By choonamss

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Summer nights bring out the worst in you. - ➴ txt ➴ written on december 2019 ➴ thriller ➴ original plot & co... More


star boy

819 94 139
By choonamss

-TAEHYUN decided to keep running instead of hiding. his gut feeling told him that he had to fight in order to protect his friends.

he ran up towards the rooftop, the evident place with no cctvs in sight and hid in a corner. he could only trust his instincts at that point. he held a bat in his hand as he picked up from the sports equipment room.

his breath hitched as soon as he heard the door to the rooftop creak. his grasp tightened around the handle of the bat as he prepared to fend for himself.

from his corner, taehyun squinted at the figure who stood awkwardly in his place. it didn't take long for him to realise that it was beomgyu; behind him was the dark hooded man that they had encountered at the lockers.

the man held a knife in his hand as he slowly approached beomgyu from the back. beomgyu remained clueless and continued looking around the rooftop.

taehyun didn't think twice as he leaped toward the man and hit his back with the bat. beomgyu turned around after hearing the sudden commotion as his eyes widened in horror by the sight in front of him.

the man rose up quickly despite taehyun's hard hit and retaliated by stabbing the red-haired boy's thigh. taehyun screamed in pain as he held his bleeding thigh.

"for fuck's sake beomgyu! get the fuck out of here!" taehyun yelled as he hit the man's head with the bat.

however, the man managed dodge taehyun's hit and laughed insanely as he managed to cut across the boy's torso. with adrenaline rushing through him, taehyun pushed past the pain and aimed for the man's dominant hand, successfully hitting the knife away from the man's grasp.

beomgyu could only cower in fear as he shakily picked up the man's knife, looking at taehyun's blood on the blade.

"fucking bastard," the man growled as he pushed taehyun to the ground, towering over him and landed punches on his face.

"choi beomgyu! did you not fucking understand me? i said go you idiot!" taehyun angrily screamed as he hit the man's back with the bat.

beomgyu started shaking as he held the knife in his hands. he desperately wanted to help taehyun but he was afraid. he walked slowly towards the man, unable to stab his back as taehyun's bloodshot eyes glared at beomgyu.

the man noticed taehyun's gaze looking behind and turned around to see beomgyu holding his knife. the man smirked as he landed one more hard punch at taehyun and stood up to confront beomgyu.

beomgyu stood helplessly as he backed away slowly from the man. the man noticed beomgyu's cowardly nature and just laughed mockingly at the boy.

" didn't you listen to your friend? why are you still here if you're afraid?" the man mocked, his voice muffled by the mask he wore.

however, beomgyu noticed the man's eyes and gasped when he recognised who it was. the man's eyes glinted with evilness and continued taunting beomgyu, eyeing his precious knife.

before the man could snatch his knife back, taehyun hit the man's side with the bat; the sound of a loud crack was produced. the man screamed in agony as he dropped the floor, holding his side. taehyun didn't know which bones he broke but he took it as an opportunity to grab beomgyu and run out of the rooftoop.

"you fucking idiot, i told you to go! why can't your stubborn ass listen for once?" taehyun yelled at beomgyu, who was tearing up from their encounter with the man.

the two boys sprinted down the stairs after hearing the door of rooftop creak loudly, followed by the familiar footsteps of the man.

"kang taehyun, i hope your death repays back for my ribs!" the man shouted as jumped over the railings, landing in front of them.

the boys shrieked as the man pushed beomgyu out of the way, snatching his knife back. taehyun couldn't react fast enough as he felt a cold, metal blade stab his torso.

"choi beomgyu, go. please stay alive," taehyun choked out as the man pushed the blade deeper into taehyun's side.

beomgyu grabbed the bat, sobbing in between tears as he started beating the man up. beomgyu had no other thoughts in mind besides the fact that his friend was dying. the boy let his emotions control him as he showed no mercy when beating up the hooded figure.

eventually, the man fell unconscious as he was unable to dodge any of beomgyu's hits. beomgyu crawled beside taehyun, who was tearing up silently. the red-haired boy's lips turned blue as more blood was lost.

"kang taehyun, you have t-to stay alive. p-please," beomgyu stuttered in between sobs.

"go, before he gets up again. i love you and the boys dearly, it's a pity we couldn't spend more time together," taehyun uttered softly and gave beomgyu one last smile before closing his eyes, letting out his final breath.

beomgyu knelt down beside taehyun and cried. his sobs echoed throughout the corridors as he clutched onto taehyun.

the boy forcefully pulled himself up as he picked up taehyun's bag, the baseball bat and the man's knife that was pulled out before beomgyu attacked.

he kissed taehyun's forehead sadly and ran away from the bloodied scene.

kang taehyun was gone.

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