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12.6K 464 941

||Number 1 in amasai!!|| Shuichi was always an outcast. It didn't help that Shuichi's childhood friend, Ranta... More

5-8-20 || I couldn't
5-10-20 || protect you.
5-10-20 || I hope
5-11-20 || You know
5-12-20 || That I will
5-12-20 || Always
5-13-20 || Love you.
"Love you." Alternate Ending.

5-8-20 || I'm sorry

1.9K 52 174

He was thrown to the ground, a sharp pain coursing through his body. There was blood trickling down his chin as it mixed with tears of pain. The person hovering over him, the person he thought he knew so well, glared down at him. 


The person spat before turning and walking off, leaving Shuichi to himself. He reluctantly sat up, immediately regretting doing so. He held his side, feeling his joints pop as he moved. He didn't want to move. He knew his ribs were probably cracked. He couldn't call for medical attention either because he knew he'd have to tell authorities about... him. That is unless he lied. He was a terrible liar though, so there's no way he's gonna get away with that. He just stood, enduring the pain. Though, it was extremely hard to since walking five blocks with a broken rib isn't exactly a stroll down easy street. But, he just barely made it. He opened the door to his house and collapsed. Blood continued to trickle down his chin as every muscle in his body ached. Yeah. He had a broken rib. He drew his hand from his side and placed it over his mouth. He quickly wiped the blood that poured from his mouth and attempted to stand once more. It was again painful. But, he endured. At least... For the three steps over to his couch. 

He sat on the couch and shut his eyes tightly. "Damn." He muttered through gritted teeth. It looks like he wasn't going to school tomorrow. Whatever. It's not like he wanted to anyway. 

He just decided to take it easy and try to force himself to sleep to get his mind off the pain. Soon, he drifted off into a light sleep.

"Saihawa! Over here! Look what I found!" Saihara smiled and turned, looking to see where his friend was pointing. "Wow Wantawo! It's a lizawd!"  They were about five at the time. The mint green-haired boy loved playing with Saihara. And Saihara loved playing with him. They were the best of friends, inseparable. That is, until the first day of the eighth grade.

"Rantaro!" The navy haired male called. The other just kept walking. So, he tried again. "Rantaro! Hey, can you hear me?" This time, the male turned, but he whipped around and shoved Saihara to the ground. "Get the hell away from me! I'm tired of hearing your sad, pathetic voice!" And with that, he turned and stomped off, leaving Saihara on the ground in complete and utter pain and confusion.

He didn't understand what he did or what happened, but whatever happened, he didn't like it. 

Of course, then there's Rantaro. The popular mint haired boy whom everyone respects. He was childhood friends with a boy named Shuichi. Rantaro loved spending time Shuichi. He even considered asking him out in the seventh grade. But, he was called out by Saihara's uncle. 

"Hey Mr. S! What's going on?" Rantaro asked. His face was serious, which gave Rantaro mixed feelings. "Sit, Amami." Rantaro did as he was told. "Okay, I'm gonna lay it out flat. I don't want you hanging out with my nephew anymore." Rantaro's face turned into an expression of disbelief. "S-Sir, I... I'm not sure I understand..." He muttered. This made his uncle sigh. "I knew you wouldn't. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. Look, kid. You're a great person, I just don't want my nephew to... Uhm..." Rantaro raised a brow. "To what, Mr. S?" 

"I don't want my nephew to be gay. There, I said it."

Rantaro stared at him in disbelief. "Wow. You never struck me as homophobic. Guess I was wrong." Mr. S sighed. "Look, will you please just... stay away from my nephew? It's for his own good."  Rantaro stood, anger flooding his face. "You can't decide who he likes and who he doesn't like! Why should I have to hurt my closest and only friend just because of some scumbag like you!" He cried. Then, Mr. S stood. "Listen, boy. I'm the one who takes care of Saihara. I know what's good for him." Rantaro then became so angry, he struck the other in the face. He staggered back, holding his nose. Rantaro saw as the pink liquid that dripped from his hand. He smiled and tightened his fists. "That was an assault on an authority figure. I now have no choice but to apprehend you." Rantaro froze. "W-w-w-wait!" The other male stopped. "D-Don't... I-I'll... I'll leave your nephew alone."  Mr. S smiled. "Good. You stay away from my nephew and I won't send you to jail." Rantaro reluctantly nodded. 

Rantaro hated every second of it. Every wail that came with the punches, every cry that followed after a kick. He hated it. He hated it so much. He just wanted to stop and hold Saihara. He wanted to apologize and comfort him. But he couldn't. All because his selfish ass didn't want to go to jail. It was stupid. He should just man up and do what needed to be done. But he couldn't. He was so fucking weak.

So fucking weak....

{862 words. Yaaayay a new story- uhm- yeah. Thanks for reading I guess- well, this is awkward... Bye I guess-}

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