Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 23: Lies

6.3K 277 244
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

It's the day! I clench my fists together and nod to myself in front of the mirror. I can do this!

"... Is there something you wish to say, Miss?" Lily hums happily as she styles my hair. "This is your first tea party too!~ I hope you make lots of friends there" She encouraged me even though she's aware of the host.

When news spread that princess Jennette had arrived and lived in the Emerald Palace. All the maid's reactions were not so good nor safe at the same time. In fact, they were so outraged by the announcement that they wanted to assassinate the emperor and begin another rebellion. Of course, that was too chaotic so mommy and I had to convince them that there's no need to and just live our new lives in peace.

"Lily, are you really coming with me?"

"I have to. It's the Duke's command and besides, we don't have knights in this household" She said.

"But Felix will be there," I said.

"Yes but he's not your knight" She brushes my hair. "Don't worry I won't get in your way nor disturb you"

"I'm not worried about that," I said. "I'm worried about your uniform"

"I already got permission from His Majesty and he said it's not against the law."

"Ok.." I sighed.

At least I will get a real friendship compared to him.

*TIME SKIP* - Tea Party -

"Greeting everyone, I'm so glad that you can come to my tea party" Jennette shines brightly as she smiled with glee.

The looks of the leading lady...

"I'm princess Jennette, it's very nice to meet you all"

"My name is Estine" "I'm from the household..." "I'm Helena"

Helena? Wasn't she the one that I talked to at the banquet?

"..." It got quiet for some reason and I shook my head. Why are they staring- Gah! I got caught up in my thoughts!

I grin with soft eyes and confidently introduce myself. "I'm Anastasia Karalis and it's a great honor to be here!~" I smile widely.

"Ah! You're the amazing Anastasia?" Hold up the amazing what?

"I heard about all your achievements!" Of course...

"Did you guys really come from the Sidionna Kingdom? And is your mom really a princess?" Suddenly all attention went to me.

These girls won't stop talking to me like come on! The princess, the protagonist of the novel, is right there!

"You have a very beautiful garden, Your Highness," I said to Jennette. Ugh, I can even feel her dark magic acting up.

"Thank you, my father had built for me" Ah. As expected. It's starting to take place now.

"Really? You have such a loving father" I commented.

"His Majesty is thoughtful! He must really cherish you!" Someone said and then a bunch of compliments came in that appeal to the princess.

With them talking, all I did was eat, drink, and sometimes chat with them. At least I got to speak with girls around my age and it was nice to know some of them. If I get closed with them, it should power my household. Hopefully, I'm not a threat to Jennette since she is now part of the Obelia family.

"I heard that the Alpheus family raised you before His Majesty took you in, Your Highness" Oh. That sly dog's household. "So you grew up with Ijekiel?" The girl asking the question flusters as she fidgets with her fingers.

Oh my, we're fangirling now. Isn't that exciting? I guess it's normal for young girls like her to be nervous about things like this.

"Yes, he's like a big brother to me!"

"I'm envious that you're close with him"

"True! After seeing him in person, the rumors weren't exaggerated!" She squeals along with some others.

I quietly giggle at their reaction and continue drinking my tea. Ijekiel is quite popular, as expected of the male lead. However, he's solely made for the leading lady which is Jennette. Hm. Which reminds me, when do they get engaged again?

They continued to fangirl and suddenly we were talking about another. All I could think of was how cute they were when they got excited talking about boys. They're just average girls in comparison to the book which was full of jealousy and torment. Sigh. At least it got changed.

"You mean the lone wolf?"

"PFF!" I choked on my tea again and covered my cough. The lone wolf??!

"Then we have the flower boy!" Flower what?

"Actually my eyes keep getting drawn to the knight over there" Helena looks at Felix and I bit my tongue.

This is too much!

"Your Highness, do you perhaps know who is that handsome red-haired knight?" They all stared at Jennette and for some reason, she made eye-contact with me.

I avoid her gaze and pretend to focus on eating.

"I'm sorry, I do not know but he has been going to the Karalis household every afternoon," She said and they immediately looked at me. How the hell?!

"Anastasia, erm can you....?"

I swallowed my cake and smiled at them innocently. "His name is Felix Robane," I said, leaving out the other significant details.

Then they squeal so high-pitched that made my ears bleed and I bear with it through a smile. They continued to compliment him and I saw him getting embarrassed by the sudden comments. Soon I saw Lily coming to our way with a tray of desserts and more tea. Finally!

After she served our snacks, she left us alone and stood next to Felix. Ah! How can I forget that she's my personal servant and friends with Felix?

"Who is that?" They were surprised to see Lily serving them. "She may seem like an ordinary maid but her aura gave me the chills!"

"Not to mention her uniform! Is that how the palace's maids dressed?" They all asked Jennette again and she shakes her head.

"No, this is actually my first time seeing her and I never have seen any of my servants wearing that," She said and stared at me.

Then naturally they all gazed at me, putting me in an awkward position again. "Ahem. She is my maid that came with me" I stated. "My father is very protective and so he sent her to escort me just in case"

"I see" They all nod and then ask one more question. "But may I ask where she got that outfit? I mean is it a fashion from the Sidionna Kingdom?"

I nodded and answered them. "No, all my workers have the freedom to design their uniform that would be comfortable and suit them. I suggested the short-skirt to raise their confidences" I said. "Plus they do more than cleaning"

"... Is her name perhaps Lillian York?" I nod and they all gasped. Ah, the old rumors are still going around?

They slaughtered me with all sorts of questions that I couldn't hear properly but I knew one thing they wanted to hear.

"Ahem. Although her engagements were true, the rest are false." I reassured them. "Lily chose to stay single after all the chaos and never again have a lover," I said so they think they have a chance with Felix even though he's the same as Lily.

"All the four kings of high society!!" They once again made my ears bleed as I bit my tongue in cringe. "Your Highness. Who do you find the most attractive?" They crowd Jennette and I just softly chuckled at their adorable behavior.

My guess is Ijekiel to her because he's obviously going to end up with her.


I felt the hairs on the back of my necks stand as I get chills down my spine. I shuddered as an image of him appeared in my mind.




This presence... Ha... And I thought you were gone forever...

"Erm. P-Princess" Helena speaks up but I focus on my tea, not letting my eyes wander around. "May I ask who is that?"


His aura gets stronger and closer as he comes toward the table but I kept my eyes on the table so that I don't have to see him.

"Blessing and glory upon the Obelia Empire. I'm Lucas, the royal magician" He introduces himself.

The royal magician? Is that why he doesn't come anymore? He finally found a life. Heh! What a miracle. I smirked to myself while I got nostalgia from hearing his voice. So he has found a way to change our relationship from friends to enemies huh?

I lifted my chin and unconsciously made eye-contact with him. I didn't look away but instead, I kept on staring at him emotionlessly as my expression darkens. After a while, I switched personality and went back to my happy expression because as he knows, I'm two-faced!

"... I beg your pardon but I'm needed at the tower" He said.

"Oh! Then you are excused!" Jennette lets him leave and he walks off.

He turned his back and met my eyes again then instantly looked away and continued walking back to the tower. That moment, I began to experience another feeling: Betrayal.

"The wizard seems nice" I commented and sipped my tea.

"Oh my goodness!" They stared at Lucas with admiral eyes and that moment, I knew they would fangirl about him again.

Jennette and I just calmly watched them go crazy until the very end. I must say, the two of us are probably the most normal ones here...

"You seem to be enjoying this, princess" I grinned gently at her and she jumped up as she flustered.

"Ah! Yes, I am! It's nice to be meeting you guys!"

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way, princess" Sigh. This novel was built just for her and luckily I got out of it. "..." A thought suddenly got into my mind.

What about her mother?

According to news, she got the Ruby Palace which damaged her reputation but she was also the mother of the only princess in Obelia and not to mention the whole continent is supposed to love her including the emperor. It's a pity that she got that dreaded palace where I once lived in and her status is now a concubine. However, the emperor doesn't even visit her so she's just a leech to him, only relying on Jennette to soar. Or until the emperor forgives and softens towards her.

That could be a possibility since she is the only woman he loves.

"Princess, is it true that you're getting engaged to Lord Ijekiel?" Oh shit! Here it is!

"Where did you get silly information?" Jennette blushed and avoided answering the question.

Oh, it seems like she has already fallen for him! Now we just have to wait for Ijekiel unless he also feels the same? Oh well! Not my problem! I tried to pick up the teacup to my lips but my hands were shaking instead.

What's wrong with me?

I put on the cup and hid my hands under the table. Why do I feel so nervous?

"... Anastasia, sorry if I'm being rude but are you interested in any of the boys?" Someone asked me and I was perplexed by the question. "Like you didn't show any reactions nor get into the conversation. Are you not attracted to boys?" She asked in concern.

Ahhh. I get it. All their faces are red except for me. How nice but it's too bad I got rid of my bashful emotion. Until I can redevelop it again, I will remain neutral when talking about romance or boys.

"Well I don't meet many males in my life" I explained. "My father is very strict and prevents me from interacting with boys as much as possible. All the workers in my household are females except for Sir Felix" I said. "So I don't think much of them and consider them friendly like everyone else" Except for that jerk.

"Oh, dear!" Helena took my hands which caught me by surprise. "You should go out often! I can teach you everything about boys!" Holy! She really is persistent!!

"Ah! That's fine, I don't need to know" I assured her. "Besides I got to meet some other males here"


Oh god please save me from this chaos.


The tea party ended and we were freed to go home. I was happy to go back until I realized something.

Lily was gone! Even Felix?? Oh hell Nah!

"Anastasia! It seems like your maid is not here" Jennette gasped in shock. I looked around and we were the only ones left. What kind of bad luck do I have? "Do you want to wait with me in my palace?"

"... Your palace?" Inside?! "Oh! No need! I can search for her!" I said. I don't know what you intend to do but Jennette, I don't trust you yet. Especially with your dark magic just flowing out of you.

"Do you want one of my knights or maids to go with you?"

"No!" I quickly shake my head. "I'm fine being alone but thanks for the offer!" I smiled brightly. "I hope we meet again soon, princess" I give her a smirk and her eyes widened in surprise at my expression as she becomes enchanted by me.

"... Yes," She curves her lips. "I hope so too!~" She said and I waved goodbye to her as I walked down the halls.

Arghh! Where is Lily?? Why did she even leave me??

I wander around the halls and fidget with my storage ring. What kind of emotion did I place in here again? Ugh. There's no time to think about that. Find Lily and go! That's my missionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


I looked side to side in the empty halls. Maybe I can explore a bit! Yes while Lily is busy, I can get a better view of the Emerald Palace! Or...

My head and eyes naturally wander to the Black Tower.

Maybe some magic books I can read....

*TIME SKIP* - 30 Minutes Later -

Read. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read. Read.

Read as much as you can!!

I rapidly turned the pages in the books as I tried to memorize as much as possible! I was in the forbidden tower, a place only for wizards, and I, on the other hand, am a sorceress! It was easy getting in here and just copying their outfits but the hard part is, I have to avoid getting caught. But these men seem so sad that I pity them.

"Is that a newbie?" I heard one of them whisper as I buried myself in the bookshelves.

"Don't mind him!" They said. "His mana is very strong so it could potentially be a senior"

"Oh ok"

Thank god! I thought I was going to get caught! Wait, they could also mistake me for Lucas since our mana is similar but it's because he has been absorbing mine. Whatever, eventually it'll die out soon since he stopped visiting me and taking it.



Oh shit.

"What a surprise," He said from behind my back but I still stayed focused on the book. "I don't remember getting visitors" I feel him breathing on my neck.

I ignored it and picked up another book. "Sorry, I came here to check out a book" I keep a straight face. "Do you happen to know how to make clones bleed?"

I turned around with a cunning smirk and heartless eyes that were directly given to me. He still looked the same nevertheless but now I cannot identify what kind of emotion he was expressing properly. It is the same frown and glare but is he sad or angry?

"You commit a crime of trespassing into the wizard tower" He smirks smugly at me. "You can be severely punished for it"

"Trespassing?" I hold the book in my arms tight and grip my fist. "You speak as if you don't do the same thing"

Ugh. What is this pain I'm feeling in my heart? I should ask Hannah once I get home.

"... Bold" He strokes his chin. Is he impressed or just mocking me?



I'm getting headaches now? Ugh. Is this a side-effect?

"But you're still not allowed here" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. There's nothing fun in this tower anyway" I looked out the window. "Report me to the emperor if you want" I taunt him.

"You think he'll do anything?" His magic acts up and my heart tightens again.

"And what will you do? Make me vanish?" I frowned. "Go ahead. I don't care" I click my tongue while looking away. "We don't need to see each other anymore"

He sighed and I felt his murderous glare die out slowly. "... This will be a warning" He said and snapped his fingers.


He teleports me outside and in the air again. "Asshole.." I mumbled as I fell down to the ground calmly. I'm used to this so yeah. Oh hey! I still have the book in my hands, isn't that generous? But my wizard clothes are gone. Oh well, I was already planning to change back into my dress anyway.

"Thanks, Lucas" I whispered and closed my eyes, preparing to hit the ground.


Hm? I opened my eyes to find a pair of golden soft eyes staring back at me.

Ijekiel?! Gah! I landed in his arms again?!

"You seem to fall from the sky a lot!" He chuckles. "You should stop. I wouldn't want to see you hurt yourself"

"Thank you" I awkwardly smiled. Why is it that I land in his arms every single time?

He put me down and was happy to see me again. For me, I couldn't face him properly since we met so weirdly. "Ah! Do you remember me?" He got anxious.

"Of course! You were at the banquet!" I guess I should be nice to him a bit. "Sorry about that time though!" I grinned brightly but the freaking divine light was too much for my eyes.

"Really? I'm glad" He smiled wider. "What are you doing here in the palace?"

Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're supposed to stay in your house.

"I was invited to the princess' tea party!" I hugged the book close to my chest. "Then I wandered to the library and got really interested in this book! So I wanted to ask the princess if I can take it!"

Suddenly he offered to escort me back to Jennette since I was lost. I decided to accept it and together we walked around the castle. However, I swear we passed by the same garden 4 times already!! Does he know where he's going? Or is he stalling?

"You know I never got your household but I think I have an idea," He said. Really? He hasn't figured out who I am yet? My fame is literally everywhere and there's rarely any Anastasias here or maybe there is but I don't know about her.

"Oh... I'm from the Karalis Household" I exclaimed.

"You came from the Sidionna Kingdom?" He gives me a small smile and I nod. "I met your father once"

"You did?" Sweat forms around my body as I get nervous about his next answer. My father is very careless and arrogant that some nobles just can't tolerate his usual behavior.

"Yes, he's very impressive!" He said. "Though he never mentioned about you and gave me a funny face"

Of course not! He knows that you were my childhood friend long ago!! He's probably threatened by you in some way! God, do I need to protect Ijekiel now?

"Did he?" I laughed. "Well, at least you got to see him!"

"Yes, and I saw your mother from afar. Very pretty lady" He compliments like it's not weird especially when he's saying to me, the daughter of the woman he's praising. "So in the Sidionna Kingdom, what is it like there?"

Bitch please, I've never stepped foot in that country nor saw any portraits of it.


He asked me all sorts of questions and I had to keep my fake happy personality the whole time. He wanted to see my book and I stepped away from him in anxiety. This guy!!

He apologized and we continued walking around until I had enough of this bullcrap.

"Lord Ijekiel, you can leave me. I feel bad for taking up too much of your time" I grit my teeth. "And do you even know where you're going?"

"Nope!" He answered confidently and my vein popped.

"Is that so? Then don't you think we should ask for help?"

"Well I didn't want to bother the servants"






Something strikes me all of a sudden and I become depressed. Huh? Why does it feel empty inside?

Then my first thought was to get out of here.

"... Actually I know where the garden is so I'll go there" I said and ran off. "Thanks for accompanying me!"

"Ah! Ok!" He yelled in the distance then I started to panic.

For some reason, I don't feel right.


My heart throbs again.


I frowned and ran down the hall.



"Lily!" I screamed in fury. "Where are you?!" I shouted despite disturbing the others in the palace. I know I can be punished for disturbing the princess but I don't care. I just want to get out of here!

My tears were flowing out of my eyes.

Why is it back?

This feeling...


I tripped and fell to the ground with tears streaming down my face.

Why is my emotion back?!


What is this?! Why do I only feel this pain? Why am I in agony?

All I could think about was betrayal. The fact that I was deceived by my false friendship?!

Why am I thinking about it again?!

I hugged the book closed to my chest as my heart ached. I want Lily.

"Miss!" I heard Lily gasped from behind and I turned my back. She was trembling in shock with her mouth wide open.

Felix was also shocked and came up to me. "Are you ok?" He bends down to my side.

"Lily!" I ignored him and ran to her with open arms. "Where were you?!" I cried into her shoulder.
"I'm sorry for leaving you behind, Miss" She gives me a warm hug. "I had other businesses. I'm sorry, I should've focused on you"

"Wahhhhh!" I cried. "I want to go home!"

Why is my sadness acting strong? Why am I letting out my emotions? Did I destroy it completely or was there an error?

"It seems like Anastasia is having trouble containing her feelings" I heard his voice again. "Her body is very weak right now" He hovers over us and I look straight into his eyes.

"Lucas?" My visions get blurry again and I stuff my face in Lily's neck again. "Wahhh! It won't stop!" Why am I suffering from my torment?!

Is this the price of emotion manipulation?! God! I want to be so angry right now but I can't! All I feel is despair and sorrow! No! No! No!


He pokes me in the forehead and I stop feeling sad. Instead, I was tired and felt like sleeping. Everything around me begins to dim as my eyes get droopy. Soon everything turned black and that's when I fell asleep.

I'm confused about Lucas now. I don't think he intends to leave me earlier nor break our friendship. He only needed a job so that's why he seemed sad at that time.

Before I completely fade away, there was one question that randomly appeared in my head:


Are you a friend or a foe?

~ 3rd POV ~

Lily holds the unconscious Athanasia in her arms and stays calm despite witnessing her strange behavior for the first time.

"Thank you, Sir Lucas, for helping me" She picked up Athanasia without struggling, and strangely the book didn't fall off. "We're forever in your debt" She bows to him slightly.

Lucas was surprised to see Athanasia's wavelengths going crazy. It was different from the time in the river. The great and youngest wizard of the palace has never come across such a case nor reaction.

"... Take care of her for now" He said to Lily while staring at Athanasia's sleeping face. "Tell the Duke I will come to the mansion for a check-up tomorrow" Lucas announced and Lily looked at him with wide eyes.

"What?" Lily's jaw dropped and Felix was also surprised.

"I will visit her around noon," He said. "Consider it as a medical check-up"

"I'm sorry but there's no need! We already have a doctor!" She couldn't let a stranger into the mansion, especially a powerful wizard who could potentially see through her disguise or even worse the whole family.

"But the warlock is just watching out for her health!" Felix defends Lucas' decision. "It's best to let him!"

Lily bit her lips and nervously sweat, unable to think of an excuse. Then the duchess appeared in her mind. "... I will tell my Duchess" She sighs and nods. "Thank you for your aide" All she can do is hope for the best and pray that the Karalis family won't get exposed.

"... It's nothing" Lucas smirks and Lily begin to distrust the so-called "savior".

She excused herself and went to the entrance with Athanasia asleep in her arms. Felix follows Lily and asks to carry her but Lily shakes her head, saying that it was fine. They reached the carriage and their peers were shocked to see the unconscious Anastasia. Worried and concerned, everyone gossiped about it as Lily went inside the carriage.

This news will surely spread and reach Jennette in a matter of hours.

Lily, riding in the carriage with Athanasia sleeping against her shoulder, becomes curious about the book that was still in her hands. So tight in her grasp even when she's asleep.

'What's so special of the book from the royal palace?'

*Meanwhile* - Back in the Palace -

Jennette has tea with the emperor after literally hosting a tea party with her guests. The emperor who used to not care nor even glance at Jennette begins to soften up and welcome her in his life. Just like the Lovely Princess. However, there was one obstacle that ruined his behavior. A person who he still doesn't care for nor even respond to her no matter how many times.

The mother of his daughter and ex-fiance. Penelope Judith.

She was unable to join the tea party with the emperor and princess and was forced to stay in the dreaded palace. At first, the servants didn't treat her properly until Penelope threatens them and reminds them of who she was. "The Mother of the Crown Princess" and "Future Empress". She scolds and they quickly change their naughtiness.

Anyway back to Jennette and the emperor who's having tea inside his palace.

"How was the tea party?" He drinks his Lippe's tea as his headache goes away.

"It was great, father!" Jennette said cheerfully.

She continues to tell stories regarding the tea party and he nods his head, listening to every detail that comes out of her mouth. Then when it got to Anastasia, the happy atmosphere became serious.

"The Karalis girl?" Claude comments after Jennette mentions her incident within the palace.

"According to the servants, her personal maid was gone and so she went away to look for her" Jennette frowned sadly. "But after a long time, she was screaming for her and ran around in despair until she passed out. I'm severely concerned for her, father"

Claude's face turned to grimace when Jennette showed her sympathy for the girl she begins to admire. The smile on her face was different from others and impacted Jennette.

"Looks like that girl has no manners" He insults and Jennette was shocked to hear such a thing for a pitiful girl.

"Father! How can you say that to Anastasia?"

"Anastasia? You're already calling her as a friend now?"

"Well, she is my friend! Ack!" Jennette lowers her voice and rethinks about her words. "I mean not yet..." She said. "But I care about her!"

"..." Claude glares at her with a cold expression. "... You'll find out at the next party" He said.

"Does that mean you'll let me host another one?" She lits up with glee and he nods. "Thank you, father!~" She melts his heart then leaves the room.

His headache had gone away along with the pain in his heart. However, he was cautious of the Karalis household who rose to the very top, only relying on the support of the people who used to be his support. If their daughters become good friends, then there was no need to feel any hatred between the two sides.

The Duke bothered him the most since he acted so care-free around him regardless if he's the emperor.

The daughter didn't pay much attention to him nor did he to her. But he still thinks of her because she had stolen Felix away from him and probably Jennette.

The Duchess was the most confusing of all. He gets extreme headaches that cause him to get dizzy and pause for no reason. However, his heart reacts differently. It was whole when seeing her the first time but then it twists and pricks other times like when she's around her husband. He couldn't describe it and tried to ignore it every single time which made him feel worse unless he's around Jennette. Only then the pain stops and naturally he is warm around her.

Still, the Duchess stayed in his mind nevertheless.

End of Chapter 23.

AN: Hahahaha. It's finally coming together!! Muahahaha!

|Word Count: 5002|

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