Warrior ⚔️ Bellamy Blake

Από voidemotions

23.3K 678 30

In which she fights for her people and the love of her life. Disclaimer: I do not own The 100 or their storyl... Περισσότερα

Extended Summary
⚔️ ACT TWO ⚔️


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Από voidemotions

Hours passed as Emori and Lincoln sat in the Medical Bay trying not to get seen by any other sky person that didn't already know they were there. The relationship between Trikru and Skaikru was currently on the rocks and Emori wanted to be with her people right now, but understood that leaving the medical bay could hurt the alliance if any sky people came at her and she killed them. So Emori resorted to sitting with Lincoln and reminiscing about their childhood.

"Do you remember her often?" Emori asked Lincoln after another moment of silence. Lincoln thought about it and nodded softly, "Sometimes, just for a moment I forget, and when I remember I feel bad for forgetting. What about you" he asked as he laid his head back looking up at the metal ceiling. "I use to dream about her every day after it happened" Emori sighed.

"Use to? When did you stop".

Emori smiled softly, "When I met Freya. She told me that pain isn't something you can forget or ignore. Pain makes you strong." Emori said as she looked over to Lincoln waiting for him to contradict her or something. "You miss her," Lincoln asked raising his head to look at Emori, who was staring off at the wall a sad glint in her eyes. "Yeah I miss her too," she said as Lincoln nodded not further asking about the troubled look she suddenly carried.

The door to the Medical bay suddenly opened making both the grounders look up in confusion as Abby, Octavia and an unknown man walked in. "We have a proposal for the commander," Abby said as Emori furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at Lincoln who had the same expression as her. "Whats the proposal," Lincoln asked as Abby began explaining it. When Abby finished explaining their proposition Emori only rolled her eyes.

"I think she'd be willing to consider it," the man said and Emori turned to Octavia giving her look that asked who he was. "That's Kane, he's one of our leaders" Octavia whispered as Emori nodded.

"I need to know if we put Finn on trial ourselves is your commander going to accept the outcome? Even if we decide he belongs in jail" Abby asked again as Emori shook her head. "Lexa won't do it. If she even accepts this deal, she'd be dead by morning and she'd know that" Emori said eyeing everyone in the room. Sure, Lexa was innovative, but Trikru was shaped to believe in one thing; Blood Must Have Blood. If their revenge isn't satisfied this truce will not hold, all of her people will be angry and thirsty for revenge that they would murder the entire camp without so much as a care about what Lexa says. There was no way she would even let this proposal come to light, it would mean the end of her days as Commander.

"Your people would kill their leader for being merciful" Octavia asked surprised, "For being weak" Lincoln stated quickly. "Finn killed innocent people. If death has no cost, life has no worth, Its how we live" Lincoln said as Kane sighed. "I spent time with your commander. She's a visionary" Kane said as Emori nodded. "Trust me I know Lexa. I've known her since we were children. The only reason you are all alive is that she wants a better future for her people, but if it were up to anyone else, me included, you'd all be dead already" Emori stated bluntly not caring much for what they thought of her. "She's right there are many voices at her table that want you all dead" Lincoln agreed, ignoring the statement of Emori wanting the sky people dead.  "Indra," Octavia voiced out loud as Lincoln nodded, "She leads those voices, yes".

"She's dangerous" Kane mumbled turning to Abby. "If she's the one that's standing in the way of an agreement I need to speak to her face to face," Abby said as Emori shook her head. "Trust me you will not be able to convince her. Indra is many things, but merciful. She's as cruel as they come and that's saying something considering I supposedly have no soul" Emori stated as Abby shook her head not willing to believe that there is no hope. "Maybe not but I can show her we understand her pain, maybe that could be enough".

Abby turned to leave, but Emori stopped her. "Wait I'll go with you, make sure Indra doesn't do anything to hurt you and I also need to go see Lexa. I need you to tell your people to back down so we can exit without me killing anyone" Emori said as she stood up. Abby glanced at Kane before nodding and leading the way to the exit.

As soon as Emori and Abby left the space station everyone in the near vicinity stopped what they were doing and others pointed their weapons at Emori, who was dressed from head to toe in her normal Trikru attire. "Put your weapons down" Abby demanded as she raised her hand and stood in front of Emori who was standing straight, her head held high glaring at everyone around her, and one hand firmly placed on the knife she carried behind her. Everyone hesitantly put their weapons down and Emori watched as everyone began to whisper and point at her. "C'mon," Abby said as she continued to walk with Emori following close behind.

They exited the camp and began to walk up the hill. Once they were a distance away from the camp they stopped as they watched Indra walk towards them with two other soldiers by her side. "Don't make any sudden movements and remember fear is a weakness to my people. Mention the Mountain Men, if I know anything about Indra its that she's been trying to defeat them for most of her life. If she tries anything I'll be right here" Emori mumbled as she kept her stare on Indra. "Thank you Emori. I really am sorry about what happened to your people, and I want you to know I am trying everything I can to stop the bloodshed from continuing" Abby said as she gave Emori a soft smile. Emori nodded softly at her in thanks but didn't show any other emotion nor a smile as she turned back to Indra who had finally gotten close to them.

Indra glared at Emori who only gave her a stoic look as a reply. "Why have you come, leader of the sky people," Indra said turning to Abby with a glare. "To talk, leader to leader, we both have seen too many of our people die," Abby said standing up straight trying to remember everything Emori advised. Indra walked closer towards Abby and in one swift movement grabbed her and placed a dagger to her throat. "Indra stop" Emori yelled and moved forward but was stopped by Abby who held out her hand. "It's okay I'm fine" she mumbled. "You came to lie. We have seen your killer in the forest. You ordered him to run and then came here to distract us" Indra said as Emori looked at Abby in confusion. "I'm just trying to keep my people alive, same as you," Abby said staring Indra down ignoring the blade that was currently pressed to her throat.  

"You told our riders you were ready to fight. If we don't find the boy soon you'll get to prove that" Indra spat forcing the blade harder on Abby's throat. Emori only glares at the two not knowing whether to help the woman who had lied to her or the one who did not want to see the alliance through.

"You kill one of ours, we kill two of yours. That only helps the mountain men, there has to be a way to end this without bloodshed" Abby suddenly said and Emori smirked softly. She had to admit Abby was much like Clarke with her bravery, a trait that defines Trikru. Indra removed the dagger from Abby's throat and stepped back glancing towards Emori who waited to see what she would do next. "You have courage, but courage isn't justice. Only the boy can die for what the boy has done" Indra finalized and then turned to Emori. "If this alliance does not see through. What side will you stand on, Warrior of Blood or should you just be another traitor" Indra spat towards her. Emori glared at her not saying a word as Indra turned around and began walking away.

"Are you alright?" Emori asked Abby as she continued to stare at Indra's retreating figure. "Emori I need you to know I did not know Finn had left", Abby said hoping the girl wouldn't think she was lying to her. "I am not the one you need to convince Abby. You need to make this alliance work. Now I need to go and you need to find the Finn boy" she said not sparing Abby a glance as she followed in the direction Indra had walked leaving Abby behind.

Emori walked toward where all the Trikru soldiers had set camp. Once she set foot in their camp, however, she didn't feel the welcome she would usually feel after being gone for days or months. Everyone was glaring at her and whispering about her. She knew this had to do with Indra spreading rumors about her being a traitor, but Emori knew better than to let it get to her. So she continued to walk through camp a blank expression on her face as she made her way towards the commander's tent. She walked inside to see Lexa, Indra, and a few other village leaders talking. Lexa saw Emori and then turned to everyone else in the room. "Leave us" she commanded and watched as everyone else in the room left. Indra giving her a disgusted look as she walked past her.

Once the room was empty Lexa sat down at her throne and Emori moved closer. "There are rumors that you've chosen to side with the Sky People," Lexa said as she stared at her Warrior of Blood with no emotion. "You too" Emori chuckled dryly not a all pleased that her own Heda saw her as a traitor. "Well it's hard to think otherwise when you have been gone for almost two weeks and the minute I find out you're alive you are back in the sky people's camp," Lexa said a hint of anger in her tone. "I was with Lincoln. He may be a traitor to everyone here, but he is my family. You know that" Emori snapped, but regretted it as soon as she saw the hurt look on Lexa's face. "Heda I apologize for raising my voice" Emori mumbled. "What happened to us" Lexa sighed after a few seconds of silence and Emori looked at her in confusion, "What do you mean".

"It was you and me against the world Em. We fought side by side for years. We dropped Azgeda to its knees and created the Coalition. We were partners. Now it feels like we're strangers" Lexa said as she stood up and walked closer towards Emori who was looking at her with a pained expression on her face. "Don't do this Lexa. You are my Heda" Emori mumbled as she stepped away from Lexa. "What happened to us," Lexa asked again as she moved closer to Emori and placed a hand on her cheek. "Not us" Emori started as she removed Lexa's hand from her cheek, "I have fought by your side and I have stood with you because I love you Lexa and you are my Heda. There is no us. There's always been you because you come first and you know that" Emori said as she side stepped Lexa and moved away from her trying to put as much distance between them as she could.

"Are you still my Warrior of Blood" Lexa suddenly asked as Emori turned to her. "I will never betray my people Heda, so yes I am and will always be your Warrior of Blood. But that is all I can be. And I'm sorry I led you to believe otherwise," she said and walked out of the tent leaving Lexa to walk back to her throne in sadness and pain.

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