The Love that was mine sarah...

By AshleyDelosreyes7

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The Love that was mine sarah gerald (ashrald)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 13


72 1 0
By AshleyDelosreyes7

Siwon held Yoona’s upper arm and faced the girls. All of them bowed and shouted their sorrys. Siwon kept his silence; he looked at the girls menacingly. “What...were you thinking?” he slowly began.

The girls cowered more than ever. It’s the first time they’ve seen him angry. “sorry oppa, we will never do it again, your uniform....” the girls tried to approach him, but Siwon signalled them to stop.

He looked directly at them and smiled, a smile that did not reach his eyes. Somehow he’s more frightening when his expression is like this than blatantly showing his anger.

“We...we will n..never d-do it again, promise.” She looked at Yoona “I’m s-sorry...”

Siwon smiled again, and whispered to them, “get los...” And they all ran like they were chased by a bull.

“I never knew you could be so scary. You have that kind of power huh.”

Siwon turned around and looked at her. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”

“Yes and no”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t think it would come to this.”

“No worries”. Yoona looked at his now wet uniform. “You should get out of your clothes.” Without thinking, Yoona took her handkerchief and reached up, wiped the liquid off Siwon’s neck, cheeks, forehead and ears. Siwon’s eyes did not leave her face, astonished, but altogether enjoying Yoona’s feather light touch.

It was a minute or so before Yoona realized what she was actually doing. She stopped. What the heck? She looked at Siwon’s amused face, opened her mouth to explain, but words fail her. She diverted her eyes away. She felt so warm on the cheeks.

“You’re blushing Yoona-shii”

Thank you captain obvious. she angrily thought. She was so embarrassed she wished for the floor to open and eat her. “No I’m not!” she snapped. She gave him a cold expression. “I don’t care if you get totally sick now.” She briskly walked away.

Siwon caught her hand. “Okay, okay...I’m sorry for teasing you. Come, let’s go to the gym. I’ll change my clothes in there. It’s time for basketball practice anyway.”

Yoona raised her eyebrows. “And why would I come with you?”

“I don’t want you to hang around in school, alone. Someone might want to harm you once more. If the situation before arises again, I’m afraid I might do something inappropriate.”


“Wow captain, what happened to you? Did you take a shower with clothes on?” Kyuhyun immediately noticed Siwon’s state when he and Yoona entered the gym entrance.

Siwon sniggered. “Long story”

“Yoona-shii, what happened?” Leeteuk asked.

Yoona looked uncomfortable. “Uh...umm”

“Girls stuff” Siwon answered.

Eunhyuk looked at them. “Are the rumors related to this?”

“The ridiculous rumour about Yoona-shii being manipulative and stuff?” sungmin chimed in.

It was kyuhyun who put every piece altogether. “Did some fangirls harass Yoona-shii? And you’re so wet because...something was thrown towards her and you blocked it?” He smiled teasingly.

Both of them did not answer.

Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk found the information so stupid it made them laugh.

“Hey! That’s too much.” Siwon complained.

“The life of the nice and famous” Eunhyuk shook his head. “But you weren’t nice back there were you? Tell me Yoona-shii, did those girls ran for their lives upon seeing this idiot’s wrath?” he pointed at Siwon.

“Yeah Yoona-shii, our captain is perhaps the kindest human alive, but when he gets mad, which is so rare, he’s the scariest ever.” Sungmin added.

Yoona did not respond.

“Hey! You’re ruining my image!” Siwon chuckled. “Stop it already, I’m gonna go change my clothes, when I come back, practice begins understood?”

“Yes captain.” The members replied.

“Yoona-shii, I’ll go change my clothes. Make yourself comfortable.” Siwon left.

Yoona went to the nearest bench and sat. A moment passed before Siwon immerged. He was wearing a black sleeveless and jersey shorts. His attire revealed a lean and muscular body.

“Okay team, please gather round.” Siwon spoke mildly, yet all of the members assembled instantly. “Basketball season is about to start. We have been champions for two consecutive years. I ask you to double your efforts a thousand fold. Expect our nemesis to be stronger than before. Do not let your guard down. Am I understood?”

“Yes Captain” everyone replied.

“Very good. Practice starts now.”

Yoona watched everything that was happening on the court. It was the first time she saw the team in action, and Siwon leading. The whole team was divided into two groups, to play against each other. Siwon and Eunhyuk, together with three other boys, composed the team that will play against Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and leeteuk’s team.

The whistle blew, and the game begins.

She had been wrong. She was wondering before how this team won the championships when all she saw were monkeys goofing around. Now she saw the team’s combined skills, and it was superb. All are talented individually, but there’s no competition between each other. Teamwork was their game plan.

The foolish faces and funny demeanor all had vanished. Their faces are contorted with seriousness and extreme focus. Siwon’s gentle exterior was replaced with severe concentration.

“Don’t you find them confusing?” a soft voice spoke.

Yoona suddenly turned her head. Seated next to her is a pretty girl she didn’t recognize. She hadn’t noticed her earlier. The girl smiled at her, as if trying to calm her down.

“I’m Tiffany, and you are Yoona.” she offered her hand. A bit shocked, Yoona reluctantly accepted her hand. She gave her a questioning look.

Tiffany smiled kindly. “I’m Eunhyuk’s girlfriend.”


“And you’re Yoona, Siwon’s friend.” Yoona nodded.

Tiffany returned her attention to the game. Yoona did as well. “Don’t you find them confusing sometimes?” Tiffany asked again.

“Confusing? Well, they seem to be so mischievous outside the court, but when they are playing, all of them transforms.” Yoona timidly smiled at her.

“Exactly. I have been with these guys for a period of time, but their routine never changed. It’s the same old foolishness.” She chuckled, looked back at the court, then smiled wildly. Yoona followed her gaze. Eunhyuk was waving towards her. “Aren’t my Eunhyuk pretty handsome today?” she giggled.

“Yes he is.” But she wasn’t looking at Eunhyuk she was unconsciously staring at Siwon.

“I’m glad.” Tiffany spoke. Yoona gazed at her. “I’m glad that you are here, I have a companion now. Everytime I’m here, I’m always alone sitting at this bench. All of these boys are single so no girls except me are here. Fangirls are not allowed during basketball practice. Let’s be friends okay?” She brightly smiled.

Yoona smiled as well and nodded. “Miss Tiffany---”

“You can call me unnie, If you like.”

“Unnie, how did you know my name?”

“Eunhyuk. I’ve seen you with Siwon often so I asked Hyuk who you are. I was curious; it’s rare to see Siwon get so attentive over someone. I mean he’s nice to everyone, but he never gave them the kind of attention he had solely given to you.”

Yoona felt warm. Unable to formulate any reply, she fell silent.

Tiffany looked at her. “You know Yoona, the three of us; Eunhyuk, Siwon and I were childhood friends. We live in the same neighbourhood you see. I’ve known them all my life. Siwon is perhaps the nicest guy I’ve come to know, and the most protective. He always tries to see the good in people, even after....” Tiffany’s voice trailed off.

Yoona was a bit startled when he saw the trace of sadness in her eyes. Tiffany continued “...even after that incident...” she looked far away, as if remembering a distant memory.

Yoona waited but Tiffany did not speak again for a couple of minutes.

Then she quietly asked “Yoona, what is the date today?”

“It’s the 5th of this month” Yoona replied, rather confused.

Tiffany sighed. “The day after tomorrow, Siwon will be absent.”

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