Alejandro the school bully

By Mattiathefanfic

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Hope you like More

First day back in school
The shooting
Shooting part 2
Ale's house
Just another job
Cynthia/ dani.
My house not yours
Deep talk/ smut
Im alive
The story
Drama here we go
When they get here
He got caught
Her again.
We gotta leave
The prank
Drive by job
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part. 5
Part 6
Part 7
Wedding planning
Final chapter/ wedding

The accident

472 9 1
By Mattiathefanfic

Alvaro- don't scare us like that.
You- can't promise that kid.
Everybody laughed and you went inside. You went upstairs and showered. You got out dries yourself and washed your face. Then you put product on it and brushed your teeth. You changed and got comfy.

You decided to all play truth or dare.
You- alright who's first.
Ale- me.
Roshaun- alright. Ale truth or dare?
Ale- truth.
Roshaun- is Yn mad at you?
Ale- yes she is.
Roshaun- alright Yn truth or dare.
You- dare.
Roshaun- I dare you to jump off the roof.
You- alright let's go then.
You walked to the top of the house. You stepped out the window and stood on the roof. The trampoline was on the other side so you had no choice to jump in the pool. Everybody walked out and they recorded. You took off your hoodie and shoes and jumped in.
You couldn't get up so you just stayed down there. You didn't even try so Mattia jumped in and got you. He gave you cpr but you didn't wake up. He took you up to the room and gave you cpr again. It didn't work so they all shook you and said- no no no no no no no no wake o please now wake up we need you man. You can't just do this wake up.
Ale- guys shes not gonna wake up.
They all started crying and took you to the hospital. They drove as fast as they could and ran in saying help. The nurses asked what happened and they said- she jumped in the pool and didn't come up. So we jumped in to get her. We gave her cpr but it didn't work.
Doctor- alright what are you guys to her.
The boys- her cousins.
Doctor- wait I'm the waiting room and take her back there now we have to save this child's life.
She ran to the back and they shocked you. You didn't wake up so they put you through sergery The boys were all crying. Especially ale since you guys were kind of a thing.
Mattia- what happened to her why didn't she come up?
Roshaun- she looked weak I should've picked that dare.
Kairi- no it's ok she is going to be fine.
Alvaro- my little plant can't just die now.
Ale- guys I'll be back.
He went to the restroom and punched the wall. He was so mad but then he started crying. About 10 minutes later he walked out and everybody was just waiting. Staring into space.
About 7 hours later you went out of sergery. They all looked kind of scared. The nurses just walked to the boys and said- there is a 5% chance she might make it.
As soon as they heard that they all started crying. Ale for mad so he just left. Kairi and the rest stayed. A few house later they all went home and showered and went back to the hospital to check on you. You still weren't asleep but they could see you.
Kairi said- hey Yn if you could here this than just know you can do this. You're a fighter. We need you here. You can't just leave. We are so sorry. But I love you.
Alvaro- hey my little plant. How are ya? I joe you get better cause man I really do miss laughing with you. I miss you and love you.
Mattia- hey babygirl it's Mattia. Ale left but we love you and I know your gonna get through this.
Roshaun- hey bestfran. Bitch wake up I need you. I love you. Your my bestfriend and roshauna is going to miss you. Hell im gonna miss you. So wake up.
Your monitors starting beeepinf then went flat.
Alvaro yelled for a doctor and they all pushed the boys out. A few hours later they walked out and they said- I'm so sorry but she didnt make it. She had a rib fracture and she was weak. She has a lot of water in her system so that prevented her from waking up. I'm very sorry for you loss.
As soon as they heard that their hearts dropped. They all ran out and went back to the house crying. Ale was there and said- what happened?
Kairi- s- she d-dint make i-it.
Ale got mad so he walked out side and started cursing. Everybody was crying. They all packed up and went home. Ale parked your car and left home. They all split up. They didn't really talk to eachother. Ale became the biggest player in school.
As soon as everyone heard it they all got depressed and barley even were happy. Your parents got mad and also split up. ( not divorce)
Basically everybody split up. A few weeks later it was your funeral. Everybody was there. It was beautiful. They lowered you 9 feet under ground. Everybody walked to your casket and put a red rose and a white rose. They all fired and made a speech.
Your mom- I can't believe my Yn is dead. I dint blame her friends it's not there fault I'm just a shook. But I will say we will miss her. She made me laugh in the worst times. She shaped me into a better mom. Without her everything is falling apart. I love her so much. She started crying and she said- I'm so sorry I can't.
Roshaun walked up and said- I'm Roshaun her friend. We were bestfriends and she told me a lot. I helped her and she made me laugh. She made me cry. But most of al she is the best. I miss her. She was a good person. May she Rest In Peace.
Then everybody else made a speech and then everybody left.

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This started as a joke. It ended with a laugh. Hope you like milk.