Now or Never

By ASE715

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BOOK 3 OF 3 It all comes down to this. The final fight. It's now or never. This story will contain Spider-Man... More

Chapter 1 ~ Turn Back Time
Chapter 2 ~ Sneaking Out
Chapter 3 ~ Alone
Chapter 4 ~ You Need Help
Chapter 5 ~ Somebody's Watching Me
Chapter 6 ~ If the kid is dead, so are you
Chapter 7 ~ Bet he'll say no
Chapter 8 ~ Fate of the universe
Chapter 9 ~ Get lost, Squidward
Chapter 10 ~ Looking like shit
Chapter 11 ~ Takes the end of the world to bring us together
Chapter 12 ~ Just like Phantom Menace
Chapter 13 ~ We're in the endgame now
Chapter 14 ~ Aftermath
Chapter 15 ~ Where's Fury?
Chapter 16 ~ Let's go get this son of a bitch
Chapter 17 ~ Moving on
Chapter 18 ~ EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!!!
Chapter 19 ~ Nicky?
Chapter 20 ~ Not even for Peter?
Chapter 21 ~ We're gonna need a really big brain
Chapter 22 ~ Getting the gang back together
Chapter 23 ~ The game is on
Chapter 24 ~ America's Ass
Chapter 25 ~ My dog can frickin' talk!
Chapter 27 ~ Okay ladies, now let's get in formation
Chapter 28 ~ We're gonna be okay
Chapter 29 ~ One final mission
Chapter 30 ~ We didn't start the fire
Bonus: Back In Time

Chapter 26 ~ Now or never

720 17 19
By ASE715

"Come on. Come on, wake up..."

I feel something nudge my face. I groan and slowly open my eyes and am met with Max's.

"You're alive!" He exclaims and starts licking my face.

I smile and give him a small chuckle. I push him off so I can sit up and look around at all the debris around us.

"What happened?" Max asks me.

I groan as I stand up. "Well, when you mess with time, it tends to mess back," I tell him. "We gotta find the others."

"First we have to get out of this," Max says as he looks around.

I nod and look around for an opening. "Come on," I tell him after finding a path that might lead us out of the mess.

Max and I head out of the mess and inhale a sharp breath of fresh air. We look around and in the distance in front of us is Dad standing alone with a broken shield, facing the titan and his army alone.

"I know this dumbass..." I start as I look at Dad, who's slowly approaching the army.

"I thought Thanos was dead," Max says as he stares at the titan in anger.

"That has to be Thanos from the past," I tell him. I bend down to his height and place my head against his, engulfing him in a quick loving moment. "You need to get out of here."

"No, not without you!" Max says to me.

I shake my head against his, pushing him away from me and point in the opposite direction of the battle to come. "Run, Max," I say, trying not to tear up and stay strong.

Max whimpers, but bows his head and does as he's told. He runs in the opposite direction.

I speed over to Dad and stand next to him. He looks over when he feels a gust of wind hit his face out of nowhere. There's ash all over his face. I look into his tired eyes to see the fatigue and the hard truth he thought he was going to have to face of dying alone, disappears. Tears threatened to spill his eyes at seeing me because he didn't want to think of life without me in it if I didn't make it, but I'm right by his side. I hug him and he hugs me back, fearing if he lets go he'll lose me. When we pull away I slap his arm.

"What were you thinking?! Taking on an alien army and you didn't even invite me!" I scold him.

He gives me a sad smile. "I thought I lost you."

"I keep telling you, I'm not going anywhere Spangles," I say as I look him in the eyes. "I'm with you until the end of the line. I'm not gonna let you die alone."

He nods at me and we turn to face Thanos and his army. Through our coms we hear crackled static, "Hey, Cap, you read me."

Dad and I freeze and look at each other.

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Dad and I never break eye contact. We completely forgot that moments ago Bruce had the gauntlet and snapped his fingers, trying to bring everyone back. We didn't even get a chance to see if it worked, but by hearing Sam's voice through our coms we both knew it worked. Dad raises his hand to his ear.

"On your left."

The orange rim of a portal appears on our left. Sunlight comes through the portal as three shadows walk through the portal towards us. Okoye, T'Challa, and Shuri emerge.

T'Challa sees us and gives us a slight nod filled with honor and telling us that we're not alone in this fight. Sam then soars over our heads in his Falcon suit as dozens of more portals open before our eyes. One portal contained Strange and three others I don't recognize as they stepped out of the portal. Peter then swings into view through the same portal. My hands immediately cover my mouth as I stare in amazed shock. Tears start to form in the brim of my eyes as I see all our fallen comrades emerge from these portals.

The cry of "Yibambe" from T'Challa brings his army to emerge from a few more portals. Along with T'Challa's army, Bucky Barnes and Groot return too, but where's Roy?

Portals in the air open, allowing ships in for air support. Valkyrie comes in through another portal on a pegasus. Meek and Korg come in through the same portal, ready to fight along with the Asgardians in their battle armor. Wanda joins the battle too along with Wong and some sorcerers. Even Pepper flies down in a clad of armor, ready for the fight of our lives.

Scott then suddenly emerges from underneath the rubble in his giant form. He lowers his hand by all of the gathered heroes, releasing Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket who is on Rhodey's shoulder.

I look to Dad as he looks at all the gathered heroes. We look around as we wait for anymore entrances as all of us prepare for the fight of our lives. People readying their weapons or igniting their powers as they wait for Dad to call it.

I stand next to Dad and he looks at me and nods before facing Thanos once again. "Avengers!" Dad calls, raising his hand in the air. I tilt my head in confusion by his gesture until Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, comes into his hand and I just stare at him with my jaw dropped. I don't have time to even ask when that happened when Dad calls it. "Assemble." He says through gritted teeth. With a cry from Thor, all of us run, charging at Thanos' army. Thanos raises his sword, ordering his own army to barrel towards us.

The two armies clash into a full-on assault. I run through, taking enemies down, left and right with my speed. Every now and then I would send a beam or a blast from my repulsors.

An alien manages to jump on my back, pushing me to the ground due to its weight. It scratches and snarls in my ear as I try to get it off of me. The alien tries to sink its teeth into my right shoulder but can't. I move my left arm down my side and turn the glove over ready to blast it, but then someone kicks it off of me. I sigh in relief and roll onto my back to see who my savior is. I look up to see Roy sliced the alien's head off and is fighting off more that are trying to surround us.

He exhales heavily once he's in the clear and then he looks down at me, giving me a smirk. "Did you miss me?" He asks. I know damn well the first thing this man just said to me was not a Sherlock reference when I haven't seen him in five fucking years. He extends his hand out to help me up and I take it. Once I'm on my feet I look up at Roy and put a hand on his cheek, making sure this was real and not some illusion. Roy smiles and leans into the touch. I close the gap between us, smashing my lips against his and putting all my emotions into the kiss. Passion, hurt, love, joy. We stay like this for a while before Roy slowly pulls away with a wide grin on his face. "I guess that answers my question then." He says softly, never breaking eye contact.

I chuckle at his response, our foreheads pressed together. "I waited five years for that."

"Fucking finally!" I hear a familiar voice yell close by.

Roy and I look to our right to see the one and only Bucky Barnes. Of course he would be the one to ruin the moment although I'm surprised Tony hasn't said anything yet.

"Buck is that you? What's going on?" Dad's voice comes through our coms.

"Roy finally grew a pair and kissed (Y/n) is what happened!" Tony answers before Bucky could. I knew that wasn't gonna last very long. "Well actually (Y/n) kissed him, but whatever they finally kissed! I've waited years for this!"

"He did what now?!" Dad growls in the com. "Oh, I am gonna make him wish he was never snapped back. Roy, I'm gonna kick your—" He raises his voice and I swear I could hear him from across the battlefield.

"Dad, chill!" I cut him off.

"Roy you might wanna run." I hear Peter warn him.

"I'm 24, I'm not a little girl anymore," I tell Dad.

I hear him sigh. "But you're always gonna be my little girl."

"Who cares about that? Let's get back to the fact that Roy and (Y/n) kissed!" Wanda squeals.

"Oh yeah!" Sam cheers.

"Whoo!" Rhodey joins in.

I roll my eyes and open my mouth to say something but am cut off by Rocket as he comes over to us and shoots the aliens around us.

"Leave the lovebirds be!"

"Thank you!" I say and point at Rocket before placing my hands on my hips.

Roy looks at the raccoon, shocked. "Did that raccoon just talk?" He asks and points at Rocket.

"Yup." I say, popping the 'p'. "And you might not want to call him a raccoon, he hates that."

"I prefer the term trash panda." An unfamiliar voice says in the coms.

I hear Rocket growl. "Quill! I'm gonna rip your frickin' face off when I see you!"

My eyes widen in realization. "So that's Quill."

"The one and only. Pleasure to meet you..."

"(Y/n)," I tell him.

An alien tries to attack me and Roy slices the thing in half. "Okay how about less talking and more fighting then. Or at least do both if you can."

"Right." I nod and get back to fighting.

"Liking the new suit," Roy says as he glances at it, flashing me a dorky smile.

"Thanks. You should see what else it can do." I say and turn my left arm into a sword and start slicing the aliens trying to attack us.

Roy looks at me in adoration, not seeing the alien about to attack him from behind.

"Roy!" I say and am about to save him when I hear growling and see Max launch himself at the alien. Roy looks behind him and jumps back when he sees Max rip its neck out.

Roy screams and steps away from Max. "GET YO FUCKING DOG BITCH!"

"It don't bite."

"YES IT DO!" He screams.

I roll my eyes at him and look at Max, ready to scold him. "No! No! No! I told you to go!" I wave a finger at him.

Max whines. "But I didn't want to leave you."

'Shit he's giving me the puppy dog eyes. I can't stay mad at that.'

"Your dog talks too!"

"Rocket invented a collar that allows us to understand him, yes."

"Awwww. You got yourself a dog." Bucky says, firing his gun at the incoming aliens.

"Well I didn't exactly plan on Max joining the fight," I say as I slice and blast the aliens around us. I look at Roy to see him slicing the aliens with his katanas but also watching his back to make sure Max is a good enough distance away from him. I shake my head and pick Max up and march over to Roy, putting Max in his face. "Roy this is Max. Max this is Roy. He won't bite you." I say.

"Unless you hurt (Y/n), of course," Max says. I smile and look at Roy. Max then licks Roy's face causing Roy to chuckle.

"Okay he's adorable," Roy says and wipes the slobber off his face.

"Good. Now stop being a pussy around him."

Roy looks offended. "I was not being a pussy." I raise an eyebrow at him and he just rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

I put Max down and he runs to Rocket's side, fighting alongside him as I fight alongside Roy and Bucky. An idea then pops into my head.

"Hey, guys. You remember that song we started to sing when those HYDRA agents attacked my school?" I ask into the com.

"Wasn't that the time you got kidnapped by them?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. I think this is the perfect time to—"

"Don't tell me you were gonna say start singing it," Tony says.

"Oh you know I was, Uncle T," I smirk. "Who wants to start it?"

"The honor's all yours," Dad says which causes me to smile widely.

"Let's go team!"

"Got to get it together

Yeah, pull up and shoot score," Roy sings right beside me and slices down a few aliens.

"Are you ready? Are you with me?" I ask.

"Team, team, team, yeah," More of the team starts joining in.

I smile as the team continues to sing the song. Just like old times. I slice the aliens around me with my left arm and generate a shield with my right. More just keep coming so I get my repulsors out, holding my hands up and also having repulsors form on either side of me as I send a beam at the incoming aliens.

"Holy shit that's an awesome suit," Bucky says in awe. I smirk at him but then spot a certain someone in the distance. Peter Parker.

I run over to him as fast as I can just as Tony pulls away from their hug. Tears come to my eyes as I look at him. I lunge forward, pulling him into a tight embrace. I hold his head, running my fingers through his hair and also bringing him closer to me. He hugs back too. I let out a shaky breath as I try not to cry on the battlefield. I look over at Tony to see him grinning at us and I pull him into the hug.

"We missed you so much, Pete. You have no idea." I whisper and Tony hums in agreement.

When we pull away Peter gives Tony and me a wide grin. "Looks like we got a fight to finish," Peter says to us.

Tony nods. "You got that right."

"And it seems like we got a song to finish too," I say as I still hear the rest of the team singing the ending of the song.

Tony, Peter, and I join the rest of the team as we sing the ending of the song.

"This is the last time to get it right

This is the last chance to make it or not, yeah

We got to show what we're all about

Work together

This is the last chance to make our mark

History will know who we are

This is the last fight so make it count it's

Now or never, yeah

This is the last time to get it right

This is the last chance to make it or not, yeah

We got to show what we're all about

Work together

This is the last chance to make our mark

History will know who we are

This is the last fight so make it count it's

Now or never

Yeah," We sing as a team as we all take down the aliens around us.

I grab Tony and Pete's hands, giving it a squeeze before running back over to where Max and Rocket are. Max claws at the alien's throats while Rocket shoots them with his gun.

Scott and a lady, who I recognize as Hope from the list of all those who were snapped away, materialize from their tiny forms and join us where we are. Hope fumbles in her pocket and takes out a disk, handing it to me very carefully.

I look at the disk in confusion as Hope explains what to do. "Throw it at him and make sure he marches that way." She points in the direction of Thanos' army.

"Someone needs to be the big dog for a while. Literally." Scott says before him and Hope shrink once more.

I hold the disk up and look at it. "What is it though?" I ask myself.

Rocket snatches the disk from my hand and laughs maniacally. "Sayonara suckers!" He yells and grabs onto Max, dropping the disk onto him.

I watch as Max grows very massive with Rocket on his back.

Max looks around happily. "So cool." He says and marches towards Thanos' army, stomping aliens beneath his paws.

"(Y/n) is that—" Dad starts in the coms.

"Yup. We Pym Particled my dog." I laugh as I watch Max go through Thanos' army like it was nothing. "We got everybody back. You can suddenly wield Mjolnir now." I shake my head. "I love our family." 

So the next chapter will be the rest of the battle... BUT YOU AND ROY KISSED AH! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have tissues for tomorrow!


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