Bakugo x Reader Oneshots

Por mountainfizz

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Katsuki Bakugo Oneshots Mais

Author's Note
I'll save you (pt.1)
I'll save you (pt 2)
I'll save you (pt. 4)
I'll save you (pt.5)
I'll save you (pt.6)
I can explain...
I'll save you pt.7
I'll save you pt. 8

I'll save you (pt.3)

2.9K 60 116
Por mountainfizz

5:30 am

Training day 2

We all yawned as we stood in front of Mr.Aizawa with our training uniforms on. I stood next to Bakugo my eyes half-lidded

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!" He announced

"Today we will begin training camp to increase your speed in earnest, the goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses, it is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute."

I looked at Bakugo noticing his eyes half open and his head tilted to the side I scooted a bit closer and brushed my hand against his by accident he looked down at me and back to Aizawa.

"Proceed carefully." Aizawa looked at Bakugo "So Bakugo," he tossed a ball to him and he easily caught it "try throwing that" 

Bakugo stared at the ball with tired eyes "this is from the fitness test.."

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters, lets see how much you improved.."

Bakugo walked away from us and to an empty stop

"We're checking our progress?" Mina asked

"Since a lot has happened these past 3 months," Sero asked as well

Bakugo stretched his arms and legs, I watched him carefully taking in his form.

"Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something like that now!"

"Do it Bakugo" Kirishima called out

"Go Katsu!" I smiled

Bakugo gave an evil grin towards the sky " I go.." He pulled his arm back "Go to hell!!" A huge explosion erupted and the ball went flying. 

"709.6 meters"

He opened his eyes exclaiming in shock "huh? It's less than I thought.." He glared at the numbers shown before him shaking in anger

"It's been about 3 months since you started highschool" I gave a shocked look to Bakugo

"Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved, but that improvement has technically been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase with stamina, as you can see your quirks themselves have not improved that much."

Aizawa paces back and forth as he tells us this

"That's why we will work on improving your quirks starting today" Aizawa grinned instantly putting smiles and grins of determination and fear on our faces

"It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to die."


Bakugo was plunging both his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands, creating explosions repeatedly to increase the scale of his attacks. "Damn it!"

Todoroki was alternating between ice and fire to make the temperature of the bathwater he was using uniform, he's training his body to get used to freezing and to control the temperature of his flames, he's also working to where he will be able to use both quirks at once

Sero was producing tape continuously, his training would increase his capability and tape strength and shooting speed

Kirishima and Ojiro were training together. Ojiro was using his tail on Kirishimas hardening quirk to increase strength on each others quirks

Kaminari was running his electric current through a large capacity battery, he was training his body to be able to handle large amounts of electricity

Koda was trying to increase the range of his invoice, by doing vocal exercises

Aoyama was training his body to get used to his naval laser by increasing the range of his laser

Tokoyami was trying to keep dark shadow in control even if he's going wild in the dark

Uraraka was constantly turning in zero gravity, she was training the semicircular canals in her inner ear to decrease nausea

Iida was doing long training runs to increase leg strength and stamina

Tsu was training to work out all the muscles in her body and her tongue

Sato was working out while eating the sweets that he needs to activate his quirk

Momo was also eating while using her quirk to amplify her creations and shorten the amount of time creating them

Jiro was increasing the quality of sound from her quirk bt strengthening her earphone jack

Mina was intermittently creating acid to increase her skins durability

Mineta was training his scalps durability by constantly popping off balls so he won't bleed

Hagakure and Shoji were increasing the strength of both their quirks by having shoji create multiple arms to look for Hagakure while she hides her presence

Midoriya was working out the muscles in his body so it could withstand how much power he uses from his quirk

I was making force fields bigger than I usually would and shoot them up to the sky constantly to increase my quirks durability


"Now remember what I said yesterday?" Pixie and Ragdoll had a bunch of ingredients set out in front of us "Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you"

"At least make your food!"

"Curry!" They both shouted

"yes sir.." we all mumbled from our drained bodies

"You all look exhausted!" Ragdoll laughed "but that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!"

Iida suddenly perked up "Its true that part of rescuing someone is filling up the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted during a disaster, That's U.A for you! No opportunity wasted!" He turned around to face the rest of us "Let's make the most delicious curry in the world everyone!"



Todoroki lit fires for the stoves

"Todoroki can you come light this please?" Mina asked

"Bakugo, use explosion to light this!" Sero said

"Like I would scum!" He yelled

"Wait Bakugo!" I yelled trying to stop him

It was too late the flames emerged from his hand and the stove exploded

I shook my head and got back to cutting vegetables 

"If you only rely on others, then you will not learn how to light a fire," Momo told him while trying to light her stove

Todoroki lit another stove as the other girls stood in awe at his quirk

"Thanks Todoroki-Kun!"


"Thanks for the food!" Everyone started to dig in

"If I got this at a restaurant, I wouldn't be too happy, but in this situation, it's delicious!"

"Don't say that! It's rude!" I told him while eating

"Yoa-momo, you eat a lot huh?" Mina asked her

"Yes, my quirk turns lipids into various atoms to create things, so the more I eat the more I can make." She explained

"It's like poo..." Sero commented

Momo immediately shrunk, I laughed as Jiro punched Sero "Apologize!"

"I'm sorry!"

I got up grabbing my bowl and silver wear to dispose

"Y/N? is everything okay?" Uraraka asked

"Yes! I'm just gonna go for a walk.." You waved her off as you started to walk off noticing Kota watching, you lightly waved only to see him blush and walk off.


My stomach growled as I walked through the woods. I knew I should have finished my food. Footsteps could be heard behind me I turned around and launched a force field at the noise

"Damn you trying to kill me?" I instantly recognized the voice "Sorry Katsu..." I turned back around as I walked

"Hey dumbass..what shoved a stick up your ass?" Bakugo grabbed my shoulder turning me around, I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"What the fuck...what's wrong?" I sniffed

I was feeling like crap because while we were training our bodies earlier, I hardly had any improvement with my quirk

"I feel like I don't belong here..everyone here has an amazing quirk..and I can't even use mine to the full extent like all of my other classmates or you..." I turned my head away as tears fell

"Am I even cut out to be a hero..?" I asked my voice cracking

Bakugo grabbed my chin making my head face his. "You're quirk is pretty damn strong, if you can't see that then why did you even come to U.A in the first place?" He drops his hand from my face "You were given that shitty quirk for a reason, now are you going to gloat over it, or fucking do something about it besides watching everyone else."

He spat out the cold truth making you smile a little

"T-Thanks always know what to say.." I smiled up at him

"S-Shut up dumbass" He wiped the tears from your face. " you did last night on the top of that wall was pretty could have gotten hurt...or worse" Bakugo kicked at the rocks on the ground

I smiled cause I knew what he was feeling "Katsu~ are you jealous?" you grabbed his hand

"N-NO! Why would you think that?" He looked away "Cause everyone saw me in that towel and it just wasn't you.." I blushed

"S-so what if that's it.." He responded, I giggled and kissed his cheek "I think that's cute.."

He scoffed and pulled me close "Shut the hell up" Bakugo went silent for a few seconds the sounds of nature surrounding us

"L-Listen..y/n..I..fuck..I guess what I'm trying to ask is" I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with the back of his hair.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked into my eyes, I nodded and I hugged him close. "Of course Katsu."

I pulled back and I looked into his crimson eyes. Bakugo looked into my e/c eyes and pulled me in closer

I leaned in and kissed him pulling his head to mine.

Bakugo returned the kiss pushing me up to a tree, I arch my back because the bark was uncomfortable. He grabs my waist and deepens the kiss swiping my bottom lip with his tongue, I deny his request. Bakugo slides his hand down my back and grabs my behind, making me gasp as he slips his tongue in.

I tug his hair as I jump into his arms he places both hands on my behind holding me up as we continue to kiss against the tree.

Bakugou starts kissing down my face to my neck nipping and sucking trying to find my sweet spot, I moan softly pressing my chest against his when he found it. "K-Katsu..don't leave a mark!"

He denies my request and leaves a hickey on my soft spot. He pants as he pulls away looking into my eyes, full of love and lust.

"Fuck y/n, don't look at me like that...I'll have you screaming on his forest floor if you do.." I blush and hide my face in his neck softly biting it. "You make that sound like a bad thing.." I whisper in his ear nibbling on his earlobe

I hop down from his warm body and I take a step back reaching for his hand and holding it. "We should head back before anyone notices we're missing.." I start to pull him along as we head back for camp.


"I don't like this, it's not cute," Toga says as she looks over the cliff onto the camp

"This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes right, appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense," Mustard tells Toga

"I'm not talking about that." Toga exclaims while waving her arms "I just don't want to wear this." She points to her mask

"Hi, sorry for the wait," Magnus calls out

"That makes 7..." Dabi says looking over the cliff

"I don't care just let me at 'em, I'm getting too pumped up," Muscular says

"Shut up you crazy bastards, Not yet, we'll move when all 10 of us are here, gathering a bunch of punks who are just as strong will only increase the risk, it's better to have a small group of experienced elites.." Dabi says to the other villans.

"First, we make them realize..that their peace is resting in our hands"



Training day 3

"Hey extra lessons group, don't stop" Aizawa snaps Kirishimas head back up

"Got it!" Kiri yells

"Sorry I'm kind of sleepy.." Mina yawned

"We didn't think yesterday's extra lessons would go until 2 am...and we started at 7 am..." Kaminari said

"I told you it would be tough, you're not just trying to improve your quirks, above all you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams!"

He let go of Kirishima's head

"Think carefully about why you're more tired than your classmates before you move.." Aizawa turned his attention elsewhere

"y-yes sir" They all yawned

"Uraraka! Aoyama!" the two stopped what they were doing to look.

"you two should too, you didn't fail, but you were close, if 30 points was passing you were about a 35"

"a-ah we barely made it.." Uraraka almost dropped the rock she was carrying as Aoyama was coming out of the bathroom.

"Don't lose focus. All of you move faster!" Sensei appeared over the other students

"No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from, that's what it means to improve, always keep in mind why you're sweating and why you keep getting nagged." Bakugo glanced from the boiling water to you seeing you shoot a giant force field into the air

'where I came from' the class thought simultaneously.

"Mr.Aizawa, it's already the 3rd All Might- I mean any of the other teachers coming" Midoriya asked

"I already told you before the training camp in order to keep the villains from finding out where we were, we kept the number of people to the absolute limit," Aizawa told him

"That's why you got a training camp with the 4 of us!" Ragdoll shouted from the cliffs

"And especially since we believe All might is one of the villans' targets, we can't have him here."

"More importantly, everyone tonight...we'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other!" Pixie exclaimed

"After training hard you can play hard!"

I hated scary things so this was going to be quite the thrill for people like me

"So do your best right now!"

"yes sir!" we yelled back pushing ourselves harder


"Bakugo, you're really good at using a knife, It's unexpected!" I said watching him calmly chop vegetables

"What do you mean, unexpected? How can you be bad at using a knife!"

Kaminari passed us "There he is we haven't seen the capable version of him in a while."

"Everyone's too energetic.," Kirishima said exhausted

"Come here" Bakugo pulled me with his chest against my back "Grab the knife like this..." He handed me the knife still holding the knife to show me how to position it. "Now lift the back of the knife up and down in swift motions.." I did as he said

"Now what?" I asked

"slide the carrot down the cutting board with your knuckles, not your fingertips" he leaned in close to my ear "you could cut your pretty fingers off that way..."

I blush and I slide down the vegetable, getting a little distracted as he nibbled my earlobe, the knife slid and I cut my finger. "Fuck.." I mumble dropping the knife as I grabbed my hand. Bakugo grabbed my hand and brought my finger to his mouth putting it in, his tongue wrapping around my finger.

Everyone stopped and watched in total awe. I blush and cover my face. Bakugo pulled my finger out and dried it off, the blood was gone. "My mouth is one of the cleanest places here."

He looked at saw everyone watching "What are you looking at damn extras!" Explosions went off in his hand and everyone looked away.


"Now that we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes, Next.."

"It's time for the test of courage!" Mina started jumping around

"Were gonna test it!" Kami, Kiri, Sero and Sato joined in

"Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now.." Aizawa said to the happy group instantly killing their spirits

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Mina yelled to the sensei

"Sorry.." He grabbed them all with his scarf and pulled them away." your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time"

"Give us a break!"

"Okay so class b will be the first to be the scarers, class A will leave in pairs every 3 minutes, there are tags with your names on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you"

Bakugo sat on the ground legs crossed while everyone stood. I stood behind him and started running my hands through his fluffy hair.

"Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct us how scary you are with your quirks!" Pixie finished

"The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!" Tiger said giving a thumbs up

"stop it...that's filthy" Jiro commented

"Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!"

I drew my lot and found out I was on a team with Izuku, they had to put the people who would piss their pants the most on the same team.

Bakugo walked up to Izuku with a scowl on his face "Switch with me."

"No switches! Now let's go have some fun!" Ragdoll said


"Okay next team go!" Uraraka and Tsu went in, Bakugo went in second with Todoroki so they should be out soon.

I started to feel my hands sweat as our turn grew closer and closer. "Izu I'm scared" I hid behind him grabbing his shoulders, you could hear the screams of Jiro and Haru from the forest.

Izuku and I have been friends since diapers, so at least I was with someone I feel comfortable with

"Don't be afraid y/n we'll be just fine!" he was shaking himself

Pixie started to sniff the air "is something burning?"

"Could there be a fire on the mountain?" I asked

Little did we know villains were lurking in these woods.


" begins..." Dabi set fire to the last tree


"W-What is this?!" Pixie was being pulled back by a force

I froze with fear as I saw Pixie get her head partially smashed by a rock, my grip on Izuku got harder, he stopped shaking

"Those pet cats are in the way..." Magne exclaimed

"w-why..." Mineta started backing up "I thought they made doubly sure...Why are there villans here?!"

I lost contact with Izuku as he started to run to Pixie bob

"Pixie Bob!" An arm stretched out blocking him from moving forward

"oh, no.." Mandalay was shaking with fear for her friend

"Kota..." Midoriya yelled


Thanks for reading another one shot!

I know these are getting kinds long but I guess you could say I like detail!

See you in the next part!

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