Burden of Proof

By Barabim_

334K 12.6K 3.4K

Lalisa Manoban is an attorney who was assigned to handle Jennie Kim's divorce case. As the case progress, Lis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Final Chapter

Chapter 11

17K 559 77
By Barabim_

Lisa pulled the keys out of the lock and opened the door slowly. She stepped inside the dark house, tiptoeing to not make any noise. She closed the door behind her and turned the lock quietly.

Setting her briefcase down on the floor, she swiftly proceeded to take off her jacket and shoes.

She carefully made her way past the empty living room and was about to set foot on the stairs when she caught a glimpse of something rushing towards her from the dimly lit kitchen.

"Oof!" The force of the tackle sent her staggering backwards before she managed to regain her footing. "Yah! Why are you still up?" She hissed.

"Waiting for you."

"But it's late! You have school tomorrow." She tried to peel the little girl's face off her hip. "If your mom finds out..."

As if on cue, the lights went on and the girl quickly hid behind Lisa's back; making Lisa laugh. "Uh‐oh, someone's in trouble now."

"Choi Heeryung..." Came the voice from the top of the stairs.

Lisa could feel little hands tightly grabbing the back of her shirt. She grinned.

"Better come out, Ryung-ah." She nudged the girl with one hand.

The girl slowly came out of hiding, her head down. "Yes, Mommy." Her one hand was still holding Lisa's.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Jennie made her way down the stairs.

"Waiting for Umma."

"Do you know that it's past your bed time?"

The girl nodded meekly.

"Go back to bed then."

"Alone?" She looked up at Jennie with sad puppy eyes.

Jennie sighed. "I'll come read you a bedtime story in a bit, okay?" Her tone softened.

The girl grinned. "Yay!" She then pulled Lisa's hand, making her stoop down. "Good night, Umma." She tiptoed and kissed Lisa's cheek before running up the stairs to her room.

Lisa waited until she heard the sound of a door closing before laughing out loud.

"Yeah, go on. Laugh. You weren't here to put them to bed in the first place."

"Hello to you too," she kissed Jennie. "Why are you so grumpy?" She used her free hand to pull Jennie closer by the waist.

"Just tired, I guess." Jennie leaned her forehead against Lisa's and closed her eyes.

"Welcome to the club," Lisa said.


"It's fine." Lisa gave Jennie another quick peck. "Inho's asleep?"

"Thankfully so." Jennie took a deep breath. "Remind me again why we did this?" She wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck.

Lisa laughed. "You know why."

They quietly stood there for a minute, leaning on each other.

"Just a few more days, Nini. Then you'll get your well deserved break."

"Yeah." Jennie let go of Lisa. "Go shower. I owe someone a bedtime story. I blame you for that sad puppy eyes trick."

"Excuse me? That has your name written all over it! You pull that on me all the time."

Jennie walked away. "You're getting them ready for school tomorrow."


Jennie ignored Lisa and kept walking.

Lisa went up to their room and took a shower. She came out of the bathroom to see Jennie walking through the door. "Is she asleep for real now?"

"Looks like it. I won't be surprised if she barges in later though. That kid has been extra clingy and whiny since she found out that we're leaving this weekend." Jennie climbed on the bed and crashed face down on the pillow.

Lisa grinned, "That's a good sign. It means we're doing something right." Jennie didn't make a sound.

Lisa finished getting ready for bed and turned off the lights. "Move." She tugged at the covers Jennie was lying on.

Jennie huffed and turned to lie on her back, lifting her legs so Lisa could pull the covers over them.

"What have they done to wear you out like this?" Lisa lay on her side, watching Jennie.

"The usual," Jennie didn't open her eyes.

Lisa smiled and kissed Jennie's cheek.

Jennie finally opened her eyes and turned her head. "What's that for?"

"For being such a good apple farmer." Lisa grinned.


"I love you too," she reached out to pull Jennie towards her.

Jennie shifted, snuggling close to Lisa.

"Sorry I can't help out much lately." Lisa closed her eyes.

"It's fine. I know your case is complicated." Jennie yawned.

"I'll take a week off once it's done."

Jennie merely nodded, already half asleep.

Lisa kissed the top of Jennie's head and smiled before drifting off to sleep.


The bed shook as the small figure jumped on it and tried to ease herself between the two sleeping women.

Jennie groaned and moved away from Lisa. She then counted down in her half conscious mind. Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two...

"Oomph!" A weight came crashing down on her back. She sighed silently and moved the little boy, dropping him next to his sister. She felt him snuggling up to her and she put an arm around his tiny body. "Why are you two like this?"

She heard giggles and smiled. The next thing she heard was Lisa's groggy voice.

"Sleep now or no ice cream for a week."

Tiny gasps were heard before the room went totally quiet.

Jennie peeked to see Lisa laughing quietly. She smiled and pulled the blanket higher to better cover everyone.




"Jinsang said that my drawing is wrong." The girl was staring at the large piece of paper in her hands.

"Oh?" Jennie looked up from her iPad. "Why?"

"Because there is no Appa in it."

Uh‐oh. Here we go. Jennie took a deep breath and set her iPad aside. She scooted closer to the sad looking girl. "Let me see that."

Heeryung showed her the picture.

"I think it looks great. You even drew Geumie," Jennie pointed at the yellow fish in a bowl.

"Why isn't there an Appa at our home?"

The innocent eyes looked up at Jennie and the latter smiled.

"Well, our family is a bit different, Ryung‐ah. Usually, there's an Appa and an Umma – a Mommy and a Daddy." She added the English words. "You also had an Appa and Umma, remember?"

The little girl nodded. "But they went away." The small eyes were starting to glisten with tears.

"Yes, they did." Jennie pulled the little girl closer. "But we're here. I love you and Lisa umma loves you too." She took a deep breath and stroked the soft long hair gently. "Just because there's no Appa, doesn't mean we're not a family, Ryung-ah. It doesn't mean that you're wrong and it also doesn't mean that our family is not as good as the others. We love you just as much as Jinsang's Appa and Umma love him. Do you understand?"

The girl slowly nodded.

Jennie hugged the silent girl. "Don't listen to the teasing, okay?"

Heeryung nodded again. "Mommy?"


"Will you and Lisa umma leave too? Like my Appa and Umma did? Will you send me back to that house?" She was crying for real now.

"Of course not!" Jennie quickly wiped the small cheeks with her hands before rummaging in her bag for tissues. "They had to leave, Ryung-ah. They didn't want to leave you but they had to. So they sent me and Lisa umma to help them take care of you," she smiled and cleaned the messy face.

The girl sniffed quietly. "Did Inho's Appa and Umma send you to take care of him too?"

"Yes." Jennie smiled.

Heeryung took another look at her drawing. "I drew Inho too," she pointed at the short stick figure.

"I see that. He's holding his favorite robot, huh?" Jennie pointed at the green shape in the hand of the stick figure.


"It's a very good drawing, Ryung-ah. We'll put it up on the fridge later." Jennie gave the girl a kiss on the cheek. "Are you feeling better now?"

The girl nodded and sniffed one last time.

"Good." Jennie rubbed Heeryung's back. "We're not going anywhere, Ryung-ah. Don't worry, okay? How 'bout we get some ice cream after we pick up Inho?"

The small eyes lit up instantly.

Jennie had to laugh. The mini Lisa, she thought to herself.


"Why do you have to leave?" The question came between sobs and chokes after the endless bouts of crying.

"It's just a short trip, Ryung-ah. Three days." Lisa put three fingers up. "We'll be back in three days. Today is Thursday so tomorrow's Friday... that's one..." She grabbed hold of one of the little fingers. "Then after that it's Saturday... two..." She held another one. "And then Sunday... three." She straightened the last finger. "One, two, three days. Just three short days. We'll be back before you know it."

"But I don't want you to leave." The face contorted in yet another sad cry.

"Aigoo..." Lisa ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. She lifted the girl up and hugged her, rubbing her back to try to calm her down. "We'll be back, Ryung‐ah. I promise. We're not leaving you and we're not sending you back to the house. You'll stay with Grandpa for a while. He's fun, right?"

The crying was slowly coming to a stop.

"Auntie Yeri will come and play with you too. She said she has something for you. Maybe a new toy?"

The little girl calmed down almost instantly. "A new toy?"

Lisa suppressed her laugh. "Maybe. Or maybe she'll take you to the amusement park to ride the merry-go-round and eat yummy cotton candy."



The girl finally let go of Lisa's neck. "You'll come back?"

"Of course!"

"Mommy too?"



Lisa held out a pinky. "Promise." She hooked their pinkies tightly and pressed their thumbs. "There. I can't break that promise." Lisa grinned and cleaned the girl's face with her sleeve. She kissed her cheek. "Can you help Grandpa take care of Inho for three days?"

The girl nodded.

"That's my girl." Lisa kissed the cheek. "Thank you."

Heeryung grabbed Lisa's neck again and clung on.

Lisa chuckled. She then heard footsteps and turned to see Jennie with the other small person around her neck. She had to laugh.

Jennie raised her eyebrows and pointed at the girl in Lisa's arms.

Lisa gave Jennie a thumbs-up before pointing at the boy.

Jennie gave Lisa an okay sign and they grinned.

The doorbell rang and Lisa almost choked as she felt the arms around her neck tighten even more. "Ryung-ah... I can't breathe."

Jennie opened the door and greeted her father. She then directed the chauffeur standing behind the man to carry the bags that were neatly stacked near the door.

"There's my little superman," the man took the boy out of Jennie's arms. He kissed the small cheek. "Where's your sister?"

The boy pointed at the bundle hanging from Lisa's neck.

Lisa waved to the man with one hand.

He laughed. "Uh‐oh. Someone's not letting go." He approached Lisa and tapped the little girl's shoulder. "Hi there, Princess."

"Hi, Grandpa." The small voice was muffled since the face was still buried on Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa turned around so the man could see the small girl. "Greet your grandfather properly, Heeryung."

The girl lifted her head. "Hi, Grandpa."

He chuckled. "Hi there. Are you ready to have fun? I got this huge bounce house with slides and colorful balls! But you have to let go of your Umma if you want to come with me and play."

The grip around Lisa's neck loosened.

Lisa silently exhaled in relief.


The man nodded. "Really! And Grandma's baking cookies right now. You can help her."

The girl's eyes lit up.

"Now, Dad... don't spoil them too much," Jennie warned.

"Oh come on. Just one short weekend of fun won't hurt anyone." He held out his free hand. "Let's go, Princess."

The girl looked at the man and hesitated.

"Go on. It's fine. We'll be back soon. Three days." Lisa held up her fingers again. "I'll see you again in three days. You can ask Grandpa or Grandma to help you count every night."

"I will surely help you do that," the old man said.

Lisa squatted down and placed the girl on the floor. She then fixed her clothes and hair. "Be on your best behavior, okay?"

The little girl nodded.

Lisa stood up, letting Jennie say her goodbye to Heeryung while she said hers to the boy, taking him from the man. "You too, Inho. Listen to your Grandpa and Grandma, okay?"

The boy nodded and hugged her.

She kissed his cheek. "Don't be afraid to speak up and tell them or your noona if you need anything." She then returned him to his grandfather.

"Let's go, Princess." The man held out his free hand and Jennie nudged the girl forward a bit, encouraging her to grab hold of the man's hand.

They walked the trio out of the house and waved goodbye at the small teary faces staring at them from behind the open car window.

Lisa took a deep breath. "Wow, that was exhausting."

Jennie smiled. "We've never left them for more than a few hours. It was kinda expected." She hugged Lisa from behind.

"That's true." Lisa leaned back against Jennie and sighed. "Finally some peace and quiet."

"Mmhmm. You and me, just like old times." Jennie tightened her hold around Lisa's waist.

Lisa grinned and turned around. "What time do we need to be at the airport?"

"In about an hour."

"Let's get ready then." Lisa took Jennie's hand in hers and pulled her back inside the house.


Lisa kissed Jennie before she rolled off her and fell onto the large mattress.

"Wow," Jennie tried to catch her breath.

Lisa chuckled. "Been a while, huh?"

Jennie was still staring dreamily at the ceiling.

Lisa pulled the blanket over them and eased herself onto the pillow, finding a comfortable spot before she closed her eyes and relaxed.

It didn't take long before she felt Jennie's arm across her stomach and her leg on her own. She turned her head and opened her eyes to see Jennie staring at her.

"What?" Lisa pulled her arm free and draped it around Jennie.

"I miss you."

Lisa laughed. "I'm right here."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah. I miss you too." Lisa leaned down to kiss Jennie's forehead. She then turned her body towards Jennie. "I expect to get a ruling next week. After that, I'll take one week off like I promised so you can take a break."


"No problem."

Jennie snuggled closer and they fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

Lisa woke up first a few hours later to find Jennie still asleep with her back facing her. She quietly slipped her arms around Jennie's waist and hugged her from behind, resting her head on the back of Jennie's neck.

Jennie stirred.

"Are you up?" Lisa kissed the shoulder.

Jennie only grunted.

Lisa smiled and trailed kisses along the length of the shoulder up to the back of Jennie's neck, brushing the long hair away with one hand.

Jennie finally moved, turning around in Lisa's hold and meeting Lisa's lips. "Why are you so insatiable?" She pulled back.

"Because I can," Lisa grinned. "No rush, no worry, no little people crying randomly..."

Jennie laughed.

"Just you and me."

"Yep," Jennie smiled. "Just you and me." She kissed Lisa again. "We should do this on a regular basis. The short getaway, I mean."


"Speaking of the little people," Jennie said. "What time is it?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"I hope Mom doesn't forget Inho's vitamins. I think he was about to catch a cold."

"She won't. Relax. They're in good hands."

"Can we check on them?"


"Just a quick call?"

"If they hear your voice, they will start crying and whining again. Let's not make it hard on your parents."

"I'll be talking to Mom, not them." Jennie moved to get off the bed.

Lisa grabbed Jennie's arm and pulled, keeping her on the bed. "They're being well taken care of. Your parents will call us if there's anything. This is our time. Try not to worry too much? Please?"

Jennie sighed and lay back down. "Fine."

"Don't worry. We can call your mother later, after they've gone to bed." Lisa pulled Jennie and kissed her. "Our time. Now."

Jennie laughed and pushed Lisa back. She then pinned Lisa down and kissed her.

Lisa smirked, letting Jennie have her way with her.


Lisa was about to put the food in her mouth when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She put the chopsticks down and took out the device. She grinned and showed Jennie the picture.

"Aww!" Jennie grabbed the phone and stared at the screen. "Why is she so cute?"

"Must have taken after me," Lisa said, grinning dorkily.

Jennie ignored Lisa's remark and replied to the message. She was about to return the device to its owner when it suddenly vibrated again. Another picture arrived and it made her laugh out loud.

"What?" Lisa grabbed the phone from Jennie's hand, looked at the photo and laughed along. "What did Yeri do to him?!"

"That will take a lot of cleaning up."

"Let's hope there'll be no trips to the dentist after this. I can't imagine the screaming and crying."

"Yeah..." Jennie resumed eating. She finished her food and watched Lisa finish hers – her head propped on her hand.

"Why are you staring at me?" Lisa sipped her drink.

"No reason." She tilted her head and smiled. "Isn't it funny how life can turn out sometimes?"

"What do you mean?"

"I never thought I could be in this position. Exhausted yet happy at the same time."

Lisa laughed. "Exhausted? I hope you're referring to the mini dynamic duo and not me."

"Well, I was going to kick some sense into your client or the judge so you can take that break quickly and help me out."

"Sorry," Lisa apologetically smiled. She reached out and gently rubbed Jennie's arm.

Jennie took hold of Lisa's hand. "I know you're not doing it on purpose."

Lisa jumped off the counter stool and paid for their food. She tugged at Jennie's hand and they walked out of the small shop.

They decided to take a light stroll back to the hotel.

"Have you ever regretted any of this? All the hassle?" Lisa asked suddenly, swinging their joined hands.


"Not even once? Just for a second?"

"Well, there were times when I wish you're not so busy but I know you felt that way too when I was barely there thanks to that store opening. So, I guess it's equally balanced, somehow. I can't complain. I can definitely use a lot more sleep but I can't complain." Jennie smiled. "Besides, we receive a lot of help from my parents and our friends so it's all good."

Lisa smiled and pulled Jennie closer, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks."

"Thank you for the second chance. Besides, there's no one else I'd rather lose sleep and be exhausted with."

Lisa grinned and increased her walking speed.

"Whoa... what's the sudden rush?" Jennie followed the pull and tried to match Lisa's pace.

Lisa didn't answer. She kept walking.

"Lisa, slow down. I'm too full to walk this fast. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Lisa slowed down just a little bit.

"Then why are you rushing like this?"

Lisa grinned. "You said you wanted to lose sleep and be exhausted with me."

Jennie laughed out loud. "Oh my god, you little pervert. You twisted that so badly and perversely."

"What?" Lisa put on her most innocent expression.

Jennie shook her head. "Such a pervert." She stopped abruptly and yanked Lisa by the hand.

"Whoa..." Lisa stumbled backwards, bumping into Jennie. "Why are you sto-­‐ ..." She smiled as she felt Jennie grabbed her face and kissed her. "Here? Really?"

Jennie smiled. "Why not?"

"You sure you don't want to wait until we get back to the hotel?" Lisa smirked.

"Seriously," Jennie poked Lisa's head. "Clean your mind. You need to set a good example for the little ones."

"They're not here now," Lisa pulled Jennie close and kissed her passionately, not even caring about the onlookers.

Jennie forcefully broke their kiss after a while and pulled Lisa's hand, half running towards the hotel.

Lisa had to laugh as she was dragged along the streets. She tried her best to avoid fellow pedestrians, muttering her quick apologies to the people she almost bumped into. "Nini! Slow down!"

Jennie kept running.

They finally reached the hotel and Jennie jabbed the elevator button impatiently.

Lisa was still trying to catch her breath when the elevator doors opened and Jennie pulled her inside.

Jennie pressed their floor button and turned around, cornering Lisa.

"Nini, take it easy..." Lisa grinned.

"Your fault." Jennie kissed Lisa, pressing her against the mirrored wall. Her hands parted Lisa's jacket and slipped inside, under Lisa's t‐shirt.

Lisa shivered but she couldn't help but chuckle. "There's a camera here, you know."

"So what?" Jennie didn't stop what she was doing.

Lisa pushed Jennie's hands down and out of her t-shirt. "Let's not give them free entertainment, shall we?" She tried to break the kiss.

Jennie let Lisa hold her wrists but made sure that their lips never parted.

Lisa had to laugh at Jennie's persistence.

"Stop laughing."

"You need to slow down."

"You shouldn't have teased."

"I wasn't teasing."

The elevator dinged softly and Jennie backed away.

Lisa kept her hold on Jennie's right hand, weaving their fingers together as Jennie once again dragged her along.

Lisa searched her pockets for the card key. She finally found it and was trying to insert it when Jennie snatched it roughly out of her hand.

Lisa watched in amusement how Jennie impatiently tried to open the door to their suite.

"Seriously Nini, you need to take it easy. You'll break that thing."

Jennie ignored the remark and pushed the door handle down once the small light finally turned green. She yanked Lisa inside and slammed the door shut.

Lisa was about to say something when she was once again silenced by Jennie's mouth. She smiled and surrendered, letting Jennie slide her jacket off. Her t-shirt was pulled up harshly and she had to comment. "Careful. This is my favorite t‐shirt."

Jennie pushed Lisa onto the bed and straddled her, discarding her own jacket onto the floor. "Shut up." She tilted Lisa's head up and went back to kissing her.

Lisa laughed again and pulled Jennie down on top of her. "I like it when you're feisty." Her hands went up under Jennie's dress, making the latter gasp.

The sudden vibration in Lisa's jeans pocket startled them.

Lisa moved Jennie slightly aside and took out the ringing device. She looked at the number and sighed. "Hello?" She answered the call.

"Umma~" Came the whining voice.

Jennie heard it and groaned, moving off Lisa and burying her face in the pillow after giving it a quick punch.

Lisa saw it and grinned. "What is it, Ryung-ah? Why are you using Auntie Yeri's phone?" She moved to lie on Jennie's back and kissed Jennie's shoulder.

"When are you coming home?"

"Tomorrow. One more day, remember?" Lisa rest her head on the back of Jennie's neck and wedged her free hand between Jennie's stomach and the mattress, encircling the waist. "Where's Auntie Yeri?"

"Giving Inho a bath."

"And you're using her phone without her permission?!"

Jennie's head rose slightly.


"Heeryung‐ah, you should never use people's phones without asking. You know that."

"But I miss you..." The quiet voice was followed by a sniff.

Lisa sighed. "I miss you too but you should never do this without Auntie Yeri's permission. One more day, Ryung-ah. We'll be back tomorrow. Understand?"

"Yes, Umma. Sorry."

"It's okay. Apologize to Auntie Yeri, okay?"



"I promise."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

Lisa ended the call and let go of the phone. It slid down to the mattress and ended up on the carpeted floor. "Sorry..." She wedged her now free hand under Jennie's stomach from the other side.

Jennie only sighed.

"Where were we?" Lisa kissed Jennie's shoulder.

"Forget it."

"What? Why?!"

"I'm sleepy now."

"But, Nini!"

Jennie didn't move.

Lisa stifled a curse.

Jennie chuckled and tried to turn around.

Lisa pushed herself up and waited until Jennie was lying comfortably on her back before she lowered herself down again. She was pouting.

"Don't sulk."

Lisa changed her expression and stared at Jennie with sad puppy eyes.

Jennie had to laugh. "Wow, Heeryung does take after you."

Lisa sighed. "Please? I'm willing to beg."

"I'm sleepy."

"Nini-ah..." Lisa was outright whining now. "You can't just leave me hanging like this!"

"Should've thought of that before you answered that call." "But it could be an emergency! You know that." Jennie shrugged. "Then accept the consequences."

"Please? I'll do all the work!"

"Get off me."

Lisa groaned and rolled off Jennie. "Dammit!"

Jennie laughed. She ran her fingers up Lisa's arm and laid her head on Lisa's shoulder. "There's still one day left, Lisa-yah. Plenty of time."


Jennie grinned and kissed the pouting lips, crawling on top of Lisa.

Lisa used the opportunity to quickly wrap her arms around Jennie and turned to pin her under her weight, keeping their lips fused firmly together.

"L-li..." Jennie tried to speak.

"No." Lisa's hands searched for the zipper on Jennie's dress. "Always finish what you started, Nini." She suddenly felt Jennie arching her back, allowing her to pull the zipper down. "Tease," she realized with a smirk.

Jennie grinned and let Lisa slide the dress off her. "It's fun to see you beg."

Lisa almost growled as she captured Jennie's lips and kissed her even more fervently than before. "I hate it when you do that."

"Too bad. I like doing that." She then pushed Lisa away a bit. "You didn't think I was serious when I said that you shouldn't have answered that call right?"

Lisa smiled. "Of course not. I know you love them as much as I do." She gave Jennie a quick and gentle peck.

Jennie traced Lisa's cheek with her fingers. "I love you." She smiled.

Lisa smiled widely, "I love you too."


A/N: this is actually the end of the book 1.

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