Burden of Proof

By Barabim_

335K 12.6K 3.4K

Lalisa Manoban is an attorney who was assigned to handle Jennie Kim's divorce case. As the case progress, Lis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Final Chapter

Chapter 8

15.3K 663 88
By Barabim_

"What is this?" The man stared at the paper in his hands.

"My client has set up a trust fund for your daughter," Jisoo said.

"W‐what?" He looked at the serious lawyer and at his ex-wife. "What kind of trust fund?"

"For her medical needs. My client has put two thirds of the compensation you gave her into this fund. It has discretionary distributions that are solely meant for her medical expenses. You must provide solid documentation for every discretion request. Every dime in that fund must only be used for your daughter's health and well‐being. And note, that doesn't include vacations in the Maldives or getting her a new car. Medical expenses only," Jisoo firmly emphasized the last words.

He stared at Jennie with mouth slightly open and eyes wide. "Y-you're serious?"

Jennie shrugged. "I never wanted your money and I never wanted to hurt your daughter. She's innocent. You're the one who has to pay, not her."

"I‐I‐..." He stuttered in disbelief. It took him a few more seconds to close his mouth. He stood up from his chair and bowed 90 degrees. "Thank you."

Jennie didn't move. "Not bad for a heartless, cold woman who deserves to be alone forever, right?"

He straightened up. "I‐I'm sorry."

"Are we done here?" Jennie asked Jisoo.

"Yes. You can go. I'll explain how things work to Mr. Kang and his client."

"Good." Jennie shouldered her bag and stood up. She looked at the embarrassed and guilty looking man. "You have what you want now so don't repeat the same mistake, Oppa. Take good care of your little girl." She turned on her heels and left the room before anyone could see her glistening eyes.


"Pretty Noona!" The little boy ran into her, almost toppling her backward.

She laughed and adjusted her squatting position.

"Look at my drawing!"

"Wow, that's nice! Tell me what this is." She took hold of the paper.

"This is my house." He pointed at the messy shape of a large red and yellow house that occupied most of the space. "This is my dog," he pointed at the brown and black circles on the bottom. "And I will have a father and a mother and a baby sister!" He kept pointing at each stick figure. "She will wear pink!"

Jennie laughed. "What if she likes blue?"

"No! Pink!" He shook his head and shouted.

"Okay okay. Pink little sister it is," she ruffled his hair. "Very good drawing, Kwangsun."

He showed his toothless grin and grabbed his paper. He then ran back to his table and started to draw something else.


Jennie turned her head to see Yeri carrying a laughing girl on her back. She was jumping up and down, making the girl shriek with joy.

"Be careful, Yeri."

"We are kangaroos!" Yeri jumped higher and the girl was hysterical with laughter.

Jennie laughed and shook her head. "You do know that kangaroos carry their kids in their pouch? As in that thing on their stomach?"

"I can't fit her in my pants, Unnie. My back will do." Yeri laughed out loud.

"You can be so silly sometimes." Jennie shook her head.

They spent another hour with the children until lunchtime came. They said their goodbyes amidst the pleas to stay, the little sad faces looking up at them and the requests to come back to play. With heavy hearts, they were finally able to leave the humble orphanage and headed back to Seoul in Jennie's car.

"You're imagining Lisa unnie living there, huh?" Yeri asked after a considerably long period of silence.

Jennie took a deep breath. "Yeah." She was still staring out the window. "How is she, by the way?" She turned to look at Yeri.

"I don't know, honestly. Still somewhere out there, roaming the world."

"She didn't call you?"

"She did, once or twice. She called when she was in Japan and I got an email from her when she was in Thailand. I think she was in Australia or New Zealand when she called me again. I lost track after that."

"And to think that it was my idea to travel the world in the first place," Jennie mumbled.

Yeri heard it but didn't respond.

"Are you hungry?" Jennie asked again.

"Starving! Can we stop to get food somewhere?"

"Of course." Jennie leaned forward. "Geunshin, please stop at the next rest stop."

"Yes, Ma'am." The driver nodded.

"You did a great thing, Unnie."

"Huh?" Jennie was daydreaming again. "What are you talking about?"

"The trust fund, the donation..."

Jennie dismissed it with her hand. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing."

"I don't need his money, Yeri. I'd rather give it to people who really need it."

"Still, you could have easily kept it for yourself. Money is money, Unnie." Yeri smiled. "I'm sure Lisa unnie would appreciate what you did."

Jennie smiled, "Of course she would. It's her idea after all."

"The donation?"

"No, that's my idea. The trust fund is hers."

"I was talking about the donation actually."

"Don't tell her about it." Jennie turned serious.

"What? Why?"

"I don't want her to know. Okay? Promise me you won't tell her?"

"I don't understand." Yeri tilted her head and looked at Jennie. "Why can't she know?"

"Just... don't tell her. That's all I'm asking from you. Promise me? Please?" Yeri hesitated.

"Well... I guess you have a right to do so. Okay then. I promise."


"No problem." Yeri leaned back in her seat, her brows furrowed as she began to think about what had happened in the past month.

Lisa had resigned from the firm the Monday after the annual gathering, citing that she needed a long break from practicing law and had decided to take a two-month trip around the world. When Yeri had asked her what she would do afterwards, Lisa merely shrugged.

"We'll see. Maybe set up my own practice? Or audition to be the next K­pop idol?" Lisa laughed.

Yeri smiled at the thought of her unnie's dorky laugh. She missed it. It had only been a month and she had missed it terribly. She sighed. Lisa unnie didn't even allow us to throw her a farewell party.

She had asked Lisa what was really going on but the latter never gave her a different answer than her needing a break. When she asked about Jennie's case, Lisa only said that since the divorce was final and that Jennie had received the money she demanded, her services would no longer be needed and Jisoo would take over from then on.

Yeri had found it a bit suspicious but since she had her own idea of what had happened, she decided to not press about it any more – knowing the dire consequences to Lisa's career should her suspicion was proven correct.

There was something she was very curious about though. Yeri took a deep breath and looked at Jennie. "Unnie."

"Hm?" Jennie was still staring out the window.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Jennie finally turned her head to look at the girl sitting beside her. "What is it?"

"Do you like Lisa unnie?" She lowered her voice.

Jennie's eyebrows shot up. "Of course I do. She has helped me a lot, remember?"

"I don't mean as your attorney."

"Well," Jennie paused to think – choosing her words carefully. "She's a nice person and she's Jisoo's best friend so yes, of course I like her."

"I'm not a kid, Unnie. I'm just a year younger than you, okay? You know what I'm talking about."

Jennie looked away. She was grateful to see that the car was slowly making its way to the parking lot of a considerably crowded rest stop. "Let's go get food!" She pulled the door handle as soon as the car came to a stop.

"Unnie..." Yeri was not moving from her seat.

"I can't answer that, Yeri." Jennie pushed the door open and stepped out.



A soft crack followed and the cheerful voice came out of the speaker. "Yes? Who is it?"

Lisa covered the camera with her hand and pinched her nose. "Is this the residence of Miss Kim Yeri?"

"Yes? Can you please show yourself?"

"I can't, Miss Kim. I'm with the secret service. We need your help."

Yeri gasped. "UNNIE! YOU'RE BACK!"

Lisa sulked and removed her palm from the camera. "Yah! How did you know?"

"Your jokes are the lamest, Unnie. COME UP COME UP COME UP!" Yeri buzzed the door open. "KYAA!"

Lisa laughed out loud as she made her way inside the building and into the elevator.

The doors barely slid open when Yeri pounced inside the metal box, hugging Lisa so tight that the latter had to literally hit her repeatedly to make her let go.

"Yah! I can't breathe!"

Yeri dragged Lisa out of the elevator, not letting go of her grip.

"Yeri-yah!" Lisa coughed.

Yeri finally let go.

Lisa took deep breaths and smacked Yeri's arm. "You almost killed me, you hyperactive freak!"

Yeri grinned. "I missed you too, Unnie." She then linked her arm with Lisa's as they walked towards her apartment.

"How are you?"

Yeri pulled her front door open.

"I'm good. You?" She stepped inside and observed Lisa taking her thick jacket and shoes off.

"I'm freezing."

"It's not even winter yet, Unnie."

"But it's still very cold compared to Hawaii."

"You went to Hawaii?!"


Yeri pouted. "I'm jealous. Take me with you next time?"

"If there is a next time. I've used up so much of my savings."

"But you enjoyed it, right?"


"Then it's worth it." Yeri smiled. "Nice to have you back, Unnie."

"It's good to be back," Lisa gave Yeri the shopping bag she was holding. "Here."

"Ooh thanks! I'll gawk at it later," Yeri said as she put the bag on the table. She then sat down on the couch with Lisa sitting on the other end. "You want something to drink, Unnie?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Have you told Jisoo unnie you're back?"

Lisa took a deep breath. "No."

"What happened, Unnie? Jisoo unnie kept asking me for updates about you. That's... strange. You guys are very close."

"Were. The word is 'were', Yeri."

"What happened?"

"I made a mistake. A huge mistake."

"Jennie unnie?"

Lisa nodded. "Swear you won't ever tell anyone?"

"Of course! Will you be disbarred?"

"Luckily, no. Came pretty close though."

"Did you two...?"

Lisa sighed. "Yeah."

"Ouch." Yeri grimaced.

"And guess who caught us?"

Yeri finally understood. "Jisoo unnie?"


"Double ouch."

Lisa stretched and slouched on the couch. "So now you know. But I've been meaning to take a long break anyway so it's all good." She smiled. "All good, Yeri. Nothing to worry about. I've had a lot of time to think about things on my break. I'm ready to make amends."

Yeri thought for a second. "So what now?"

Lisa shrugged. "Set up my own firm? I can't go back to work for Jisoo. I disappointed her."

"We all make mistakes, Unnie."

"Not like this, Yeri." Lisa shook her head. "Not like this."

"I'm sure Jisoo unnie will forgive you. In fact, I think she has forgiven you. Talk to her, Unnie."

"Maybe later." Lisa wanted to change the subject. "How are things with you and Sooyoung?"

"The same. No progress. Stuck. Sad. Depressing. Hopeless," Yeri shook her head in exasperation. "I think that it might be time to move on."

"You're giving up? That's so not you."

"I know but what else can I do? Even Jennie unnie knows that Sooyoung doesn't like me that way."

Lisa raised her eyebrows. "Jennie knows?"

"We... have kinda become friends now," Yeri carefully said. "You don't mind, right?"

"Wha­... Why should I mind? It's a good thing. She's a nice person."

"Do you like her, Unnie?"

"I just told you that she's nice. So yeah, of course I do."

Yeri heaved a frustrated sigh. "My goodness, these unnies... I don't even... Is it really that hard to give me a straight answer? Me? Your lovable dongsaeng? Why the act? The pretense? The masquerade? Why, Unnie? Why?!"

Lisa grinned. "Stop the drama, Actress Kim."

"I'm serious, Unnie. Have you thought about what happened? It was not just a one‐night stand, was it? I know you're not that type."

"I'm off to get some snacks. You wanna come along?" Lisa pushed herself off the couch.

Yeri threw her hands up in frustration. "Seriously..."

"Not the time to talk about this, Yeri." Lisa moved to get her jacket. "Do you wanna come along or not?"

"It's food, Unnie. Of course I do. Do you even have to ask?" Yeri stood up and went into her bedroom to change. "You're buying, by the way!" She shouted from behind the closed door.

Lisa chuckled. It feels good to be home.


Jisoo looked up from the folder on her desk. The space beyond the glass walls of her office was suddenly filled with shrieks, laughter and other joyful exclamations. She got curious.

She walked out and saw Lisa being surrounded by everyone. Jisoo smiled at the sight as she leaned on her open door with her arms crossed, observing everything in silence.

Lisa finally caught sight of the silent bystander and smiled. She excused herself and walked up to her friend.



Lisa looked down. "Ah you're wearing heels. No wonder. I thought I shrunk."

Jisoo laughed then hugged Lisa. "Nice to see you again, Lis."

"You too, Chu." Lisa squeezed her best friend before letting her go. "How are you?"

"The usual." Jisoo looked Lisa up and down. "You're... err... a bit brownish red?"

Lisa laughed. "You know I can't tan. I'll return to my original color in a week or so."

Jisoo moved back into her office. "When did you get back?" She sat on her chair.

Lisa closed the door and sat down on one of the chairs across from Jisoo. "A few days ago. Had to adjust to the jetlag a bit." She nervously fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

Jisoo tilted her head. "Why didn't you call or email or text me? You're not thinking that I'm still mad at you, are you?"

Lisa said nothing.

"Sigh... I told you, Lis. I'll always be able to forgive you. You're my best friend!"

Lisa gulped and looked down. "I disappointed you. I made a terrible mistake."

"And you've paid for it. It's okay, Lis. Family fights all the time. We hurt each other, disappoint each other... but in the end, we know we love each other and that we're all we have." Jisoo smiled. "And I consider you family."

Lisa looked at Jisoo.

"Don't look so surprised. You know Appa and Umma think of you as their fourth daughter."

Lisa still couldn't say anything. Her guilt grew worse. She looked away, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Lis." Jisoo leaned forward on her desk and reached out. "Really."

Lisa saw the extended hand. She reached out to hold it. "Thanks."

"No problem." Jisoo let go and leaned back, smiling. "Now. What did you get me?"

Lisa grinned. "Nothing much, unfortunately." She took out a small box from her jacket pocket and gave it to Jisoo.

Jisoo opened it. Her eyes instantly widened. "Wow. Classy." She took out one of the earrings.

"You like it?"

"It's jade?"


"Very pretty, Lis. Thanks." Jisoo smiled.

"No problem. Glad you like it."

"I already know which dress I'm going to wear it with." Jisoo grinned. "Got this fund raising thing I have to attend on Friday."

Lisa smiled and took out another box. "Give this to Eunkyu unnie."

"I will. Thanks." Jisoo made sure that the boxes were kept safely in her bag. She then turned back to face Lisa. "So what's your plan now?"

"I'm thinking of setting up my own firm. Start small."

"Oh? That's nice. Where?"

"I'm still looking for an affordable office space."

"The tenant downstairs has just left."

"You know I can't afford rent in this building."

"Appa owns this building, remember? Pay him whatever you want."

"Chu, you know I can't do that."

"Why not? Like I said, we're family. I'll tell him to cut down the space so you can have your cozy little office and start renovating."


"End of discussion." Jisoo pointed a finger at Lisa. "I won't take no for an answer, Lis."

"Please don't make me do this? I already owe you too much as it is."

"Owe me? You owe me nothing but a nice dinner and maybe ice cream." Jisoo smiled. "Family, Lis. We don't owe each other. We share."

Lisa gulped, holding back the sudden warmth threatening to spill out of her eyes. "T-thank you."

"Don't mention it. Just tell me when you want to start renovating. I'll talk to Appa." Jisoo's tone softened. "I won't hold your mistake against you. You paid your dues. That's good enough for me."

Lisa nodded.

Jisoo waited until Lisa had regained her composure. "So how are things between you and Jennie?"

"What things? There's nothing between me and her."

Jisoo raised her eyebrows. "You're telling me that it was just a one night stand? You?" She scoffed. "You're no player, Manoban. Don't try to be cool."

Lisa grinned. "I am cool."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Jisoo leaned forward and clasped her hands. "Seriously though-..."

"Seriously! Nothing. I haven't even talked to her since."

"Why haven't you?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know. Talk about what happened? Are you telling me that you had, or have, no feelings whatsoever towards her?"

Lisa looked away. "It was a mistake. Forget about it."


"Gotta go," Lisa stood up. "Thanks again for everything. I'll call Appa and thank him properly later." She waved and left the room without another glance at her best friend.


"So she's back?"


Jennie held her breath. "When?"

"A few weeks ago."

"I see."

"Talk to her. She still uses the same number."

Jennie shook her head. "Let bygones be bygones."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not going to interfere with whatever drama you two have going on," she mumbled.

"There's no drama."

Jisoo sipped her coffee silently.

Jennie stared at her cup. So she's back, huh? But she didn't contact me. Maybe I've been overthinking this too much. It's clear that she doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. Well, who could blame her after what I've done. "By the way..." That thought reminded her of something. "What will she be doing now? I mean, since she can't work for you anymore."

"She's setting up her own firm right downstairs."

"Oh?" Jennie was surprised to learn the location.

"It's not running yet, the place is still being renovated."

"I see." Should I?


Lisa chuckled as the motherly looking woman finally let go of her.

"It's been a while, huh, Mrs. Baek?"

"Yes, it has, Lisa." She smiled kindly. "You look well."

"Thanks. You too." Lisa let the woman side hug her as they made their way towards the noisy room at the end of the building. "How many are left?"

"Nineteen. A nice family adopted baby Soojin last week and Sangbeom found a new home just yesterday."

Lisa nodded. "Good. Let's hope they don't come back." She paused. "Is there anything you need, Mrs. Baek?"

The woman shook her head. "We're good. That last donation is more than enough to cover for everything for at least another year."

"Really?" Lisa was surprised. "That's quite a huge donation then."

"It is. And from such a kind heart too. I recognized her friend. You brought her here once before, I think."


"Yes. Very energetic and cheerful girl. Pretty face. Yen... Yi..."

"Yeri?" Lisa stopped in her tracks.

"Ah yes! Yeri! That's her name."

"She donated that much money?!"

"Not her. Her friend did." The woman creased her brows. "Her name is even harder to remember. Jae... No, Jin? Err... Jennae? Ah!" She snapped her fingers. "Jennie?"

Lisa's eyes went round with surprise. "Jennie? Kim Jennie? Pretty smile, brunette hair?"

"Yes! Oh you have such beautiful friends, Lisa. Inside and out."

Lisa froze. She came here? She knew? I thought Yeri didn't agree to do what she asked her to.

"What's wrong, Lisa?"

"N-nothing, Mrs. Baek." Lisa recovered from her shock and started to walk again.


"Can you move this there? It should be right next to the counter."

The men lifted the heavy glass display and placed it on the spot that Jennie was pointing at.

"Can you push it a bit, close that gap... Perfect, thank you." Jennie then moved toward the kitchen. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good, Miss Kim," the young woman turned around, still checking a few items on the list she was holding. "Looks like everything's here."

"Good. Go set it up. The chef will come by tomorrow. Let him decide where he wants things."

"Got it."

Jennie walked out of the kitchen, giving a few more orders as she checked things she noticed along the way. "And please don't put that plant there. This is supposed to be a café, not a garden."

"Yes, Miss Kim."

The man moved the tall plastic plant, revealing a familiar figure that had been covered by it. She was looking around the place.

Jennie caught her breath. She froze.

Lisa kept looking around until she suddenly caught sight of Jennie staring at her. She nervously gulped. "Good morning."

Jennie didn't move.

"I see that the place is coming along nicely." Lisa approached the shocked Jennie. "When's the opening?"

Jennie opened her mouth but no sound came out. She cleared her throat. "I‐in a few weeks."

Lisa nodded. "Nice."


It turned awkwardly quiet.

"I guess you're busy," Lisa said. "I'll come back some other time." She smiled a bit and turned to leave.


Lisa stopped moving. She looked at Jennie. "Yes?"

"I'm not that busy. Everything's pretty much done here." Jennie gripped the phone in her hand. "How can I help you?"

"I was hoping that we could talk. Over coffee maybe?"

"O-oh. Sure." Jennie took a second to gather her thoughts. "Hang on a sec." She then headed to the kitchen to tell the store manager to take care of things while she went out for a bit. She walked out to find Lisa looking at the menu board on the wall behind the counter. "Let's go then."

Lisa simply nodded before she slowly walked out of the half finished establishment, followed closely by Jennie.

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