The Love that was mine sarah...

By AshleyDelosreyes7

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The Love that was mine sarah gerald (ashrald)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 13


156 2 0
By AshleyDelosreyes7

She slowly sat upright and rested her back on the headboard. The blanket sliding down her legs.

It was that dream again. She turned her head to her left, and met that familiar face in her mirror. A face she recognized as her own. White, pale skin, unsmiling lips and eyes that are void of any emotion, any expression, except for the tears falling down her cheeks.

Oppa, after all this time... it still hurts like hell... She bowed her head, rested her forehead at her knees. The tears wetting her legs. Perhaps I am in hell.

Why oppa? why?


“hey ! Choi Siwon!” siwon turned his head. Eunhyuk, his teammate and friend, approached him. “man, you still are the same, walking with such long strides.”

“it’s not my fault, I have long legs” he smiled.

“whatever siwon, don’t go teasing me about my height again, my height is normal, yours is not, its

A-B-normal”. They started to walk together.

Siwon laughed “I’m not saying anything dude, hahaha!”


“good morning siwon oppa” a girl passed by and greeted siwon. He greeted her back.

“Still famous I guess? Tsk. I wonder what those girls see in you. You can make them fall on their knees and kiss your shoes.” Eunhyuk snorted.

Siwon chuckled. “You’re exaggerating. I would never let any girl do that”

“Hah, stop being so nice Siwonnie, I might fall in love with you.” He winked and pouted his lips, as if about to kiss siwon.

Siwon slapped his forehead “you look stupid man.” He averted his eyes to a brown-haired beauty charging like a bull toward them. “Save your kiss to that raging bull behind you eunhyuk”

“wha--?” eunhyuk turned around. It’s Tiffany, his girlfriend.

“YAH! EUNHYUK! WHY DIDN’T YOU ANSWER MY CALL LAST NIGHT?” tiffany shouted at the top of her lungs, making the other students, including siwon, snigger.

Eunhyuk cowered at the look of his girlfriend. “Sorry babe, I was at my younger sister’s room, she’s sick so I have to take good care of her. Unfortunately I forgot my phone in my room. I’m really sorry” his voice is pleading.

Tiffany softened at his reason.” Is that so? I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you. How is Nana now?”

Eunhyuk put his arms around her now that she have calmed down.” She’s okay now, I’m sorry babe”

“Good morning tiffany-shii” siwon greeted.

“Oh siwon, i didn’t see you, sorry. How’s your summer?” she smiled.

“It’s okay. I guess. Yours is very troublesome I assume? With this idiot around?” he laughed.

“Hey Siwon! That’s below the belt!” both siwon and tiffany laughed.

“Let’s go babe, I didn’t eat breakfast, I need to pass by the canteen.” Tifanny agreed. “And you, stop being such a rascal okay? Or your image will be destroyed.”

Siwon chuckled. “whatever eunhyuk, go with your girlfriend now and don’t bother me again.”

“Stop it you two, stubborn kids.” Tiffany nudged eunhyuk at the ribs. They started to walk away from siwon. “See you man”

“see you too, and by the way, don’t forget okay ? Basketball practice at 5pm”

“Yes Siwonnie oppa, I mean captain Choi” eunhyuk laughed, so did Siwon. They waved goodbye.

He turned around, not aware that someone is near him. They bumped at each other. The girl fell on the ground. “Oh! Miss, I was careless I’m so sorry.” He immediately helped her stand up. She brandished his hand away from holding at her arm.

Siwon was a bit stunned. “Are you hurt anywhere? Should we go to the infirmary?”

“Don’t bother”. She raised her head and looked at siwon. He was startled at what he saw.

The girl immediately lowered her head and walked away.

Siwon’s gaze did not left the now retreating girl. He was startled at the girl’s expression. A lack of expression that is. He thought. What bothered him most are her eyes. It was pitch black, cold. Emotionless, like life had left her. It was quiet, and empty.

They were eyes that had suffered unbearable loss.

The same familiar emptiness he had seen from a long time ago.

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