Lost in Firefly Forest Book 1

By Queen_Greenflame

3.8K 94 26

The longer I lay there the more I realised, I was completely lost. I had no-one to save me, no-one to comfort... More

Chapter 1 - How It All Began
Chapter 2 - Fast Forward 3 Years
Chapter 3 - Unknown Secret
Chapter 5 - Oh Come On!
Chapter 6 - The Secret Met The Feelings
Chapter 7 - Devil In Disguise
Chapter 8 - Angry But No Fire
Chapter 9 - Run Away
Chapter 10 - I Might Be Lost
Chapter 11 - Firefly Forest Search
Chapter 12 - Did He...?
Chapter 13 - Timers Time
Chapter 14 - The Soulmate Tale
Chapter 15 - Five Minutes Left
Chapter 16 - Good News But Maybe Bad
Chapter 17 - Lighted Line
Chapter 18 - Might My Be Time
Chapter 19 - Gone
Chapter 20 - They're Alright!
Chapter 21 - Tale Came True
Chapter 22 - Reunion

Chapter 4 - 3:05pm

197 4 2
By Queen_Greenflame

I felt so damn annoyed at Logan and Toby. If it weren't for them maybe Mr Watson might've let us go at 3:00 instead of 3:05!

I picked up my bag and dashed down the hill.

Why did logan have to throw that paper aeroplane and why did Toby have to yell 'Pancakes!' during SSR? I think before realising that I was already by the huge staircase that leads up to the exit of Gatman bush. I started climbing the staircase and before I knew it, I was at the top with Jay, Cole, Zane, Kai, and Nya all staring at me - except Jay, he was asleep - with those eyes that said, 'What took you so long?'. I look down the stairs but see people rounding the corner so I signal for them to follow me. Cole wakes up Jay and we start walking along Gatman St until we reached the walkway that connected Gatman to Stott Ave. As soon as we walked out the other side of the bushy walkway Jay starts talking.

"Y' know not a lot of times I fall asleep but really? What took you so long?" I sigh a deep annoyed sigh.

"I knew that question was gonna pop up. I was late because of stupid Logan and Toby! Logan threw a paper aeroplane and Toby screamed 'Pancakes!' In the middle of SSR!"

"Oh," Cole replied.

"Dairy?" Nya asked.

"Duh! It's Friday! I go every Friday!" I chirped.

"And! Every Friday you forget about Capture the Flag! How did it go this time, Masha?" Jay teased.

"Oh. My. Gosh, Jay! You know how it goes! Every. Single. Time! No matter what team I'm on, My team always loses!"

"Ok, ok sorry!" Chuckled Jay. We walked down my street to my house, I unlocked the door and set my bag on the ground to open it. I grab my purse and put it inside my handbag.

"Let's go!" I sing skipping through the door and turning around to lock it before leaving. Everyone follows.

"The first one to get there gets to choose who pays!" Jay blurted and started running, so did everyone else. Of course not me because I knew no matter what I would lose anyway. I was surprised when I noticed Kai still beside me. And why I was surprised? Well, Kai was usually the most competitive out of all of them, even if he basically never won.

"Why aren't you running, Kai?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk to them. I know the guys are gonna keep asking me about the secret Nya almost told them because Nya said when they asked her if they wanted an answer to that they had to ask me because after all, it is my secret..." Kai said in a mumbled tone.

"Oh... Ok but y' know one day you are going to have to tell them... Or else they'll become suspicious and they'll have to spy on you or stalk you, and we don't want that!" I tell Kai.

"Yeah... I'm working up the courage to tell them... someday," Kai murmured. We were halfway up the street when I saw my babysitters car. I waved hello and she waved back still keeping a good speed for a downhill drive. I also saw my little brother wave so I waved back to him. It was like 1 2 3 and we were already walking up to the door of the dairy.

"I say that since I got here first that everyone buys their own things with their own money," I hear Zane say before I hear a bunch of groans from everyone else.

"I think that's a good idea, Zane, then it's fair," I agreed.

"But Zane always says that!" Jay groaned.

"Well, I always say it because it's fair!"

"Ok! Please, can we just go get some food?!" Cole persisted.

"Yes, let's go," I sighed and followed my friends. Why does Friday have to end?

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