SMALL TALK | Shirbert

By GingerSpirits

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Strangers to Lovers to Strangers... "If you loved me, why did you break up with me?" "I already told you why"... More

{01} Small Talk
{02} Strangers
{03} +
{05} Un Año
{06} Cuando Nadie Ve
{07} L-O-V-E
{08} Classic
Gilbert's And Anne's Houses
{09} Don't Start Now
{10} Are You Gonna Be My Girl
{11} Never Really Over
{12} Say You Won't Let Go
{13} Somebody To You
{14} Two Of Us

{04} Chiquita Suelta

658 24 124
By GingerSpirits

{Title of the chapter from Chiquita Suelta by Giulia Be (it's in Spanish). I recommend you listen to this song while reading if you want}

September 18, 2013

Charlie loved parties, but he did not love the cleaning afterward. Who would have thought over a hundred people all in one house could make such a mess, cleaning the entire house would take forever and he was doing it all alone, now that his brother was pretty busy with Anne in his room, he could hear they were busy. Charlie would not dare go again in his room, mainly for two reasons: he did not want to see his brother naked and he kind of owed it to him, Gilbert had to listen whenever Charlie brought any girl, he was not particularly quiet, which he noticed Anne was not either. Just as he thought of her, Charlie heard little footsteps coming down the stairs, like if someone was trying to sneak out without being noticed.

“Anne you don’t have to tiptoe,” Charlie said, without turning to look at her from the kitchen, “I already saw you and my brother” he turned to see the redhead standing at the end of the stairs with her clothes from yesterday in her hands, now wearing one of his brother's hoodies as a dress. “I won’t say anything”

“Thank you,” she said, her voice low

“But you’ll have to do it soon”

“I know, I know” She nodded, “I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I don’t regret anything”

“Ew” Charlie gagged, “Don’t say it like that. I’m having war flashbacks… I heard you, Anne, you’re not quiet” he added after seeing her confusion.

“Sorry!” Anne laughed, coming out of the door. “I just like want my partners to know when I’m enjoying it”

“Out already!” he exclaimed “I don’t want to start picturing anything” Anne giggled, closing the door behind her and leaving.


GILBERT BLYTHE!” Charlie shouted, bursting into his brother’s room. He had waited around twenty minutes to make sure Gilbert was dressed when he got into his room. “Talk,” he said, sitting at the edge of his bed, then quickly standing up again, not really wanting to sit on his brother’s body fluids, which made Gilbert laugh. “Come on… talk. You fucked Anne, a girl WITH A BOYFRIEND!!”

“Don’t say it like that!”

“What?” He furrowed his brows, “You made love to her?” Gilbert’s cheek blushed, making Charlie laugh.

“Shut up”

He sighed, “You’re in big trouble, my boy” he started, “Anne’s with Billy Andrews, in case you forgot. He could beat the fuck out of you”

Gilbert laughed out loud to this, “Please” he said, dragging the first e. “Andrews is a little bitch”

“You seem to know quite about him, don’t you? Did she talked to you about him?”

“She did, but he’s in my senior class if you don’t remember”

“Dude, his girlfriend just cheated on him with you and his in your class!” Charlie groaned, “Don’t you see the problem you’re getting yourself into? She was wearing your fucking hoodie, the one with your name in the back and she was with her dress from last night in her hands”

“She looked so beautiful in that dress” Gilbert sighed. Anne was wearing a green velvet dress with black sandals, her hair half up and curled at the ends. “Also, she wanted to wear that one and I was not going to say no to her” he admitted, “I don’t regret anything”

“Did you guys repeat that to each other this morning? She said the same fucking thing!”  Charlie gagged.

“Maybe, I was just making sure… I didn’t do anything wrong” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.

“Trust me, you didn’t” he snorted, “She sounded like she was enjoying herself”


“What? She's so fucking loud, bro. I could hear her from the kitchen” he said, “Which reminds me… get up, we have a house to clean before dad comes tomorrow and we have school tomorrow too, so it’s now or never” Gilbert groaned but got up either way.


Gilbert was considering killing his brother when he saw the house, at least the kitchen and part of the living room were clean, but the backyard, the game room, and the second-floor hallway was like watching the set of a scary movie. They decided Gilbert would finish cleaning inside the house and Charlie would clean the backyard and the pool, which looked like a swamp; he had to take all the trash out of the pool, which was a lot, before he could turn the filter on to clean the water, he was glad he could use the hose to clean the floor around the pool and also clean the grass.

Gilbert found a few pairs of underwear around the house and in places he did not want to even imagine how they got there, and also found his lost hairbrush under one of the couch’s cushions. Thankfully, nothing from the house was broken, he got scared when he saw some glass on the floor of the game room, but it turned out to be a bottle of vodka some dumbass dropped and it shattered all over the floor. He was just finishing with the game room and was heading towards the kitchen for a drink when his phone vibrated.

Anne (3) messages

Oh my god, he thought and ran to the backyard. “Anne texted me!”


“What do I say?”

“What did she say?”

“I don’t know I haven’t read it”

“Then read it, idiot!”




Wanna hang out today?

“She asked if I wanted to hang out today,” Gilbert said, excited. “What do I say?”

“Do you want to-”


“Then say yes”

“But how”


“I know how to spell yes, Charlie!”

“Then do it”

“I’m nervous”

Charlie groaned, “Give me that,” he said, taking his brother’s phone.


My place 8pm?

“What did you say?” Gilbert asked and Charlie turned the phone to show him, “Charlie! I sound like a fuckboy!”

“You are”

“I’m not”



“My goodness, she’s so desperate” Charlie chuckled, “she liked your di-”



See you tonight beautiful

“FUCK!” Gilbert put his hands on his head.

“Yes, that’s what you’ll be doing tonight”

“Shut up” he pushed his brother aside to go back inside, “Finish cleaning this, Charlie. I have to finish upstairs and then take a shower”


Hair up? No, down. If not he’ll think I’m trying too much, Anne thought.

“Ready?” Diana asked. Anne had spent the last two hours getting ready. Diana was there to help her, which cut her time getting ready in half. She finally settled for blue skinny jeans, a pink hoodie, and white superstars for the shoes. Usually, it did not take her long to get ready, but tonight was different, she felt guilty but so good at the same time, and that made her feel anxious and nervous because she was about to go to Gilbert’s house, with whom she had cheated on her boyfriend.


“Then let’s go. I’ll drive you”

Anne’s house was not that far from his, it was only a fifteen-minute drive in which both girls had the music to the max to avoid the awkward conversation they might get into.

“I can’t believe I’m helping you cheat on your boyfriend,” Diana said after she parked in front of Gilbert’s house.

“I’ll fix this as soon as possible… I promise” Anne took her friend’s hand. “I really like him, Di”

Diana sighed, “I know,” she said, squeezing her hand. “Go have fun…I  guess?”

“Thank you, thank you” she hugged her, “I love you; I’ll tell tomorrow how it went”

“I love you”

Be cool, Anne. Chill, Anne thought, walking to the door and ringing the doorbell. She checked her phone 8:05 just a little late, perfect.


Gilbert was freaking out, he changed his clothes seven times and every outfit looked exactly the same but just with different colored vans and some t-shirts had a pocket and others did not. He wetted his hair a bit and then shook his head fast so it looks curly as usual but a bit messy, like just got out of the shower.

“Did you break your cologne bottle? Smells like a fucking perfumery here” Charlie asked, pinching his nostrils. Gilbert might have used a little too much cologne.

“Fuck off” he opened a window so the smell would go a little.

“Wow,” he chuckled, “Someone’s in a mood. You’d better change that or your date would not like that she’s walking happiness dude, so… happy face” he said, putting his hands at the sides of his mouth to ‘smile’.

“It’s 8:03 where is she?”

“Chill, It’s only been three minutes, she probably wants to be fashionably late. You know how women are”

Gilbert scoffed, “And that, my stupid brother, is why don’t have a girlfriend” he said, patting his brother’s shoulder and then going downstairs to wait there.

“Hey, you don’t have one either!” Charlie called.


“WHAT?” he ran to the living room, where Gilbert was sitting on the couch waiting.

“Are you deaf?”

“You said you didn’t have a girlfriend yet… what do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean?”

“She has a boyfriend, bro” Charlie shook his head, “You’re just the side chick”

“We’ll see abo-”

The doorbell rings.

Charlie snorts when he sees his brother tense up, “Should I open the door? You look like you got stuck” Gilbert stood up and walked past him to get the door, “Go get her, tiger. Rawr he moved his hand like a cat.

Gilbert sent him a death glare before opening the door, “Anne” he breathed out when he saw her.

“Hi” she smiled.

“Hi, Anne” Charlie cut in, “How you doing?” he winked, making Anne laugh.

“Good, thank you”

“You can leave now, Charlie. This is not the nineteenth century we don’t need chaperones”

“Bye, Charlie” Anne waved teasingly.

“Bye, Annie. Don’t do with my brother something I wouldn’t do with him! Sex is one thing I wouldn’t do with him for your information” he said going to the game room.

“Don’t call me that!” Anne yelled, making Charlie laugh.

“Hey,” Gilbert said almost whispering, and put his hand on her shoulder, immediately sending shivers down her spine. Anne turned her head to look at him, “You look beautiful” she looked down, trying to hide her blush. He then grabbed her chin and made her look at him; she looked at him shyly which made him raise an eyebrow questioningly.

“You look beautiful too”

“Thanks” He smiled, moving his hand from her chin to her cheek.

He’s so beautiful my god, kiss me already.

“Are you hungry?” Gilbert asked.

“A bit, yes”

“What do you want? We could order take out, I don’t want to scare you away with my terrible cooking skills” she laughed.

“I WANT PIZZA! HAM AND EXTRA CHEESY” Charlie shouted from the game room.

“I WAS NOT TALKING TO YOU” He responded, his hand falling from her face to his pocket. “Do you want pizza?” she laughed and nodded, “Ok, I’ll order some, and you can wait in my room if you want so Charlie doesn’t bother you. I mean- not that I only want to be with you in my room- I mean I want to is not that I don’t like you or anything is-”

“SHUT UP ALREADY!” Charlie intervened again, “You already got in her pants and she’s here isn’t she?”

Anne laughed, “THANKS CHARLIE, I could tell him that myself” She turned to look at him, “You’re cute. I understand, I’ll wait in your room, don’t worry” She said, putting her hand on his cheek. Her voice low, so Charlie could not hear her. He smiled, she got on her tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss on his lips before going to his room, “Hurry, we have things to talk about” he nodded, frantically.


When the pizza arrived, Gilbert gave his brother one of the boxes and went to his room with the other two. “I was not sure how hungry you were so I ordered two just in case, don’t worry if you don’t eat it all, I can eat it for breakfast”. He ordered two ham pizzas, one for them and the other for his brother, and another plain cheese pizza, just in case Anne did not like ham.

“I eat a lot, yes, but I think half the pizza would’ve been enough for me,” Anne said, looking up from her phone, she was scrolling through his Instagram while waiting for him.

“Good, I have my breakfast for tomorrow ready then” He smiled, “Wanna go to the balcony? We can eat there. Also, I don’t really like to eat in my bed”

“Sure,” she said, standing up and going to sit in the table outside in the balcony. “So, I really need to talk to you,” Anne said, once they were settled outside.

“I know” Gilbert sighed, looking down to his hands, “But I have to tell you something first, please listen to me before you say anything else” she looked at him, and did not say anything so he continued; “I like you. Like… a lot, I don’t regret anything that happened yesterday and this morning, and I know you have a boyfriend, but you said you wanted to break up with him, and yesterday, talking to you, I don’t know, I never felt like that with anyone before. I needed to tell you this before you say… well, whatever you’re going to tell me” he sighed.

“I like you” He looked up, to see her looking at him, smiling. “If I regretted anything that happened yesterday –and this morning-, I wouldn’t be here, trust me. I have to talk to Billy first, before I can be with someone else, I can’t keep cheating on him, he doesn’t deserve that. I’m already cheating on him by being with you right now… but I don’t want to be anywhere else, it just- feels right” Anne confessed, he nodded. “I’m going to talk to him tomorrow, it’s better that way. I don’t want to be with him anymore, but I do have to tell you this, I don’t want to jump into another –public- relationship right now, I like you, I really do, but we’re in high school and people are not stupid, they know something happened between you and me, and they are going to talk about us and I really don’t want that. Also, I know Billy won’t say anything to anyone; he respects me too much to say anything”

“It’s ok, I understand. We’re going to have to keep it low-key for a while and as long as we’re together after it, I’m all for it”

“Together after?” Anne said, putting her hand out for him to shake. Gilbert laughed, and took it, sealing the deal.

“Together after”

They talked for hours about them, what they liked, what they disliked, their families, what they wanted to do after high school. Gilbert was going to study international business at Queens College, he was going to inherit his father’s company so he needed the preparation, he loved Disney –he also said she was the first person that was not part of his family to know that-, his favorite color was red and his favorite part of his body was his hair –she agreed-. Anne wanted to be a teacher and a writer, she had been studying Spanish for two years and she was pretty fluent –she was going to be Gilbert’s Spanish teacher, he asked her and she could not say no to that beautiful face-, her favorite color was navy blue and her favorite part of her body were her eyes. They asked each other some other random questions like “What’s your favorite food?” (Anne said lasagna and Gilbert said his father’s burgers) and “If you had to choose between drinking only water for the rest of your life or drink anything you want but it had to have a little drop of pee in it, which would you choose?” (Anne chose only water and Gilbert preferred to drink the pee because “I can’t live without coffee” he said).

At some point the conversation shifted, ending with an invitation to spend the night, which Anne gladly accepted. They only slept and cuddled, both promising they would not give in into their desires until she was free from any form of commitment to other men. Gilbert gave her one of his hoodies so she could sleep in, she was so small his hoodies fit her like a dress, which was good because he did not want to be tempted in any way, even though having her so close in his bed was already temptation enough.


September 19, 2013

The following morning, Gilbert drove Anne to her house so she could get changed; they agreed not to drive together to school so they would not raise any suspicions. Billy always waited for Anne at the school entrance, so she decided to tell him as soon as she got there, not wanting to wait any longer. He was heartbroken when she told him, but –like Anne thought he would- he promised not to tell anyone to protect her reputation, he loved her too much to do that to her. Unfortunately, someone overheard their conversation and the rumor –not really a rumor- that Anne Shirley had cheated on her boyfriend Billy Andrews with none other than Gilbert Blythe quickly traveled around the school. Once she got to her first class of the day she was welcomed with the judgmental looks of all her classmates, Diana told her everyone knew already which Anne could only respond with “I just talked to Billy five minutes ago, how is this possible?”

“Josie Pye heard you talking to him” her friend responded. Josie liked Billy for a long time, and when he started dating Anne, she basically swore to make her life impossible for the next few years of high school she had left. Anne started crying and ran out of the classroom to look for Gilbert. He was in class with one of Anne’s favorite teachers, Miss Stacey, who, to Anne’s favor, she was her favorite student.

Anne opened the door of the classroom and everyone turned to look at her, Gilbert's expression changed immediately when he saw she was crying. “Miss Stacey?”

“Are you alright, dear?”

“May I please talk to Gilbert for a moment?” her teacher turned to look at the boy, the concern clear on his face. Gilbert looked at Billy, who only looked down at his books to hide his face from the various eyes that were looking between Anne, Gilbert, Miss Stacey, and himself.

“Sure” She responded, very concerned, “Gilbert?” He quickly stood up and left the classroom behind Anne.

“Are you-” he was cut off, she suddenly hugged him and he put one of his arms around her shoulder, the other holding her head to his chest.

“Everyone knows” she mumbled to his chest, “Josie Pye heard me talking to Billy and she told everyone, they know”

“Anne” he breathed, holding her closer. “I’m sorry”

“I should’ve talked to him in private. Now everyone is going to think I’m a slut”

“Hey” he pulled her back a little to look at her, “You’re not a slut”

“I kind of am, I cheated on my boyfriend”

“Then that makes me the homewrecker”

“No one is going to think anything bad about you, you’re the guy, is always the girls who are blamed,” She said, angrily “also you’re one of the most popular guys in school, everyone loves you”

“I’ll have to do anything in my power to make everyone love you too then, but I’m sure as soon as my friends meet you they’re going to love you just for being who you are”

Anne chuckled, “You are so cute”

“Does this mean we don’t have to hide?”

“I guess so” she shrugged. Gilbert leaned to place a sweet kiss on her lips.

“Good, I get to show you off” Anne laughed, “Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks about you, they don’t know you and they don’t know us. Ok?” she sniffed again, nodding. “I have to go to class, but I’ll see you later?”

“Yes” she kissed him quickly again before he went back in, “See you”


September 20, 2013

“Hey, Shirley!” Gilbert called. Anne was putting some of her books in her locker. She turned to see him walking directly to her.

“Hi, Gi-”

He cupped her face and connected his lips to hers forcefully; she was taken aback for a second but then gladly kissed him back, he got on her tiptoes and cradled his neck, both of them suddenly forgetting they were surrounded by a lot of people.

“What was that for?” She asked him breathlessly after the pulled apart.

Gilbert shrugged, “I just wanted to and you’re wearing my hoodie, I couldn’t resist” Anne laughed and kissed him again.

They pulled apart when they heard someone –Josie Pye- say, “They couldn’t even wait for poor Billy to heal”

Gilbert turned to look at her, “I’m sorry for him” He said, “But now I have her no one is going to stop me from showing her my love whenever I want, if she lets me, of course” he turned to Anne and she gave him a quick kiss, “Come on, I’ll walk you to class” he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together.


AN: Wow this was really long, but I just couldn't stop writing Gilbert and Charlie being brother and then I noticed I had written over 1.5k words, and Anne and Gilbert's part barely written... oh well, I hope you enjoyed this!

xo GingerSpirits.

PD: it's 2am idk why I always update this late JSJKAJA

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