Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD...

By LazyHunterZ

313K 5K 4.4K

So basically, a character of my own will wake up as Issei, but he won't be called by his given name in this s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

16.6K 291 275
By LazyHunterZ


It's after school.

The perverted duo and I are currently laying on some grass. In front of us is the school field, some students, most of them are girls, are currently doing some practice for their club.

"I wanna squeeze some boobs" Matsuda suddenly said.

"Don't ruin my afternoon with just few words Matsuda." Issei retorted.

"I'm with you, Matsuda." Motohama answered while adjusting his glasses.

"Don't say that. It's all for nothing." Issei reprimanded.

Hmm this conversation seems familiar.

"Issei, Motohama. Why did we enroll in this school again?" Matsuda asked.

"Kuoh Academy just barely turned coed after being an all-girls school" Motohama answered.

Where are you going with this?

"Duhh we all know that, why are suddenly you saying it now?" Issei confused.

"*shhhh* Don't interrupt Motohama" Matsuda shushed me.


"As such, girls are predominant here, and there are many beautiful foreign exchange students too! As a result, the boys are scarce, meaning we will be popular without saying a word! Indeed, it's like fish in a barrel!" Motohama furthered explain.

"In other words, it's a harem!" Matsuda explained like it was natural.

This two are out of their minds, women just don't suddenly drop from the sky and say 'We want your dick~' or something....

Imagine that. Sounds stupid. It might give me a horrible nightmare than a wonderful dream.

Okay let's get back to the topic. Ehem! Uhh, alright....wait. What was I talking about again?

Never mind.

"I just came here to study though?" Issei with an honest answer.

"Oh yeah! What's await us here is the high life, spilling over with boobs!" Matsuda said

Aaaaand they just ignored me.

Some girls wearing PE uniforms jogged behind us. Hmmm. This situation is really familiar... I just can't put my finger on it.. Grrr, just what is it?

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight Fight!" The girls cheered and motivated themselves while jogging.

"That was the plan, but here we are, facing the spring of our second year and we still haven't gotten any girlfriends." Matsuda's soul almost leaving him.

"Don't say that. It's all for nothing." Motohama reprimanded.

"If you both stop being pervs, MAYBE you'll get a girlfriend" Issei with good for honest words.

"If we give up, we've lost! We still have a chance!" Matsuda said determined.

"Stop ignoring me!"

Honestly, this two.

"Kyaaaaa~! It's Kiba-kun~!" Some girls excited to see the school prince.

"Kiba-kun~? What are you doing right now?" One girl asked.

"Say, why don't we go for some Karaoke? Would you like that?" Another girl said.

"Sorry, but I've got to get to my club." Kiba apologized.

"Ehhhhhh~?" The girls, disappointed.

Wow. What kind of special effects is that? Those shining lights around him.

"I really am sorry, after you were kind enough to invite me." Kiba apologetically said, again.

Then Kiba walked away. He did it like a prick. But, you would think that it was a necessity in that situation, Kiba doesn't even know at least one of those girls. So, it's kind of valid? I guess handsome guys can get away with a lot of stuff.

"Kyaaaahh~! He's such a cutie~!" The girls more excited than before.

Aaaaand the girls love that. How?

"Kiba Yuuto, Class 2-C. He's the object of all the girls' yearning *mumbles*...and the other one is here.*mumbles* " Motohama suddenly introduced but I didn't catch the last part.

"What was that?" Issei asked.

"What was what?" Motohama feigning ignorance.

"...Nevermind" I decided to leave it there.

"And that prince is the foe of all the other boys here." Matsuda continued.

"Damn it, just because he's a little handsome, very smart, and has a pretty good personality, he has them waiting in line!" Motohama vented in frustration.

"Don't say that. It's all for nothing." Matsuda said crying.

"Ahhh~ The world is so unfair." Motohama added.

The world isn't unfair, you guys just won't try to change yourself and do it normally.... Hm? The girls are looking this way. They seem to be talking by themselves.

"*whisper*... Hey~ why don't we invite Issei~...*whisper* " One of the girls said. Though Issei can't hear them.

"*whisper*... Yeah~ we really had no timing when it came to him~...*whisper* " Another girl said. And, again, Issei can't hear them.

What are they talking about? I think the past days made me more unpopular, the girls are always talking in shushed voices when I'm around.... Shut up! I'm not crying! Not at all!

"Hey~! Issei~!" One girl suddenly called for me.


"Oh no... Oops! It's almost time! Let's go Issei, Motohama!" Matsuda suddenly said.

"Y-yeah! Let's go!" Motohama agreed.

They both grabbed my arm.

"Huh? Wha- what the hell are you both doing!?"

"Trust us Issei, it's for your own good." Matsuda sagely said.

"Yes Issei, trust us" Motohama agreed.

"What the hell are yo-!? Woah!"

They dragged me off as fast as they can.


"*whisper*...Wahh! Murayama's rack is so fricking huge...*whisper* " Matsuda said quietly.

"*whisper*... 82 centimeters... 70 centimeters... 81 centimeters...*whisper* " Motohama calculated quietly.

I deadpanned.

Is this the one they called the oh so 'important' thing they wanted to show me? Peeping at the Kendo Clubs' changing room? Honestly, what was the point of the renovation if there was one hole in the wall where perverts can see?

By the way, this two are such terrible liars.

2 weeks ago, Motohama said that his glasses needs fixing, something about his lenses making his eyes hurt or something. Matsuda wasn't around for some reason, so I assumed he went home first.

I accompanied Motohama at the Plaza, we where at the town square, it's where his doctor is supposed to be. However, I had no recollection that there was a hospital near the Plaza, a clinic sure but that place was for immediate emergency. The hospital was much farther from the Plaza. But, I still accompanied Motohama, it seemed he knew where to go.

Then on the way, he started grinning and giggling. It was then, that I knew something was up....

"*whisper*... Katase's legs are so fine...*whisper* " Matsuda said.

"*whisper*... 78.5 centimeters... 65 centimeters... 79 centimeters...*whisper* " Motohama calculated.

'T... These two... ' A tick mark appeared.

"*whisper*... I happened to come across this during gym time...*whisper* " Matsuda revealed.

"*whisper*...Matsuda, good job...*whisper* " Motohama complimented.

All right. I've heard enough.

I went at the front door of the changing room. I knocked and someone opened the door, it was Murayama, she was already in her Kendo uniform.

And she's blushing, must be from the heat.


"*shhh* Before you say anything, the other two perverts are currently peeping on the hole in the wall, you'll find them at the back..." I pointed the way.

Her head followed the way I pointed, then she returned a smile at my way. Th... That smile feels dead. No. Her eyes were the dead one. It made me shiver.

"Thanks Issei-kun~ I'll get the girls to fight off the insects." Murayama said.


'Wait. That's your point?' Ddraig appalled.

'Shut up!!!'

"P-please be gentle with them." Issei pleaded.

"Hahaha oh you surely jest~ You never go easy with insects~" Murayama said with cold eyes.

Oh shit.

"A-ahahaha, r-right right of course" Issei nervously laughed.

Murayama went inside and told the girls. That was my cue to leave.

"Oh, by the way Isse-? Where did he go?" Murayama looked around.

I already went away to let them get started with the beatings. I'm apologize Matsuda, Motohama, I hope you'll get better with this.... Probably? Probably not.

I watched them getting beat up by the Kendo Club while running away. I followed them quietly by sneaking through the trees and the bushes, swinging and stuff. It was going on for a duration of time before both perverts finally lost the Kendo Club. They both ended up in the old school building at the back of the school.

"Sup guys! You don't look so good." Issei said smugly.

"You bailed on us!" They both said in sync.

"Duhhh, I didn't want my blazer to get dirtied, so I just ran. What am I supposed to do?" Issei logically explained.

"We were supposed to be together on this!" Matsuda said.

"Hahahaha hell no, I don't" I paused.

I felt someone looking at me. Cautiously, I looked around. Left, right, nothing. Then, I looked up.

On the window, someone with a very noticeable beautiful crimson hair, elegantly waving in the air. She also has those beautiful blue-green eyes. She has a foreign face, but she looks absolutely gorgeous. She looked away and went back inside.

Wait a minute isn't that...

"Rias Gremory, 99 centimeters... 58 centimeters... 90 centimeters. She's the Occult Research Club president. Word is that she's from Northern Europe." Motohama introduced with the exact 3 sizes. His scouting ability is to be feared with.

'Those crimson hair are really pretty' Issei thought.

Wait. Was that me?


Meanwhile inside the ORC building.

Rias and some other girl with a raven hair in a ponytail is having a conversation while playing chess.

"That boy just now..."


"The one who was standing."

"Hmmm~ He's in Class 2-B. As I recall, his name is Hyoudou. He's as popular as Kiba, he is being called as 'The Dark Prince' in the school. Is there something about that boy?"

"No... I must be mistaken. Oh. Checkmate."


"It was a simple problem."

Rias started taking off her clothes.

"I did increase the difficulty level considerably."

"Yes, I noticed. I look forward to next time."

Rias finished taking off her clothes and took a shower.


2 weeks ago.

Issei and Motohama are currently looking for the optometrist's place. Motohama has been giggling and Issei's eye is full of suspicion towards the gleeful scouter, but nonetheless followed. They have been walking for a while.

"Discount fish here! Limited offer only!" A fish vendor offered to anyone.

"Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Get your cupcakes! Get them while they're hot!" A baker, selling he's newly out of the oven baked goods.

"Damn." Issei amazed at the bustling area.

Issei hasn't really had the time to explore the plaza since he has become Issei, so it was an entirely new experience for him. Considering he has training from Jin, school to attend to and family that worries for him. Time hasn't been kind to him. So, he hasn't been relaxed since then. And right now, he couldn't help but smile and relax.

"Hello there handsome young man, would you like to buy some of my wares?" A nice old lady let's Issei see some accessories.

Issei smiled in return.

"Sorry grams, my friend and I-"

Issei grabbed Motohama by the neck who was still giggling.


"-Are in a hurry, maybe next time?"

Gramma giggled then nodded.

"Oh that's quite alright, maybe bring a girl next time?"

"Hahaha! That's IF I get a girl next time.. Urgh.." Issei's arm started hurting, again.

Motohama and the old lady noticed.

"Oh my, are you alright?" The old lady said in concern.

"Issei! Are you hurt?" Motohama worried.

'Sigh. I think I might have been pushing myself, I should tone down the workout later.' Issei reminds himself later.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine.. We'll get going. I'll come back here next time." Issei smiled wearily.

The duo waved goodbye at the grandma and she reciprocated smiling.

"Dude, we've been walking for hours, are you sure you know where you're going?"

"It hasn't even been 20 minutes, what are you talking about?" Motohama furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

After walking for a while. We finally arrived..... But something is not quite right...

"Thi... This.. isn't a clinic." Issei staring at the building in question.

"That's right! It's a Karaoke Place!" Motohama grinned in excitement.

Issei knew something was wrong from the get go, it was as clear as day that Motohama was hiding something. Just from him being all giggly. But this was way out of Issei's expectation... A karaoke place.

"I thought we were gonna fix your glasses?"

"Nah, it's fine. I can do it later. Come on! Let's go in already!"


Motohama already went inside. Issei cursed but couldn't help but reluctantly follow along.


"Come on! This way!" Motohama did a left turn.

"This isn't some 'Alice in the Wonderland' bullshit right?!" Issei is fast, so he easily spotted the four-eyed scouter going inside one of the rooms.

He rushed inside and..

*Pop! Pop!*

Confetti popped everywhere, making Issei flinch.

"Wassup man?!"



Issei covered his eyes from the ever so shining bald head.

"M... Matsuda? Wh-what are you doing here? A-and what's with the confetti?"

As Issei recalled, it's not his birthday, it also wasn't any day of any holiday.

"What's with the snacks and drinks, also?" Issei rubbed his eyes.

Motohama passed the mic to Issei. On the screen, the title of the song is displayed. It's called 'Baka Mitai'. The smooth jazz immediately started playing, Issei thought it sounded wonderful, magical even.

"We know you've been working hard at something. But, sometimes you've got to relax." Matsuda put his arms around Issei's shoulder while smiling.

"Goddamn.. It's hard to pick a song if you're not a normie!" Motohama already seated grinded his teeth.

"Give it! You idiot! You were supposed to be the smart one! There's a lot...." Matsuda went over to him.

The sounds seemed to be slightly blocked out.

Issei can't seem to describe this feeling. Ever since he came to this world, he was having trouble adapting to his daily life. He thought he can easily forget about it if he trained with Jin.

But, it actually had an opposite effect.

Jin is actually an excellent teacher, he even accepted the proposal to double the training as Issei persisted. There But Issei started having some self-doubts, he was anxious about the short time that he had. For his life? Oh no. It's not quite that. It's his doubts for the upcoming events. He's just a normal person inside, after all.

Then, all of these doubts kept piling up. So, Issei started overworking himself so he can't think of unnecessary thoughts. But, he overdid it. To the point of self-hurt. It affected his daily life. Schoolwork, training, friends and family.

It was becoming a major issue that Gorou and Miki tried asking him if he was pushing himself too hard and wanted a little break. Issei being Issei just said 'Nah, it was actually pretty easy, unlike before.' and fakely grinned. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed by the couple who instead was supposed to be relieved, are now expressing major concerns.

And yet, two unexpected individuals are trying to cheer him up, making him comfortable by running away from it all.

"Hell yeah! Let's party all night! I'm paying!" Matsuda did a fucking dab.

Issei sat on the opposite side of the duo, who by the way, just started fighting over on who's the best AV actress.

'Just, who does these guys think they are?'

'...They're your friends.' Ddraig huffed.


'Yeah. They are, aren't they?'

"Goddamn, terrible liars." Issei dropped a tear while smiling.


After sending the duo home, Issei also went home. They didn't actually partied all night because Matsuda's money a little short so they went home.

Issei opened the door to his house when he suddenly heard the couple arguing.

"I'm definitely gonna go to that Mr. Jin and talk some sense into him! He dares making my son look like a beaten up middle aged man?! I can't stand it!!" Miki audibly angry.

"I-I know I know, let's just wait for our son to get back and talk about it, all right?" Gorou audibly trying to calm down his furious wife.

Issei laid back on the wall near the doorway and touched his head.

"Oh man, I'm really not being a great Issei right now. *sigh* ....No!"

*Slap! Slap!*

Issei slapped himself in the face.

"Believe in yourself!" Issei lectured an imaginary him.

"I'll go there by myself if I have to!!" Miki took her purse.

"Wait! Miki!" Gorou scrambled trying to catch up to her.

And then...




The family caught each other in an awkward frame.

There was a long silence before Miki broke it.

"I-Issei. I didn't know you were coming so soon." Miki tightened her grip on her purse.

'Mom probably haven't read my message that I was coming home early.'

It's now or never. Issei breathed in.

"MOM! DAD! I LOVE YOU BOTH!!" Issei crossed his arms and declared.

Gorou and Miki flinched at the volume of the sound. Before jokingly...

"Sorry son but I'm married to your mother, it can never work between us." Gorou fixed his glasses.

Miki and Issei almost tripped at joke.




And then just like that, the Hyoudou Residence became as lively as ever. Probably also waking up some people along the way.


Jin Tae-Jin's House.

Jin was currently meditating on his porch, while the smaller Jin is sleeping soundly at the baby cradle.

"Oh?" Jin's ear twitched.

Jin nodded satisfyingly and sighed.

" 'Every man needs to realize it upon themselves to improve' or so they say, I can't really interfere since I'm just a 1 month master. The least I can do is to double the training." Jin talked to himself while still meditating.

What a beautiful night it was.



Issei is carrying the dumb idiots at his shoulder.

"Oh yeah, the canon."

It has started.


And cut!

So, the canon already started! Did you see some changes in the story? Anyway, the words in this chapter is definitely have more than the other ones. I was having a hard time where to put some stuff, but I think it was a success.

But anyway, that's it for now! I hope you read the next chapter because that's where the first fallen angel encounter will be revealed!

I'm LazyHunterZ! Signing out!

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