Madness Combat: Project Armag...

By BladeMaster122

3.3K 10 54

A fanfic to the hit awesome Madness Combat Series!! Follow the story of Hank Sanford and Deimos when the madn... More

Part One
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Update (please read!!!)

part 3

175 1 2
By BladeMaster122

Part 3: Hangover And The Two Idiots

Hank grabbed the car keys and went in the car he sighed he hasn't been to Club M since he was told to kill Tricky the Clown. There only to blow himself up afterwards it was after that The High Powers slowly made him be paired up with Sanford and Deimos Hank remembered how angry, he was when he figured out, he would have to be paired up with two guys who were younger than him who act like idiot's half of the time the rest they were really skilled with combat.

Thanks to Hank Sanford and Deimos for stopping The Auditor Club M was only meant for A.A.H.W agents or L33T or some crap Hank didn't really care but after there were whipped out Nevada took it over and now it's used for dunk guys and hookers and or sluts as Hank would call them.

Hank pulled over turned the car off got out and put his keys in his coat pocket and walked in he thought he was going to go death just walking in the place the music was so loud. He just wanted out of there soon as he could, but this place was huge he goes to the front to ask a bar tender.

Hank: have you seen two idiots one with a hat the other with a black Banda.

The bar tender nods his head and shakes his head which pointed out to where they were to Hank sure enough, they were dunk. A bunch of girls where around the two and of course they acted like fools, so Hank goes up to the table hoping a problem won't stir more than it already has.

Hank: come on we are leaving

Sanford was out on the table with slobber dripping out of his mouth with half a beer bottle in his hand it's at this moment Hank see's all the beer bottles on their table and on the floor. Deimos on the other hand was still awake and grabs Sanford's half a bottle of beer and started drinking what was left.

Deimos: *hic* i-if w-wEe d-don't w-ant tto *hic*

Hank: I'm not going to ask again

Hooker: hey man lay off

Hank gives the girl a death stare which made her shut up.

Deimos smacks Sanford on the back of his head he jumps straight into the air and then crashes back in his seat.

Sanford: *hic* W-what wwas T-that fFor!? *hic*

Deimos: H-Hankie says wwe need to g-go hhome *hic*

Sanford didn't even realize Hank was even there till Deimos said something he then looks at Hank.

Sanford: H-hankie H-HEY!! *hic*

God the more they called Hank Hankie was really pissing him off.

Hank: Come on you two let's go

Sanford slowly got out of his seat and was going to head out like Hank had asked but Deimos puts his hand out making Sanford stop.

Deimos: N-No it's not time t-to Lleave yYet *hic* b-besides mMake me!? *hic*

Sure they were both dunk Hank knew Deimos was out of his mind just saying that before Hank had the chance to do anything Deimos started throwing punches at him which missed the Deimos fell to the ground with a flop Hank thought he was going to get back up but then heard him snore Hank did a face palm this was to dumb for him to deal with he pulls Deimos on his right shoulder then see's Sanford fluttering with one of the hookers.

Sanford: *hicc* H-hey Wwant to Ggo bacck t-To mMy Pplace?

Before the girl got a chance to answer Hank grabs him by the shoulder.

Sanford: H-hey Whhat Tthe!?

Just like Deimos he puts Sanford on his left shoulder Sanford starts shaking and kicking his legs back and forth acting like a five-year-old who just got in trouble afterward he blacked out Hank huffed in relief idiots he thought to himself......

Hank was about to leave with the two idiots that he called his partners only to have another drunk with a bunch of his friends Hank ignored it he knew it was another drunk and kepted going.

????: *hic* *laughs* W-would you look H-here it's T-the f-fatass Ninja!!

Once again Hank paid no attention to it he knew this guy was drunk just like Sanford and Deimos where then he said something that got under Hank's skin.

????: H-Hankie taking C-Care of his 2 B-bitches hHow C-cute *laughs*

Hank placed the two idiots on the ground and his fits tighten up.

Hank: What did you just call them!?

????: Y-your B-bitches *hicc*

That finally did it Hank goes up to the man in like two seconds flat the next thing the drunk guy knew was his shirt collar being held up by Hank.

Hank: Let me tell you something right now if you ever call them that again I with kill you got it!?!?

The man nods his head in agreement Hank punches his stomach.

Hank: I don't believe you!!

????: I w-won call t-them that ever a- again I'm s-sorry!!!

Hank smirks under his face mask and looks at the man's friends who was afraid look on their faces Hank punched him in the stomach again only this time letting go of his collar he goes flying lands on the table then the table fall down with him on it smacking the ground.

The man then lightly sits up and looks at Hank shaking he watches Hank grab Sanford and Deimos like before and drags them out.

The man then lays his back down with a flop.


Hank placed Sanford in the back seat, and he places Deimos in the front seat a big mistake he will soon realize he gets back in the car the sun was starting to shine Hank was so tired all this crap stayed around until early dawn he started up the car and began driving.

Hank yawned Deimos then slowly opened his eyes and looks where he is was not much for him to realize he was in the car he looks to his left to see Hank driving and he was forced on the road.

Deimos: W-Why you hit m-me??

Hank: I didn't you passed out the second I told you it was time to come home

Deimos: Ooh....h-hey Hankie why do out f-faces look like the letter T's??

Hank was just annoyed by a stupid ass question like that besides he has been dealing with drunks for the last few hours.

Hank looks at him.

Hank: shut the hell up!!!

Deimos eyes go wide.

Deimos: HANK ROAD!!

Hank turns his head about to piss himself he was on the wrong side of the road he pulled back to the right side.

Car driver: watch it asshole!!!

Hank: Jebus Christ Deimos you're a dumbass we almost got into a car wreck!!

Deimos: Sorry H-Hankie why you no like me!?

Hank placed his forehead on the wheel a lightly cursed to himself Deimos touches his shoulder.

Hank: I swear to Jebus......

Hank didn't finish his sentence when he saw the red and blue lights a cop car.

Hank: FUCK!!!

Hank pulls over the cop gets out of his car to there's

Cop: driver's license please?

Hank pulls it out of his pocket and sighs giving it to the cop.

Cop: Your Hank J. Wimbledon

Hank: yeah, don't remind me

Cop: did you know what you just did you realize that if you cause to much of an uproar we can and WILL put you in jail better, yet I should give you a ticket name a reason I shouldn't??

Hank: I've saved Nevada's ass before

The cop sighed it was too early in the day for said crap.

Hank: besides officers look at the two idiots I'm with

The cop looks into Deimos smiling and Sanford out cold.

Deimos: H-Hankie made a no n-no

Cop: this make more sense let me guess got drunk am I correct??

Hank: correct as I get out

The cop nods his head.

Cop: you're not drunk right??

Hank: no but I could be I have smelled so many beer breaths this morning.

Cop: I see I'll let you three go this time, but it happens again I will be giving some jail time.

Hank: after the morning I've had I wouldn't mind being lock up there.

Cop: I'll act like I never heard that

The cop got in his car and then drives away luckily for Hank Deimos did fall asleep again, so the rest of the ride back was quiet.

Once they got back Hank drags Deimos too his room then does the same with Sanford only to a barfing sound and feeling something wet go down his shoulder.

Hank: Sanford, I swear to God, I will kill you both for this!!?!

Because Hank was right Sanford puked on him.

Hank throws Sanford on his bed goes into the bathroom and starts to wash the puke on his outfit off. After a while he did get what he could off the hops in the shower on of the few ways it gets him to calm down this has already been a super long day already.

After his shower was over, he was tired he just wanted to sleep and to sleep he did Hank woke up about five hours later. His stomach was growling so he gets out of bed a started making breakfast food which went through the whole house which made Sanford stir soon he was in the kitchen with Hank.

Sanford: man, that smells good.

Hank: Yeah, probably since you let out whatever you had in you out this morning....

Sanford was confused.

Sanford: what are you talking about Hank??

Hank: you and Deimos got drunk, and I had to drag your ass's home.

Sanford rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

Sanford: sorry Hank

Hank: you owe me more than a sorry you threw up me on me!

Sanford then tries to change the subject.

Sanford: I see you made breakfast.

Hank: yeah, get you a plate I made enough for us both.

So, Sanford did, and Hank put some food on the plate and Sanford puts it on the table and sits down Hank does the same. Sanford it's not like things good get much worse.

Hank didn't even comment too that instead pulls his face mask down and starts eating the eggs he made.

Yeah, Sanford was wrong......

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