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Siwon held Yoona’s upper arm and faced the girls. All of them bowed and shouted their sorrys. Siwon kept his silence; he looked at the girls menacingly. “What...were you thinking?” he slowly began.

The girls cowered more than ever. It’s the first time they’ve seen him angry. “sorry oppa, we will never do it again, your uniform....” the girls tried to approach him, but Siwon signalled them to stop.

He looked directly at them and smiled, a smile that did not reach his eyes. Somehow he’s more frightening when his expression is like this than blatantly showing his anger.

“We...we will n..never d-do it again, promise.” She looked at Yoona “I’m s-sorry...”

Siwon smiled again, and whispered to them, “get los...” And they all ran like they were chased by a bull.

“I never knew you could be so scary. You have that kind of power huh.”

Siwon turned around and looked at her. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”

“Yes and no”

“I’m sorry; I didn’t think it would come to this.”

“No worries”. Yoona looked at his now wet uniform. “You should get out of your clothes.” Without thinking, Yoona took her handkerchief and reached up, wiped the liquid off Siwon’s neck, cheeks, forehead and ears. Siwon’s eyes did not leave her face, astonished, but altogether enjoying Yoona’s feather light touch.

It was a minute or so before Yoona realized what she was actually doing. She stopped. What the heck? She looked at Siwon’s amused face, opened her mouth to explain, but words fail her. She diverted her eyes away. She felt so warm on the cheeks.

“You’re blushing Yoona-shii”

Thank you captain obvious. she angrily thought. She was so embarrassed she wished for the floor to open and eat her. “No I’m not!” she snapped. She gave him a cold expression. “I don’t care if you get totally sick now.” She briskly walked away.

Siwon caught her hand. “Okay, okay...I’m sorry for teasing you. Come, let’s go to the gym. I’ll change my clothes in there. It’s time for basketball practice anyway.”

Yoona raised her eyebrows. “And why would I come with you?”

“I don’t want you to hang around in school, alone. Someone might want to harm you once more. If the situation before arises again, I’m afraid I might do something inappropriate.”


“Wow captain, what happened to you? Did you take a shower with clothes on?” Kyuhyun immediately noticed Siwon’s state when he and Yoona entered the gym entrance.

Siwon sniggered. “Long story”

“Yoona-shii, what happened?” Leeteuk asked.

Yoona looked uncomfortable. “Uh...umm”

“Girls stuff” Siwon answered.

Eunhyuk looked at them. “Are the rumors related to this?”

“The ridiculous rumour about Yoona-shii being manipulative and stuff?” sungmin chimed in.

It was kyuhyun who put every piece altogether. “Did some fangirls harass Yoona-shii? And you’re so wet because...something was thrown towards her and you blocked it?” He smiled teasingly.

Both of them did not answer.

Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Leeteuk and Eunhyuk found the information so stupid it made them laugh.

The Love that was mine sarah gerald (ashrald)Where stories live. Discover now