unconditional (BOOK #2) [TO B...

By roxann_season

4.5M 174K 12.9K

After moving to Southern California, Chelsea's life has never been better... or more complicated. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - Unknown
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
wonder if...
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48.5
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 61 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 62 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 63 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 64 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 65 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 66 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 67 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 68 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 69 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 70 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 71 - Gabriel POV
Chapter 72 - Russell POV
Chapter 73 - Russell POV
Chapter 74 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 75 - Russell POV
Chapter 76 - Russell POV
Chapter 77
Chapter 78 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 79
Chapter 80 - Darren POV
Chapter 81 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 82 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 83 - Russell POV
Chapter 84 - Chelsea POV
** Recap Chapter ** Q/A**
Chapter 86 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 87 - Victor POV
Chapter 88 - Chelsea POV
Chapter 89 - Gabriel POV
unbroken (book#3)

Chapter 85 - Gabriel POV

28.3K 1.7K 273
By roxann_season

Chapter 85 – Gabriel POV

When I wasn't thinking about Chelsea or Ava, or our Pack, Victors' issues I was focused on these people that Robert Delaney was associating himself with at one point or another... The people we had him in certain pictures with:

Tylane Breedor

Markus MonToya

Andrea Mayer

Donovan Callen

Brandy Leetore

Gus Monroe

Barton Spinks

Jerrold Hirsch

Hans Streeter

Graham Lamar

Demetius Boyce

Tobie Hanlon

Darnel Byteroe

Mel Babin

Breton Rylarde

Eveline Epps

DeAndra McIntire

Taner Drobeley

Domenic Chu

Barton Adamson

Ashby Jeffers

Larney Berdote

I gazed at the list as I thought over the names... trying to place them, thinking over the riddle Essie had answered me with as well as Samuel.

The same copy of the file I had given both Logan and Wolf in my office, I had my system, Kai, trying to get more information but the only thing we were coming up with were some cookie cutter profiles, and Remy was in no state to be searching.

What we – what I really wanted was to check these facts out myself, but Logan had volunteered to check out whatever Wolf and I found.

Kai – my computer system – couldn't find any reason why these paths would've crossed or should've. Which was frustrating to fucking end, and I felt like there was something I was missing, a puzzle piece I was not seeing correctly. I put the file away, locking up my office and heading outside to meet a waiting Victor.




Victor and I both got into the truck, James and David in the front and passenger side seat, neither men nor myself saying anything as we drove away from the hotel heading back to my fathers estate.

It had been five days since Remy woke, five days of the cold silence she gave Victor and five days since he had brought his child so the Elders could punish her for pushing his mate down the stairs, causing, leading to the death of his daughter.

No one wanted to be in the middle of this storm or had encouraging words for Victor as Remy edged him out of her life, keeping Emmalynn and their son away from him. "She thinks I can't protect them," he whispered into the silence, not stating anything we didn't already know.

We all heard how she felt when she said it once, he was supposed to protect her, their children but he failed. His child made her a nervous wreck each day and no matter how many times any of us had told him it wasn't a good idea to bring her around, he hadn't listened.

I sighed, "Can you blame her?" I replied dryly when James and David made no attempt to answer.

"I lost a child too not to mention whatever the Elders decide here," he said in an obnoxious pouting manner, whiny bitch Max added.

"Do you hear yourself Vic? No one told you to bring Mylene over to the Elders, you did that on your own, just like when everyone told you stop bringing Mylene around Remington because she wouldn't cut out the shitty attitude, you didn't listen then either!" I snapped having had enough of his attitude for the last five days. "You're not even seeing things clearly are you? Didn't you hear the things a little twelve year old was saying? While you might have been trying to work her into you and Remy's life, Art wasn't doing that. Mylene didn't just get those ideas in her head all on her own, you both are to blame."

He whipped his head to face me, "Me? I – I tried everything to get them to get along G..." he whispered sadly.

"I don't agree with shit Mylene did, not one bit but I had warned you previously. I told you, before I even knew that Remy was your Emily, that was Cynthia to Micha, I told you that when you finally found her, you were going to have a shit time trying to get her to welcome your mate and or any children you had with your mate. Why? Because you and Art, mostly Art – thought it would be a good idea to put on some front for fucking other people when you should've moved the fuck out of that house the minute she signed those fucking papers."

I shook my head in disgust, "To Mylene... you dropped her mother for a woman you saw one time when she came to dinner. One minute Gia, Art and her are telling Emily all these happy stories and the next you're leaving for that same woman she remembers... the fuck? She didn't need Art to put ideas in her head completely, she isn't five she's twelve. Then to come out here not even four months after her world fell apart, her mother bitching in her ear about how much she misses you and you introduce her to your mate? But not just your mate, your mate that's pregnant?" five days of holding it all in was too much; I continued to spew out the truth.

"You've been a father for five fucking minutes," he muttered under his breath, "I don't give a fuck if you're my cousin, speak to me like that again and see what happens!" I growled out waiting for him to bow his head in submission, should've knocked his shit up against the window, it's bulletproof Max thought irate, pouting and already missing Chelsea.

Horny... He corrected making me roll my eyes, because being around Chelsea is really helping, my thoughts dripped with sarcasm.

She'd be helping much more if you'd let her he snapped back, it was a losing battle, no matter how much I wanted to wait until after our wedding, before Max and Chelsea, my willpower was weakening each day. How many laps are you going to swim tonight to get rid of the tension, of the ache not being with her is creating? I leaned my head back, trying to ignore his words, but he was right, I had taken to losing pent up tension in the pool until my limbs burned and that ache was gone but each night I had to do at least 8 more laps than the last time before I could get out.

Chelsea wasn't making it easier though, but she didn't understand and I couldn't tell her I wasn't going to sound like some pussy. She was tempting me up and down, I had even refused shower-head the night before, afraid that I'd get lost in the moment and just take her right up against the fucking shower wall.

She's going to eventually just jump us unexpectedly Max thought happily, she wants us badly enough to do it, her wolves are kinky the erotic images flowed not helping the problem currently stirring in my jeans.

I'm just planning, if she doesn't want to wait we won't but I was giving her time well she's ready, we're ready, why wait? Max replied. The truth was it wasn't that I wanted to control my mate in bed or dictate what and where whatever would go on would go on, because quite frankly there wasn't a single surface I saw that didn't look like a good place to fuck.

The heart of the matter was what I saw after she healed my aunt Cami, the images of her tied face down, Leo beating the shit out of her, the thoughts – the fear she had that he was going to do more than just beat the living shit out of her stopped me.

Chelsea, her past, it added to reasons of why I wanted to wait, why we should've, she wasn't ready. Max, Chelsea had just moved, and up until meeting us, she hated to be touched, she was abused, I just – I wanted her comfortable, I wanted her to let me in – now she's begging you to get in and you won't he thought filthily.

Having had enough I showed him what I wanted to avoid, why I thought waiting and fooling around, learning our bodies was better. The worst thing either of us would ever want.

Chelsea under me, frightened, scared and so uncomfortable by what was going on, but going along with it because we were mates. That happening – Max I don't want her looking at us like that... I just wanted to know if she had triggers, what to avoid, how to make sure that we wouldn't hurt her – I don't want to hurt her.

I just wanted her confident in her actions, knowing she wanted us, not just because we were mates, because she needed me like I needed and wanted her. Yeah she's a virgin but she won't be so worried or unsure, we were building up to get to where we both wanted to be. You think a month ago she'd have the nerve or confidence to just slip into the shower, get on her knees and take me in her grip, her mouth, make me cum, shower and wash up leaving me a wreck on the shower bench like she did three nights ago? She's young; Leo hurt her so I'm taking my cues from her, and she just didn't know it yet or understand... I said hoping Max would drop it.

Chelsea touched me confidently now, there was no uncertainty in her eyes, looking or searching mine for approval, she knew what she was doing and she knew what I liked. I didn't need to tell her how to hold me, how to tighten her grip, for fucks sake she had me begging.

Time and waiting brought that out, rushing not knowing that while she likes, she enjoyed the feel of my hands on her body... think about how fucking sexy it is when she isn't afraid of approaching us, when we are asleep but she comes to us or when she's so desperate for relief she tells me, begs for me...

You're not such a stupid human after all he finally replied, oh fuck that hurt Max whined. My body stiffened, what? I asked instantly on alert worried about Chelsea.

Admitting you're right... Max replied begrudgingly.




We were let in immediately on my father property; the Elders were waiting for both of us to get here, and would be questioning both Victor and Artemisia.

"Nice of you to finally show up," Art sneered, her hands across her chest, everyone, my father, mother, Ames, Scarlet and Samuel included sitting around while my uncle and Aunt sat behind everyone else for the time being.

One low growl and she took her words back, "Sorry Elders," she murmured in submission.

"Sit. Sit Victor we only have a few questions for you both, first Artemisia TELL US EVERYTHING YOU'VE TOLD YOUNG MYLENE ABOUT VICTORS RELATIONSHIP WITH REMINGTON," Elder Caelum said the order, strong command clear. Her eyes widened comically, I rolled my eyes.

"I told her that her father and I still loved each other and that him wanting us out there was his way of making things right between us. That we would be a family, that he wouldn't leave us or replace us, but that if he was with his mate and had children with his true mate, that he would be more protective of them, he would instinctually try to protect and love them more than he would her," she gasped, but she couldn't help herself the rest had to come out, not that it was at all surprising.

"When he finally introduced us to Remington" she said the name with hate, "I remembered her from the welcoming dinner party but so did Mylene. My daughter asked me why would Remington take her father from her from us when she knew how happy we were before? I told her that Remington was a jealous little skank that had nothing and wanted what Victor could offer, that Victor loved us, but his mate didn't care that she was breaking up a happy family. She didn't care that Mylene was around or that he was my love, all she wanted was to make herself happy, the rest of us be damned."

"Mylene went to visit her father and finally ran into this home wrecker again, she returned home in tears because her fears were confirmed," she paused sitting up straight as though she was in the right. Mylene wouldn't have fears if she hadn't placed them there.

"The woman was pregnant and with twins as well; that night Mylene cried all night and I told her that she needed to show this woman what her part was in her fathers life. She shouldn't just let his other children take over, he is her father, she is his first-born, and he will always have a bond with her that he wouldn't have with any other children. That if she shrank back, that would be all it took for Remington to push her out of Victors life and Mylene shouldn't let that happen."

I wanted to laugh, but nothing here was funny not when I thought of Remington grieving, "Then when I spoke to Victor he told me just how far along his little woman was, and I knew that the children couldn't be his so I told Mylene just that, I was only looking out for my child, quelling any and all fears she may have of being replaced by that woman's bastard children," I scoffed as she said the last three words, "As soon as those babies were out, Victor would get a paternity test and then he'd be back to Chicago with us." She even cried. She cried. Tears. Fake. Crocodile tears, Max snorted.




The Elders had made a decision and everyone waited patiently to get it... no one approached me besides Victor and his father, mine glared from across the room trying to kill me with his eyes. Even on his own land now, I didn't care I never looked away, I was the dominate wolf, Chelsea and I were building our bonds, they were strong, even though our mating hadn't been fully completed. So when he blinked and looked away first, I rested back against the wall, ignoring the Elders and their observing eyes. I knew they couldn't read my mind, nor could they command Victor and I. When they asked him to say everything as they had with Art, I told him to answer but their command was void, empty when it came to us.

"Victor, Artemisia... Victor I understand your reasoning for bringing this to us to handle isn't of taking matters into your own hand. The truth of the matter is that Mylene is twelve years old and her wolf spirit is quite strong," Elder Caelum started off slowly, Victor was surprised, "Wait she – my Mylene has her wolf already?" he interrupted glancing between Art, his father and Elders Caelum and Tallon.

"She is the daughter of an Alpha, Art is the daughter of a Beta, Mylene may have been hearing her wolf for some time now, she hasn't shifted and I believe that for the last eight maybe nine months her wolf has been cultivating her mind, shaping and chopping away at the pieces she doesn't like, leaving Mylene susceptible and in a very impressionable state of mind."

Holy shit! Her wolf is really Satan reincarnated like Chelsea said! Max thought, purring that his mate was so in tune with others, I rolled my eyes internally, Max not only loved his wolves but he had a soft spot for Chelsea. I was glad though, not all wolves liked their mate's human carriers.

Ignoring him I listened, "Think of her wolf as a Cancer," Elder Tallon was saying, "If we let it go unattended by the time Mylene is ready to shift, she will only be a true shell. We've questioned your father and mother as well as those that have had contact with Mylene all saying the same thing. Each time she's done things out of character for her, it's random events but when grouped and studied together, we believe that they are minor tests her wolf is instructing her to complete. Seeing just how far gone Mylene's mind has gone, have I infiltrated her enough to push a pregnant woman down a set of stairs? Have I corrupted her enough to see if she would poke her cousin Fiona with a knife?" my eyes widened when Elder Caelum said that, flying to my uncle, whose eyes were on Victor, sadly, nodding confirming the event happened.

"So while we believe that we also must note that Artemisia you did not in fact help the situation, with Victor and his newly found mate. For you we are taking away your ability to shift for the next five years, and in those same five years, Mylene will be held prisoner as well."

Art began crying in earnest, yelling at the Elders, before moving onto to trying to shift to attack Victor who sat still, his eyes wide and filled with tears, the emotions on his face hard to even look at, much less being the one to feel them.

They aren't going to have her killed? He asked me in relief and my shoulders sagged for him as well. Remy was hurting but his rash decision to bring Mylene here for this, he had been harboring the dread that he may have just brought her to her death. No, she just has to be locked up for five years... she'll be 18 when that happens...

The Elder Tallon cleared his throat, "That is not all..." he was looking at my uncle, who wouldn't meet Victors eyes yet.

"We will be taking away her ability to shift, removing her wolf during that time as well, her wolf can never complete the shift, if she does Mylene would be a danger not just to her self but to everyone around her. She would be a wolf with no control, one that we would eventually have to exterminate," Caelum finished, unsympathetic.

"So – so she would-" she would age and die... he finished to himself but I was listening in.

"Where has – if you take away her wolf"

"When we take her wolf away." Tallon corrected.

Victor nodded woodenly, "Will she remember that she pushed Remy down the stairs?"

"THAT IS WHAT YOU'RE W – WORRIED A – ABOUT?" Art screeched angrily, tears falling now, "YOU DID THIS TO HER!"

"Where will she be?" Victor acted as though Art hadn't spoken.

"We do not have any children in our prisons but your father has volunteered to home young Mylene in his for the next five years," Caelum said looking at my Uncle whom nodded.

I thought of what their prisons looked like, I know they'd make it more of a correctional type thing for Mylene, she just wouldn't be free. She'd eat when the other people her grandfather had there ate, she wouldn't be allowed to be outside for five years. The room she was given would be home until she was 18 years old.

"Will she know why she is being put away once you remove her wolf from her? Will she know of her actions?" Victor asked again this time the hurt was thick in his voice, making it hoarse. Will she know why she's being punished, will she remember? Or will she think we all just turned on her? Locked her up for no reason? Oh god. He thought, we did the right thing, they will not be killing our pup, and they are protecting her in the long run, his wolf thought sadly. While Victor just remained still, as though if he moved the image would change, he was afraid, unsure.

"We are going to be doing this now..." Elder Caelum said while my aunt was trying to comfort Artemisia.

Victor looked at me with torn eyes, he was wanting to return back to Remington, even though she didn't want to see him, but he hoped she would, and at the same time not wanting to abandon Mylene either. "I'm going to stay here for the night," he said sadly. I nodded. Call me if anything okay? I told him. When he gave one sharp nod in return, I faced James and David, nodding towards the door, leaving.

We walked to the car, James a head of me opened my door, and in the spot where I was sitting I found a note. Looking around I sniffed the air trying to get a scent, one that was out of place, or even on the paper and I came up with nothing. I read the note, growling.

After your wedding to your mate, you both need to disappear,


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