Issei Reborn (Highschool DxD...

By LazyHunterZ

313K 5K 4.4K

So basically, a character of my own will wake up as Issei, but he won't be called by his given name in this s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

22.2K 298 284
By LazyHunterZ

Sigh. This is quite troubling.


'Most of my classmates keeps staring at me. Should I, at least say something?'

Issei looked around. His courage dropped.

'Bad idea. Bad idea.' I laid my head on the table.

I laid my head on the side to avoid suffocating. Not dying the day after I got another chance, after all. But that's where I caught sight of a brunette right beside me. Muryama, from the Kendo Club. She's one of those girls that Issei always peeked at, must be because of her huge... Ehem.

'I guess I'll just ask her.'

Issei inched towards the pigtailed brunette.

"Hey... Uhh Murayama..san.. Why are they staring? I'm not doing anything weird, am I?" Issei asked still nervously looking at the staring people while poking his index finger together.

Issei noticed that he didn't get an answer. He changed his attention again towards Murayama. She raised her eyebrow, as if in disbelief.

"Hyoudou-san, you really don't know?" Murayama inquired.

"That's why I'm asking"

Murayama was skeptical at first, trying to understand if this guy was pranking her. But after judging his expression, that doesn't seem to be the case. However, this didn't stop her for what she's about to do.

"Then I won't tell" Murayama said crossing her arms playfully.

But it seems the message that was sent was thought to be a more rude approach to the other individual.

Issei grew a tick mark and suddenly stands up, knocking the chair down. This immediately put Issei on the center of attention.

"Why!?" Issei shouted.

Murayama, of course, got startled by the sudden change of attitude.

"Wait Isse-!"

"So you won't talk because I'm a pervert?!"

"N-no that's not-!"


Issei slammed his fist on his table.

"So you think that being a pervert is bellow than someone with human rights?! Is that it?! Is that what you were thinking?!"

By now, of course, Murayama felt guilty for her actions. It was supposed to be just a little joke, she thought. She  looked down from the embarrassment, unable to say anything right now.

Issei, however, was still blinded by being angry. Not noticing that, one by one, people from other class was trying to see the loud noise that was happening in the classroom, some are even recording a video by taking out their phones.

Issei gripped on Murayama's backrest and his other hand on her table. Cornering her. Also, it made her blush at the close contact.

"That's just not right!! Though I admit, Matsuda and Motohama are equivalent to scum-!!"

The duo felt something pierced their back from the sudden insult.

"..A-and maybe I am also, but please.. I.. It's not right.."

Issei's face turned solemn.

Murayama's blushed even more, it wasn't a hard blush but it was a sweet and soft one. She noticed that her heart, it was beating at an unnatural speed, she never felt like this before. She buried her face more to at least cover her face.

"...Please...see us as a human being. We also get hurt by a lot of things.."

Issei remembered a thing from his past, and it wasn't a sweet one. No. It was far from that. That particular scene, made him move unnaturally. It was out of character, even for him.

"A-alright, I apologize." Murayama was finally able to respond.

Those words slapped him back to reality, making him blink. Trying to make sense of what was happening.

'What...did I just do?'

Issei was finally able to get a hold of the situation, noting that he's on very close contact of Murayama.

And speaking of the brunette.

Murayama-san is...blushing. The girls in the room...Wait.. Even some boys... Even outside the classroom?! Some of them even fainted!!! Are they alright?!They're also murmuring among themselves. What?!

Some guys are looking at each other also not knowing what to do at the situation.

'Wh-wh-wha!! When did they arrive?!'

But it was different on the side of the duo of the Perverted Trio. Motohama broke his glasses, so he's picking up the shards, while Matsuda...became Buddha.

While Issei is trying to become the man in 'The Scream', by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch.

The 'ladies' are having thoughts too.

'I never knew Issei was so...manly~'
Some girls thought.

By the way, the teacher is frozen on the spot with his chalk. Completely out.

Issei frantically calmed himself and faced Murayama.

"I-I'm sorry Murayama-san!! I don't know what came over me!! Please forgive me!"

Issei bowed in a perfect 90° angle, to perfectly show that he is sincere.

"I-It's fine! I was at fault too!!" She's apologetic!!! That's not what's supposed to happened!!!

'No no no no no, I suddenly jumped at you for no reason!!!' Issei thought strangling himself on his head.

"No! It was entirely my fault!! As an apology, I'll stop being a perverted bastard!!!" Issei determinedly declared while still bowing.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

'I... I guess it was a win situation for me, I finally got a reason to stop being a perverted... But damn was this a stupid situation.' Issei stopped strangling himself on his head and says 'You still live...for now.'

'That's just impossible! The leader of the Perverted Trio will step down and stop his perverted antics!? ' Other girls thought.

While in Murayama's thoughts.

'He's really going far, just for this...' Murayama thought, having butterflies in her stomach.

At the exact right moment, every girl in the classroom and outside the room just came to a similar thinking.

'He just became boyfriend material~!' Every girl present thought.

Now back to Issei.

'Th-Things aren't so swell, right now.' Still not confident at the situation.

Also, Murayama remembered that he needed to tell Issei. The truth.

"L-look Hyoudou! the trut-!"



A chalk strikes Issei's forehead.

"Hyoudou-san! We are in the middle of the class! Though I'm proud of you saying that you will stop being perverted, but right now is not the time! So as punishment! Translate the sentence on the board!" English-Sensei's soul finally returned.

Sensei glared at the people outside the classroom and they scrambled. Probably going back to their own room. Though some girls winked at me, are they trying to be suggestive?

No. That's just stupid.

I shook my head at the stupid thought.

'I completely forgot that it was English period. Ah this is the worst- Did he just say translate?'

I glanced at the board, everything was in Katakana, I didn't know why but I just knew. The characters are somewhat familiar, like I know them my entire life. I can translate this because I know English and also because a relative of mine was American, so I had to get accustomed.

Issei walked towards the sensei, took the chalk and proceeded to translate the words. I wrote the words perfectly without the awkward extra strokes...

Hmmm weird.

"Now Hyoudou-san, try to speak the words on the board" English-Sensei satisfied by the translations on the board.

"Mark was running through the meadows" Issei said fluently.

Woah. I spoke naturally, I was like a Google Translator but except Google Translator sucked at translating Japanese because of it's different characters and meanings. But hey! I can talk easily between Japanese and English, that makes things easier!

Everyone was silent.

"W-well done Hyoudou-san, now go back to your seat" English-Sensei said in a suprised manner.

I proceeded quietly, I tried talking to Murayama again.

"I'm sorry for earlier Murayama-san, you don't have to tell me anything, I'm fine now" I said while bowing.

"O-okay" Murayama responded.

'So he noticed I was trying to say somehow makes me happy~"

Murayama looked down on her desk and smiled.

Issei heard her answer, nodded and sat back down quietly.

'He really did become boyfriend material~' Murayama thought sweetly.


Well, the rest of the period was kind of boring, it's stuff I already knew. I was a Senior at a College. I wanted to be a teacher, so I tried to learn as much as possible, though I never achieved one of the goals in my life. Because I died.


Oh well, I'll just try my best in this life, I guess.

*DINNNNGGG DONNNGGG!* I think that's the lunch bell?

"Okay everyone! We're going to end it here today make sure to study up, Dismiss!" Physics-Sensei finally dismissed us.

People started taking out their lunch boxes or just going to the canteen where they can buy stuff. Yes. That was the lunch bell.

Others are sneakily peeking a look at me, though I heard others say, 'Let's tell them what happened~'. I think rumors are going to start at what happened today dammit, though it was my own fault. Siiiiggghh.

"What the hell was that dude!?" Matsuda exclaimed. "You're going to leave us!?"

"This is illogical Issei we can't be the Perverted Trio without you!" Motohama pleaded.

"I'm sorry guys but I got to change for... Uhh... the future?... Yes, for the future. I can't keep being a pervert for life, both of you need to change too, maybe then you'll get a girlfriend" Issei explained.

"Screw that! Porn is everything in my life! Porn is life!" Matsuda said trying to reignite the non-existent fire inside Issei.

"You can never have a perfect and accurate measurement without me Issei, if you know what I mean~?" Motohama trying to convince me.

Wow. Just wow. These two have great dynamics when it comes to porn, they're just actively doing what they want at this point. Well that's puberty for you. 


As bad as it sounds, I need them. Yep. You heard me right, you don't need to bleach your brains to understand. But, I need them. Why? First of all, without them I don't know what will happen in the timeline or the 'canon', even as just side characters, they show up a lot in the series. So they're crucial making the series go forward. And second of all...

Issei stared at the duo, both are currently talking about how to convert to him back to the world of erotica and cheerfully at that. Issei chucked and scratched his head.

'I'm so appalled at how these two are such fitting friends for Issei, perverted they may be. That's why it's so fitting.' Issei wanted to laugh at how stupid the original's relationships are.

And second of all... they're precious friends of this body. It's the least I can do.

Issei smiled at his second reason. It makes sense, doesn't it? Just being grateful for having a second chance at life, even if it's not my own. No. It's because it's not my own life that I have to do this, there's never a reason to break bonds.

"So, where are we going to get lunch?" Issei inquired.

"Ohhh I know where we can eat something juicy~" Matsuda the bald creepily suggested.

Oh no.


Issei's face can be described as a mix of disgusted and disappointed.

'I really want take back my sincere feelings towards these two.'

Both are actively peeping at a female sports club while the people inside are changing. DISGUSTANG!!!

'Wait a minute' Issei noticed something.

Issei looked at the building, tilting his head in question. Noticing the unfamiliarity.

'This is quite different from what I expected. I thought they were going to peep at the Kendo Club, but this one is a different club.' Issei in thought.

"Matsuda, why are we here? What about the Kendo Club?" Issei asked confused.

"The Kendo Club won't be having their practice for a while cause their club is under renovation, but I will make a hole in their wall or something to peep like usual. So, let's just enjoy our feast for today~" Matsuda answered.

'Oh. So that's what happened.'

"I thought you knew Issei? You were the first one to share the news to us, you even cried saying it will take a month and a half to finish." Motohama questioned but still peeping hard. What determination.

"Eh? I did?"

"Oh yeah! He did, didn't he?" Matsuda stopped peeping, as weird as that sounds, and sat on the grass.

"What's with you today? You're not yourself. You awfully did a lot of things that you won't normally do." Matsuda finished with a questioning look.

'Woah woah woah! What's up with him?!' Issei started panicking.

Motohama noticed the situation and also stopped peeping, as weird as it sounds. He sat beside Matsuda and pat his shoulder.

"Come on, Matsuda, he's just hungry. We didn't technically eat anything yet, so let's eat first before continuing to peep." Motohama fixed his glasses and trying to get something from his pocket.

'Nice save Motohama! But you're still horrible for wanting to peep after this!' Issei in a perfect balanced thought.

"Hahahaha! You're right, I'm also hungry! So let's eat!" Matsuda laughed it off and took out his lunch box.

Issei smiled and also tried too take out his

"Wait. I didn't bring anythi-!"


Motohama handed out something, it was an all too familiar brand. He grinned at Issei's stupor.

"Eat this. You're not you, when you're hungry." Motohama said in Legendary.

'It's Snickers!!!'


Motohama got startled at the curse, while Matsuda was seeing the scene unfold teary eyed while eating his lunch.

"I'll take it!!" Issei grinned while he swiped it out of Motohama's hand.

Issei literally ripped the wrapper apart and ate the bar in one bite. Motohama sighed.

"Is that how you say thank you to your friend?"

Issei continued eating the remaining bits on the wrapper without listening to a word Motohama said. This made the duo laughed lightly.

"See Matsuda? He was just hungry, he is as just crazy as he was with the oh so familiar choco bar." Motohama grinned.

"Yeah, you were right. I was worried for nothing." Matsuda smiled genuinely to his 'changed' friend but the same nonetheless.

'Did I heard that just right? Issei was crazy towards Snickers as I was? This wasn't mention in any part of the series at all. But even more so...'

The fact that Matsuda was questioning his changed actions because he was worried and how Motohama proved that their friend was still here. Touched Issei's heart. Now he is sure. He can be great friends with these two, no matter how perverted they beco-

"Ehehehehe~ Look at that one! She is packing!" Matsuda ogling at a girl.


"You idiot!" Motohama exclaimed.

'Motohama! I knew yo-!'

"The right one has the best sizes! Ehehehehe~ Look at those ass~ They're perfectly for clapping!!" Motohama using his scanning techniques.

"Ohhhhhh~! You're right! Your scanning skills are great as usual Motohama!"

"Heh! They're always refined to the max!" Motohama fixing his glasses.

Issei inhaled. Issei exhaled. Issei is smiling. Issei is relaxed.

Issei walked away from the duo quietly so they won't notice, and he went over to the door of the changing room and knocked.

*knock knock!* I heard a little 'Coming~' before someone opened the door, it was one of the members.

"Geh! It's Hyou-!" She started but I interrupted her by putting my index on my lips.

"*shhh* I'm not here to do anything, anyway the other perverts are peeping at the back, get some back up and beat them up." Issei said smiling with dead eyes and walked away waving.

The club member I talked to was a little hesitant but still got back inside and told the other girls about what was happening. There were a lot of girls with a volleyball ball. So it was the Volleyball Club?

"I'll catch you on the flip side, dear friends." Issei dramatically said those words and left.


I got back inside the school and went to the canteen to eat some stuff, even though I ate that bar earlier, I wasn't really all that full yet. But at least I get to finally eat this famous Yakisoba Bread.

Hmmm. Yep! Yummy!

I went back in the classroom. I saw both the perverts beat up and dirty, they seemed exhausted.

*DINNNGGG DONNNGG!* The lunch time ended.


The rest of the day was just uneventful. Nothing interesting going on. Just lessons here and there nothing too major, I just pretended to write everything down, well I wrote some of them to review some stuff at least. Damn, everything is boring here, but I still caught some people looking at me. Aside from that, nothing else happened.

*DINNNNGGG DONNNNGG!* Finally, the school has ended!

So, I just went home and started planning on the way there.


And cut!

A lot of nothing happened in this chapter, except for what Issei did earlier. Just a normal slice of life for now, on the next chapter Issei will start his training preparation. But that is it for now! LazyHunterZ signing out!

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