Chapter 18 - Might My Be Time

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Kai's POV What Happened

My eyes start to flicker open and I start coming alive again. As I come to the realisation that I'm still in the forest, cold, alone, and scared, I decided I should keep moving to keep warm. And because of the encounter with the wolves, I again decided that instead of walking and leaving a trail, I'll jump from tree to tree, that way, I'll keep warm and I won't leave a trail. So I did that, jumping from one tree to another, swinging around sharp corners and over some ravens. It was actually beginning to be sort of fun, and I almost forgot about my initial point in going around, to get out.

Soon enough I grew tired, extremely tired. So I sat down by a tall pine tree, thinking of what I could do to keep warm... I gasp. Hang on! I'm a ninja, what's stopping me from climbing a tree and jumping onto my elemental dragon? I'm not inside the forest if I do that so it should work! I get up and look around for a tree that looks tall, then realising the tree a leant onto was definitely tall enough. So I started climbing, from the nearest branch I could to another. Most of the lower branches had snow on them of which I had to be careful of, but the higher I got the less snow there was, although, everything was damp and covered with moss, so it was extremely slippery. As I get to the top branch, I could see everything from up there. It was... beautiful. Now it had actually turned to night time, and it was a full moon so the city looked incredible so far away with all the busy, blinking lights... Wait... far away!? As I look for the edge of the forest I realise that the tree I'm on is definitely not the tallest one, as there were many more taller ones. The hope of my elemental dragon appearing was diminishing... and I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to try it anymore. Wait, since I am still pretty high, I could call for help from up here! So I carefully got up and held onto the trunk, although the branch I was on bounced around as I did, and then, what I hoped wouldn't happen, happened. Wind. Strong wind. My branch creaked and I shivered, not only from the cold. Then, a huge gust of wind blew, it was so strong, and I wasn't expecting it all. So in fright, I let go of the trunk. Of course, I fell.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed, yet again, I seemed to be falling, except this time, I definitely knew what I was falling onto. I fell through braches, twigs that snapped, prickly pine leaves, and of course pine cones. As my back, and arm hit the ground, I lay still. It was as if someone had paused time to the second right before stabbing pain. But it never came. I had lost all my motivation to get up and keep looking for a way out, somehow I knew that it was pointless. Now that some time had passed, I realised that actually my wrist hurt awfully. At first, I thought it was because of what happened when I first fell into the forest, but it didn't hurt the same way it hurt before, it didn't feel like I had broken it either as I had felt that pain before, it just sort of felt, limp.

The longer I lay there the more I realised, I was completely lost. I had no-one to save me, no-one to comfort me, no-one to help me. I was all alone. I could feel the sharp wind taking me away into a frozen nightmare. I let myself cry. This wasn't something I had ever done in my life. I always tried my hardest to keep all the tears and sadness away from the surface, so no-one had to be worried for me. I felt my heartbeat slow down, myself get cold, and my eyes starting to get tired. I knew what was happening. I curled up into a ball and lay there, waiting for death to come to sweep me away. It might be my time... I remember thinking before closing my eyes and falling into a deep, cold, dark, nightmare.

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