By -addy13

36.9K 1K 231

❝𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜❞ a servant and prince's fates collide one... More



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By -addy13

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. Bea was sharing the same enthusiasm herself, not that she let anyone know it. Cynthia was already planning everything out.

Apparently, Bea was supposed to meet Cynthia in the castle kitchen. The problem was, Cynthia had never told Bea why. She had told Bea everything except for that. Perhaps it was a marvelous surprise. Whatever it was, Bea wanted to know. But Cynthia kept her mouth shut well, and Bea couldn't pry it out of her.

Bea breathed in the fresh, crisp, spring air. She laid down in the clearing, where she and her mother once looked for Fairy Godmothers. It was her place of comfort.

The sunshine shone down on her, clawing its way through the canopy of the forest. Soon, she would have to head back to the palace. But right now, she had all the time she needed. Bea let out a loud yawn, her eyes fluttering sleepily. She had worked on her dress all night, leaving no time for rest.

Bea rested her head on the ground, turning to lay on her back. She looked at the sunshine that peaked in through the leaves, and studied the forest, thinking happily to her day at the ball. The wonderful colors, the laughter and smiles, and the dancing, all flashing beneath her eyelids.

The clinking of swords and yells of men filled the room. Men fought each other with swords, one hand tucked into a fist behind their back. All of them sported white, long sleeved jackets, with buttons fastening them together. The metal buttons lay on the far left side of all their outfits. The men wore dark grey pants to go along with it.

Kit and the Captain fought in the middle, wearing smiles on their face. Kit successfully dodged a swing from the Captain.

He always looked forward to the thrill of the fight, the swords dragging through the air and the satisfaction when they landed their blow. Ever since he was 11 and picked up his first sword, he hasn't wanted to stop.

He took the opportunity and attacked first, pushing the Captain backward. He fought with a triumphant smile.

Kit swung at the Captain again, only to be stopped as the Captain countered and had his sword on the left side of Kit's neck.

Kit slumped his shoulders as the Captain's sword rested on his neck. His swept-back brown hair now fell over his face. The men called out, and stopped their fighting too. The Captain let out a triumphant laugh.

"Wake up, your Royal Highness. Your in a daze." The Captain smiled smugly, tapping Kit's shoulder with his sword. Kit sighed.

"I'm sorry." Kit frowned, turning away from the Captain.

"You've been off since the visit to town." The Captain questioned, taking his place besides Kit.

The men fighting had gathered into pairs, grouping closely together and discussing. The Captain and Kit easily made their way through them.

"It's that wonderful girl, I can't stop thinking about her." Kit sighed, slightly smiling to himself.

"There are plenty of girls." The Captain walked beside him.

"But her, her spirit! Her goodness." Kit tried to explain why.

But there was so much more to her. So many layers Kit had seen in just a few minutes. She was kind and good, but also filled with spirit and witty remarks. Going out of her way to help others, even a cat for that matter.

"You don't suppose she has a sister, do you?" The Captain joked, lightening the mood.

"I don't know..." Kit mumbled, wearing a bright grin.

The Captain and Kit got along easily, sharing many laughs as friends. While the Grand Duke was harsh, the Captain was always there to somehow make things better.

"I don't know anything about her!" Kit exclaimed, his eyebrows knotting together.

In that short time, he had gotten to know her personality. But nothing else. Nothing. Not even her name.

"Perhaps your mystery girl may come to the ball." The Captain said as he handed his sword off to a man dressed in a bright yellow coat, with a turquoise undershirt and sea green pants.

The footmen sported white wigs, with their curled hair swept back into a ponytail. Captain took a white towel off the man.

"That is why you threw the doors open, is it not?" Captain said that with ease.

He knew Kit so well, so of course he'd know when he was up to something. Kit took his gaze off the Captain, looking straight forward while the Captain wiped the sweat off his face with the towel.

"Captain, it was for the benefit of the people." Kit scoffed. Of course this wasn't the reason. Captain was right, he had wanted to see the girl again. Kit wasn't as good at lying as he thought.

"Of course. How shallow of me." The Captain wore a grin on his face. Kit smirked at the Captain's words.

"If she comes, then what?" Kit asked, looking at the Captain.

He hadn't exactly planned out the whole part when he would meet her. Maybe ask her to dance, or show her the castle. Kit handed over his stiff white glove to the man on the right of him and switched it for a towel.

"Then you will tell her your a prince, and a prince may take whichever bride he wishes." The Captain said it, as if it was something that was easy.

"Ha." Kit snorted.

"Ha?" The Captain looked at Kit, smiling at the Prince's remark.

"Yes, Ha. You know my Father and the Grand Duke will only have me marry a princess. And besides, won't I scare her off if I tell her so?" Kit grimaced, wiping his face.

"Well, if this girl from the square is as charming as you say, they may change their minds. Though I can't guarantee you won't scare her off." The Captain smiled at Kit, receiving a cheeky grin back.

"Haha, very funny." Kit drawled.

"Valinas gonna kill me!" Bea shouted, her voice ringing out in the clearing.

She had woken from her slumber to the sound of the clock striking 12. While the sight of trees and green was pretty, the sound of the chime was not.

She quickly sat up in alarm, brushing off the yawn she'd felt moments before.

The clock chimed loudly for everyone to hear. It chorused through the town and spread throughout the forest.

Bea groaned in the silence, thinking about just staying in the forest for a bit longer.

Then the clock rung again, and Bea was sent into a panicked frenzy, hopping up quickly from her seat on the ground.

She picked up her skirt off the rather dirty ground and ran towards the castle. She was a fool in fact, for she hadn't rode her horse to the clearing. She would be even more late, meaning Valina would be even more mad.

Valina had ordered Bea to help her get into her dress, leaving no time to spare. She guessed the only reason Valina asked her was because she wanted to rub it in her face, and so she could get the chance to yell at her more. 

When Bea arrived, Valina was furious.

"Your late!" Valina snarled. Bea was already exhausted from her run, panting heavily. Her legs ached, and her feet were sore. And her hair clung to her sweaty skin.

"I'm sorry." Bea mustered, using the little breath she had. Valina looked at her unimpressed. Bea met Valina's hostile eyes, looking away quickly.

Her legs ached as she trudged over to the shape of the ball gown. There were many layers to be completed. Bea hoped she had a little time left to put on her gown. After all, she had spent day and night repairing it to good health.

When Valina was fully dressed, Bea almost fell down in exhaustion. However, Valina was happily eyeing herself in the mirror.

Valina's dress was a lilac color, paired with with satin, dark purple gloves and a green flower hair piece. The skirt was big, and had layered ruffles dancing across it.

Valina's hair was pulled into a simple bun at the back of her head. Strands of her hair were pulled out in front to define her face.

Valina didn't have to worry about anyone outshining her tonight, and Valina herself knew that. Valina was one hundred percent sure the Prince would pick her as a bride.

Bea stifled a laugh as Valina mimicked meeting the Prince. Bea wasn't there for the Prince, one thing Valina couldn't be mad at her about. Bea just wanted to see Kit.

While Valina was daydreaming, Bea had crept towards the closet where her dress had been hidden. She peered out and looked cautiously between Valina and the closet.

Seeing Valina was completely occupied, she swiftly shut the door behind her. She bit her lip, waiting to see if Valina had caught her, but she was either just too occupied with meeting the prince or just didn't care enough to notice.

Bea smiled in anticipation, almost running over to the closet. She was light on her feet, careful not to alert Valina.

Bea swung the closet doors open to reveal a beautiful silk gown. It was still beautiful after all these years.

The dress was pure white, made of a silky material. The sleeves were ripples like waves, falling off her shoulder like a waterfall and stopping at her upper arm. Crinoline, white puffy fabric, supported the skirt, making it voluminous. The skirt went down to the floor, the light fabric covering her ankles and too tight brown flats. To anyone, the dress may be a bore, too simple, some might say.

But to Bea, it was truly divine. It was the nicest thing she owned. It was simple, but truly special to her. What mattered most is that she was taking her mother with her on one of the greatest adventures of her life.

"Bea!" A voice from behind her exclaimed. Bea almost jumped out of her skin, turning around to see Cynthia. Bea held a finger to her lips, motioning for Cynthia to be quiet.

Cynthia quickly nodded. Bea turned to the door cautiously then back to Cynthia, motioning for her to come.

"What are you doing here?" Bea hissed. A wide grin made it's way across Cynthia's face, along with an excited glint in her eyes.

"I brought you this." Cynthia whispered. She held out a small white box, wrapped with a glossy ribbon, that was tied in a bow.

"You got this for me?" Bea gasped. She was touched that Cynthia would think of her.

Cynthia nodded, smiling wide. Bea grasped the box delicately, holding it in her palm. Cynthia looked at her anxiously.

Bea looked up, smiling happily before untying the ribbon and opening the box.

Inside was a beautiful necklace. Light bounced off the pearls, casting a beautiful array on the walls. The pearls were a fancy ivory shade and shiny and polished.

Bea took the pearls, setting the box down lightly on a table. She took the pearls out, holding it delicately and wrapped it around her neck, fastening the latch. She looked in the mirror, smiled widely, then turned around to Cynthia and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"See, I told you you should go to the ball." Cynthia smirked. Bea rolled her eyes at her.

"Okay. I have to go! You go see Kit!" Cynthia whispered before turning away. Bea chuckled lightly. Kit! She'd almost forgot, and excitement filled her.

Bea almost burst out of the room. Any sign of exhaustion was gone, now adrenaline filled her veins. She opened the door, smiling a wide grin.

Valina noticed her presence, turning around to face her. Bea happily twirled in her dress, stopping to look at Valina's shocked expression. It looked like Valina had seen a mouse. Her eyes were wide, and her jaw hung open. Bea tilted her head, slightly worried now.

"What?" Bea asked. Valina swallowed, snapping out of her daze. She wore a cold expression, making Bea freeze in her tracks.

Valina stepped closer to her, circling around her. Cold and empty silence filled the room. Bea watched as Valina's face contorted into a wretched scowl, turning her beautiful features ugly.

"It's just so..." Valina scowled. Bea furrowed her eyebrows. Was there something on her dress?

"It was my mother's, so of course its old." Bea chimed, trying to lighten the mood. Her stomach churned watching Valina. Valina was as mad as the day Bea talked back to her. Bea swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

"Ugly. But you could call it old too." Valina said with venom in her voice. A shiver ran down Bea's spine, her instinct telling her to run. But Bea stood there, holding her ground. She planted a firm look on her face, and stared down Valina.

"It's practically falling to pieces." Valina said with an evil look in her eyes.

Valina reached over so fast that it took Bea seconds to figure out what happened.

There was a loud rip, and off came one of Bea's sleeves. Bea looked down in horror and grief as she saw her mother's dress with a hole torn where the shoulder and neck met. The white sleeve was held by a few threads, clinging onto the dress barely.

As Bea processed what had happened, she heard another rip. This time, it was her skirt. A large hole ran down the bottom of it. Bea grasped the destroyed fabric in her shaking hands.

And then, as a final blow, Valina tore off the pearls Cynthia had given her.

They scattered across the floor, the once beautiful necklace now destroyed before her eyes. She never knew how quickly something beautiful could be taken away.

Tears clouded her vision, but she didn't let them fall. She looked up at Valina, practically shaking from how much grief filled her, but her jaw was set as she glared.

"How could you?" Bea's voice rattled, though she tried to hide it. Valina met her eyes with a smirk, a truly evil one. She showed no signs of remorse or pity. Valina let out a tiny laugh as Bea glared at her.

"Oops." She taunted Bea, letting out another laugh. Bea covered her mouth with her hand, not letting Valina have the pleasure of hearing her cry.

Valina only laughed, and Bea couldn't take it any longer. She rushed past Valina, almost knocking her over. She clutched her ripped skirt in her hands, running as fast as her legs could possibly carry her.

She threw the kitchen door open and ran through the crowded hallways. She didn't care of how many people she disturbed, or the looks they gave her as she passed by.

Neither how ugly she may have looked. The only thing that she could feel was the hole ripped in her heart, just like the big hole was ripped in the dress.

Her mother's dress was ruined, and she could never see Kit again, one of the few people who was kind to her, and the one she might have wanted to see again.

Bea caught sight of the exit and stopped. She would be abandoning Kit if she left. Bea felt guilty. Maybe Kit had wanted to see her.

In that case, she truly let him down. Bea had already ruined this night, and needed to escape.

The guards lined up against the walls held plain expressions on their face, a relief to Bea. It seemed everyone had judged her tonight.

Bea faced the exit, running towards it, carrying herself faster than before. Her throat burned and her eyes stung, the cold air soothing to her. Her white dress was decorated with dirt and holes, so there was no chance of turning back.

Bea ran to the only place that gave her happiness in the night.

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