The Grimm Hybrid. {RWBY HAREM...

By AverageWriting_Wolf

31.4K 1K 231

What's your favorite fairy tale? Some might say 'The Four Maidens' 'The Brothers of Light and Dark' or even t... More

Personal Info
Raided, But Cared For?
Part two
Life before the disaster
A Change in Life
Single's Night
Nightclub Drama!
Found You
Quick Update
The Great Incident
Where It Went Wrong
Quick Author's Note. (New Book?)
We Need Her
A New Job?
The New Book Is Out
Going to Beacon
Fancy Meeting You Here
Being a Teacher's Assistant!
Fighting Students!

His Last Words

1.9K 70 17
By AverageWriting_Wolf

Third person Pov
Qrow got up, sniffling as he looked at the two, they had a minute of silence to grief the lost souls.

"How did it happen, Qrow...?" Glynda asked him.

Qrow walked over to the corner and took one of the chairs as he then walked back and set it down. He sat down and got ready to tell the story of their fight.

"I'll start at the beginning. There I was, running towards - the grimm:

'Crap I should've came sooner, damn that good rated bar!'

As I ran towards the fire covered houses with the distant screams and roar of the grimms, as I got closer I saw a couple of bodies and ashes.

'Damn it! Damn it all!'

I took out my scythe, as I was closer to a grimm, I sliced it's head off and ran to the others. I went around the village, slicing, dodging, blocking, saved a few civilians, and acted as backup to others. I then heard a scream far off to my left.

"Run (M/N), if we can make it, we can get some help and be safe!."

'(F/N)!? The dust is he running for!? He has to help us, damn it!'

I turned around and quickly transformed into my crow self as I flew towards him, I then transformed back.

"(F/N)! What the Dust!? Why aren't you helping the village!? We have a few men out there! Come on!".

After a few minutes of arguing, (M/N) decided that he had to fight alongside me, so we both ran towards the village. Together we slashed, bashed, dodged and defeated some grimm.

There was less grimm as some retreated for some reason, seems like we scared them off. Although they was a couple that was far. We decided to rest

However....just as I landed on a roof to take a drink of some stolen vodka -

"Watch out- Oof- "


I felt a force pushed me off the roof and I landed on the ground. I looked up at where I once stood. A warm liquid landed on my face, which was already covered with ashes.....

"No! No! NO! DAMN IT! (F/N)!!"

I stood up as I rushed and sliced that grimm's head off.

"Don't you fucking dare, (F/N)" I roared as I covered his bleeding scars
He was coughing up bleed and tearing up. It looked like he knew that  he couldn't make it.

'No, he'll make it! Curses! Why couldn't my semblance be a healing one!'

"Come on (F/N), you are gonna make it! You hear me!?"

"No..I won't... Qrow, please....protect them...-

" Huh- NO! Don't you dare say that! You'll make it. YOU will keep them safe! YOU will see them again. YOU will be there, for them!

"Qrow.." he grabbed my arm, "We both...*cough* know..I won't.. please...

Save them.......

Save her...."

"(F/N)!!!!" I screamed as i woke up in...

My bed..  


Another nightmare....

Qrow's Pov 7 years Later
I sighed, it has been 7 years...
Heh, 7 years, and I still have had that same nightmare.

Yang is 7 years old and ruby is just 5. So many things happened, Raven is gone, left Tai after Yang was born. I don't know where she went. My money would be on that she went back to her tribe. Tai being a prick, he slept with summer and had Ruby two years after.

I got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. As I finished washing my face and started brushing my teeth until I heard-

*Ding Ding*

I rushed out of the bathroom with my toothbrush still in my mouth. I opened my scroll, and saw..

'A text from Oz?'

'No way.. I'm free today? Hmmm, guess I'll visit my nieces..'

Salem's Pov a week before 'the incident'
It has been 7 years since I've adopted (Y/N), she has been training under Tyrian and from time to time learn hacking from Author.

'She has grown to be a beautiful young girl'

As her mother, when I took her, her first bath, I noticed that she wasn't a normal girl. She has a 'special part' in her lower region. However, that didn't stop me from loving her just as much.

I've kept her within the castle's perimeter, and warned her about the 'evil man' how he will turn her into a zombie and fight me. She did get scared, but now she claims she can fight him. Fight him to make me proud and happy.

As I was knitting a small sweater for her, she came into the room from the bathroom all dressed and ready for bed.

As she saw me, she smiled with those white pearls and bright eyes. At that moment I've decided to.. let her have some more forest freedom.

'My baby, she will be excited for the news I have!'

As I placed down the knitting tools, I picked up a brush and waited as she sat on my lap. I started brushing her hair and got ready to tell her the exciting news.

"Sweetheart, I have some exciting news!"

"What is it mama!? Will I finally get go see outside the forest!?" She asked.

I sighed, "Baby, you know you can't go that far. At least not alone.".

Now it was her turn to sigh. "Mama, why can't I go far from the castle?".

"The reason for that is like I've said before, there is an evil man who will take you away from me". As I finished braiding her hair, I then picked her up and threw her on the bed.

She giggled as I tickled her and we laughed. I layed beside her and hugged her "You know what? I think, tyrian is going to hunt down a city nearby the entrance of the forest. Now, I was wondering if you wanted to... Oh, I don't know, join him?"

[Roll with me here, you were about to meet two special children, who do you think they were?]

She gasped with shock and happiness, "Wait mama! Are you serious!? Can I reeeeaaaally join the raid?" I smiled at her "Of course, Only if Tyrian allows you to join and you promise me that you'll be safe".

She sat up with stars in her eyes. "YES! UNCLE TYRIAN!!" She jumped off the bed and ran to Tyrian's room. I smiled with a long sighed as I heard Tyrian with a voice of victory.


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