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SUMMER OF 2019(flashback)

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-AFTER a while of waiting for taehyun, he successfully made it out of the mini mart carrying two cartons of soju. the boys got talkative and started debating on who should have the privilege of holding onto the precious green bottles.

yeonjun could only laugh at the bickering boys and drove off towards the boys hangout spot.

their hangout spot was located at a fairly hidden road that overlooked seoul.

the spot was surrounded by clusters of lilacs and blue lilies. acting as a roof were enormous palm trees that could shield you from the rain. the deserted road paved the way for nature's beauty to bloom. the city lights of seoul shone brightly from below, acting as a source of light for the boys. the only flaw about such a beautiful place was the steep cliff.

to others, it was called the suicide cliff. people had either committed suicide or accidentally fall off the cliff. despite the countless reports made to the police, there was not enough evidence made. the bodies of the deceased were not found. after all, it was a place for the lost to truly lose themselves.

however to the boys, it was their magic island. it was a place of comfort where there was only peace and company.

the boys popped open their bottles of soju and cheered for summer. they sat at the back of truck all cozied up with the blankets yeonjun had brought along.

"hey guys, let's make an oath to never leave each other. we'll have a time where we'll fall out of our friendship, but if we take this oath, fate will bring us back together," hueningkai softly said causing the boys to break out with drunken promises.

the five boys clanked their bottles together and cheered for a better tomorrow. soon after, the boys grew drunk as they threw their empty soju bottles over the cliff and found it hilarious by doing so.

soobin decided to remain sober as he was not fond of the taste of alcohol. yeonjun was sprawled on the purple meadow while taehyun and beomgyu danced the choreography of gangnam style. soobin could only laugh at how stupidly drunk his friends were. meanwhile, hueningkai had fallen asleep on soobin's lap, all bundled up in the blankets like gimbap in which soobin found adorable.

however, soobin's attention was averted to another vehicle that was parked down the road. he squinted his eyes only to notice a woman frantically sprinting towards him and the boys.

soobin quickly got up from his seat while gently lifting up hueningkai's head, who was still peacefully slumbering away. fortunately, taehyun and beomgyu grew fatigued and crawled beside hueningkai to sleep.

soobin could sense that the boys were in an upcoming state of trouble as the woman sprinted nearer towards them. he quickly lifted the tailgate and locked it. the boys could not afford to be in more trouble than they were already in.

"yeonjun, get up! please you have to get up," soobin exasperated as he lifted yeonjun up from the ground.

yeonjun only grunted in response as he pushed soobin's arm away.

"leave me be!" yeonjun slurred as he continued to resist against soobin's grasps.

yeonjun needed to escape reality. he yearned to escape his sad life; even if it was just temporary. however, soobin didn't give him the chance to succumb into a drunken state as his urgency caused yeonjun to slowly sober up.

by then, the frantic woman had appeared with a gun held in her hand. soobin pulled yeonjun towards him and stood in front of him protectively.

"give me the keys to that," the woman stuck out her hand as she gestured towards the truck.

neither of the boys responded to the woman as they slowly backed away from her. the woman sighed in frustration and pointed her gun at the two boys.

"i said give it!" the woman yelled tauntingly.

soobin had started shaking while yeonjun was left unfazed. he took soobin's place as he slowly walked towards the lady. yeonjun still felt a bit tipsy but decided to shake it off. he didn't want his brothers to get hurt.

"get behind the wheel soobin," yeonjun deadpanned.

in that moment, it was all soobin could contribute. he was scared of the woman but was even more terrified of the reason why she was in their presence. so he complied, his hands shaking as he grasped onto the wheel.

yeonjun just needed to get the gun out of her hands and sprint back to the truck.

before the woman could react, yeonjun slapped gun away from her grasp causing it to land at the edge of the cliff, hanging by a loose thread.

yeonjun decided to run towards the gun to give it its final push, only for the woman trip and kick him to ground. yeonjun could feel himself slowly sliding off the steep cliff as the woman climbed on top him and continued beating him up.

through her gradually sloppy punches, he noticed that the woman was sobbing as if she was begging for help. she was vulnerable.

at that point, yeonjun intended to push her off of him and kick the gun off the cliff. however, the woman regained back her consciousness of the situation once she noticed yeonjun had stopped struggling.

yeonjun had regained back his strength to fight back as he pushed the woman away but she decided to throw one last punch; she completely missed it once yeonjun had dodged it and lost her balance. the woman fell forward, right off the cliff.

it was too late.

if she hadn't made any further movements, she would have been able to fall back onto the purple meadow that was her only safety net .

yeonjun was frozen in shock at what had just happened. things got out of hand in just the blink of an eye. he slowly and got up and looked around, the reality sinking in that the woman was now dead.

"yeonjun! fucking get in now!" soobin yelled desperately, snapping yeonjun out of his thoughts as the blue-haired boy hurriedly jumped in the back of the truck.

yeonjun just wanted to protect his friends, he didn't want to hurt the woman at all.

that's what he wished could happen instead, he didn't expect it to escalate in death. the death of a complete stranger whom he didn't have the slightest chance to save from falling.

yeonjun laid beside his friends, who were still deep in slumber. he was thankful they were still fast asleep. he let his tears fall as he sobbed quietly to himself.

from the front, soobin had witnessed everything and couldn't imagine how yeonjun must've been feeling. he wasn't able to help yeonjun. he couldn't.

he was too afraid.

soobin sighed as he viewed the rearview mirror to look back at the place he once found comfort in. expecting to feel a sense of sadness, soobin frowned when noticed a dark figure standing at the edge of the cliff; watching them drive off.

it set off soobin's nerves in the wrong way as he stepped on the pedal a bit too much causing the truck to suddenly speed off.

soobin could only hope for the safety of the himself and the boys.

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