By KeeperSquadWrites

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A fun deep-dive into everything Keeper of the Lost Cities! This book is basically the Unofficial KotLC Encycl... More



349 5 8
By KeeperSquadWrites

Originally Written: April 2020

Hello friends! I'm back and it hasn't been 3 months, so I'm taking that as win! I'm actually writing this introduction before I write the analysis, so future me will be warning you of the word count here: 14,896 words. But don't worry! That's why the key exists. For now let me tell you about what will be different about this analysis, and the answer is not a lot. I will be talking about and taking a real look at the reason and ramifications of Kenric's death. I will also be doing an analysis of the Elvin Government. Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this obnoxiously long thing, you're wonderful!

Also something to take note of, everblaze, as in the unstoppable flame, is a proper noun and is meant to capitalized. But for the sake of clarity, lowercase everblaze refers to the flames, and capitalized Everblaze refers to the book title.

Anytime you see a ☀that's something important. That should make it easier for someone who doesn't want to read the whole thing—because these just keep getting longer—and skim instead. And yes, I picked ☀because it's the sun, and that's where Everblaze comes from.

I'll do my best not to talk about things that happen in future books, but in order to make a few points I will have to reference future events. I know some people who read this won't be finished with Legacy, or even some of the other books so any big spoilers will be marked by this ✺.

Any notes or comments I make will look like this: ★Comment/note about etc. . .

And a final change is that anything that looks like these ◉ or ❏ are just bullet points.

Very Detailed Summary:
Fair Warning: this may be a little boring, but good if you want to remember all the important stuff.
1. The book starts two weeks after the end of Exile, with Keefe and Sophie going to check and see how Silveny is adjusting to the Sanctuary.
2. Sophie gets trapped in the void (because she can't teleport through mountains), she accidentally takes Keefe and herself to her old human home, where she investigates Mr. Forkle's garden gnomes.
3. The statues are arranged in the constellation of Cygnus, the swan. Sophie finds a note that says, "Wait for instructions and stick to the plan."
4. They lightleap to Keefe's house, and then lightleap to the Sanctuary. Sophie learns that someone found some orge footprints, that had no scent. They meet Silveny and Greyfell's caretaker, who takes them to the alicorns.
5. Greyfell is being very aggressive towards Silveny, and Silveny is now afraid of him. Sophie tries to earn Greyfell's trust, and he eventually shows her what's been freaking him out, a tracker that was hidden in Silveny's tail.
6. The tracker was placed the same day as the orge footprints were found, meaning the bad guys are working with ogres. Sophie and Keefe go to Evergreen to tell Alden what happened, but Biana also surprises Keefe and Sophie by telling them she manifested as a Vanisher. Sophie tells Alden everything, but then he says he has to tell her something too.
7. Alden tells her that the Council has ordered her to do a healing on Fintan. Sophie then has to go home after a lengthy discussion with Alden.
8. When Sophie gets back she sends the Black Swan a message in the caves by Havenfield. She asks them for a meeting, and tells them she needs their help. Sophie finds Edaline in Jolie's room starting to clean things out. She stops Edaline and begs her to let her do it, (because she wants to investigate Jolie's connection to the Black Swan) she tells Edaline she wants to get to know Jolie. Edaline lets her.
9. Sophie describes the tracker she found on Silveny to Sandor, and he tells her it definitely wasn't tracker because of what was made of, he says it must have been made by something only the ogres mine . . .
10. Grady finds Sophie looking through Jolie's things the next day, and brings up Brant. He tells her he'd like to petition the Council to allow Sophie to heal Brant's mind. Sophie worries it may not be possible, so she asks Grady to take her to Brant so she can see if it's possible.
11. Brant is weirded out by Grady coming to see him on a random day, but he lets them in. Sophie starts searching Brant's mind for the nook, but all she can feel is heat and flames. Brant grabs her wrists and yells stop (he burns her, but Sophie doesn't know that yet). Sophie thinks she can heal him, but Brant pushes Grady and her out and refuses to let Sophie do it.
12. The Black Swan replied to Sophie message, and deny her request "for your own protection." Sophie and Keefe start questioning if the Black Swan might have a leak.
13. The next day at Morning Orientation at Foxfire, they announce that Biana manifested, but they also announce that Dex manifested, which he was trying to keep a secret. Sophie finds out Sandor told Dame Alina and makes him apologize to Dex.
14 On the way to Sophie' session in the Silver Tower, Wylie confronts Sophie about healing Fintan and not his dad. Sophie fails at mimicking with Lady Cadence, and gets detention for a week. Sophie asks about the ogres, and describes the "tracker" she found, Lady Cadence freaks and sprays Sophie with reveldust, it glows red. She tells Sophie she basically touched a orge homing device. Lady Cadence then tells her she needs to get her skin melted off, and anyone who also touched the homing device has to as well.
15. Sophie and Keefe go to support Silveny through having some of her skin melted off. Councillor Terik accompanies them, and he does a potential reading on Keefe. He says Keefe has great potential and that he 'fascinates him, but not as much as Sophie's since her's was so divided.' Councillor Terik also says he was a lot like Keefe when he was younger. He later says later that Sophie's potential for bad was off the charts, but not as much as Keefe's . . . .
16. Keefe gets reveldust-ed again and it glows red again, even though he already had his skin melted off. Everyone is kind of confused and Keefe has to get his skin melted off once again.
17.Biana confronts Sophie, and Sophie begrudgingly lets her join her and Keefe's evil fighting team. The next day Dex gives Sophie her panic switch. In detention Keefe and Sophie have to hide effluxers (orge repellent devices) around Foxfire. . .
18. Sophie discovers Keefe is really good at mimicking. In Sophie's telepathy session with Fitz, she predictably picks Fitz to be her guide during the healing with Fintan.
19. A few days later, Sophie's running late to the Silver Tower because of Stina's bulling, but Magnate Leto assures her it's all okay, and then he gives her a small token of glass. In Sophie's inflicting session—it seems Councillor Kenric decided he needed to chaperone after how out-of-hand it got last time when Bronte inflicted on Sophie. When Bronte asks her why she was late and she gives him the glass, he calls it an amnesty, and seems shocked Magnate Leto thought she deserved one.
20. Bronte asks her to inflict on him, and inflict positive emotions. Bronte basically collapses from a happiness overload on his perpetually grumpy soul. He basically was comatose in his own body, and Sophie has to go in with her telepathy, with the kind reassurances of Kenric to keep her relatively calm. To bring Bronte back she literally has to inflict some anger into him.
21.While trying to befriend Vertina—while also being dressed up by Edaline—both Edaline and Vertina say Sophie looks so much like Jolie. This sparks the idea that Jolie might have been Sophie's biological mom.
22. Sandor makes Sophie go to the healing center to check on the "bruise' Brant gave her on her wrists. Elwin heals her up, but then tells her that her cells are the most exhausted ones he's ever seen. Sophie gets a lecture about sleeping, and Magnate Leto (there for not related reasons) asks why Silveny being at the Sanctuary affects her sleep. Magnate Leto reminds her—after Sophie explains why—that she can transmit across the world, and she could probably still have Silveny help her go to sleep.
23. In Sophie's telepathy session we learn about Fitz's stuff animal, Mr. Snuggles. During the same trust exercise that led them to that information, leads Fitz to getting past Sophie's mental blocking. Sophie panics and blocks him.
24. Dex starts trying to build a gadget that would basically allow him to be a telepath. Sophie finds a small compact mirror in a box of Jolie's old Foxfire things, and it has pearls arranged in the constellation Cygnus. Which absolutely confirms Sophie's theory that Jolie was part of the Black Swan.
25. Tiergan picks Sophie up for Fintan's healing, which is at Oblivimyre (A place best forgotten, apparently? But also a trap meant to make people go insane?) Sophie, Fitz, Oralie, Alden, Kenric, Terik, Tiergan, and of course Fintan were all there for the healing. After Sophie did the actual healing Fintan talks directly to her and says he's been waiting for her to come back. Fitz pulls her out, and Fintan hasn't even moved, but Tiergan checks, and his memories are piecing themselves together. Sophie and Fitz go in to search his memories, where Sophie finds the memory of Fintan training a young pyrokinetic again, but at that point Fintan has summoned everblaze.
26. Fitz brings Sophie out of Fintan's mind, Sophie grabs Oralie and Fitz and pulls them back from the Everblaze. Sophie stops Fitz from running through the flames to Alden, Sophie grabs Fitz and Oralie and pulls them through a window and teleports them to safety, a good distance away from Oblivimyre. Fitz and Sophie find Alden, who lightleaped out with Tiergan, Alden asks Sophie to collect quintessence (from the unmapped stars) so they can make frissyn (the only thing that stops everblaze).
27. Sophie and Fitz go to quickly collect the quintessence. Sophie gets really tired at one point, and accidentally implanted all of her memories of the stars when she tries to give Fitz the information on how to find the unmapped stars. The get quintessence and lightleap to where everyone else is, Sophie gives Tiergan the quintessence. Alden tries to get Fitz and Sophie to leave after the frissyn is made but Sophie senses that Alden's hiding something from her. Sophie forces Alden to tell her what he's hiding. He tells her that both Fintan and Councillor Kenric never made it out of the tower.
28. Sophie spots all the Councillors huddled around Oralie as she sobs, and Alden tries to comfort her. Alden tells Sophie that Councillor Kenric charged Fintan when Fintan called the everblaze. He pushed Sophie, Oralie, and Fitz out of the way, but then Fintan's body exploded in flames.
29. Tiergan brings Sophie home, and tells Grady and Edaline what happened. Sophie willingly asks for a sedative, but Edaline gets Sophie to sleep without it.
30. The next day the Council announces Kenric's death, and when nominations for the next councillor will begin. Sophie projects everything she saw in Fintan's head, and discovers the name of the bad guys on a patch in one of the memories. They're named the Neverseen.
31.Sophie mentions the Neverseen to Vertina and she says "not them again" but when Sophie asks what she means, Vertina refuses to tell. Vertina says she can't tell her what she knows till Sophie tells her the password.
32. They go to Kenric's planting, as Sophie weaves through the crowd she hears people whispering about her, and blaming her. The Council goes through the planting, and Sophie wander to the front of the Wanderling Woods with Keefe, Fitz, and Biana.
33. Then out of nowhere, King Dimitar shows up. The Council and King Dimitar exchange a few tense words and Dimitar suspiciously asks about the alicorns, and then when King Dimitar is about to leave Sophie—against all better judgement—decides to read his mind.
34. Dimitar's mind was blank and soft, and Sophie didn't get anywhere before Fitz shook her till she stopped. King Dimitar immediately seemed to notice, Dimitar tells the Council that Sophie violated the treaty. Councillor Emery stands up for Sophie saying she was new to their world, and that she was quite the special case. King Dimitar decides to test this special thing, and does some weird high-pitched mind trick thing. It doesn't effect Sophie but everyone around her collapses. Sandor moves to protect Sophie, but Dimitar punches Sandor in the stomach, then tosses him into a tree. King Dimitar declares he will be bringing Sophie back to Ravagog to serve a life sentence.
35. Grady gets overprotective and tells Dimitar that's not part of the treaty, then he mesmers Dimitar into dropping the arm holding Sophie, and then made him punch himself in the face. King Dimitar declares this a act of war.
36. The Councillors get all technical with what the treaty says, and declare that this was not a time of peace so nothing Grady did violates the treaty. The treaty also says both sides have to agree on a punishment, and Dimitar says he won't agree with anything other than a life sentence in Ravagog. That's when Lady Cadence steps in and asks if he really wants to go to war over this, she pulls the whole 'a good king would not want his people to die' and King Dimitar only relents when Oralie adds that he just offered them assistance for anything they need, and that this is there need. Dimitar says they can punish Sophie however they wants, but they have two week to do it. Then he leaves.
37. Sophie gets the world's most uncomfortable 'we're disappointed in you' speech from Tiergan, Grady, Alden, Sandor, and Edaline. They think her punishment will probably lots of community service at the Sanctuary. Grady is convinced by Edaline to not ground Sophie for eternity, but to instead put her on Verdi teeth brushing duty and give her the task of cleaning out Edaline's hoarder-like office.
38. The nominations for a new councillor start, and it seems Magnate Leto is in the lead with the most votes. Fitz comes over to see Sophie and tells her that when she implanted all those memories of stars while they were collecting quintessence, she also seemed to have implanted a random memory of a window . . . in Italy. . . that had the sign of the swan painted around it.
39. Sophie and Fitz determine she sent it to him because she was afraid, and the Black Swan probably gave her a way to find them if she was ever in serious trouble. Dex shows up at Havenfield too, he accidentally let it slip that the Council had given him an assignment to create a some gadgets, one of which would be an ability restrictor. Fitz and Sophie are kind of concerned on what the Council would want that for, understandably. Sophie asks Dex if he can make her iPod connect to the internet.
40. Keefe comes to see Sophie and shows her the note he found from the Black Swan in his cape pocket. The message said that now that plans have changed, they need to have a meeting in three days, at sunset and to 'find us where the lost have no end.' Sophie goes to check the caves, and she has her own note, with two differences. Her note tells her that the days ahead will be pretty miserable (don't quote me on these guys, these are more straightforward than Sandor's sword, so definitely no the Black Swan's words) and that she must not fear who she is, or her power. Sophie's also got her old magsidian black swan charm.
41. Three days later, Sandor, Keefe, and Sophie head to the Wanderling Woods at sunset. Hanging from Sophie's Wanderling is starlight from Lucilliant, one of the unmapped stars. They ended up in a cave, where they found light from Candesia, which leaped them to a air-bubble under the ocean. Then they found light from Marquiseire, which took them to some random misty hill. Then they found light from Phosforien, that took them to the tundra. The last bottle, light from Elemetine which took them to an island, where the Black Swan are suspiciously not present.
42. Sophie does a whole lot of crazed theorizing on why the Black Swan brought them here and then didn't show. They were just about to leave when, Keefe spots three figures in black cloaks making their way towards the island. They were actually walking on water.
43. Sandor throws Keefe and Sophie over his shoulders and moves them back into the tree cover, and tells them not to move. That's when a dozen dwarves with the Black Swan pop out of the ground. The dwarves tell Sophie to call Sandor back to her, and explain that they were trying to capture the rebels, but that Sandor was ruining their plan. When Sandor comes back, he smells that dwarves have been there, and runs back onto the beach, just as the Neverseen were stepping onto the beach. They turned around when they saw Sandor, and left.
44. The dwarves explain that this was all a test to see if they had a leak, or if Sophie and Keefe did. Before they leave, Keefe makes them deliver a message to the Black Swan. Keefe tells them that in five days the Black Swan will find instructions in the cave at Havenfield, since they passed their test, it time for them to pass theirs. Sophie and Keefe faded from all those leaps with the unmapped stars.
45. Two days later the Council reach their decision on who the Councillor will be. The next day a scroll came, the new Councillor would be Dame Alina.
46. The next day at the ceremony for Councillor Alina, they announced who would be the new Foxfire principal, Magnate Leto Kerlof, and that the new Beacon for the silver Tower would be Lady Cadence Talle.
47. Keefe and Sophie decide on the instructions for the Black Swan. The message basically said, they'll meet the next day at sunset, at Sophie's old home, that they want answers, and to arrange gnomes? . . . (I don't understand the last line either guys). The Black Swan responded the next morning, all it said was "Okay."
48. They dressed Sandor up as a old lady, and left for San Diego as scheduled, where Mr. Forkle was waiting for them. Mr. Forkle then starts taking charge of their meeting, as he always does. Mr. Forkle tells Keefe he must be their leak, even if unintentionally. Forkle showers Keefe with Reveldust, and Keefe's hands glow red.
49. They start trying to think of what Keefe could be unintentionally wearing all the time. Sophie realizes it must be his family crest pin. Keefe starts having a internal breakdown, because that would mean his dad was with the Neverseen. Forkle tells him to go home and test it, but then he tells him that if it glows red, he can't let his father know. Because if Keefe's dad doesn't know, it's a lot easier to capture him.
50. Keefe then freaks out more, because his dad is a Empath, how can he lie to him? Mr. Forkle comes up with a cover story for him to tell his dad. Sophie gets even more concerned about Keefe, who's kind of silently trying not pass out. Keefe gets ready to leave, but Mr. Forkle tells him to call Sophie if it is in fact his dad, and to tell her 'swan song'.
51. Sophie stays and questions Mr. Forkle some more. Sophie asks him about Jolie. He says she's not her mother. Sophie holds up the mirror she found, Mr. Forkle tries to play dumb, saying he sees no swan. Sophie tells him she sees a pretty bird in the sky and a human mirror. Mr. Forkle finally admits Jolie was working deep undercover-which is why she couldn't own anything with the sign of the swan.
52. When Sophie gets back to Havenfield she tells Vertina 'swan song.' Vertina tells her that "The truth lies behind the glass that is not a window." Sophie starts searching Jolie's room, and Keefe calls swan song. Sophie finds a narrow compartment covered by a mirror by Jolie's bookshelves. The compact held one small notebook, labeled Reflections in Black Swan cipher.
53. Edaline walks in on Sophie with the notebook and the compartment, and Sophie has to explain. Edaline just sits in silence till Sophie's done with the story. Then she says she thinks Jolie tried to tell her, by asking 'What if someone wasn't who you thought they were?' Edaline answered by telling her 'There will always be people who disappoint us, and it's up to us to decide when to forgive, and when to walk away.' Edaline follows up by saying that the last she saw Jolie—the day of the fire—Jolie told her she thought it was time to walk away.

54. The next day everyone goes to the inauguration for Magnate Leto as the new Foxfire principal. After Magnate Leto's been made the principal officially, the Council starts making a speech about Sophie's punishment. They ask for her to come up to the stage, then announce (quite stupidly) that they are making capturing and stopping the Black Swan their main goal. Then the Council placed a ability restrictor on Sophie's head, and our girl passes out in pain.
55. When Sophie wakes up she's in Magnate Leto's office. Grady and Edaline are there, as well as Elwin, Tiergan, Alden, and a ghostly pale Magnate Leto. Then there were all the Councillors, and behind them was Dex, who was crying his eyes out.
56. Everyone starts defending Sophie, but Councilor Emery makes it very clear anyone who resists will be sent to Exile. When Alden and Elwin start saying that its clearly dangerous since it made her basically catatonic, and damaged her cells, but Emery just calls Dex over and threatens to send him to Exile if he doesn't adjust the restrictor. Emery says that Sophie's out of control, and this is their only solution, everyone on the Council agrees, except Terik, Oralie, and surprisingly Bronte. Magnate Leto tries to suggest alternatives, but the Council won't even hear him out.
57. Emery makes Dex adjust the ability restrictor, but Dex refuses. Sophie not wanting Dex to be exiled, tells him to just do it. He still refuses to do it, so Sophie tells him that no one would make it as painless as possible for her, as him. Dex finally relents. Grady mesermers the Council but Sophie cuts him off. Dex is trying to explain to Sophie that he never knew it was for her when he made it, and Dex just starts crying even harder, so Sophie hugs him to show him she doesn't hate him.
58. After Dex's adjustments they get ready to test it again. Elwin, Oralie, Terik, and Bronte all turn away-not being able to make themselves watch. It makes Sophie's thoughts muddled and fuzzy, but it's not painful. No one can get through her mental blocking still, so they make Sophie test it. They try to get Oralie to judge her emotions to keep her from lying, but Oralie refuses to have any part in this, as does Tiergan and Alden. Magnate Leto jumps in though, and says one of his strengths as a telepath is knowing if someone is reading his mind. They take Magnate Leto up on his offer, and Sophie tries to read his mind. Sophie feels so slowed, and the pain is almost unbearable, but then she hears Magnate Leto's thoughts saying "If you can hear me, Sophie, do not let them know."
59. Sophie then pretended to faint. When she "recovered" she snuck a quick glance at Magnate Leto, who gave her the smallest of nods. Elwin tries to take it off, but Dex stops him, saying it could cause brain damage if taken off while it's still on. Dex volunteers to take it off right then, but Emery threatens to charge Dex's whole family with treason if he changes anything with the restrictor, (★I feel the need to emphasize how illegal this is in any developed society, let alone one like the elves'), then he shoves Dex out of the office.
60. Sophie gets up, and refuses to be carried. She refuses to let the Council think they've broken her. Right before she leaps away, she sees Magnate Leto wink at her.
61. Sophie basically makes it to her room before she breaks down completely, tears, spiraling, and completely tuning out the outside world. Edaline gives her slumber berry tea, and Sophie gladly takes it. Elwin was worried about her brain, Dex was apologizing over and over, Keefe insisted that circlets were the hot new trend, Biana and Fitz saying they were here for her, and Grady and Edaline begged for Sophie to wake up.
62. Edaline refused to give Sophie anymore sedatives, so Sophie had to confront reality. Apparently Grady had resigned his position as Emissary, and Alden had wanted to, but everyone thought it was best to keep someone on the inside. Grady also seems very serious when he said he wanted to make the Councillors jump off a cliff.
63. When Sophie finally gets out of bed, she goes downstairs to find Biana, Fitz, and Keefe all with scrolls from the Black Swan. The Black Swan had given Keefe a note within hours of Sophie getting the restrictor, and now they had told Keefe to bring the others and come to the moonlark for guidance.
64. The message basically says they need to protect Sophie, so they made this plan, and Keefe, Fitz, and Biana will go to the North side of Mt. Everest, to "Greenboots' Cave," then the Black Swan will give them more information on the plan. It ends with telling them to go see Sophie, so she can decode the message, and then to follow the instructions in three days at sunrise.
65. Grady insists that Keefe has a few goblins at Candelshade incase his dad finds out about the plan, then he makes Fitz and Biana promise that they'll tell Alden about the plan. Finally, Grady makes Sandor agree to go with them to Everest.
66. Dex comes over to see Sophie, and to apologize. He promises he won't create anything for the Council ever again. Then he convinces Sophie to start wearing her panic switch again.
67. Magnate Leto then comes to visit Sophie. He tells Sophie that when she's ready all of her Foxfire session will be there, even her ability sessions, he said Councillor Bronte came to him personally and asked that Sophie's inflicting session not be cancelled, he told him that inflicting doesn't come from the head, but the heart. He asked Magnate Leto to tell Sophie that "It takes a special person to see the darkness inside of someone and not condemn them." Magnate Leto then gives her a really wise peptalk. (Like someone else we know . . .)
68. Sophie finally figures out how to decode Jolie's notebook, using the compact mirror she can read the reversed Black Swan Cipher. Sophie discovers that Prentice—Beacon of the Gold Tower at the time—had been the one to recruit Jolie into the Black Swan, though before Prentice had been successful the Neverseen had started trying to recruit Jolie too. Jolie confronted Prentice about the notes the Neverseen had sent

her—thinking the Black Swan had sent them—and Prentice had told her the Black Swan had never sent her those. That's when Jolie decided to join both as a double agent for the Black Swan, despite Prentice warning her it was far too dangerous.
69. A package from the Black Swan arrives for Sandor full of gear, and a note that tells everyone going on the mission to meet at Kenric's Wanderling at sunrise to find what they need to leap to Everest. The note continues to say that once they make it to the cave they'll find a hidden door the Neverseen should think will lead to the Sanctuary. The Black Swan will then ambush the Neverseen before they can even set up their ambush.
70. Sophie finally finished decoding Jolie's notebook only to find out Jolie found out she knew the identity of the Neverseen's Pyrokinetic, and then didn't name him in her notes! Grady comes in to check on her, and Sophie explains what she read in Jolie's notes—but before she's finished she realizes who the Pyrokinetic is. Its's Brant. Brant had been the one to set the fire that killed Jolie.
71. When Sophie finally tells Grady, he just goes silent. Then he runs up to the Leapmaster, and is about to lightleap to go and confront Brant, when Sophie grabs him and goes with Grady.
72. Brant comes out of his shack, looking perfectly sane—unlike all the times before. It all starts coming together. Brant was the one who snuck into the Sanctuary, Brant's been the one using ash to sneak around for the Neverseen.
73. Brant and Grady start fighting. Mesmer against Pyrokinetic. Grady is about to push Brant off a cliff when Sophie stops him, not wanting Grady to do something that would break his mind. Grady starts making Brant burn his own hand off. Sophie tries out Bronte's theory of inflicting coming from the heart, and inflicts love at Grady, and when Grady drops his mesmer on Brant, Sophie tackles him away from Brant. Grady's gone unconscious from the force of Sophie's inflicting, and Brant's spreading everblaze everywhere. Now it's Sophie against Brant.
74. Sophie presses her panic switch. Then Sophie tells Brant he doesn't want to kill her. When Brant still can't kill her—even when Sophie drops all defenses—Sophie tells him why he can't do it. Because she looks like Joile. Sophie reminds Brant of Jolie. When Brant's about to finally go in and attack Sophie, Dex shows up. Dex tackles Brant, and they roll towards the cliff while flighting. Brant comes back to where Sophie is, dragging Dex with him. Then Dex punches Brant with his sucker-puncher, knocking Brant out.
75. Dex and Sophie drag Brant out of the everblaze, but Brant's already awake and asks them to get his pathfinder (which is green by the way, so it goes to ogre cities) for him. He says that he has information they need about the ambush on Everest that he'll tell them if they let him lightleap away. Sophie makes the trade. Brant tells her that the Neverseen knows the Black Swan plans on ambushing them, and that they have their own dwarves waiting to kill everyone. Then Brant leaps away.
76. Sophie tells Dex she has to go warn the others. Sophie tells Dex to take Grady to Everglen and tell Alden everything, while she teleports to warn the others. Then Sophie remembers she can't teleport because of the ability restrictor, but Dex stops her and takes it off. Dex gives her his sucker-puncher, throws the ability restrictor in the everblaze, and leaves with Grady. Sophie runs of the cliff and teleports.
77. Sophie's whole body starts shutting down as soon as she gets to the cave, she yells for the others but within in minutes she starts to experience the last stages of hypothermia. But thank goodness for Sandor! Sandor takes Sophie into the cave where the Black Swan is hiding. Mr. Forkle shoves a breathing device over Sophie's mouth and gets her to start breathing again. When Sophie's better Forkle yells at Sophie asking why she's here. She tells them what she learned, and tells them about what down with Brant. Mr. Forkle tells Sophie that she made the right choice.
78. Forkle warned the dwarves, and Sandor and the dwarves start making plans. Forkle tries to get the kids to leave, but they refuse to, but Forkle tells them they will leave. Then Mr. Forkle tells Fitz how to get passed Sophie's mental blocking, and shows him the secret instructions to the Black Swan's hideout in Italy. Just as Mr. Forkle is about to send them to Everglen, an ogre comes through the ceiling of the cave and grabs Sophie.
79. Sophie immediately starts experiencing hyperthermia again, but this time she inflicts and the ogre drops her. Sophie's body starts shutting off in the snow, but then Sandor picks her up and gives her his breathing device. Then the ogre attacks Sandor, and he drops Sophie into the snow, Sophie sees one of them go down, but then Sandor picks her up, but Sandor tells her the ogre isn't dead either. Sandor tries to bring Sophie to her friends and send them home, but then the ogre tackles Sandor. Sandor and the ogre fall of a cliff, and when Sophie looks down all she can see is red in the snow.
80. Three Neverseen members come up behind her, she tries to inflict on them but one of them hits her with a melder. Keefe and Fitz approach the Neverseen, Fitz pointing a melder at the Neverseen. Keefe recognizes one of the Neverseen's voices as his fathers, and starts to freak out little. Lord Cassius tells one of the others—he calls them Gethen—to take them all out. Gethen doesn't get the chance as Keefe knocks the melder out of his hand with a piece of ice, and Fitz blasts him with his own melder. Lord Cassius tries to make Keefe give up, but Keefe won't hear it. Biana appears next to Keefe and tackles Lord Cassius. Fitz hits the other Neverseen member with the melder, and Keefe starts going after his dad. Biana helps Sophie up, and the two of them follow Fitz up to where Keefe and his dad are climbing to.
81. When they make it up they see Keefe and his father just staring. Something had pushed back his father's hood-but Keefe's father wasn't the one staring back at his son. It was Lady Gisela, Keefe's mom.
82. Sophie realizes Keefe's mom has been mimicking Lord Cassius this whole time. Lady Gisela tells Keefe she gave Lord Cassius the family crest to give to Keefe. Keefe and Lady Gisela just stand and yell at each other, when Biana blinks into existence, revealing her place right next to Lady Gisela, who then grabs Biana and presses a melder to her head. Lady Gisela calls her dwarves, and a dozen appear and surround them.
83. Keefe yells at Sophie and tells her to leap away with Fitz, but Sophie tells him she's not leaving without everyone. Then Mr. Forkle appears and belly flops onto four of the Neverseen's dwarves, crushing them. A few of the Black Swan's dwarves start fighting the Neverseen's dwarves. Lady Gisela dropped Biana, tried to run away, but Keefe tackled her.
84. Sophie, Fitz, and Biana run after them and find Keefe pinned by his mother with a melder held to his head. Biana tackles Lady Gisela off of Keefe, sending the two tumbling down an incline. The others run after Biana and Lady Gisela, only to find them so close to the edge of the cliff. Lady Gisela stops them and throws herself and Biana into a snowdrift.
85. Lady Gisela tries stomping for her dwarves but none come. Keefe points a melder at her, and tells her he'll use it if he has to. All Lady Gisela says is that she knows he would, then she launches herself of the edge of the cliff.
86. Keefe collapses onto his knees, and Sophie tells him she'll teleport them down to look for his mom. All four of them teleport down. They end up near a pool of blood, but the only body they see is Sandor's. Sophie races towards him and can hear his shallow breathing. Sandor's not dead! Sophie looks up at Keefe and he looks lost. Mr. Forkle limps over to them, and tells them the ogre that went down with Sandor, and Lady Gisela probably phase-shifted (method of orge transportation, apparently).
87. Sophie makes herself ask Mr. Forkle how many they lost, and he tells her three, maybe four. Mr. Forkle tells her it's not for nothing though and shows her the Neverseen member—Gethen—they'd hit with a melder earlier. Sophie sees Gethen's face and tells Forkle that it was the jogger who tried to take her from her human home. When Gethen starts patronizing Keefe, Sophie uses her sucker-puncher to break his nose. Mr. Forkle sends all four, plus Sandor, to Everglen. Before Sophie leaves he tells her he suspects he'll be seeing her soon.
88. Elwin was waiting for them when they got to Everglen. Grady was functioning again, but still recovering from Brant's betrayal. Elwin expected Sandor to make a full recovery-in a month. Everyone would be okay, but it becomes clear that leaving Everglen's gates would be a bad idea.
89. Sophie started to realize what Mr. Forkle had meant at Everest, but she hates the thought of leaving Grady and Edaline, but she has to. Keefe comes to join Sophie in not sleeping, and asks her when they'd be leaving. Sophie tells Keefe she isn't even sure if she's leaving yet, and Keefe tells her he feels too much resolve in her to believe that. Soon enough the whole crew joins them. Fitz finally tells Sophie what Mr. Forkle showed him in her mind, instructions to the Black Swan hideout in Italy. Soon enough Alden, Della, Grady, and Edaline show up to tell them that they think they should go, and that they should leave in a hour.
90. With a final confirmation from everyone, all Sophie has left to say is, "Let's go join the Black Swan!"

The End

Important Details/Information:
☀My estimated timeline for Everblaze starts about two weeks after Exile, so this book probably starts in early April, 2013. The rest of the book takes place over about three weeks and three days. The book ends in what is likely the very beginning of May.

☀Sophie has been in the Lost Cities for about a year and a month.

☀My best estimations put Sophie's birthday (by elf standards) in January, so by the end of this book Sophie is probably around 14 and 4 months old. But, I mean as of Everblaze, Sophie doesn't even know she's counting her age wrong.

◉Mr. Forkle arranged garden gnomes in secret codes and patterns every day for twelve years, that's kind of sad.

☀Lord Cassius blue pathfinder was missing throughout Everblaze. We now know that Lady Gisela stole it.

☀Lady Gisela had a red wound near the top of her arm. You know, where Keefe hit a member of the Neverseen with a throwing star in Exile.

☀They sent Alvar to examine the footprints outside the Sanctuary, and by the time Alvar actually got there it had conveniently snowed.

☀Keefe's mom was the one who taught him mimicking, she thought it was important for him to learn . . .

☀I feel the need to emphasize this again, Councillor Terik took a reading of Keefe's potential and he's the most fascinating person he's read, second only to Sophie. He said specifically that Keefe's potential for bad was off the charts as was his good. Terik then said that Keefe's potential for bad even surpassed Sophie's . . .

◉Keefe and Fitz became friends because they were both the weird kids, apparently. Keefe was the kid who skipped a grade, and Fitz was the guy who kept leaving for weeks at a time.

☀Inflicting happiness on Bronte made his brain shutdown. In order to bring him back, Sophie has to inflict anger at him. Bronte has issues.

◉We meet Mr. Snuggles for the first time.

☀Somehow the Neverseen seemed to have predicted that Sophie could heal minds, because Fintan literally said he knew Sophie would come back, and he said it the moment Sophie finished healing his mind.

☀The way Sophie immediately handled the situation when she comes out of Fintan's mind to a room full of everblaze, that was such a telling moment. She instantly pulls Fitz and Oralie back from the flames, takes stock of the situation, and stops Fitz from running through the everblaze to see his dad. She puts all emotions behind her and takes the best opportunity possible to get herself and Oralie and Fitz out. That was such a true show of Sophie's brilliance at being a leader. Mr. Forkle would have been proud, and so am I. Also, on a side note, the only other person who could think of a way out on time was Tiergan . . . the Black Swan makes the best leaders.

◉Sandor: The Ultimate Substitute Mom™

◉I'm fairly certain at this point that all elves have awful middle names. Kenric's was

Elgar, Fitz's is Avery, Dex's is Alvin, and Keefe's is so bad that he refuses to tell anyone.

◉Sophie has her first of many interspecies incident! Aw, she's already growing up!

☀After the Black Swan's "test," Keefe's parents-especially his mom-are really "worried" because of the Neverseen's attempted attack. For the following five days, Keefe's parents keep him away from Sophie. I really doubt there was much actually concern for their son here, but I think it's a lot more likely Lady Gisela was worried Keefe realized it was her. She probably also wanted to make sure Keefe didn't have time to recount his run in with the Neverseen and get suspicious.

◉Somehow Mr. Forkle has mastered the art of being simultaneously endearing, deeply profound, creepy, and quite a bit messed up. It's sort of impressive, but at this point it's just how Mr. Forkle is.

☀Sophie finds out about 'swan song' for the first time. 'Swan song' goes back to the very beginning of the Black Swan. The phrase comes from actual swans, who only "sing" when they are about to die. The Black Swan uses as a code, where a member will call swan song if they are about to take a great risk or make a large sacrifice. It alerts the group to prepare for very bad days ahead, or to put back up plans in action.

☀Mr. Forkle has called swan song to quote, "Many times. Many ways."

☀Prentice called swan song the day before he was captured, and even as of Legacy, the Black Swan still doesn't know how he knew what was going to happen.

☀We find out Jolie kind of called Swan Song before Brant killed, by telling Vertina everything and making the password be 'swan song.'

☀Lady Gisela forces Lord Cassius to drink three cups slumberberry tea each night. You know, so she can go do very creepy and very illegal things.

◉Grady has a very, very, VERY, protective dad mode, that is in fact more protective than his regular protective dad mode. It involves threatening, and then using his Mesmer ability to execute possibly very heinous crimes against anyone who has or might hurt Sophie, or who has hurt Jolie. Frankly, Grady is scary . . .

☀As of Everblaze, Sophie has three supporters on the Council. Councillors Oralie, Terik, and Bronte.

☀Sophie calls Grady and Edaline, Mom and Dad for the first time! (pg. 505, American Hardback ed.)

◉Sandor—despite what he clearly wishes—has a soft spot for Keefe.

◉Keefe may be the President of the Sophie Foster Fan Club, but Sandor and Forkle are very important members. Actually, Forkle kind of created the Fan Club in a . . . weird way.

◉Biana can be a very vicious fighter when she wants to be. We've seen that in Everblaze when she tackled Lady Gisela off a cliff, and when she went after Vespera all by herself in Nightfall.

◉Sandor: The Epic Mountain Man™

Plot Analysis:
I hate and love writing this section, which is why I have been procrastinating writing it. My only excuse it that I fear it may be incredibly long and hard to write. Wish me luck.

★★Okay, okay, where do I start? Everblaze is the third book in this series, but there is no way to properly discuss its plot in all its depth without talking about the books before and after it, so please skip over this if you hate being spoiled and haven't read all the books yet. And with that final note, let's get started!

Using terms that would (hopefully) get me a good grade from my English teacher, Everblaze—like all of Shannon Messenger's books—has a multiple different conflicts, plots, and subplots that all weave together at the very end. The first conflict we're introduced to surrounds Silveny and the ogre footprints around the Sanctuary, and then the ogre homing device hidden on Silveny. I would say this conflict serves more to introduce the larger conflict involving the ogres clear involvement with the Neverseen. Even then, this conflict functions more as a plot accelerant, and a means to increase the tension in other conflicts.

Now, the next two conflicts I'm going to cover are both similar in theme, that theme being politics and public perception, I will go into a farther analysis of former later. The first of these main conflicts is Fintan's healing, though I'm not referring to the chaos of the event itself. There are a few components to Fintan's healing that serve as conflicts, the information that keeps being mysteriously leaked about it, the public's strong opposition to it, and Sophie's internal struggle with healing Fintan's mind and not Prentice's. Fintan's healing is the first main conflict in Everblaze, and I'd—strangely—classify it as a character vs. society conflict, with strong character vs. self-influences. Sophie doesn't really overcome this conflict, instead she continues to struggle with the morality and possible consequences, right up to the healing where she has to put her personal objections aside to fulfill her government's wishes.

Now I'll be skipping over the broader conflicts and themes that play into the climax of the Fintan's healing conflict soon enough, but for now I'd like to switch directions. The next conflict is brought on by the abrupt crescendo of the public's outrage with the death of Kenric,—which will also be explored farther in its own analysis—Sophie's first interspecies incident with the ogre king. Sophie is saved on sheer political technicality, but we are suddenly left with a looming punishment and fraught Elvin-Orge relations. To address the ladder first, this was probably the tipping point for King Dimitar. This event likely made Dimitar fully commit to his partnership with the Neverseen, which becomes the catalyst for the main conflict in the next book. This is a clear cut—but multifaceted—character vs. society conflict.

This looming punishment spawns into the next conflict, the ability restrictor. With Sophie's abilities being taken away the reader is left with a deflated, self-doubting, self-hating, main character. All while this internal conflict rages on, an external conflict with the Neverseen is quickly approaching. I feel the need to point out that Sophie is not the only one dealing with internal conflict, because Keefe is also dealing with a world where he believes his dad is the enemy. Sophie overcomes her own internal struggle when she inflicts despite the ability restrictor. This is a fairly common character vs. self-conflict situation for a protagonist to overcome. The ability restrictor is removed with the help of Dex, just in time for Everblaze's climax on Mount Everest.

The battle on Mount Everest is the first big attack from the Neverseen, and also confirmation that the Neverseen are working with the ogres. I credit this battle with shifting the stakes, and defining the antagonists of the whole series. This battle sets the main villain, Lady Gisela. It also forces Sophie and her friends to take the very permanent step to leave their world, in favor of being condemned for fighting the good fight. After Mount Everest, there is no denying that stakes have been raised, sides have been chosen, and that a once silent war is no longer silent.

I think that Everblaze is truly when we start to see some of the main conflicts and themes of this series fleshed out. I would go into all of them, but I think it's too early to discuss the conflicts and themes of a whole series only three books in.

An Analysis of the Elvin Government:
Literally no one asked for this, but this now exists, and I hope you'll read it because it actually addresses a big underlying conflict in KotLC-and it's super interesting, well for me at least. If you can't tell, law and government is something I'm really interested in. I promise I'll makes this easy to understand and fun to read for anyone who isn't into this kind of thing.

From my understanding, the Elvin government works and function in a partially democratic oligarchy of sorts. The Council is made of twelve people, all who have a equal vote. The biggest problem here is that the Councillors serve for life, which for elves, could mean forever. From what I've gathered in the books the only way a Councillor can be "fired" is by stepping down on their own accord, breaking the rules of not having a kid or spouse, or from a unanimous vote from the other eleven Councillors, and of course, death. So that leaves no room for the will of the people.

My next problem with the Council is the their election process, which we see in Everblaze. So the elves all nominate people who they want to be the new Councillor, but then it doesn't matter who was nominated the most because the Council is the one who decides who they want out of the nominated. So if your following this, the Council picks new Councillors, and the Council or the Councillor themselves are the only ones that can take away their position of power. This leaves the Council with complete consolidation of power, and zero checks and balances to limit them.

The next part of the Elvin government system I'm going to dig into is the justice system. In bullet point 59 in the summary, I briefly touch upon how illegal it is to prosecute/exile the family of someone who did something illegal in any civilized and developed country, let alone one as allegedly peaceful and fair as the elves'. First of all, Emery uses blackmail, which shouldn't be used in government or justice, let alone from someone with the power of a president using blackmail against a thirteen year old. After that Emery threatens to not only send Dex to Exile, but also his family, who have played no role whatsoever in the whole situation. This would be called malicious prosecution, and then with Dex's family brought into this it becomes wrongful and malicious collective punishment.

The reason the Council gets away with this is because there are no other judicial or legal entities with power. The Elvin justice system is solely done with tribunals, where the people deciding your punishment are also the ones who have to power to make anything a crime. There aren't any services or positions meant to help the person facing trial, and there doesn't seem to be any established sentences or categories of crime. Theoretically you could break a small law, such as violating the rules of Telepathy, and be exiled for it just because the Council doesn't like you. There's no laws that set maximum or minimum sentences for a crime, you are completely at the mercy of the Council.

The last part of the Elvin government I'll talk about is the delegation system the Council has in the form of the Nobility. So the Council delegates "power" to Emissaries and Regents, there are also Mentors but from what I can tell they simply function as teachers. Emissaries have the power equivalent to that of a foreign ambassador, and Regents that of a foreign representative. The reason I put power in quotes, is because these delegatory positions hold no power, and very limited agency. The Council is what appoints someone to one of these positions. The Council gives them assignments where they are to represent the Council's beliefs. The Council has the power to fire any member of the nobility. And lastly in any situation where a member of the Nobility finishes their given mission, and there are unsolved factors or someone to be put on trial, the Council has all the authority to make those decisions.

In conclusion, this impromptu essay demonstrates and explains the grand failure of the Elvin governmental system, the complete consolidation of power. There is nothing to stop the Council from becoming entirely corrupt and there is no limit to what they could accomplish against the will of the people. Honestly, the Council shouldn't be surprised that there are rebellions like the Black Swan and the Neverseen. I mean the Black Swan was created to work as an outer entity that solves issues and works to make the world a better place, that doesn't bow down to the authority of the Council, but instead strives to keep them honest. The issue of this consolidation of power has appeared subtly and boldly throughout the series. When this is finally addressed I have a feeling that a lot of the Elvin world's problems will disappear.

An Analysis of the Effects of Kenric's Death:
So over the now almost four years since I've first read Everblaze for the first time, my perception of Kenric's death has changed. On the first read of Everblaze, I, like most people, was both shocked and sad about Kenric's death. But now, Kenric's death, and the characters' reactions to it seem a little forced.

The way Kenric died fits perfectly with his character. He pushed people away from danger, and tackled Fintan in hopes of stopping him from calling everblaze, or to make sure Fintan didn't try to attack anyone. That fits perfectly with the kind, chivalrous, brave leader Kenric is depicted as.

The way the other characters responded to his death is complicated, confusing, and almost out of character for some. Oralie, understandably, seemed crushed by Kenric's death. And since it's hinted at and shown so much in the books, it's really clear they were in love, so Oralie's reaction makes since. Alden was distant, reflective, and already accepting of Kenric's death, which again fits for his character.

Sophie's reaction was a little more shocking to me. Sophie's reaction is what one would expect if Kenric had been a close friend, or even close relative. The way Sophie reacts is similar how I would probably react if one of my parents died. Sophie was in immediate denial, she physically moves away from the person who told her about Kenric's death to illustrate this. She tries to go back to Oblivimyre, and when stopped, she drops to her knees and starts shaking a crying. Then she got angry. Sophie goes through all of the stages of grief in a very intense, yet fast manner, that doesn't make sense with how much she actually knows Kenric. She's only ever seen him eight times between all the books, and in half of those instances he doesn't even speak to her. When he does speak to Sophie, he was always kind and supportive, but not in a way out of the ordinary considering that Sophie's a fourteen year old girl with a lot on her shoulders. Sophie's reaction seems too exaggerated, when the expected reaction should probably have been shock. If someone you'd met a handful of times, who had been kind to you, died out of the blue, the usually response is shock, or regret that you didn't know them better. Sophie reacts as if a close mentor or friend, that had been long consistent positive force in her life, had died. This is similar to the reaction we see from Sophie when Alden's mind breaks, and Alden is like a father to Sophie.

Despite any out-of-place reactions, Kenric's death is mean to serve a clear purpose. His death was a catalyst that made people realize that the elves were in a silent war. Kenric's death inspired the Council to make harsher decisions. And his death served as a wakeup call to Sophie as to what was at stake here. Kenric's death was needed to make this seem real to the characters, thus accelerating the plot. Kenric's death matches with the trope of killing a well-loved, kind, and influential character as means to signal instability, or as an act of war, or just as means to raise the stakes in a plot. And Kenric's death fits that role perfectly. Kenric was arguably the most loved Councillor, he was considered to be a powerful and merciful leader, and he seemed the most humble of the Councillors. Kenric's death serves an important role, and if anything functions as a great piece of evidence for what's to come, a lot of wars start with the death of an influential and well-loved person.

Character Development:
Some of this based on my interpretation of these characters, so if I say something you disagree with, I'm sorry, but some of my bias will inevitably spill through, but I did try to be as objective as possible. If you'd like to politely discuss it in the comments, I'd love to too. Also, I will only be focusing on the characters most important to this book.

Sophie had just started getting used to a world that already held her at arms-length, classified her as other, and refused to acknowledge her clear purpose. But before Sophie gets to truly feel comfortable in Elvin society, the Elvin Council names the people who created her public enemy number one, and by product Sophie as well. She was understandably wrecked.

And yet, no matter how much I sit here, I can't find any clear character development. I think the reason why I can't find any, is because there isn't. What we see happen to Sophie's character isn't development, so much as being pushed to her end. Sophie didn't grow inEverblaze, she survivedEverblaze on the character she already was. While I think Sophie didn't grow in Everblaze, I think the events of Everblaze made Sophie a more careful leader, I think she realized the stakes because of it all, but I think that all character development from Everblaze shows in Neverseen. I don't think Sophie has to time between everything happening in Everblaze to grow, but I think after she gets to reflect (like how we start to see her doing at the end) in Neverseen, she truly grows as a leader. All the "character development" we "see" in Everblaze seems more like a showcase of what Sophie was capable of in moments of grand desperation, but how those moments of grand desperation developed her character is showcased in Neverseen.

What I am going to dub 'Keefe Sencen's Breakdown of Epic Proportions,' starts on page 451 (American Hardback Ed.). Once Keefe finds out that his "dad" is part of the Neverseen, he starts to reevaluate his whole life, and of course, this is where the gradual breakdown starts. So from page 451-ongoing, Keefe is kind of in a constant state of utter instability and guilt, and honestly some depression and anxiety is evident. Keefe deserves therapy-actually, Keefe needs therapy.

Despite its non-literal understanding still being true, I think we see an actual breakdown of Keefe's character. Following page 451, we become viewers of the different levels of Keefe Sencen, that up to that point we had only glimpsed briefly. We start to see a broken kid, but we also start to see the resilience, cleverness, and straight up grit that uses the fun-loving-prankster-Keefe-Sencen-persona, as a survival mechanism. And throughout the coming books, especially Neverseen, we see a Keefe Sencen who's carefree persona is being chipped away piece by piece. Honestly, this isn't the start of the development of a new Keefe, this is the start of the all the development and regression of Keefe's character.

The thing that makes Keefe's character so interesting, isn't the brokenness—that existed before Sophie met him. No, the thing that makes Keefe's character so interesting, is the fact that he's still a good person. Keefe is a fifteen year old kid that has been broken down and verbally abused his whole life by his father, who then find out his mother is an actual villain. If any character has the right and reason to be bitter and angry, it's Keefe. Yet, he's still a somewhat functioning, kind, resilient, clever, resourceful, and good person. It's a true testament to his character.

I think this is when the grand saga of neglecting Dex started. And I think this is when a kid who grew up feeling like he needed to prove everyone wrong—a kid who needed to prove he was someone to himself, starts to feel like he also has to prove himself to his best friend. Dex's character arch is completely tied to his insecurity and ambition to surpass people's expectations of him. We see the ups and downs of this, and the mistakes and triumphs this causes him throughout the series.

I think the biggest disservice done to Dex is Sophie's neglect of him. I won't blame Sophie completely here, the girl has a lot on her own plate, but she's always failed to recognize that Dex requires reassurance. It's in Dex's personality to need to feel like he's proved himself, and maintained someone's respect, and Sophie doesn't seem to get that he needs that. What we see in Everblaze is Dex feeling the need to prove himself to earn Sophie's attention, and this ambition gets taken advantage of by the Council. Dex is by far the smartest character in the group, but without any reassurance his insecurities made him blind to the way the Council was using his talents. When Sophie didn't seem like she needed him, the Council did, and thus the ability restrictor was invented.

I think we can all agree, Dex learns his lesson about making weapons for the Council. But I also think Dex realizes that his lack of self-confidence, paired with his talent and ambition, can hurt the very people he wanted the approval of. Everblaze was a big learning moment for Dex. He became aware of how he needs to not let his insecurities and his need to prove himself get in the way of seeing the full potential of his talents, for good or bad.

There is too much Fitz in Everblaze for my taste, but at least it's not the annoying Fitz from Exile. And it does seem like his actions in Exile have turned down the cockiness and pride that Fitz likes to emanate. Despite Sophie and Fitz being in each others' good graces again, Fitz actually doesn't take part in many of the important parts of this book. Honestly, Fitz is a side character (if even present) in every main scene outside of the healing.

That being said, it's character analysis time. Sooooo, Fitz doesn't develop much. Shocking. At least based on when we see him. I will give him this, he stood by Sophie throughout people hating her for agreeing to do the healing. Fitz did even volunteer to be a part of the healing, thus making him also a part of the negative gossip. That was a good sign towards being less self-absorbed! Keep working on it Fitz!

Okay, so I think Biana is also a typically neglected character, Sophie defiantly doesn't rely on her as much as the boys. Which isn't cool of Sophie, because Biana is always has her back (multiple times literally holding her up from the back) and saves her from having to have awkward boy conversations, a true wing-lady.

Now that I've gone over the obligatory Biana appreciation, it's time to discuss some character development. I think Biana reads Sophie really well, because she was pushy about all the right things, in a very right way. Biana made Sophie include her in Team Foster-Keefe's investigative missions, and while Sophie didn't include her very much, I think Biana really played the supportive listener really well. She was what Sophie needed, when she needed it, and I think that's a really rare and good friend skill.

On to Biana specifically, she's a Vanisher now! And I think having a special ability made Biana feel like she wasn't just the little sister trying to befriend her brother's friend. Manifesting seemed to make Biana more confident in herself, despite her being portrayed as a very externally confident person already. I think what most people forget about Biana, is that she's kind of ruthless. I know we see it in Nightfall, I mean even Vespera thought she was ruthless. But I'm talking about how Biana tackled Lady Gisela twice, would have let Lady Gisela shoot her with a melder to save the others, and apparently never gives Keefe and Fitz a chance to win in Bramble before being tackled. Biana's had a very easy life, but still she's a lot better of a person than her brother. KotLC fans who may be reading this, please stop portraying Biana as a pretty-faced, girly girl. She's more than that.

I'm doing it guys, I have to. The amount of character development is honestly scary. Councillor Bronte has never been my favorite, not even my favorite Councillor, (Terik is the best one, you can't change my mind) but over this analysis process, after every book I respect the guy more and more. Sometimes I think he's honestly kind of iconic. But his message to Sophie after she got the ability restrictor, "It takes a very special person to see the darkness inside someone and not condemn them," that's why he gets a character development section.

So understanding a baseline character for Bronte is difficult, because we only see him being mean to Sophie, but here's the character profile I get from him. I think Bronte is a naturally broody, overly serious, grumpy person. I also think he's very sarcastic and witty. But I think the bitter and angry person we see in KotLC is a result of thousands of years of people relying on him. I think this "darkness" Bronte refers to is because he's become a very stoic person in order to be the best leader he can be. There's a line in Exile where Councillor Terik says he doesn't walk the streets with people near as often as Kenric and Bronte do. I think that lowering yourself to the position of the people you're leading, trying to understand them and what they care about, is the sign of a great leader. That's someone who's been a Councillor for hundreds of years, and he still actively tries to know his people better.

I also think the way Bronte talks about hard decisions he's been a part of or had to make, the way he talks about them shows great remorse/responsibility for the outcomes. I think that years of hard calls, people dying because of your decisions, people living because of your decisions has really taken a toll on Bronte. Being a inflictor probably hasn't helped. It's been really cool to see him let some of that guilt and anger go, and how he's become a more merciful and still righteous leader. I can really respect his character.

If Edaline accepts her grief in Exile, Grady does it in Everblaze. We all can see that in order to not overload himself with guilt, Grady has taken to staying focused on anger. Anger towards whoever killed Jolie. In Exile, Grady was able to let his anger towards the Black Swan go, and that was clearly really good for him. But you can still tell he holds on to anger after. We can see it most in his flat-out aggression (light violence, truthfully) towards the Council when they put the ability restrictor on Sophie. He still blames them for not investigating Jolie's deaths, and he definitely didn't want them to hurt another one of his daughters.

When Sophie tells Grady it was Brant, the anger shows up again, with betrayal too. It's probably twice as worse, because Brant not only took Jolie from him, but he also kidnapped and tortured Sophie. I honestly believe Grady is the elf most capable of violence, I think he could go to the point of killing people, but I don't think he would make it through the guilt after. Which is why we're all glad Sophie stopped him from making Brant jump off a cliff or burn his whole arm off.

When we see Grady at the end of Everblaze, he's still clearly accepting the anger and betrayal and guilt, but you can tell he's relieved. And I think we'll see become happier and more open in Neverseen.

New Context/Foreshadowing:
☀Prior to Kenric's death, every time he shows up in the book it was obliviously to make the readers attached to him. He showed up so much—where you wouldn't expect him—just to be kind. Did Shannon Messenger want to make all of us care, only to kill Kenric off? Or was it something else . . .

☀So in an interview Shannon did, she mentions that she originally planned to kill Sandor off in Everblaze, but then decided she wasn't done with his character yet. When I heard this I realized how much more of Sandor there is in Everblaze, and how he's kinder, and more supportive, even more funny in Everblaze than he was in Exile. Shannon was trying to make us extra attached to only kill the character off, yet again. Thank goodness she didn't kill Sandor, he's just frankly too iconic to die.

☀What was Oblivimyre? Grady described it as 'a place best forgotten' and its name is clearly based of the word 'oblivion.' Tiergan says it was used before the treaties were signed, and was used to make an example. Sophie asks if it was used for violence, and Tiergan only says that violence isn't the only way to instill fear. What was this place? Fitz says it was designed to trap people and makes them go insane. I mean really, what was this used for? If it hadn't been completely burnt down I would suspect Shannon wanted to use it later in the books, which would have explained why it's hinted at so heavily. If anyone has ideas about Oblivimyre, please comment them here.

☀(Light ✺Nightfall, Slightly Character Development Focused) Okay, so for all of Vespera's talk about how Keefe will never be ready, or never be able to sacrifice what's necessary, that he's not ruthless enough—Lady Gisela doesn't see that. When they're on Everest Keefe has a melder pointed at Lady Gisela, he says he doesn't want to use it, but he will, and all Lady Gisela says is, "I know." I think we've really seen throughout the series that Keefe is capable of necessary sacrifice, and that he can be very ruthless. I think Vespera is right here though, and that Lady Gisela isn't. Vespera is right in the sense that Keefe will never be ready to do what his mom has set out for him, because Keefe has too much of a moral compass, and too much of a stake in the good guys' side. Lady Gisela is wrong because Keefe isn't ready to do what she wants, and I really doubt he ever will be. Keefe is exactly the kind of driven and ruthless Lady Gisela wants, but she's misjudged how much it matters that Keefe is all of those things, because he'll never stop fighting against her. If Keefe was forced to switch sides, he would lose that, but when he's fighting against her, he's her perfect weapon—except herweapon is aimed at her.

Loose Ends:
◉There is scene in Everblaze, where Sophie and Fitz are brain storming code words for the healing, and Keefe keeps making funny suggestions. Keefe suggests 'snickerdoodle,' (Chapter 22, 191) And now I've spent way too much time trying to figure out how Keefe knows about snickerdoodles. Did he learn from a mission his mom sent him on? Did the gods just bless Keefe with the knowledge of the majestic snickerdoodle cookie? I need answers. And I am defiantly not being sarcastic here . . .

I'm seriously having trouble filling this category . . .

◉This one is silly, but I'm pretty sure Councillor Terik was an epic prankster, and might very possibly still be a prankster. Petition to have Shannon Messenger write in one of the books that Terik has a habit of pranking Bronte, when Bronte is being practicably annoying. I would like this to be cannon.

☀I think Oralie told Kenric. How on earth could someone keep that kind of secret alone? I don't think she told him before Sophie showed up in the Lost Cities, on no. I think Oralie told Kenric in Exile, when everyone thought Sophie was malfunctioning. I'm no mother—I did ask my mom for research though—but I imagine that would make a mom feel one to two ways: extremely worried or extremely angry, maybe both. And I imagine that's when Oralie told Kenric, or Kenric asked because Oralie was acting strange, and she told him. They were obviously in love, but they can't be to be on the Council, so I imagine they spent a lot of time talking to each other over imparter, or in each other's castles. I imagine that's the kind of thing Oralie couldn't hide from a confidant like Kenric while so emotionally fraught. And I think this whole theory makes sense, because Kenric wasn't really nice and supportive to Sophie until Everblaze. Now, he was nice and kind before, but it was another level in Everblaze. Like so nice he volunteered to chaperone Sophie's inflicting class, that Brontewas in. I imagine that Oralie told Kenric how hard it was to not be able to help Sophie and be there for her because it would be suspicious. I bet that Kenric, having nothing to hide, went out and helped Sophie, and was there for her, because Oralie couldn't do it. So he did it for her.

☀Sandor mentions on Mount Everest that he can breathe relatively naturally. That the elevation just made things a little foggy. Well in (✺Legacy) Mr. Forkle shows Sophie a map of the world that includes all the intelligent species, and guess where the goblins live? That's right, the Mountains! Specifically, Gildingham is located in the Andes Mountain range. The Andes have an average elevation of 13,000 feet (4,000 meters), and the tallest peak—where I imagine they would put their capital—is 22,831 feet (6,959 meters). Sandor lives in Gildingham, so he's used to the lack of oxygen there is at 22,000 feet in the air, and Mount Everest is 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) in elevation. And that would explain that line, but it doesn't explain why I spent so long researching to explain it!

Character's First Words:
Greyfell: Kin
King Dimitar: Settle down, goblin. I'm only here to pay my respects.

Character's Last Words:
Because I am evil, this section now exists. Also, I am going to include the dialogue right before Kenric's last words for clarity.

Kenric: "'If it helps, I'm not picking up any potential for danger,' Councillor Terik offered.

'Actually, I find that rather more upsetting,' Alden told him.

'So do I,' Tiergan agreed.

'Me too,' Kenric added"

Fair Warning: all page numbers given are for the American Hardback edition, so if you have a paperback, it will be slightly higher, I would suggest using the chapters and then skimming if you want to find a quote.

❏"Whoa, easy there, Gigantor. I'm not going to let anything happen to her. But let's not forget that this is Sophie we're talking about. Odds are, we're going to need an Elwin visit." -Keefe (Chapter 1, 6)

❏"'You're going home?' Alden asked as she held her home crystal up to the light.

'Yeah. If I'm not back by sunset, Sandor's going to murder Keefe.'

Alden glanced out the window, where the last splashes of pink were fading into the purple twilight sky. 'I guess I should warn Keefe to flee for his life.'" -Alden and Sophie (Chapter 8, 69)

❏"Okay, I figured out our reply. Write this down, Gigantor: You may not want to meet, but we definitely do. Name a time and a place or we'll pelt you with sparkly poo."
-Keefe (Chapter 14, 114)

❏"I mean it. The Black Swan needs you way more than you need them. You're the one holding all the cards." -Keefe (Chapter 14, 114)

❏" Sophie shook her head at him. "You're hopeless, you know that?"

"Not as long as I have you. Fix me, Foster. You're my only hope."

-Sophie and Keefe (Chapter 14, 117) ★Okay, okay, so that's said as a joke, but understanding Keefe's character . . . I have to say that there's some sad reality in those words.

❏"That might be the creepiest thing I've ever done. I mean it was also awesome. But dude. You should warn a guy before you melt his skin off." -Keefe (Chapter 17, 145)

❏"'But that doesn't make sense.'
"That's Foster's trademark,' Keefe reminded him." -Elwin and Keefe (Chapter 17, 146)

❏"'This is just a normal day for you, isn't it?' Keefe asked as they shivered outside the Sanctuary gates, waiting for Councillor Terik to meet them. 'Go to school, find out you're covered in a dangerous substance, melt off a few layers of skin, and then hail your besty Councillor, tell him you're ditching study hall to save the world, and he says. 'Cool, I'll come with you!'" -Keefe (Chapter 18, 149)

❏"'Guess this means I'm going back to the Healing Center,' Keefe grumbled, kicking a pebble in the grass.
'Want me to go with you?' Sophie offered.
'Nah-then I have to act all brave and stuff. Freaking out sounds way more fun.' He tried to smile, but she could tell he was forcing it.
'I'm sorry,' she said quietly.
'Eh, it isn't your fault-unless you snuck aromark into my pockets.'
'You caught me.'
'I knew you couldn't be as innocent as you seemed.'"
-Keefe and Sophie (Chapter 19, 158)

❏★For context, Keefe and Sophie were talking about mimicking before this.
"Attention prodigies-study hall has been canceled. Please proceed to the Leapmaster."
It was a perfect impersonation of Dame Alina, and Sophie couldn't help smiling. "It's amazing you haven't been expelled."
"Did you just call me 'amazing'?" -Keefe and Sophie (Chapter 21, 182)

❏"And I promise you, Sophie, the only barrier stopping you . . . is the imaginary wall you put there yourself. Tear it down and discover an entirely new realm of possibilities." -Magnate Leto (Mr. Forkle), edited (Chapter 27, 234)

❏"Part of her was tempted to stand there forever. But the brave part of her-or perhaps the part that was troubling insane-wrapped her fingers around the chain and tugged."
-Sophie's Internal dialogue (Chapter 32, 277)

❏"'Yes, but Kenric's a big softie,' Councillor Terik teased. 'Every time we take a vote, we can count on Kenric to vote for mercy.'

'That's why I'm everyone's favorite. Well, second favorite. Empaths always win.' Oralie blushed." -Terik and Kenric (Chapter 34, 292)

❏"'Our world has been teetering on the edge of a blade for a very long time, Sophie. In fact . . . I think that's why you're here-why you grew up the way you did. So you could see our world through different eyes. Help us find our way. Just like you did for Grady and me. You've made us whole again. Given us back out lives. Now it's our turn to help you'." -Edaline (Chapter 39, 326)

❏"'The people of our world dear the new and different. But you are brave and strong and smart enough to not believe what they say. Trust your friends and your family, know that they love you and will support you no matter.'" -Grady (Chapter 40, 330)

❏"'Never mind, what I mean is, they're only saying that because of me. Because of this like . . . aura of doom that seems to ruin everything touch.'
'Aura of doom?' Keefe asked, a smirk curling his lips. 'Sounds like my kind of party.'
-Sophie and Keefe (Chapter 42, 344-345)

❏"Sandor snorted. 'You're both far too soft. If she were my child, she'd be locked in her room for the rest of her life, for her own protection.'
'That would definitely be easier,' Grady said, hugging Sophie so tightly she coughed. 'But I'll settle for the rest of the night, and a promise to keep the war starting to a minimum for now on?'" -Sandor and Grady (Chapter 44, 369)

❏"'You must think I'm a total idiot.'
'Nah. I am starting to wonder if you're trying to beat Keefe's record for the biggest interspeciesial episode-and if you are, I'm pretty sure you've won. The Great Gluon Incident was epic, but it didn't almost spark a war.'" -Sophie and Fitz (Chapter 45, 372)

❏"'About time you got here,' Keefe said, smirking at Sophie from the archway to the Wanderling Woods. 'And it looks like we have a chaperone. What kind of lame party is this?'
'One where you will both come home alive-and without any broken bones,' Sandor said sniffing the air and scanning the tress around them.
'But Sophie didn't have any broken bones last ti-wait! Does this mean Gigantor is starting to care about me? Should we hug it out?'
He held out his arms.
Sandor shoved past them." -Keefe and Sandor (Chapter 49, 407)

❏"'Then perhaps we shouldn't go,' Sandor argued.
'Aw, come on-where's your sense of adventure?' Keefe asked.
'It is overshadowed by my sense of responsibility. My job is to bring you home safe.'
'There you go, caring about me again.' Keefe said with a grin." -Sandor and Keefe (Chapter 49, 410-411)

❏"'Cute and smart. No wonder Dex gave you a ring.'" -Keefe (Chapter 49, 410)

❏"'Okay, I don't mean to freak anyone out, but I'm pretty sure that's a kraken.'"
-Keefe (Chapter 49, 413)

❏"'The Black Swan knows who I am, Keefe. Not who I was-or who I think I am. Who I really am.'
'Well, we both know I'm not good at the whole serious, supportive thing, so I may be a jerk for saying this but . . . when are you going to realize that they can't tell you who you are?'" -Sophie and Keefe (Chapter 54, 444)

❏"'Because our family doesn't decide who we are. We decide who we are. Believe me, it drives my parents crazy. And sometimes that's the only thought that gets me through the day.'" -Keefe (Chapter 54, 444)

❏"'You are my greatest achievement, Sophie.'" -Mr. Forkle (Chapter 54, 447)

❏"'The right road is rarely the easy road. And no war is ever fought without casualties.'
'Is that what this?' Sophie asked. 'A war?'
'Unfortunately, yes. A quiet war to stop a louder on from raging.'" -Mr. Forkle and Sophie (Chapter 55, 455)

❏"'Thanks. Oh and . . . Sophie?'
'Yeah?' she asked, surprised he was using her first name.
'Please don't hate me, okay?'
'Keefe, I will never hate you.'"
-Keefe and Sophie (Chapter 56, 466) ★This was the first 'I could never hate you,' Team Foster-Keefe ever exchanges . . . it's like the start of an era.

❏"' I'm not going to try to stop you from finding out what Jolie was into. But I am going to tell you what I should have said to her that day. Please be careful. And if whatever you're chasing starts to catch up with you-run, don't walk away.'" -Edaline (Chapter 56, 471)

❏'"Besides, Foster,' Keefe said waiting for her to look at him, 'when are you going to realize that you could wrap yourself in neon green feathers and start walking around roaring like a dinosaur, and we'd still hang out with you? Shoot-I'd join in.'"
-Keefe (Chapter 60, 512)

❏"It takes a very special person to see the darkness inside someone and not condemn them." -Bronte (Chapter 61, 526)

❏"The fall is never seen before the rising." "The bold and brave are never seen."
-Miscellaneous Neverseen recruitment messages (Chapter 62, 530)

❏"She turned to study the faces of her friends-all faces that had been with her through everything. She'd fought so hard to protect them that she hadn't really considered how mcc they had protected her. Individually they were vulnerable. But together, they were a team." -Sophie's internal dialogue (Chapter 70, 608-609)

❏'" You guys are sure you want to do this?' Sophie asked, needing to check one last time. 'There's no going back from here.'
Keefe smirked. 'Uh, how many times do I have to tell you: Bring it on, Foster. I'm ready.'
'Me too,' Fitz promised.
'Me three,' Biana agreed.
'So the real question, ' Dex said, flashing his dimpled grin, 'is, are you sure you want to do this?'
'Yes,' Sophie told him, not needing any deep breaths or counted seconds before she decided.
She was ready.
So all she had left to say was, 'Let's go join the Black Swan!'" -This isn't a quote at this point, it's an excerpt of the final scene. (Last page)

Number of Times Character's Almost Died/Had to seek Medical Care:
★That's a lot more people than the last book . . . new record!

Sophie: 7
Keefe: 4
Sandor: 3
Fitz: 2
Dex: 2
Biana: 1
Bronte: 1
Oralie: 1
Alden: 1
Fintan: 1
Tiergan: 1
Terik: 1
Brant: 1
Mr. Forkle: 1
Grady: 1

Death Count Total:
Total: 4
RIP Councillor Kenric Fathdon, RIP three Black Swan dwarves.

Current Circumstances/Plans:
The plan is to join the Black Swan, nice and easy (not really, but they don't know that).

Sticky Note Total:

Total Sticky Notes Overall:

Sophie's Emotional Stability:
Tired. The girl did just fought a pyromaniac, then almost die of hypothermia in one day, and she probably won't be sleeping well before going to join the Black Swan. Okay sarcasm aside, I would say Sophie is holding herself together on a thinner rope than even she's aware. I also think that she's going to take the wellbeing of the group *cough* Keefe *cough* on, and that's going to a lot to carry on top of her own stuff. But I think she's also actually excited, she gets to finally meet her creators in their own territory. She gets to really get to know the organization that made her. I bet Sophie's very nervous. She's probably both relieved and very terrified to leave, and I can't blame her.

My Emotional Stability:
Questionable, at the best. While this can be fun, this also is starting to suck. Each book goes up in size, while simultaneously more things happen in fewer pages, so I have more book and more things to write about! The summary of Everblaze alone is almost 2,000 words more than the whole analysis of the first book! I don't know how this will go, but so far I've written enough words to make a book more than 100 pages! There may be a fairly large gap between this analysis and Neverseen's but I will do my best. And no, I don't plan on quitting this project. Wish me luck, and no homework so I have time to write!

Rating of Book:
I'll be honest with you, I used to rate Everblaze as my least favorite KotLC book (well only until Flashback came out), but I've gained a new appreciation for it. It's a pretty good transition novel, all things considered. Everblaze (excluding Flashback and Legacy) is actually the Keeper book I've read the least, I think I've only read it 5 or 6 times now. While I would still rate it 2nd to last place in the series, but that's just because all the others are so great. I'm going to give it a 6.5/10.

Final Thoughts:
Okay my friends, I'm finishing this on April 18th after about a month of working on it on and off. It feels good to get it done, but I am so dreading Neverseen right now. I'm sure I'll make it, right? So while I may be stuck in quarantine like the rest of the world, I still am pretty busy, or I will be until virtual school gets out. But I'm not giving up! My new goal is to finish all of these Analyses by November, just in time for Unlocked. That may be overoptimistic, I don't really know. I will push forward, but I'm taking a small break before I start Neverseen. Thank you so much to anyone who made it this far down in this giant analysis!

Have a nice day,
The Keeper Squad

PS: How's quarantine for you guys? Got any tips to keep busy?

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