Remember Me (Harry Styles Fan...

By vintage_22

10.6K 172 55

We all change in an attempt to fit in. We change due to opinion, we change due to circumstances. We change be... More

2 years later -Chapter 2-
Never thought I'd see you again -Chapter 3-
Rock Me -Chapter 4-
Easy? -Chapter 5-
Encounters, speeches and snap decisions -Chapter 6-
Give them what they want -Chapter7-
Snap! Boom! Pow! -Chapter 8-
After Shock -Chapter 9-
Crumble -Chapter 10-
One final announcement -Chapter11-
United Front -Chapter 12-
The number -Chapter 13-

Go behind my back -Chapter 1-

3.1K 24 6
By vintage_22

I know, I know, what's with the new story? Well, sometimes I just have these brilliant ideas of a storyline and I just want to write them and share them with you guys! I guess having more stories on the go just means I can go from one book to the other instead of getting sick of a book and not coming  back to it for ages (which will never happen).

I've been wanting to do a Harry Styles fan-fic for ages but I just needed the right story line and thank God I finally came up with one. I've made it different from other stories I've read. The beginning is all planned and sorted out inside my head and as I write each chapter new ones spring to mind so we'll just see where it ends up going. I can't wait to see what kind of response I get for this one seeming as how I've been trying to come up with an idea for ages and have finally got one that I think I may be able to create a whole series out of! Please don't be to harsh if it sucks that much, feel free to comment, vote and spread the word! Gahh, I'm so excited!

The song on the side really got to me as I wrote the chapter, love the boys new album, listen to it while reading. >>


Olivia P.O.V

I open the unlocked door and walk into the house I had been spending far too much time in lately. Slamming the door behind me with as much force as I can muster, hearing the hinges squeak in protest, I storm into the house, anger flooding my body. I seriously could not giving a fuck if the neighbors or anyone else heard me. Heck I wouldn't care less if the cops rocked up.

Knowing that Harry's mum would be out and no where near the house meant I could really say what I wanted to say and that's all I wanted. To not need or have to censor myself, which I guess is a good thing. I mean that cold winter's air outside just made me a heck of a lot madder and I actually like Harry's mum and didn't want her to see my snap at her only son. Anne's a great person that's always treated me as though I am actually part of their family and I wouldn't want her to see this side of me. Venerable, mad, sad, confused and most of all heartbroken. 

"Gemma! Just cause you're older doesn't mean you can go slamming everything and acting as though you run the bloody joint, especially when some people are having a shitty day!" Harry yells in his newly found deeper voice which has gotten sexier by the day. I hear him making his way out of his room and down the stairs, hopefully to get a nice shock when he sees me there instead of his beloved and much to funny of a sister Gemma.

"Yeah I know what you mean about the shitty day." I acidly reply as soon as he sees me at the bottom of the stairs, his face turning into one that was perplexed and confused seeming as I never show up at his place unannounced, unless it's something urgent. 

He had his curls all messed up, little ringlets springing from every direction as usual. Wearing a pair of grey baggy pants that sat very loosely on his hips and of course wearing no top as usual, showing off his very faint v-line. The typical Harry look. He always was known as the charmer at school, not caring about how he looked but some how being able to achieve perfection every single time, although he preferred it when he was wearing less clothes. Not that any of the girls at school were complaining. No one ever complained...

"Liv." He breathes out, a smile making it's way onto his face, showing off his much to cute dimples as he starts his decent down the stairs and towards me. "You're not Gemma." He laughs.

Trying to get over the fact that I don't exactly want anything to end between us but need to make it clear to him that I wasn't happy, I try to erase my face of any emotion as I turn towards him. "It's Olivia to you and nice observation there Mr. Captain Obvious." I snap back as I correct him on my name even though I hate my whole name and I prefer it when people call me Liv instead. 

"You hate that name." He laughs knowing that I have a great aversion to people who call me by that.


"Yeah well I hate you as well." I say cutting straight to the chase as I point my perfectly manicured finger at him.

"What?" He asks, confusion flitting across his face making me that much madder, watching him play all innocent with me when in reality he's just a typical guy that likes to use girls and go from one to the other not having a care in the world about how it might affect the said person. Should have figured it out I guess, it's a typical guy move. It's typical Harry... a player.

"Does Hannah Walker ring a bell?" I ask as I screw up my face at the sound of the horrid name that I had only learn't of today.

"How do you know about her?" He asks as he starts rubbing his arms (one of his obvious give away signs). His face simutainiously turning red as though I had caught him committing some sort of felony but I guess this was close enough.

"It's hard not to know who she is when I get sent pictures or you two eating each others faces off!" I scream at him as I watch his jaw drop.

I clearly remember it.

At the end of the school day I had pulled out my phone from my locker to find a few new messages and missed calls as usual but there was something different, a message from an unknown number. Clicking onto the message there I found numerous pictures of the two pushing each other onto walls and kissing the life out of each other at a party that was on the other week. Where was I? I was at home sick. What was my boyfriend doing? Finding a substitution for himself. And he had all this time to confess to me what he did, a week to be precise but not a word came out of his filthy mouth. Instead he just kept on using me.

"Liv. I-it was a mistake!" He stutters, finally admitting the truth.

"It wasn't a mistake! You knew what you were doing and at no point did you not stop kissing her! You enjoyed yourself! Didn't you? Am I no longer good enough for you or did you just hope I'd never find out?" I yell at him. "Sure if some demon possessed your body and took control and made you kiss her, then I might forgive you! And that's a very big might. But this...?" I continue on, sighing and giving up towards the end.

"It should have never happened. It was just a massive mistake. We started talking and then we started kissing and next thing I know I'm getting dragged into her room but I love you not her! Your the only one for me." He defends himself putting his hand up as though he were signalling surrender.

Forgetting all he had just said I had one line repeating its self, in my head, on constant replay.

In her room. 

He was in her room

He. Went. Into. The. Bitches. Room! 

Fuck this Hannah Walker slut!

"Yo-you. Were. In. Her. R-room?" I ask as tears start to form in the corner of my eyes as all this starts to catch up with me and I feel the full force of it all.

Bit by bit all the information starts to sink in, cracking my hard exterior I put on whenever I'm in front of other people. Leaving me in the most venerable position I've been in a while.

"Oh God. Don't cry!" He sighs, grabbing onto his much to sexy curls. "I miss one day of fucking school and this happens!"

"YOU STARTED IT! It wouldn't of mattered if you skipped school or not, I would have eventually found out! Wouldn't be surprised if you were spending the day with Hannah." I sneer putting on a bitchy tone as I say the little sluts name. 

"Don't be like that." He says as he makes his way towards me, trying to grab onto my shoulders to look into my eyes.

"You told me you were fine with me wanting to wait." I say as I dodge his hand and shake my head in disappointment, realising I've gotten myself into this mess and there was ultimately no way out.

"I am fine with it!"

"Yeah that's why you went behind my back! I should have stuck with my gut feeling and never gone out with you. I knew something like this would happen, you go behind my back and leave me broken hearted while you go off in search of a new girl! Should have expected nothing less"

"Liv, it's going to be alright, we can figure this out." He says. "It was a one time thing that should've never happen and will never happen again. We can get past this, come on, everyone in school looks up to us. We're like the lead couple! Every relationship has their little bumps and this is ours, we can overcome it."

"Little bump?! You think it's alright! You think it's okay because this is our little bump we have to overcome? Go behind my back and cheat! That's not a little bump. It's not alright and it never will be and it doesn't matter if we're the 'lead' couple. I thought we started this relationship for us not for anyone else or any new status."

"I know and I love you so much but it just so happens that we work so good together that people look up to us. I never started this whole relationship for anyone beside us, I don't know what I was thinking or doing but we can fix it." He replies with a determined look on his face.

"This isn't something we should fix. This is something that should have never been a problem."

"But it's happened and I am truly sorry and am willing to do anything to fix it. I want this relationship to work."

"If you wanted this relationship to work there should have never been this problem."

"I know but we can make everything better. We just need to stick together." 

"No we can't, we can't and we won't, I don't want to have deal with this. It's one thing to kiss another girl while your dating someone but it's a whole different story to end up inside someone else's room. I haven't done anything to you, I've been loyal and stuck by your side. You haven't. We're done." I say as I make my way back to the door turning around to get one final look of Harry, seeing his tear stricken face as he just stands there at the bottom of the stairs, gripping onto the railing. 

This would be the last time I would never set foot in this house again or come close to Harry Styles. I'd miss Gemma and Anne. Always making me feel as though I belonged, I'd never get the chance to explain everything but all I can do is hope that Harry owns up to them. They deserve that at the least, from the both of us.

I let the winter breeze hit my face as I step outside letting the tears start to stream, mascara running down my face as well as all the other beauty products I had caked on my face like I normally do just for Harry. I had always tried to make sure I looked as close to perfect whenever I was with him. Trying to make him feel proud of his girl even though I would never get that title back, not that I really wanted it anymore. I'm no longer his girl. I'm no ones and I don't exactly want to be anyones any time soon.

I know Harry was more then some crush. He would make me smile when I was down, he would have the ability to calm me down when no one else would so it makes no sense to me why he would do something like that. Tear my heart out. Leave me broken hearted but I guess it's a sign, we weren't meant to be. 

Today will be the beginning of the new me. I'm going to look after me and only me. Boys wont come first anymore, I will. I won't play the typical dumb girl move, I'm going to end up somewhere special when I'm older to prove to everyone that I'm not someone people can walk over. It's just a shame that I only decided all this after I broke up with the love of my life. Harry Styles.

A/N What you think? I know it's a bit of a shorty but it's just an introduction into the story. I'm probs going to post another chapter up real soon since I really want to get stuck into this story. Hope it appealed to some of you guys. Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter!

Vintage_22 xx 

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