Star Wars: the Covenant

By Author_EdmundKM

8.7K 231 27

2500 years before the rise of Darth Vader, the Old Republic is faced with a new threat; an alien empire known... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

242 7 1
By Author_EdmundKM

Jason silently walked through the crowded halls aboard the Righteous Justice, his mind conflicted on an issue he had dealt with for ten years. He ruffled his hair, confused and angry. He knew he should fight, his new allies needed him now more than ever. His Master was right, he was afraid. Afraid of war and the pain that comes with it, and the possibility that he might fall to the dark side. But it didn't make any sense why he was having trouble overcoming this fear.

Jason continued to walk, not even paying attention to where he was going. All of a sudden he crashed head long into another person, sending them both sprawling across the metal floor.

"Sorry, wasn't watching where I was going." Jason apologized, heaving himself into a sitting position.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

Jason moved to help the officer up. Once on his feet, he was able to get a better look of the man.

"Keth!" Jason said, surprised to find his old friend in such a place, "what are you doing here?"

"Commanding this ship actually" he said with a smile, "it's good to see you Jason. Stang boy, you've grown up."

Jason returned the smile "it's good to see you too." Jason looked him up and down, noticing several pronounced changes in the man he knew, such as a the shaggy brown beard covering most of his lower face and a commander insignia pinned to his shoulder.

"So what have you been up to for the last ten years?" Keth asked, beginning to walk down the hall. Jason quickly fell into step.

"I...uh. I went into exile for a while." Jason said, avoiding Keth's eyes.

Keth looked at Jason, his eyes full of understanding, "I see. Did it have anything to do with... you know. What happened in the Outer rim?"

Jason nodded.

"In a way the same thing happened to me" said Keth, "I left the military for a few years to go to therapy. I'm glad to say it worked, because I was a wreck after her death." Jason easily understood who "her" was.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have saved her Keth." Jason blurted.

Keth gripped his shoulder, "Jason her death was something that couldn't have been prevented. In my two years of therapy I finally understood that death is a natural part of all life. And those we love never really leave us, so long as there's someone here to remember them."Jason was suddenly thinking of his sister. "I've accepted what has happened and I've tried to get on with my life, just as you should" said Keth.

Jason was surprised, "wait, did my Master talk to you?"

Keth winked at him, "maybe briefly. The thing is Jason everyone is worried about you. You keep living in the past, wondering what you could have done to change things. But you just can't seem to understand that you did all you could during the Guerrilla war and on Vespae. Jason what happened ten years ago on that world is practically history now. Listen, your teammates need you. You're a Jedi for force sake. Do what you do best and complete this mission, an entire war could be riding on it."

Keth stepped away from Jason, giving him one last fleeting glance before leaving him to himself. Jason watched his old friend walk down the hallway until he turned the corner and out of sight. He groaned in confusion, cupping his hands over his eyes.

Voices filled his head, telling him to do this and that. But through all of his mental confusion a lone voice cut through the rest, speaking reason; They all have a point Jason, the voice said, Keth, Helen, and Keelu all moved on, so stop feeling sorry for yourself you idiot and do what needs to be done!

Jason opened his eyes and whirled around. For a second he thought he was hearing the voice of his sister, but knew that it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him again.

Either way he needed to make a decision, so he decided to try and obey. Jason closed his eyes and thought about his sister and Tana, about Vespae and Abian IV and with much difficulty he was able to let go of his fear and his regret, his anger and his pain. In that moment Jason felt the force swell up around him, comforting him and giving him strength. And in a way, telling him that things might turn out all right in the end of all this. For the first time in a while Jason was sure of what needed to be done, he only hoped he wasn't too late.

Jason opened his eyes to the bustling activity of the ship occurring all around him. They had arrived in the Abian system, and they weren't alone. Jason moved to a viewport on the other side of the hall and peered out into space.

Just as he expected, an enormous Covenant fleet was already wreaking havoc on a nearby mining asteroid; blasting it to pieces with their powerful plasma weapons. Jason whirled around and rushed over to several officers walking quickly down the hall.

"Excuse me; do you know where the main hangar bay is?" He asked.

"Head down the hall and take a left" said one of them, "There's a turbo lift there that should take you right down to the hangar on level three."

"Thanks" said hastily. He followed the officer's directions, and eventually reached the Hangar. Jason stepped out and was greeted with a familiar sight. The Saurora sat at the hangar's center, still as dumpy looking as ever. With a small smile Jason pushed forward through the dense crowd of people trying to prepare the ship's star fighters for launch.

He eventually caught sight of Helen and Cris, disconnecting fuel and electric lines from the Saurora as fast as they could. Jason slid up beside Helen who seemed to be having some trouble with one particularly stubborn electrical cable.

"Jason!" she exclaimed with surprise.

"Here let me help" he offered. She stepped away to let Jason get to the power line.

"See you forgot to disengage the magnetic ring, which was why it wasn't releasing before." Helen didn't reply. She just gaped at Jason, a small smile on her lips. Jason glanced at her and realized she was staring. He felt his face flush and he turned away.

When the cable finally came free with a fairly loud "thunk!" Jason turned to face Helen. He never realized before how pretty she actually was. Jason shook his head, remembering the lessons his Master had taught him about attachment.

"um... I've been confused for a long time now." He stated nervously "And I think I'm better, so I decided I'm going to come with you."

Helen just laughed, "You really have a way with words Jason." He cracked a smile just as she reached up and kissed him softly on the cheek. "What was that?" Jason asked, looking Helen deep in the eyes. "Just a way of saying I'm glad you're coming." She said softly.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Yelled Cris from the boarding ramp.

Helen took Jason's hand in hers and pulled him toward the ramp. "Come on Master Jedi" she said, still smiling despite their situation. "We have a mission to complete."

Kalleem waited nervously in the crowded phantom drop ship. With several of the massive Jiralhanae and two Huragok aboard, it made room fairly scarce. He clicked on his communicator.

"Talis, I require a status update. Are we near our destination?"

The communicator crackled loudly before Talis's voice filled his ear. "Forgive me Shipmaster; we just dropped out of Slipspace. Fleetmaster Rilka just ordered for all ships to release their Seraph fighters and attack the incoming human fleet, I would recommend you join them, they will be able to mask your presence until you reach the planet."

Kalleem growled with satisfaction, "smart thinking Talis. I can already tell you will go far as a Shipmaster."

"Thank you Shipmaster. We are opening the Hangar bay doors now, may you go with honour." Talis cut the line and Kalleem was left proud to have chosen such a worthy successor. Seconds later Kalleem felt the Phantom lift off the ground and launch out into space.

"Shipmaster" said the drop ship pilot over the communicator, "we are now traveling with the Seraph fleet. We will be over the planet in several minutes."

"Good, the moment we are over the planet activate stealth systems and take us in." He said.

"Of course Shipmaster."

Kalleem clicked off the communicator and addressed the drop ship's passengers. "Expect anything upon landing. May those of us who die today, die with honour."

Kalleem hefted his plasma repeater in his arms and prepared himself. While most Sangheili favoured the smaller plasma rifle, Kalleem had found a soft spot for the heavier weapon, not to mention he was fairly talented with it when in his hands.

The minutes ticked away in his head until the pilot's voice ended the silence that had filled the troop bay. "We are entering the planet atmosphere, brace yourselves." As if on cue the entire drop ship began to shake uncontrollably. Several of the Jiralhanae who hadn't found something to hold on to began tumbling into one another. Eventually the shaking ceased and the Jiralhanae found their footing.

"Thirty seconds to drop point" announced the pilot, "good luck my brothers."

To Kalleem it seemed less than that. The bay doors swung open and like many times before he launched himself out. The gravity wasn't very powerful on this world and Kalleem fell slower than on previous missions.

Kalleem landed softly, his hoofs making shallow impressions in the grey dirt. He surveyed the landscape for any sign of enemy movement, but found nothing. What he did find however, was a small human settlement far off in the distance and allot of evidence that a battle had occurred here not long ago. Many craters and scorch marks pocketed the terrain, giving the planet a post-apocalyptic look. There was also something about the planet Kalleem couldn't put his finger on. While the planet's star hung high in the sky, it felt cold, dark and dead.

Kalleem ignored the feeling and turned to face his troops. With the enemy so close Kalleem knew they needed to move swiftly to avoid attention. Now that they had all placed foot on terra firma, the drop ship was no longer needed. Its troop bays shut silently and sped back up into the atmosphere. The seven Sangheili held their needle and plasma rifles ready, slowly scanning the horizon just as Kalleem had. The Jiralhanae on the other hand were getting excited, the thought of battle made them growl with anticipation. The two Huragok just floated at the center of them all, seeming not to care about their situation.

"Spread out, the entrance to the Silent Cartographer is near." He roared.

"Shipmaster." called one of the Jiralhanae as the group went to obey their orders, "I believe I found it."

Kalleem shortened the distance between him and the large alien in three long strides across the low gravity earth. The Jiralhanae pointed a sharp nailed finger to the side of an enormous crater, where a large silver archway sat wide open, as if inviting Kalleem and his troops inside.

"Indeed you have." Kalleem said to the Jiralhanae.

"Use your jump-packs." He said to his team, "they should have enough power to get us inside." Kalleem pointed to two of the Jiralhanae, "You two take the Huragok, we will no doubt need them to get what we came for." The two creatures snarled quietly but each reluctantly gripped one of the Huragoks' multiple tentacle appendages before activating their jump-packs.

Slowly but surly Kalleem's squad flew their way across the gaping crater and into the entrance to the Silent Cartographer, using up the last reserves of their packs to get inside. Kalleem examined the buried Forerunner construct, amazed that he, a lowly Sangheili warrior, was standing in a place where his gods had once stood almost a hundred thousand cycles ago.

Kalleem was quick to snap out of his imagination and refocus on the mission. Glancing around, he saw his entire team had been captivated by the beauty of the structure around them just as he had. "Come." He said to his team, "there will be plenty of time to admire this structure once we have uncovered the location of the Destroyer"

There were several replies of "yes Shipmaster" but the rest were still stunned, unable to believe that they were standing in a creation of their gods. Kalleem lead the way, eager to find the Destroyer and have the chance to wield its awesome power against the enemies of the Covenant.

"So why are we in this bucket of bolts again?" Jason asked Helen as the Saurora rocketed out of the Righteous Justice's main hangar. He knew that it was a highly advanced infiltrator ship but in the span of ten years he could have bet that the Republic would have designed something a little more up to date.

"This ship was refitted with the latest stealth technology credits could buy." Helen explained from the co-pilot's seat. "The hull was replaced with grade A durasteel plating, and a deflector shield that could stop a direct shot from a Republic Capital ship."

Helen hoped it would impress Jason, but it seems he was still a little unsure, "and you think this will be enough to get us into a Covenant ship?" He wondered.

"We sure hope so" said Cris as he flew the Saurora beside the Righteous Justice, "The Republic military has been expecting this attack for ten years, so they made sure this thing was ready to do its job the moment the Covenant reappeared."

Helen gazed out of the forward viewport. Even at this distance she could see the battle was already underway. She watched awe struck as Covenant and Republic ships traded shots, blowing large chunks out of one another.

"I'm activating the stealth systems" said Cris, "but just in case they spot us visually I want someone up on the gun turret."

"I've got it," said Jason. He leapt out of the navigation chair and stalked off down the hall. Trepid and Keelu left their own seats to get a better look of the battle now going on around them.

Cris weaved the Saurora around Covenant and Republic cruisers, avoiding plasma and laser fire coming from all sides. It was now she could get a good look at the Covenant ships in action. Each shot the Republic took on the Covenant was stopped by their powerful shields; at least until they flashed and disappeared, giving the Republic A-wings the chance they needed to finish them off.

"Stang," Cris cursed, he activated the ship's internal comms and connected to the gun turret. "Jason I think a couple of Seraph fighters spotted us, keep an eye out."

"Will do." Jason said from the gun turret.

"Where are they?" Helen asked, searching the battle around them. Helen got her answer when blue flashes filled the view screen, making her jump in shock. The Saurora shook slightly with each impact.

"Stang! Jason, take them out! Everyone else, hang on, I'm going to try and loose them!" Cris jerked the yolk and the ship responded with a jerk. The Saurora dodged around debris and ships alike, but the Seraph fighters were still hot on their tail, firing bright blue plasma at the Saurora's rear engine.

In the gun turret, Jason whirled the gun around to face the incoming fighters. Jason hesitated briefly, but then remembered that this was why he was here. Taking a deep breath he pulled the trigger. Two of the fighters flashed bright blue as his shots smashed into their shields. Jason continued to grip the trigger tightly and watched as each of the fighters' shield winked out from existence.

As he fired, Jason felt determined. But this determination had nothing to do with revenge. There were still civilians on the nearby planets, and even if he was just fighting a couple lone fighters, he was still doing his job to protect them.

Before he could finish them off Cris suddenly spun the Saurora into a quick corkscrew as he flew around a half destroyed Covenant ship. Jason smacked the bulkhead in frustration but grabbed the controls as the Seraphs came back into view. He pulled the trigger, expecting all six of them to go down in a fiery flash, but was only rewarded with two. The rest had recharged their shield and were coming back for more.

"Cris, I can't keep this up forever!" Jason yelled into his head set.

"I know Jason, I'm looking for a ship with an open hangar, but as you can see they're all closed! We missed our opportunity window!"

Jason blew away another fighter, "then let's make our own opening. Use the main laser canons; they should be able to punch a hole right through their hull."

In the cockpit Helen heard Jason's suggestion and immediately activated the cannon. "Cris give me a target." She told her brother as she got comfortable with the fairly simple controls.

"I'll do my best" he said with a huff.

Trepid and Keelu just sat there, gripping their armrests for dear life. "You people are insane." Trepid hissed.

Cris piloted the Saurora between two converging cruisers, barely making it through as the ships crashed violently into one another, pulverizing the rest of their pursuers in the process.

Jason slumped behind the controls of the gun turret, relieved that they survived. We just started; don't let your guard down he thought. He crawled out of the turret, his hands slipping on the guard rail from his sweaty palms. He quickly made his way to the cockpit, where Cris was flying the Saurora around a smaller Covenant vessel. He walked over and leaned over the back of Helen's seat, watching as she found a seemingly weaker spot on the ship's hull.

"You got the shot?" Cris asked his sister.

Helen nodded, her eyes watching the screen with intense concentration. Her finger hovered over the trigger, waiting for Cris to get them closer. Helen jabbed down with her thumb and the laser canons boomed loudly. But the shots didn't even come close to the target; it seems they all forgot the Covenant ships have incredibly powerful shields.

"Stang!" Cris yelled as the enemy ship flared.

"Wait a second" said Keelu, climbing out of her chair, "their shields may be powerful, but unlike our shields, theirs sit above their weapons. So they would need to lower them before firing."

Jason looked out at the Covenant cruiser. A Republic ship was moving in to engage, and he could tell the Covenant ship was about to attack from the increasingly bright weapons covering its flank. Before it fired the entire cruiser flashed faster than the eye could see, Jason's only advantage was his force abilities heightened his senses, allowing him to watch the ship's shields go down.

"She's right" Jason assured, "Cris bring us around for another shot. Helen, wait for my mark before you fire."

Both of them nodded in unison. Cris did as he was told and moved the Saurora into a position where they were aiming directly at the side of the ship. Jason watched the plasma canons, waiting for them to begin glowing their deadly purple and blue.

"Jason we're running out of room, I might need to come around again." Cris stated.

Jason shook his head and pointed to a temperature gauge, "no, this could be our only shot. Our stealth systems are overheating and if we use up too much time the system will shut down completely and that ship will know we're here."

Cris groaned doubtfully, "you better be right, because at the rate we're going, we're going to end up flattened on the side of this thing."

Jason ignored him and continued to watch the ship, waiting. Suddenly the ship's weapons began to glow brighter and brighter. "Get ready." He said to Helen. The weapons glowed until another quick flash of light covered the ship, signalling their deactivated shields.


Helen pressed the trigger and once again the sound of the cannon filled the cockpit. They were close the ship now, real close. Jason grinned as the laser bolts blew a single large hole in the ship's hull. The Saurora sped inside and Cris jammed the thrusters into reverse, slowing them down before they could crash.

"Good luck you guys" said Cris, "there's a couple life support suits in the cargo bay, you might need them."

Jason looked at Cris with gratitude, "thanks, and nice flying by the way."

The three force users left the cockpit, leaving Helen alone with her brother. They both got up and looked at each other. "I'm really proud of you, Cris" she said, "You did great back there."

He smiled sadly, "thanks. Helen there's a chance this could be the last time we see each other, and I just want you to know that I love you, and that you should look after yourself in there."

Helen walked up and gave her brother a tight hug, "thanks little bro, I love you too. When the plasma guns fire, you get yourself out of here as fast as you can. Go back to the Righteous Justice and stay there until we call you."

"Sure thing." He agreed, "I'll see you then."

Helen separated from her brother and made her way to the cargo bay, sad and somewhat satisfied that she was able to say goodbye to her brother in the case that one of them didn't survive this seemingly impossible mission.

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