate something deeper than just friendship is all I meant. For me, I know what they are. For you, how much you acknowledge it will determine how much of it you allow to be true."

Leaning back on your hands, you studied the princess who began to fiddle with her hands. "And if anything, I think he does feel that way about you." You said softly. Yona's head shot up, bewilderment crossing her face. "But you'll only ever know for sure if you talk to him about it."

The worn look in her eyes made you pause.

"There's more to this, isn't there?"

That was all the prompting Yona needed.

She told you about that night in Hiryuu Castle, her father's murder, Soo-won's betrayal, her feelings for him and how she was starting to realize for what she felt for Hak. She explained her quest and how she met her new friends and what the priest said was going to happen to Hak if she didn't. Yona even broke to you the death of the young boy as her reason for partaking in the upcoming mission to take down Yang Kum-ji. The rumors that had circulated painted Hak as the king's murderer, but you knew he would never do that. He was far too loyal to King Il, and Yona. You were shocked to find out that Soo-won was behind this, he was such a sweet kid growing up, but you concealed it well for Yona's sake.

You clenched your fists, curling the sheets on your bed tightly in your hands. "The officers killed the boy?"

Yona nodded, the regret and guilt in her eyes mirrored your own.

"I want to fight with you."

You looked directly at her, eyes widening in astonishment as you saw foreign fire simmering in a sea of violet. The once young, innocent and ignorant princess you remembered was no more. In her place was a girl who had the heart of a warrior.

You smirked, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Your Highness, I'd be honored." You playfully mocked, almost falling off the bed as she pushed you, giggling.

The easy atmosphere grew tense with your next words. "Yona, can you kill someone?"

Her mouth gaped open. "Wha-"

"We're going to take him down." Your eyes flashed with determination. "We're going to make sure Kum-ji never gets the chance to hurt anyone else ever again."

The princess didn't miss the implication behind your words. She hesitated for a split second. "What's your reason for fighting?"

"To protect the people I love." Your eyes softened. "The captain, the other pirates, Jae-ha, the civilians of this town and the ones who are innocent, the ones who never asked for any part of this; I'm doing it for them."

"Did..." Yona paused, conflicted, "Did something happen to you at his hands?"

You froze. "Ah..." Rubbing the back of your neck, you smiled sheepishly. "You are sharper than I gave you credit for."

Despite the obviously uncomfortable topic, Yona beamed at the praise, knowing it was well intended by the genuine admiration on your face.

"Yeah, but that's a story for another day, okay?" You patted the red-haired princess on the head gently as she opened her mouth in protest. "I promise to tell you one day."

Yona nodded. Tilting your head, you grinned widely.

"What?" The princess asked, curious.

"They're back," You replied as Jae-ha's teasing laughter and Hak's irritated shouting reached your ears. "Let's go get some dinner."

Extending your hand to Yona, she grasped it, squeezing it tightly once. "Thank you, for everything."

"Anytime, Your Highness."

A cheeky grin spread across your face, and she puffed out her cheeks in mock annoyance, causing the two of you to head out on deck with bright smiles on your faces, hearts a little lighter than they were before.

You're not alone, Yona...

You watched as Kija and Yoon ran out to greet the princess, the latter shoving a bowl of pirate stew in her hands and scolding her hotly for running off on her own without telling anyone.

Your friends will be there to share your burden, just like you do for them.

Kija wailed as he noticed the bandages wrapped around Yona's hands, with the princess frantically reassuring him that she was alright. Hak eyed his princess from the edge of the boat, positioned next to Shin-ah who was rapidly stuffing his face with food; his fluffy squirrel perched on his arm to sneak in bites of food.

You heard movement from behind you, slyly smirking as you heard the tell-tale whistling of Jae-ha soaring through the air. He landed on top of the cabin gracefully, green hair flowing out from behind him.

And you don't need to worry,

You directed towards Yona silently as Ryokuryuu made his way over to you. The last bit the princess had clued you in on was about was how Jae-ha adamantly refused to join her on her travels.

I have a feeling he'll come around. After all...

You smiled as you studied Jae-ha, observing the way his eyes flickered over to Yona and her group, tension unconsciously easing from his body as he watched them eat heartily, interacting easily with the rest of the crew.

He's started to care about all of you, too. 

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