Burden of Proof

By Barabim_

344K 12.8K 3.4K

Lalisa Manoban is an attorney who was assigned to handle Jennie Kim's divorce case. As the case progress, Lis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Final Chapter

Chapter 6

16.5K 702 210
By Barabim_

Lisa took a deep breath and placed the receiver back in its place. She took the envelope from her desk and left her office.

"Sooyoung‐ah..." Lisa approached Sooyoung's desk and handed her the envelope.

"What's this?" Sooyoung read the writing on the paper surface. "Are you filing for the Kim case court date?"


"How did the husband take it?"

Lisa shrugged. "I'm pretty sure he's raging right now. His lawyers weren't so happy about it but since it means they will get paid more, they really didn't complain that much." She turned to walk back to her office.


"So there's no hope for me, Unnie?" Yeri's face looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm not saying that there's totally no hope for you. But it's clear that she really isn't interested in you in that way. At least from what I saw last night."

Yeri heaved a deep sigh. "I hate unrequited love."

Jennie laughed. "Don't be so dramatic, Yeri. Go find another girl."

"But I don't want another girl!" Yeri sighed again. "I'm not giving up."

Jennie shook her head. "Lisa told me about that trait of yours. It's good but sometimes..." She sighed. "You just have to accept reality and learn to let go." She sipped her drink.

Yeri observed the calm woman sitting across the table. "Pardon me for saying this, Unnie, but you did the right thing. It's painful, but at least you didn't give up too quickly. I think you managed to end it where it should."

Jennie put her cup down. "Thanks." Her phone suddenly rang. She saw the caller ID and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, Miss Kim. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Oh don't worry, just having coffee with a friend. What is it?"

"I have notified your husband's attorney and requested a court date. I'll let you know when we're due in court as soon as I've heard from them."

"Good, thank you." She paused. "How did he take it?"

"Not very well, I'm sure."

Jennie sighed.

"Are you sure you want to go on with this, Miss Kim?" Lisa heard the sigh.

"I'm sure. Don't worry, Lisa. I'm fine."

Yeri looked up at the mention of Lisa's name before refocusing on her plate.

"Okay then. Well, that's all I need to tell you. Have a good day, Miss Kim."

"Thanks. You too." Jennie hung up and placed the phone back on the table, next to her cup.

"So you're going to court?" Yeri asked.

Jennie nodded.

"Ah okay." Yeri said nothing more.

"I know you know about the little girl and I'm not trying to hurt her," Jennie calmly said.

"It's none of my business, Unnie," Yeri replied. "You do what you have to do. I trust Lisa unnie."

"Speaking of your Lisa unnie," Jennie leaned forward a bit. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Nope. Go ahead." Yeri finished her cake.

"Why was she so cynical about my case at the beginning? She didn't seem like she wanted to handle it in the first place."

Yeri hesitated a little. "I can't tell you everything, Unnie. That's her personal business. All I can say is that your case is the first divorce case she's handled in over two years. She steered clear of every other case."


"That is something that you have to ask her."

Jennie stopped to think. "Was she divorced?"

Yeri grinned. "Lisa unnie? Divorced? Wait, to get divorced you need to get married." She started to laugh out loud. "Lisa unnie? Married?!" She kept laughing. "That would be a sight to behold." She imagined her unnie in a wedding dress and almost felt the cake in her stomach going up again. She quickly tried to control her laughter. "Sorry, Unnie." Yeri wiped a tear. "It's just so funny to imagine Lisa unnie in a wedding dress."

"Why? She's pretty."

"She is. She just doesn't ever want to get married. I don't think she even believes in love anymore." Yeri drank from her glass to calm herself down. "The last time I saw her in a serious relationship was..." She paused to think. "When was that... last year? No, definitely not last year. Two years ago? Was she already a partner then? Oh. Yep. Two years ago. I think it was right after she was made partner."

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "That's quite a while ago."

"Yep. And even then, it only lasted a few months. She's just not the settling down type."

"Why? I'm sure she has a lot of suitors."

"That she does. But most just gave up. The ones who didn't would get dumped after a few months." Yeri stopped herself. "I should stop right there. I'm making Lisa unnie sound like a player."

"You're not, don't worry."

"She's not like that, Unnie. Please don't get the wrong idea."

"I won't, Yeri." Jennie reassured Yeri. "From the way she talked to me, I can't help but think that something happened to her that made her that way."

"What do you mean?"

Jennie shrugged. "How she said that unexpected bad events would happen and that we should learn to move on and let go... Stuff like that."

"That sounds like Lisa unnie alright."

"What exactly happened?"

Yeri tilted her head, observing the very curious Jennie. "Why are you so curious, pUnnie?"

Jennie was caught off guard by the straightforward question. "I-I'm not curious. I just thought that since she's my lawyer and all... I think I should know whether she's trustworthy or not."

"You're a businesswoman, Unnie. A pro. You know that what happens in your personal life should not affect your work. The same goes for Lisa unnie. I know you trust her professionally regardless of what she tells you or doesn't tell you about her private life." Yeri slightly furrowed her brows. "Why are you so curious?"

Jennie gulped. Yeri was too sharp for her. "I guess I'm simply just curious."

Yeri sat back and crossed her arms. Her expression remained the same. She observed Jennie for a few seconds, making the latter feel uncomfortable under her gaze.

"You don't have to answer me, Yeri," Jennie finally said. "I was just asking."

"I know you're Jisoo unnie's long time best friend, Unnie. And from what I've heard and seen, I know that you're a good person." Yeri took a deep breath. "Let's just say Lisa unnie had seen a lot and went through enough to make her skeptical about the whole concept of love and marriage."

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "Because of the divorces she had handled?"

"Not really. She's been like that ever since I first met her. I know she tried to change her mind at some point but those cases only proved otherwise. So she just stopped believing and hoping."


Yeri smiled. "I've said too much. Ask her yourself, Unnie. Or maybe ask Jisoo unnie. They're very close." She emptied her glass. "Now, what should I do about my predicament?"

Jennie was still contemplating what Yeri had told her. She felt that she was now left with more questions about Lisa instead of answers.



"Advise please."

"I thought you've made up your mind?" Jennie regained her composure.

"I did but-..."

"Then go for it." Jennie smiled. "Just be prepared for the consequences."

"Okay then!" Yeri grinned. "When are you free? Let's all have dinner together again!"

Jennie laughed. She hadn't laughed that much in a day for a long time. No wonder Jisoo loves her job so much. Her co-workers and friends are such nice and fun people.


"So you see, Your Honor," the man in suits said. "It's one thing to make my client pay for his mistakes but quite another to make an innocent little girl suffer or be denied treatment for mere personal advantage. And unfortunately, that is what Miss Kim is doing."

"Your Honor," Lisa spoke. "The evidence against Mr. Ahn clearly speaks for itself. My client wasn't even aware of the existence of his illegitimate daughter until two months ago. That was when she decided that it was the last straw. I really don't want to waste everyone's time by going through every piece of evidence all over again, including the pre-nup clause Mr. Ahn has clearly violated more than once. We've only learned about his daughter's condition a few weeks ago and that was because of our own discovery. He never mentioned her and now he's suddenly using her health as an excuse? Who's the one trying to gain personal advantage here?"

"What?! That's ridiculous!" The man almost banged the desk.

"Calm down, Mr. Ahn," the attorney sternly whispered.

The man clenched his jaws and loudly exhaled in frustration.

"I'd like to remind you again that we're not even asking for alimony here, Your Honor. It's a single payment. A well-deserved single payment considering everything he has put my client through. He has a house, he can keep his car, his job and even his business. We just want half. I think this is the simplest divorce case you would ever find, Your Honor."

"Please don't imply that I haven't seen enough divorces in my years, Counsel."

"I'm not doing that, Your Honor. I'm just saying‐..."

"I get it."

Lisa shut her mouth.

The gray haired man looked at Jennie and then at her husband. "I agree with Miss Manoban that you, Mr. Ahn, has clearly crossed the line more than once. Why your wife managed to put up with you for so long is beyond me. However, I also understand what this would mean to your finances and income, especially with regards to your daughter." He took a deep breath. "I personally feel that this is the least you can do for your wife, Mr. Ahn, but I shall look into this matter more snd notify your counsels when I've reached my decision." He grabbed his gavel. "This court is adjourned."

They stood up and the old man left his seat.

"You happy now?" The man strode angrily towards the cool Jennie with his finger pointed at her face.

Lisa quickly stepped in front of Jennie and the man's attorney grabbed him by one arm.

"You're going to make my innocent daughter pay?! No wonder you can never be a mother. You're ruthless! You don't deserve to have children!"

Jennie sharply inhaled.

"Mr. Kang, I suggest you cool your client down before I sue him for harassment."

"Let's go, Mr. Ahn," the attorney pulled the arm. "Don't do this here."

"You're heartless, Jennie. Cold and heartless! This is why you'll always be alone!" He was still pointing his finger at Jennie when his attorney dragged him out of the small courtroom.

Lisa sighed and turned around. "Are you okay?"

Jennie was still clenching her jaws and fists. Tears were clearly threatening to spill out of her eyes. She couldn't answer Lisa's question. She knew that this would happen but it didn't lessen the hurt when she heard those words. A trickle finally made it down her cheek.

Lisa searched for a tissue in her briefcase and when she couldn't find any, she decided to just use her jacket sleeve to dab Jennie's cheek and eyes.

Jennie was surprised at the gesture but was still unable to say anything. She was using everything in her power to hold back from breaking down right then and there.

"Don't listen to him, Miss Kim." Lisa gently rubbed Jennie's back with her hand. "You're not cold and heartless, okay? Not at all. You don't deserve any of the things he said. He's just angry right now. We knew this would happen, right? Although I know it doesn't justify what he said but..." She stopped. For once, she didn't really know what else to say as she stood there watching her client trembling, fighting to keep herself together.

Lisa sighed and slowly pulled Jennie into a hug. "It's okay to cry, Miss Kim."

Jennie was shocked but the warmth of Lisa's voice and the return of the strangely comforting scent broke her defenses. She cried on Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa patiently waited until Jennie was done crying before she let go.

"I'm s‐sorry..." Jennie searched her bag for some tissues and cleaned her nose and face.

"It's fine." Lisa gave Jennie a comforting smile. "Totally understandable."

Jennie kept her head down, embarrassed by her outburst. She then noticed Lisa's sleeve. It was a light gray jacket so the stains were obvious. She then looked up to see Lisa's shoulder which was even more stained. She blushed. "I'm sorry about your jacket."

"Oh it's fine. I can get it dry-cleaned later." Lisa didn't even look to check the ruined fabric. "Are you okay?" She was genuinely concerned. No woman should ever hear those words. Especially from someone who claimed to have loved her and even married her; and whom she had loved. "I can sue him for harassment, you know. Or for simply being an ass."

Jennie chuckled and courageously tried to meet Lisa's gaze. She was a bit taken aback by the sincere look of concern in those eyes. "I'm fine." She sniffed. "Let's not donate more money to his attorney's income."

Lisa smiled. "Whatever you say, Miss Kim." Lisa picked up her briefcase. "Shall we then?"

Jennie nodded and shouldered her bag. "You might want to take that jacket off. It looks messy," she said shyly.

"Oh." Lisa looked down at her sleeve and turned to check her shoulder, tugging the jacket. "You're right." She set her briefcase back down before taking off her jacket and draping it over one arm. She took hold of her briefcase again. "Let's go."

Lisa opened the door for Jennie and they walked quietly towards the exit of the building.

"Where's your driver?"

Jennie was dialing her phone. "I need to call him first. You go on ahead. I'll be fine."

Lisa saw the crowd of reporters at the main entrance.

"Tell him to just pick you up later at the office, my office." Lisa stopped walking.

"W‐what?" Jennie halted her steps. She was surprised. She then heard a man's voice through her phone. "Hang on just a minute, Geunshin." She moved the mouthpiece away. "What did you just say?"

"I'm taking you out to hunt for sweet treats and maybe lunch. I'll drop you off at the office later. Just tell him to meet you there." Lisa gently grabbed Jennie's elbow and steered her back inside, towards the side exit. "This way. I know another way out."

Jennie finally realized what was going on as she spotted the cameras outside. "A-are you sure?"

"I could use some ice cream too." Lisa smiled.

Jennie returned the smile. "Okay then." She relayed the message to her driver and let Lisa guide her to the car park.


Jennie laughed out loud. "You're pulling my leg."

"I'm not! That was seriously the stupidest case I have ever handled."

"But you still won?"

"Yeah," Lisa grinned. "The case and the lawsuit was stupid but it was the owner's fault for leaving that hole unfixed for months. A lot of people had taken a fall there during that entire month although none as extreme as my client." She grinned. "I know this sounds mean but if you looked at him, you would think that he had just survived a serious car crash instead of merely tripping over a hole in some parking lot."

Jennie grinned.

Lisa observed the happily eating woman. "Feel better?"

Jennie nodded. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

Jennie finished her dessert in silence. "Do you pity me, Lisa?" She suddenly asked.

"W-what?" Lisa hadn't expected that question. "What did you just say, Miss Kim?"

"Do you pity me?" Jennie looked at Lisa and the latter saw hurt. "Did you decide to take my case because you pity me?"

"No," Lisa firmly answered.

"Then why did you take it? Besides obeying Jisoo's orders."

"Jisoo's my boss but we argue like friends," Lisa said. "I have no problem disobeying her. I didn't take your case because she forced me or because I pity you." She paused. "I was reluctant at first because I do not wish to handle divorce cases anymore but after I read your case, I really wanted to make him pay," Lisa said. "And that's the honest truth."


"Why what?"

"Why do you want to make him pay?"

"Isn't it obvious? For what he has done to you. No jerk should be left unpunished," she smiled.

"Then why did you suggest we return the money to his daughter? If you really want to make him pay, let's just take the money and give it to charity. He'll make more. Why did you even care about what I would do with it or what he would think of me?"

Lisa took a deep breath. "I have my reasons, Miss Kim."

"Are they the same reasons to why you refuse handling divorce cases?"

"Some of them, yes." Lisa gave Jennie a serious look. "I think you're a good person, Miss Kim. Professionally, I like you. But I draw the line at that. Professionally." She knew she was being a bit rude and cold but she didn't wish to reveal more of her private life to a client and someone she barely knew.

Jennie understood. "I apologize for prying." She picked up her glass and drank.

Lisa took a deep breath and lifted her hand to ask the waiter for the check. "Lunch's on Jisoo."

Jennie raised her eyebrows.

"I'll just put it down as after court debriefing or something," Lisa grinned, trying to reduce the awkwardness that had set between them.

Jennie merely nodded.

The ride back was quiet and awkward. Jennie felt guilty for going too far with her questions and Lisa felt guilty for being so rude towards Jennie. But she had no choice. Jennie was her client and she would like to keep things professional at least until Jennie was legally divorced.

She knew that she could grow to like Jennie for more than just another client or even friends and she didn't want that to happen. She had promised herself not to go there again. Let's not get momentarily infatuated again, shall we? I could do without the inevitable, and sometimes painfully messy, breakup. Besides, she clearly likes guys.

Lisa unconsciously took a deep breath and huffed slightly at that thought.

Jennie noticed but said nothing.

Lisa parked the car and turned off the engine.

"Thanks for lunch," Jennie said while unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Thank Jisoo for it. She paid after all." Lisa grinned.

"Well, thank you for suggesting it and for accompanying me."

"My pleasure, Miss Kim." Lisa made the mistake of looking at Jennie. The

small smile that met her was sincere although the eyes were sad and vulnerable. She is gorgeous. She could feel something inside her click. Uh-oh. No, Manoban! She's your client, Jisoo's best friend and she's very vulnerable right now. Plus, she's still legally married to that dumb jerk. Look away! Don't look at that smile! Get out of the car! NOW!

Lisa blinked and quickly stepped out of the car. She waited until Jennie got out of the vehicle and they walked towards the elevator.

Lisa accompanied Jennie to her car. She took a step forward as Jennie closed the door and rolled down the window.

"I'll... see you," Jennie said hesitantly.

Lisa nodded. "See you, Miss Kim."

"You'll call me if there's anything right? I m‐mean from the court or him..."

"Of course." Lisa stepped back and waved. "Have a nice day." She smiled a bit and turned around to head back inside the building.

Jennie watched until Lisa's back had disappeared before she told the driver to drive.



"Hi, Yeri."

"Hi, Unnie! What's up?"

"Nothing much. I have a question for you." Jennie sat down on her bed.

"Shoot, Unnie."

"Do you take other jobs outside of the firm?"

"When I have time, yes."

"Do you have time now?"

"Do you have a job for me?"


"Then I'll make time for you."

"Thanks," Jennie smiled.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just simple information gathering. Background check kinda thing."


Jennie took a deep breath. "Manoban Lalisa."


"What? You don't want to tell me and Jisoo also won't tell me. I asked Lisa and she practically shut me out completely."

"But that doesn't mean­..."

"If it weren't Lisa, would you do it?"

Yeri sighed. "Yes."

"Then what's the difference? It's not like she has some dangerous top secret identity, right?"

"No, but..." Yeri paused. "She's like a real sister to me, Unnie. Don't do this."

"Do what? I just want to know more about her."

"Then ask her, talk to her."

"I tried and I did. She cut me off."

"Then that means she didn't want you to know."

"And that's why I'm hiring you. She doesn't have to know. Ever."

Yeri groaned. "Why are you doing this, Unnie? Why are you so curious about her? She's not some psycho killer and she's not a terrorist. She's helping you. Can't you at least respect her privacy?"

"I just want to know more about her. That's it. Where she's from, where her parents live... you know, the usual stuff. I do background checks on my employees too."

Yeri sighed. "I'll save you the trouble and suffer Lisa unnie's wrath later. You really want to know? Listen carefully then because I will not repeat this ever again." She took a deep breath. "Lisa unnie was born in the Jeolado province. Her father was abusive so her alcoholic mother filed for divorce when Lisa unnie was still in kindergarten. It got messy and neither parent wanted custody of their only daughter. They sent her to an orphanage. She had several foster parents but none stuck. She was luckily a bright kid. She put herself through school all those years. She then applied for a scholarship funded by Jisoo unnie's father's foundation. That's how she met Jisoo unnie and how she managed to get into that law school in Seoul. She graduated top of her class, beating Jisoo unnie by less than half a point and Jisoo unnie recruited her to work at the firm she and her sisters had founded. The end." Yeri paused for air. "Happy now?"

Jennie's jaw had dropped slightly while listening to Yeri.

"She will kill me when she finds out I told you all this but it's better than having you hire someone else to go through her records." Yeri's tone was serious. "I like you, Jennie unnie. I really do. But I consider what you've just asked me as cutting it too close for comfort. I don't know what your motive is but I don't appreciate what you wanted to do."

"I-I'm sorry..."

"You should be. Lisa unnie is a good person. You should know that by now. If she doesn't want to tell you then you should respect her privacy."

"I'm... sorry." Jennie felt very guilty. She was so used to having her way, by every possible mean, that she didn't stop to think twice of the implications. Maybe I have been socially handicapped. Or have I become bitter, insensitive and selfish?

"Good night, Unnie."

"G-good night, Yeri."

Jennie dropped the phone onto the mattress and groaned as the guilt grew.

She stared at the ceiling, replaying everything that Yeri had said. No wonder she didn't want to handle divorces or that she didn't believe in marriage. And now I know why she made that suggestion. She wants him to pay for what he did as a husband but she appreciates his care and love toward his daughter. Something that she never had as a child.

The thought reminded her of her own father.

She searched for her phone and browsed through the messages he had sent and calls he had made. None of it was answered. She took a deep breath and dialed.

"Dad? It's me..."

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