What The Heart Wants

By AbiaGeorge

7.2K 182 45

*****Alert***** READ ' WHAT I WANT ' first as this book is a continuation of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The story of A... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

3.2K 65 3
By AbiaGeorge


"Dami, wake up or you'll be late for school." My mom yelled.

I groaned as I rolled off the bed. As a sixteen year old I need rest. I've been training a lot as it was soccer season.

"Damien, I'm not gonna call again." Mom yelled from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and sat at the table.

"Finally, you're awake." Mom smiled as she placed my breakfast in front of me.

Dad came downstairs in a hurry with his suitcases. He's going to Italy for a week.

"Daddy, do you have to go?" Amelia whispered.

"Yes sweetheart, I do."

"But I want you to stay." She whined. Out of all of us, Amelia spent the most time with Dad. They played a lot together. She is quite the spoilt nine year old but in a good way.

He put down his suitcases and scooped her into his arms.

"Amelia, I'll be back before you know it. I have a surprise for you when I get back."

"A surprise?" Her eyes gleamed.

"Yes, so will you be patient and wait for me?" She paused for a moment and then nodded.

"Good girl." He kissed her forehead.

"Where's Christian?" He questioned.

"He's still asleep." Mom chuckled and Dad shook his head. Christian is the laziest of us all.

"Aren't you gonna eat honey?" Mom asked.

"I can't, just pack something for me to go." He answered and she nodded.

"Need some help Dad?" I offered.

"Thank you Damien." He smiled while I helped him carry his suitcases to the cab that was waiting for him.

"I'm sorry that I won't be here for your game." He frowned.

"It's okay, I understand."

"I know this means a lot to you. I'm sure you'll do your best." He pulled me into a hug which took me by surprise.

"Thanks Dad."

"Here you go Vincy." Mom said as she gave him a bag with his breakfast.

Thank you baby." He kissed her. Jeez, they are always like this.

I made my way back inside and finished my breakfast.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and got dressed for school.

Soon enough, we were in the car as mom drove us to school.

"So, your driver's license exam is Thursday. " Mom stated and I nodded.

"You're gonna fail." Christian mocked.

"Shut up, you idiot." I yelled.

"You're the idiot that can't drive. Remember when you crashed the car." He nagged.

"That was a one time thing and there was barely even a scratch." I defended.

"Enough!" Mom said sternly and we stayed quiet.

"You two need to get along and stop bickering all the time." She added.

"Soon enough I'll have my car and I won't have to be around him." I muttered and mom sighed. This is how it is most mornings, me arguing with my eleven year old brother.

I arrived at school and went to my friends. Our group consisted of the 4 of us.

"Hey man." Phillip greeted.

Phillip is my best friend. We went to kindergarten and have been close ever since.

"Hey Phil." I smiled.

"Guys have you seen Cassidy. I've been looking for her." Evelyn frowned.

Evelyn Parker is a brunette with deep brown eyes and her hair reaches shoulder length. She has a bubbly personality and and is very talkative. She and Philip dated for two months but broke things off because they were better off as friends.

Philip Hemsworth has black hair and light brown eyes. His relationship with his father has been strained since his mother died and they rarely talk to each other.

Cassidy Benoit is from France. She and her mom moved here about 7 years ago. We became really close friends and usually hang out a lot together. She has black hair that reaches just above her waist and green eyes.

"I haven't seen her." Phil answered.

"Neither me, I just got here."

The bell rang signaling that our first class would begin. I had gym class whilst Philip and Evelyn had Calculus.

"Maybe she already went to class. We'll meet up at break." I stated and made my way to class.

I changed into my gym clothes and went to the field.

"Damien, are you ready for the game? I'm already soo nervous and it's still a few days away." Tyrese questioned as he warmed up.

"I'm willing to play my best but with the chance of winning a scholarship, things are intense. A lot of eyes are gonna be on this match. We have to do our best."

"I agree with you there." Jaden said as he sat down.

As I was doing my stretches, I spotted a figure in the bleachers. I jogged in that direction to see who it was. I realised that it was Cassidy. What was she doing here?

"Cass, what are you doing here?" I questioned. She looked up at me with tear stained cheeks as she clutched the tissue in her hand.

I immediately sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed in my chest as I rubbed her back. Her sobs subsided and turned into light hiccups.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I found out something." She hiccuped.

"What is it?"

"I don't wanna talk about it here." She sighed.

"I understand, how about after school?" I suggested and she nodded.

"Evelyn has been looking for you." I stated.

"I just... needed some alone time."

"Do you feel okay to go to class?"

"I feel better but I'll just skip this period. I'll go next period."

"McKnight, get on the field now." Coach Borris shouted.

"I don't wanna leave you here." I frowned.

"Go on Damien. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. I'll be fine."

"But you're not."

She paused for a moment then stood.

"I'm gonna get myself cleaned up. I promise I'll be okay. Besides this is important. They need you on the feel right now. You have a big game coming up."

"Fine, but text me if you need me."

"I will. Thank you." She hugged me and left.

Returning to the field, I was greeted by a glare from the coach then class began. For my "tardiness" I had to make two extra laps around the field.

After class, I stopped the coach and spoke to him.

"You can't miss training this afternoon." He answered.

"Coach, it's really important." I reasoned and he sighed.

"Fine, I'll let you off the hook this once." He gave in.

"Thanks coach."

"Why aren't you eating?" Evelyn asked Cassidy.

"I'm not really hungry." She gave a small smile.

"Cassidy is something-

"Hey babe." Jonah plopped down next to Evelyn. Jonah and Evelyn have been together for about a week now.

"Hey Jo." She hugged him.

"Guys, I gotta run." Phil stated as he got up.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"Basketball, I'm gonna practice."

"Well, see you around man."

"Yeah bro."

"I'm having a party Friday. You all should come by." Jonah said as he ate a few fries.

"What time?" I asked.

"7PM, it's gonna be off the charts." He smirked.

"I guess I could swing by." I declared.

"Well you know I'll be there. What about you Cass?" Eve asked.

"I won't be able to come."

"What? Why the hell not?"

"I'm just busy, that's all."

"Is something the matter? You've been acting really strange."

"I'm fine." She stood abruptly and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Something is definitely wrong." Eve sighed.

"I'll go check on her." I got up and went after her.

Looking around, I found her under a tree. I sat next to her and we were silent for a while.

"I'm sorry. I just haven't been myself lately." She apologized.

"We are worried about you."

"I know. Let's just go to the park this afternoon and I'll explain everything."


The remainder of the day went by in a blur. Before I knew it school was over and I met Cassidy by the gate. We walked to the bus stop together and arrived at the park in 15 minutes.

We sat on the bench and she took a deep breath.

"When I arrived at home yesterday I met my mom having an argument with my dad. He was angry at her and when I entered they both paused and looked at me. I was confused, I've never seen him soo upset. I inquired about what was happening." She paused and tears fell as she clutched her dress. I put my hand around her and she relaxed a bit.

"He told me that mom would explain everything and he was through with this family. He stormed out of the house and mom and I were standing there alone. She had a broken look on her face as she slowly walked up to me. Damien, she told me that Kennedy wasn't my real father. That shattered me, apparently Kennedy found out that I wasn't his biological daughter and confronted my mom about it. She further explained that she knew that I wasn't Kennedy's for quite sometime because of the striking resemblance between my real dad and I."

"That's awful, Miss Parisa is such a nice lady. I honestly didn't expect that from her." I said and she nodded.

"That's not the worse part, I found out that my dad lived here."


"He passed away many years ago."

"Maybe his family is still here, you can get answers. What's his name?"

"Xavier Vanderbilt."

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