Barry and Iris OS

Od Rauraflash2020

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So we know that because of the negative speed force Nora is erased from memory and so this story starts from... Více

No Nora No.
The time Barry almost died( the first time)
My version of how Barry feels when savitar almost kills iris
All Dolled up
Killer Frost
Elongated Journey into the night
Null and Annoyed
Enter Zoom
King Shark
Cause and Effect
Luck Be a Lady
Legends of Today
Legends of Yesterday
News Flash
Dead or Alive
What's Past is Prolouge
Run, Iris Run
The Flash and The Furious
Dead Man Running

License to Elongate

42 2 0
Od Rauraflash2020

Hey guys so I'm done with the next chapter of my Nora story. Here in my one shot book I'm gonna do Season 6 episode 6.
Here we go
" Previously on the Flash   ( Voiced over by Ralph Dibny)
" The disappearance of Sue Dearborn." Ralph says.
" I don't think I've ever   seen you this devoted to a case." Caitlin says.
" I want to become a defence attorney for meta humans. " Cecile says.
" Meet Chester P. Runk." Iris says.
" He opened a black hole by mistake?" Barry asks.
" What up, party people? Also where am I?" Chester asks.
" His molecules need to re stabilize at the subatomic level."  Cisco says.
" And when he does get out, that boy knows exactly what to do?" Cecile says.
" Gonna ask Natalie out." Iris says.
" But you cannot avoid the coming crisis." The Monitor says.
" Tell me what I can do." Barry says.
" The Flash must die." The Monitor says.
" Nash, if you could tell us what you're looking for down there, we might help able to help you." Joe says.
" So this is where you've been hiding. I know how to save Barry Allen. " Nash says as he sees a mirror image of the Monitor.

In a tunnel
" This is what I do. I don't just solve mysteries. I bust myths. I bust em wide open." Nash says.
  " You said you can save Barry. Tell us what you meant. The truth." Iris says.
" Do you know what you're dealing with? The Monitor, Mar Novu, or whatever he calls him self." Nash says.
"  Are you saying the Monitor's here? " Barry asks.
" That's right." Nash says.
" You tracked a multiverse God down to a hole?" Ralph asks.
" And he's gonna do here what he has done on all these other Earth's create fear because the Monitor is a fraud.  He's a false God. One I intend to take down,  therefore saving your husband. If my calculations are correct behind these rocks  there's an inter dimensional portal, and that portal will lead us directly to Mar Novu." Nash says.
" He's been here all along." Iris says.
" He has no where to run. Back up."  Barry says as he tries phasing.
  " Uh, no, I wouldn't do it Barry!" Nash says.
" Barry. " Iris says.
" Did you know that would happen?"  Killer Frost asks.
" Yeah. Look this is just another of Mar Novu's tricks. These rocks are infused with eternium, and that creates an anti vibrational force field." Nash says.
" No phasing." Barry says.
"   No phasing, correct." Nash says.
" So how do we get through?" Killer Frost asks.
" I've got a jackhammer in my car, so." Ralph says.
" Uh no. Any contact with Eternium in this sediment could  cause a catastrophic molecular blast. Everybody dies. No instead, all I would need is an artifact. One that will illuminate the Eternium so I can know what rocks to dig around. Simple and I know  where to find that artifact." Nash says.
In STAR Labs
Chester up from the MAC and finds no one there
" What up party people? Uh, hello? Where is everybody? Chester P. Chester P, my brother. You have a multi million dollar edge tech facility all to yourself. One thing I gotta say, Whoo. Incoming. A sonic wrench? Good morning gov'nor. They have a multi rigged global satellite surveillance system? Ah! Time to check my emails. Disabled?  I'm going again. I'm going again. Uh oh, uh oh. Killer Frost." Chester says.
" Wow! The one day I get watch duty." Killer Frost says.
" Uh what does this mean?"  Chester asks.
" Looks like technically you're dead." Killer Frost says.

Joe and Barry
" Oh! Can I touch it?"  Joe asks.
" Mhm." Barry says.
" The official Elongated Man symbol. He's gonna scream. He's gonna be so surprised." Joe says.
" I've been preparing the whole team for life after Crisis, but Central City  also has to be ready for a world without Flash,  and Elongated Man should be it's sole protector once I'm gone. As far as Ralph knows, he's coming to CCPD for a routine deposition tomorrow, when it's really a press conference to pass the torch." Barry says.
Ralph comes in and Barry closes up the emblem so Ralph doesn't see it
" Hey guys, Yo! Got your message, Joe."  Ralph says.
" Hey Ralph, I talked to an old friend about your Dearbon case.  I got the address you were looking for in Midway city. If I were you,  would go check it out after the deposition tomorrow." Joe says.
" Why put off tomorrow when you can do it today, right? Thanks.  Ralph says.
" Wait, wait, wait. Uh, you're gonna be back from Midway by tomorrow night, right?" Barry asks.
" It's still routine deposition. You can handle it." Ralph says.
" Why don't I tag along. I'll speed things up a bit." Barry says.
" You wanna help me with a PI case?" Ralph asks.
" Yeah, definitely. It'll be fun. I'll follow your lead." Barry says.
" Okay." Ralph says.

Later in a car outside of a gala event
" This looks like it's gonna take awhile." Barry says.
" Not if you know how to work the system. I spent the whole summer hobnobbing with the rich, famous and the infamous. Relax, I got this." Ralph says.
" Yeah, I can't imagine spending  a whole summer undercover with this crowd. What does a gala event have to do with Sue's disappearance anyway?" Barry asks.
"  Right before Sue vanished, she was seen wearing a one of a kind Victoria Veil dress in Milan. This photo was taken three weeks ago. It's the same dress. Sue was here. And either she's still here or somebody on there knows why she isn't. Time to suit up. Lose thee ring, pal. This is how we suit up tonight. So if anyone knows where Sue is, it'll be the party's host." Ralph says.
" There's hundreds of people here. How do we narrow it down?" Barry asks.
" The VIP lounge. That's where anyone who's anyone will be going to kiss the proverbial ring." We need to get in there." Ralph  says.
" Here, mine was tight too. Just let me." Barry says.
" Now I have ten selfies of inside Barry Allen's nose." Ralph says.
" A camera tie? What, you have a knife shoe and a grapple belt too?" Barry asks.
" Maybe. Time to charm. Wait for my signal." Ralph says and goes to talk to one January Galore.
" Ralph, what's." Barry asks.

" And here I thought the paintings would be the most beautiful thing tonight. I guess I was wrong. Ralph Dibny." Ralph  says.
" January Galore. I haven't seen you atone of these events before." January says.
" That's because I spent the last year on my island in Dubai. My partner and I sold our corporation. Barry. Gin martini, shaken not stirred."  Ralph  tells the bartender.
" Congratulations on selling your corporation, Barry. I do hope  you reinvested your profits and collateralized your loan obligations."  January says.
" Yes, we recently sold our company for many millions of dollars. Do you know our host?"  Barry asks.
" Mr. Meyers?" January asks.
" Yes. Mr. Myers." Barry says.
" The host of this event is Remington Meister. You both crashed this event, didn't you. Would you like some free advice? I'd leave before someone scary comes and finds you." January says.
" Well that did not go well." Barry says.
" Yes, it did. Our  VIP ticket. Finesse." Ralph says.

Later in Central City Citizen's office
Allegra finds Nash looking around
" Ah!" Nash says.
" Harrison Wells?" Allegra asks.
" Okay, who are you?" Nash asks.
" Allegra." Allegra says.
" You're the intern. So maybe you can help me with something. Uh, I'm looking or a UV emitter, and my scanner tells me that there is a UV emitter right around here." Nash says.
" You're supposed to be dead. What happened? Did you fake your own death?" Allegra asks.
" What? Oh no. So, you, uh no. You think I'm Harrison Wells. I'm not Harrison wells.  My name is Nash. Nash Wells." Nash says.
" You look just like him." Allegra says.
" Yeah, well doppelgangers are like that. Oh stupid earth.  Okay, accelerant." Nash says.
" Allegra." Allegra says.
" I'm doing a dig, all right? I need UV rays to complete my dig. You, according to my gunnstlet are a meta human with UV capabilites. You see where I'm going with this?" Nash asks.
" You want me to use my powers to help you?"  Allegra asks.
" Yes!" Nash says.
" I can't help you." Allegra says.
" What? Why not?" Nash asks.
" Never mind. The answer is no." Allegra says.
" Allegra, I'll make you a deal. You help me with the UV thing, and I will give you the scoop of the century. Doppelgangers, multiverse,  and the end of all life as we know it. Now how does that sound to you?" Nash asks.
" Tell me more about this Multiverse." Allegra says.

Awhile later in Cecile's office Cecile was helping Chester.
" The bank  unfroze your accounts, and maybe I erased your parking tickets when I got your driver's license reinstated." Cecile says.
" Thanks Cecile. Oh your clients are lucky to have you. Hey ,speaking of, I should let you get back your doing your job. Thank you so much. " Chester says.
" Wait, you know what? I got I got a little time. Is there  Is there anything at all that you could use some help with." Cecile asks.
" Hmm, nope. All is good in the   Chester hood."  Chester says.
" Wait! Don't go! Don't go! Are you sure? Like are you sure-sure. Anything at all I could help you with. I mean, think hard. There is something. I knew it! Okay, sock it to me." Cecile says.
" Jitters is gone, right? Which means I'll never see Na their coffee again." Chester says.
" Yeah, I'm thinking that by coffee, you mean Natalie?" Cecile asks.
" I was gonna ask her out after  I filled my Vibeacineo punch card. But it's too late now. Sorry I I know this isn't a lawyer problem at all. But it is a meta  empathy problem." Cecile says.
" You got powers?" Chester asks.
"  Oh I have powers." Cecile says.
" Oh that's so cool. That's so cool.  That must have been a major conflict of interest as a DA though?" Chester asks.
" It was, yeah. Uh but those powers are about to help you ask out Natalie." Cecile says.
" Yeah." Chester says.
" Let's do it!" Cecile says.

Back at the event with Barry and Ralph
" Very few of my guests have the tapferkeit to challenge me like this. After all,I'm the master of this ring. Strict rules of Mahjong?  Meister says.
" But of course." Ralph says.
" Oh, so gentlemen, I dont think we've been introduced. I'm Remington Meister, your host. And you are?" Meister asks.
" The name's Dibny. Ralph Dibny." Ralph says.
" Allen Barry." Barry says.
" Well, nice to meet you, Allen Barry and Ralph Dibny. Hmm, and what brings you  my wonderful grosse feier." Meister says.
" Sue Dearbon." Barry says.
" Sue, a fiercely intelligent woman. She's a friend of yours. " Meister asks.
" I'm an admirer of hers." Ralph says.
" Ah, you have taste, Mr Dibny. And I wish  I could be a more auspicious host and introduce you, but I'm afraid Ms. Dearborn isnt here. In fact, I haven't seen her to any social event. In six months. Perhaps she'll attend  an event in  your facility soon. Uh where was that?" Meister asks.
" Paris." Barry says.
" Dubai. We run a multi city import/export company."  Ralph says.
"Mhm."  Meister says.
" Maybe she's still on the guest list? You know, just in case."  Barry asks.
" You think I should check?"Meister asks.
" Sure, yeah." Barry says.
"  Idna!" Meister says.
" That's a beautiful dress. One of a kind? Barry asks.
" Two of a kind, actually. Even the most stubborn designers one of a kind outfit has a price. "Idna says.
" So true! So true! I'm impressed. You've have quite the eye for fashion." Meister says looking at Barry.
Barry smiles
"Oh!" Barry says.
" Sue Dearbon is not on this list. And neither are you." Meister says.
" Well, when an auction like yours pops up, no list can keep us away." Ralph says.
" I like you.  Him? Nicht so viel. Mahjong. I win. Such a pleasure to meet you both. Enjoy the rest of the evening."  Meister says  and leaves.
" I'm sorry man. I thought I had that. I we should head back to Central City."Barry says.
" Put our friend on high alert." Meister tells Idna.
Up on the balcony Ultraviolet takes takes a picture of Barry and Ralph

Later Barry is fiddling with his watch when Ralph comes up to him.
" I tracked down the woman who designed Sue' dress in Milan." Ralph says.
" Yeah." Barry says.
" It turns out that Idna did commission her to make another one. So I think what we gotta do next is probably." Ralph says.
" Ralph, Sue's not here. We just got made and hit a dead end. I think we should head back to Central City." Ralph says.
" Barry, if Meister wants us out of here, we'd be gone already. Take a whiff, would ya?  Something doesn't feel right?" Ralph says.
" Ralph, I know you care about this Sue case,  but we're grasping at straws here.I'm not sure there's even a mystery here."  Barry says.
"  Really? You're  not sure.  You see that guy with the eye patch right there?   That's Riggs Wellington. He's a shady Bratva counterfeiter. And January Galore, she's  an underground weapons dealer. That guy right there,  he's a drug gkingpin. And the woman he's talking to is a mob boss." Ralph says.
" If this is a party for criminals, then the Flash and Elongated Man need to take over. " Barry says.
" Pump the brakes, would ya? There is a time and place for masks and cowls, but this  is not it. This Meister, he's up to something. We need to find out what it is, no matter how long it  takes."   Ralph says.
" Ralph, we we have the deposition."  Barry says.
" Lay off the whole deposition thing, would ya?  CCPD can wait. " Ralph says.
" I can search this place in seconds. " Barry says.
" Barry, I realise you want to help and I appreciate that, but this is not Central City, and these people are not metas. This is the time for our human identities. Finesse, remember? I just need some time, okay?" Ralph asks.
" Okay." Barry says.

At Cecile's office service she is helping Chester ask Natalie out
" Here's the deal. I made a coffee ordered with the Jitters to go d service.  That's where Natalie works now. So when she arrives I'm going to read her emotion,   and then I'm gonna tell you what to say."  Cecile says.
" What if she says no?" Chester asks.
" She's not gonna say no. Not with my help." Cecile says.
" And I'm here too. My good deed for the day was to help somebody,and I couldn't find anybody less annoying." Killer Frost says.
"  Really?" Cecile asks.
Natalie comes up to Chester
" Hey I have a delivery for Chester P. Runk." Natalie says.
" Yep, that's that's that's me." Chester says.
" Yeah. Wow. 12 vibeachinos." Natalie says.
" Chester, she's feeling impressed. A big order like that shows her that you are a man of means." Cecile says.
" Yeah, well , you know, I'm a big spender. Can't take it with you, right?"  Chester says.
" Sure. I guess. Do you need a receipt?"  Natalie asks.
" Are you sure you're reading her right?" Killer Frost asks.
" Yeah. Of course. Hey Chester  she's yearning for validation. So pay her a compliment. She's feeling strong, feeling about her shoes." Cecile says.
" Uh I man. I really like your shoes." Chester says.
" These old things? Yuck? I lost my favorite kicks to a black hole." Natalie says.
" That's Uh, that's rough. " Chester says.
" You are totally missing the mark." Killer Frost says.
" You're not helping! Uh. Chester, be assertive.  Don't leave her without asking her out." Cecile says.
" Uh, Natalie, uh before you go, I was wondering if if we could,  you know,  I I could carry this crate for you." Chester says.
" Oh it's no problem." Natalie says.
" Yes, it is. She wants you to be chivalrous. Help her now!" Cecile says.
" Girl, I got it. Pardon moi. I could pay for this."  Chester says as he picks up the crate and it falls over.
" Yeah, I think  you've done enough." Natalie says and leaves.
" I'm no expert, but the book of Ralph says that when you ask someone out, you should just be yourself." Killer Frost says.
" How is he supposed to be himself when he doesn't even know  who he is anymore?" Cecile asks.

Later in the tunnel with Nash and Allegra.
" And these Earth's have existed simultaneously since. " Allegra asks.
" Well Uh let's see  Oh, the dawn of time. " Nash says.
" Well, how come nobody knows about this? I mean,  stuff this big? Public should be made aware." Allegra says.
"  People know. Just the right people.  The general public? No, no.  No that would be bad. They would lose their minds." Nash says.
" Right, I mean it's all so epic."  Allegra says.
" Yes, it's epic. Doppelgangers, anti matter events, speedster juggling dual identities like The Flash and Barry Allen." Nash says.
" Wait, what?" Allegra says.
"  What?" Nash asks.
" My boss's husband is the Flash." Allegra says.
" Mhm-mhm." Nash says.
" Ah, nobody tells me anything." Allegra says.
" But then, of course, let's not forget the villain of this story, the Monitor. Hmm, yeah. The cosmic imposter with delusions of grandeur. That is why I'm gonna take that fraud down permanently." Nash says.
"  You're gonna kill this Novu guy?" Allegra asks.
" Enough story time. Time for you to hold up your end of the bargain." Nash says.
" Wait, can you tell me about doppelgangers?" Allegra asks.
" Sure, absolutely, I  can but first let's have you zap this with your meta UV lights, so I can find out what rocks to avoid when I excavate. And go." Nash says.
" I I can't." Allegra says.
" Yes you can. You're a  meta. It's who you are." Nash says.
" No,  it's not." Allegra says.
" Yes it is and also we had a deal." Nash says.
" Well the deals off." Allegra says.
" What?" Nash asks.
" I'm not  gonna be some weapon you use to hurt others. " Allegra says.
" I'm not asking you to  be the weapon." Nash  says.
" It's not who I am."  Allegra says.

Later at the gala event Ralph hits the sleeping security man and gets to the computer
" All right, let's see what we got here."  Ralph says.
Then he sees a file on the computer that shouldn't be there.
" Something tells me that ain't a Jonny Cash song." Ralph says.

Meanwhile, Barry is speed around the facility dressed as The Flash.
" Damn it, Ralph. She's not here." Barry/ The Flash says.
Then he gets shocked by  Ultraviolet

Ralph then tries to check what they were bidding on this.
" They're all here bidding on this? Come on, come on." Ralph says as it loads.
Then Ralph gets shocked by Meister
" Meta target acquired." Ultraviolet says.
" Wunderbar." Meister says.
Later Ralph and Barry wake up from the shock
" Hey, hey. Don't bother. It's  meta dampened." Ralph says.
" I must say, I did not expect Central City's resident superhero to  crash my little gathering." Meister says.
"And I must say, I'm surprised by all the Bond villain clichés.  I mean you've got the  accent, the diabolical scheme,and even the silent but deadly hench person."  Ralph says.
" Ultraviolet. I thought I sent you to Iron Heights." Barry/The Flash says.
"Luckily she has friends in low places."  Meister says.
" And let me guess, you're gonna my unmasking to your little auction." Barry/The Flash says.
" Oh, I could care less about your secret identity Flash.  My interests are global. And to think, Mr. Dibny, that it was the Flash that set off my meta activity monitor that then triggered the security protocols that got you caught. Danke schon. I am very curious,.though, as to why you are.  really here." Meister says.
"  Do you  expect me to talk?" Ralph asks.
" No, Mr. Dibny. I expect you to die."  Meister says.
"  Oh come on. That line is literally from " goldfinger." Ralph says.
"And so is this." Ultraviolet says.
She takes out a cover to reveal a gigantic weapon.
" Behold, a state of the art industrial  laser canon. It will shoot a deadly beam zap through the both of you the moment Central City is destroyed." Meister says.
"  You're gonna kill million of innocent people just to sell your weapon?"  Ralph asks.
" Yeah. Enjoy the show." Meister says and  leaves.

In the tunnels Allegra is not able you find her way out

" Got lost,  didn't you?" Nash asks.
" What? No."  Allegra says.
" No?" Nash asks.
" Maybe. Shut up." Allegra says.
" I freaked you out, didn't I?" Nash asks.
" Watching Rag  Doll eat while in Iron Heights is freaky." Allegra says.
" Sure,   it is. So why the disappearing act. Actually let  me pause at theory on that. I think you're afraid  to use your powers because if you do, you'll become like someone. Someone.  Someone you know, someone you hate.  How am doing?" Nash asks.
" My cousin Esperanza, she has the same powers as me, only she uses them to  murder people." Allegra says.
" You're not your cousin."  Nash says.
" But if I start using my powers what's to stop me from becoming like her?" Allegra asks.
" Because, Allegra, in this life we choose.  We choose who we are. So if you choose to use your incredible powers like Esperanza, that does not make you anything like Esperanza unless  you choose that." Nash says.
" I'm not Esperanza." Allegra says.
" Who are you?" Nash asks.
" I'm Allegra." Allegra says.
" Yes." Nash says.
" Allegra Garcia." Allegra says.
" Yes." Nash  says.
She uses her powers but it doesn't work.
" Well that was anti climatic." Allegra says.
Then she thinks about it and a picture comes up on the wall as she does it
" Did I do it?" Allegra asks.
" I think you did." Nash says.

Later with Chester and Cecile
"  Hey, how are you holding up?" Cecile asks.
" Hmm, like Alderaan on a bad day. You look pretty emotionally vaporized too." Chester says.
" Okay, Chester, I I think I was using your problem as a distraction from my own feelings,  and my internal compass was completely off, and that made me sense the opposite of what Natalie was feeling. And I'm so sorry.  I'm  so so sorry. I've had these powers for two years now,  and I'm still figuring it out." Cecile says.
" How are you feeling now?" Chester asks.
" Oh Uh honestly I don't know." Cecile says.
" Let's pretend I'm the empath. What feeling would you be  putting off?" Chester asks.
" No, no."  Cecile says.
" Stare into my eyes." Chester says.
" Okay." Cecile says.
" And imagine my pupils are swirling, and swirling, and swirling."Chester says.
" Okay, honey, that's a hypnotist, not an empath , but I appreciate the effort." Cecile says.
"  Yeah,uh yeah you're right." Chester says.
" How  am  I feeling? I oh my God.  I'm freaking out. I was a DA for 20 years, and  they just boom, replaced me overnight. And now I feel like I don't know who I am anymore, and if I fail at this meta  attorney thing, I can't can't go bad. " Cecile says.
" Yeah, but you didn't  fail me. You know I   think  the two of us just need to trust  that the real us will always shine through.  Which is why I will embrace the new  me by finally asking  out Natalie.  You know seize the moment and  all that."Chester says.
" Yeah." Cecile says.
" And maybe you should too." Chester says.
" Yeah." Cecile says.
" Yeah." Chester says and leaves.
" Maybe I should too." Cecile says.

Later Ralph and Barry/The Flash were talking
" Maybe I should've listened to you. If we'd done things your way,we wouldn't  have been caught. Maybe I should've handed Central City over to Ralph Dibny rather than Elongated Man."   Barry /The Flash says.
" What are you talking about?" Ralph asks.
" There's no deposition.  I planned a press conference to present you as Central City's official protector. Because of this coming Crisis, I have to prepare this city for a world without Flash." Barry/The Flash says.
" Wow. I'm uh I'm honored  that you think that I could  help  fill your shoes. Look, tonight's job was for Ralph Dibny because both  parys of my identity have value. The same is true for you, only tonight I could've used your civilian half. What I'm trying to say is Barry Allen is just as important as  the Flash. Try to remember that." Ralph says.
" I  know I will." Barry/the Flash says.
" You know,try to grab my cuff link." Ralph says.
" What?" Barry/ The Flash asks.
" Grab my cufflink." Ralph says.
"  Yeah, got it. All right, I got it." Barry/ The Flash says.
" Okay, on three, I want you to flick it at that laser canon. One, two, flick!" Ralph says.
" It's down. Uh oh. Whoa, watch  our." Barry/ The Flash says.
" What was that? Okay, uh what do we do?" Ralph asks.
" I don't know." Barry/ The Flash says.
" Uh, what do we do? Ah! Jeez! How do we stop that?" Ralph asks.
" There's a pattern." Barry/ The Flash says.
" Really?"Ralph asks.
" All right, when I say now fling ourselves to the left." Barry/ The Flash says.
" Right." Ralph says.
"  The left. Now!" Barry/ The Flash says as they escape the chairs.
"  We have to stop Meister. He has Ultraviolet protecting him.  Her powers could kill us both." Ralph says.
" Then let's do things your  way,with a little finesse." Barry/ The   Flash says.

Later at the auction
  " Good evening,  meine freunde. The moment you've all been waiting  for is here. Let the auction begin. The EYE-3C9 satellite system, or as I'd like to call it, the Ring of Fire  is equipped with 15 diopotric long range missiles. Simply use this consolconsole to enter our desired coordinates, and then  sit back and watch hellfire rein on our enemies. Perhaps, a little demonstration now,   yes?" Meister asks.
Barry comes onto the stage
" This isn't the bathroom? Sorry, sorry."  Barry says.
" Mr Allen Barry  I see you've found the open bar."  Meister says.
" Keep her busy till I get to the console. Ralph says.
" I'll bid on your stupid laptop." Barry says.
" $500 million." January Galore says.
" $500 million and one. Price is right rules." Barry says.
" Ultraviolet, please escort Mr. Barry out, but don't burn his money." Meister says.
Barry is ready to fight Ultraviolet when he says
" I love Mortal Kombat!"Barry says.
" Mr. Dibny we meet again."  Meister says.
" You've got to take it easy on the Bond quotes, man." Ralph says.
" You know what my favorite part is." Barry says.
" Finish him. You know I usually allow Ultraviolet to do the killing. But for you, I'll make an exception." Meister says as they fight.
" Ha!" Meister says.
" Come on." Ralph says.

Barry finds a shield and uses that to fight Ultraviolet
She falls
Meister goes back to the laptop and and the satellite goes  live
" Fire in the hole." Meister says.
  " Thanks for dropping in." Ultraviolet says.
" Really?" Barry asks.
Meister has Ralph down. Ralph is adjusting his tie
" Adjusting your tie?" Meister asks.
" Adjusting the flash." Ralph says as he takes a picture of Meister
Ralph  gets to the laptop and lets the satellite self destruct
" Nice job, man." Barry says smiling.
Later Meister is on the floor in cuffs
" Shocking. Your performance Wunderbar, Mr. Barry."   Meister says.
" The name's Allen. Barry Allen." Barry says.

" Remington Meister's crime ring is over." Joe says.
" Glad we  got Remington, but I'm sorry  we didn't find Sue." Barry says.
"  My nose tells me there's more to that case than I imagine." Ralph says.
"  You'll find her." Barry  says.
"  I will. But in the meantime, I'll be keeping Central City safe.  We still on for that ceremony today, Joe?" Ralph asks.
" Oh yeah, see you there." Joe says.
Later with Cecile and Chester
" So did you do it? Did you embrace your new identity? Did you ask out Natalie? Did she say yes?"   Cecile asks.
" Yes, yes, and no." Chester says.
Oh. Chester I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Cecile asks.
" Actually, I've never felt better. Uh the last time I went to ask Natalie out, I was scared as hell. Today I conquered that fear. Yes, she  said no, but I said yes to me." Chester says.
" Well I'm  very happy for you." Cecile says.
" All right, well, I'm happy for you. I think." Cecile  says.
" Hey, you're you're marketing your new firm." Chester says as he holds up Cecile's business cards.
"Yeah, it is the first step in embracing the new me." Cecile says.
" Wow."  Chester says.
" You know, I wanted to thank you for your encouragement. And speaking of encouragement, you know, you'd fit nicely in at STAR Labs. Don't be a stranger." Cecile says.
" That would be so epic. Epic!  Epic! Epic!" Chester says.
" Epic!" Cecile says.

Later with Nash and Allegra
Nash gives Allegra a  drink
" Here you go. Better?" Nash asks.
" Yeah.  Thanks. "Allegra says.
"  Yours welcome." Nash says.
" Why are you being so nice to me?" Allegra  asks.
" Let's  just say you remind me of someone." Nash says.
" Another doppelganger?" Allegra asks.
" Something like that? Hey,um good job."  Nash says.

" The last five years, I've tried to keep Central City safe. But as new threats arise, you'll need more than me. Which is why I'm proud to recognise a hero who's put his life on the line for this city time and time again. A hero who deserves our  recognition. Elongated man. Now Central City has another symbol of hope." Barry/ The Flash says as he puts Ralph's emblem.

Barry speeds away
" To every woman, every man, and every child listening today, I have wanted to protect  Central City  even before I got my powers.  This is my home and I love it here. And so today, I hereby promise that I will protect Central City with my dying breathe. Before we wrap up, there is someone Captain West would like to bring up here. CSI Barry Allen." Ralph/ Elongated  Man says.
" What are you doing?" Barry asks coming up.
Joe comes up to the  microphone
" Uh, those who wear capes and costumes aren't the only ones who keep us safe.  There are some unsung heroes as well, like this man.  This man has solved crimes to give morning families justice.  He's a CCPD team member who's never given up on a single case.  This man has saved  Central City more times than anyone knows. So it's  time we thank him. It's time that I thank him. So without further ado." Joe says.
" Officer Barry Allen, on behalf of CCPD, we present you with their highest honor the Medal of Honor. Thank you for your service." Ralph/Elongated Man says.
Barry shakes Ralph's hands and hugs Joe

Later with Iris and Ralph
" Pretty cool, huh? Look how shiny it is?" Ralph/ Elongated Man.
"Yeah, that's great Ralph. Um, is this why you wanted to meet me?" Iris asks.
" Yes. And I wanted to show you this. I took it at Meister's party. " Ralph says/ Elongated Man.
" I recognize this pin." Iris says.
" Guess who else showed up in Midway City?" Ralph/ Elongated Man.
" Ultraviolet?" Iris says.
" Thanks Ralph.  "  The Citizen" is on it." Iris says and leaves.

Then Ralph looks back and sees Ramsey
" Great press conference. I have a follow up question." Ramsey says and pushes Ralph off and starts fighting.

I'm done with this in time to celebrate the last episode of season 6 episode 19. How many of you are excited for the last episode?

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