what the hell am I?

By Libertyliberator

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I don't own prey or my hero academia None of the art/concept art/music is mine More

Am I a monster
more human then i thought
deku's powers
The devil
Knock Knock its the devil
entrance exam nightmare
not a chapter
an explanation
he never gets a break
an apology and a thank you
the sports festival part 1
sports festival part 2
hero names(short)

well that happened

602 15 7
By Libertyliberator

Time skip to the first day of U.A

Inko:you didn't just pack action figures right?

Deku:there is a total of zero in this backpack.

He gets up after tying his shoes and kisses his mother's forehead

Deku:bye mom. Hey don't die on me.

Inko:(chuckles)today's my day off so don't worry. Hey izuku.


Inko:Izuku. I'm so proud of you.

Deku smiles

Deku:thanks. Bye.


Small time skip to izuku looking for his class

Deku is wandering around and finds 1a

He's halfway to the door and can already see how big it is

Deku:*compensating for something*that's a check*.

He's walking to the door before a girl bumps into him

The girl begins to fall backwards but is caught by a tendril

Deku:my apologize I should have been paying attention to my surroundings.

He props her upright

?:oh no I'm sorry. I was trying to find 1a.

Deku:oh good thing I stopped you then. It's right here.

He points at the door

?:oh thank you. Oh right my name is toru hagakure.

Deku:izuku midoriya.

Hagakure:okay. Come on let's get going.

She grabs his arm and tries to drag him to the door but he just walks there

Deku opens the door and sees mina and uraraka talking

Deku:'watch this'.

Hagakure watches how he turns into a small creature

she goes with it and just walks in saying hello

Deku sneaks up to mina and uraraka and transformes back to normal and neither notice


They scream

Mina/uraraka:AH. You jerk.

They begin to hit him

Deku:you know I can't feel your punches right?

Mina:shut up.

The boy from the exam comes through the door and spots deku

?:you there. With the green hair and freckles.


?:I am tenya Iida.

Deku:izuku midoriya.

They shake hands

Iida:midoriya you saw something I didn't you knew about the secret points.

Deku:oh those. Ya I had no idea of those.

Iida is shocked

Iida:then why did you save those two.

Deku stops smiling and begins to frown

Deku:because they're my friends and it's what a hero does.

Iida:this us why you are superior to me.

He bows

Deku:that has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

This gets the attention of the class

Iida picks his head up

Deku:I'm not superior to anyone in fact no is superior to anyone.

Deku walks to an empty chair and looks out the window

Bakugo enters the room and immediately heads to deku grabbing him by the collar


Deku grabs his hand and twists it and throws him over his shoulder

Deku:what did I tell you? I'm not the villain here.

He walks over to bakugo and crouches down

Deku:you are. Not only that you are the worst scum on the earth I would call you dirt but that would be an insult to the earth.

The coldness in his voice sends a shiver up everyone's spines

Deku gets up and tries to walk to his desk but is stopped by a kid with red hair

Kirishima:hey what did he ever do to you?

He sounds very angry

Deku:you know bullied me ever since I was four,told the other kids to stay away from me because I was quirkless and told them they could catch it like a disease oh yeah and told me to kill myself.

The last one shocked everyone to the bone and they all look at bakugo with pissed off look before he gets punched by mina


Bakugo:because a dame quirkless loser like him shouldn't exist.

He grins and mina is about to go in for another punch

Deku:don't waste your energy on a bastard like him.

Mina:but he-.

Deku:Don't. Waste. Your. Energy.


She walks away and to her desk

Bakugo:dame pink skinned freak.

As he says that he's throw in the air and slammed into the ground making it go down a few inches

Deku:(about to go nightmare and has his fist cocked back)you say what ever about me. You DO NOT INSULT MY FRIENDS. YOU DO ONE MORE TIME I WILL NOT HESITATE TO KILL YOU! AM I UNDERSTOOD!?

Bakugo nods and deku gets off him

Deku:I'm sorry you all had to see him

He fixes the floor with his mimic powers

Aizawa walks into the room and sees a very clearly pissed off deku and a hardly breathing bakugo both in their seats

Aizawa:well looks like he have a situation.

Deku:its resolved itself.


Aizawa:alright if that's the case. Put these on and meet me by the track.

He pulls out a U.A P.E uniform

Everyone:Yes sir.

In the male locker room

Deku is changed

Deku:dame this shirt is so tight.

Kirishima:give it time.

Deku:no its 2 sizes too small. Guess I'll just do this.

He morphs his chest to look like the shirt

Kirishima:you can do that too?

Deku:yep. Actually there's all lot of shit I can do.


Deku:yeah yeah.

They go out to the field and wait for the girls

Kirishima:hey midoriya.


Kirishima:what is your quirk?

Deku:I'll explain later.

As the girls walk out they all see deku's muscles through his "shirt" and most of them are either blushing or have a nosebleed

Deku:dame. Eh no points on keeping this on.

He removed his shirt and everyone sees what he looks like

Take out the cat and the two on the righ


Aizawa:why are you- you know what I don't care. Midoriya what was your longest distance throwing a softball in junior high?

Deku:67 meters.

Aizawa tosses a ball to deku

Aizawa:okay now add you quirk.

He passes by bakugo and momo

Once he gets to the circle

Aizawa:anything goes as long as your in the circle.

Deku copied both quirks because of mimic

Deku throws the ball and has a pole come out of his hand and makes it explode

Aizawa shows him and the class

Deku:uh 1262. I was going for farther.


The rest goes practically the same but deku gets first in all but one where he came second and that was in the side-to-side

But deku comes in first

Aizawa:oh yeah by the way I was lying about the expulsion thing.

Everyone but momo and deku:WHAT!

Deku:yeah and you guys are lucky. Last year he expelled an entire class because he didn't see any potential.

He says this as he has his arms crossed and his eyes shut with a look of boredom and his voice has strictness in it

Everyone but bakugo:*he's scary*.

Deku:I'm actually very friendly when you get to know me.

Everyone but bakugo:how did you know what we were thinking?

Deku:I'll tell you later.

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