My Crazy Cinderella Story

Door payphonerocks

1.6M 35.9K 12.8K

Why hello readers! Okay, so here's the introduction to my life... Meer

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Chapter Twenty Two~
~Chapter Twenty Three~
~Chapter Twenty Four~
~Chapter Twenty Five~
~Chapter Twenty Six~
~Chapter Twenty Seven~
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
~Chapter Twenty Nine~
~Chapter Thrity~
~Chapter Thirty One~
~Chapter Thirty Two~
~Chapter Thirty Three~
~Chapter Thirty Four~
~Chater Thirty Six~
~Chapter Thirty Seven~
~Chapter Thrity Eight~
~Chapter Thirty Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty One~
~Chapter Fourty Two~

~Chapter Thirty Five~

29K 620 679
Door payphonerocks

IT'S CHRISTMAS GUUUYYSS!!! YYYAAAAAAAAYYY!! I LOOOVE CHRISTMAS! WHO ELSE LOVES CHRISTMAS?? Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!! I HOPE YOU GUYS HAD AN AMAZING CHRISTMAS!! AND GOT AMAZING GIFTS!! I SURE DID!! Guess what I got! I got this really cute long carigan sweater, and this white, grey, and black,sweater (ITS SO CUTE! I LURVE IT!) and I got a...wait for it...wait for it...A DRESS!!! Now, I'm not really a dress person, it will take you FOREVER to convience me to wear a dress when I don't absolutely have to, and I still probably won't wear it. But...this dress is maroon red, with a really cool pattern, amazing fabric, perfect length, and a glove like fit...I LOVE IT!! Damn my parents have good taste! LoL! What did you guys get?

Guess what guys! I lost my voice! On Christmas! JUST PERFET RIGHT?! My throat has been hurting for a while and now it hurts so much that I can barely swallow my spit or talk. Speaking about talkng, when I talk, my voice is barely above a whisper. WWWHHHYYYYYY!! WHY, GOD, WHHHYYYY! WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE TO YOU!

Oh, a big thank you to crazy_beats777 for the new cover!!! What do you guys think? Honest opinions! By the way on the side will be the Christmas songs that I listened to while witing this! ENJOY! ----->

Finally, here is my Christmas gift to you guys!!! Thank you for being such amazing readers and fans! I honestly can not thank you guys enough. You guys are the only reason this book has gotten this far so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! 😘

Merry Christmas guys!!


~Chapter Thirty Five~

Both the Anderson's snap their head towards me and make eye contact before gasping and jumping out of their seats, watching me with horror. I can scare a pair of vampires by just appearing in front of them! SCOOOOORRREEE! That is epically awesometastically AMAZBALLS! SPAGETTI AMAZBALLS! CAN I GET A WHAT WHAT! The random audience in my head give me a 'what what' and I let out a laugh. Aren't I awesome?!

"Mason get away from that psychotic child!" Mrs. Anderson snaps at Dreamer Boy making my jaw drop, but with a hint of a smile. I turn my head to see Dreamer Boy's reaction to find him with huge, wide eyes and dropped jaw, glancing between me and his aunt and uncle. Oh great red grape juice! This is to funny! I burst into laughter with tears trailing down my cheeks. Why was I so worried about this? This is so funny?!

Sobering up, I loop my arm with his and look at his parents with big wide eyes and a pout.

"B-but he's my best friend!" I exclaim in a childish voice. "Why would you ask him to get away from me?" I pout at them, pretending to sniffle a little. I hear Sophie beside me stifle a laugh behind her hands. I already told her about this so she finds this just as funny. The only people watching in complete bewilderment and confusion is; Lover Boy, Dreamer Boy, The Green Monster, the king, and the two complete strangers that are seated on the other side of Lover Boy.

"What's going on?" Dreamer Boy asks, still looking back and fourth between me and his aunt and uncle. Aww! He's so adorable when he's confused! He looks like a cute little lost puppy with his large blue eyes and thick eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"B-best friend?" Mr. Anderson asks, completely horrified. "You are not my nephew's best friend! You are the spawn of Satan now get your psycho butt away from him!" He yells at me, making my eyes go wide. Wow, Mr. Rich and Posh has some fire in him! Maybe he's a fire breathing dragon in disguise! Wow! That's so cool! I shall ask him, though before I could speak three different voices interject.

"Aunt Diane, Uncle Nixon!" Dreamer Boy exclaims at the same time as the king and Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy both yell "Diane!! Nixon!" In their booming, overly powerful voice, leaving the room in complete silence. Intense silence. SOOO INTEEENNNSSEEE! I can take this silence and intenseness! IT'S TOO MUCH! I SHALL BREAK IT! I look at my stomach and give it a stare down. Come on. Grumble. Break the silence! You always grumble at the wrong time but now's your time to shine! You're hungry so this shouldn't be a trouble. Come on!! Gruuummmmbbblll-

I get cut off by a fairly loud grumble and my cheeks flush a rosy pink. Didn't think of the outcome. Again, WHAT THE REGINA GEORGE IS WRONG WITH ME!? Ooo Regina George! I want to watch Mean Girls again! THAT IS ONE OF THE MOST AWESOMETASTIC MOVIE EVER!! Besides the Iron man movies of course! IRON MAN BE KING OF ALL MOVIES!!

"Umm...can we eat now?" I ask quietly while taking in all the different shocked looks that I'm receiving from the king, The Green Monster, the two strangers, the Anderson's, Dreamer Boy, and Lover Boy. Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy is eyeing me in a teasing manner, his face full of pure amusement. Stupid cow is ENJOYING THIS?! You know what? Go ahead! Have your fun! BUT DON'T THINK I WON'T BE GETTING BACK AT YOU, YOU DUCK FACED LONNIE!!

Sophie, on the other hand is having a field day with this, she's laughing so hard that she has tears rolling down her cheeks. Holy Reese's pieces! Where did you get all that water from?!

"Diane, Nixon. I advise you both to get back to your seats and treat our guest with some respect." The king says sternly to the Anderson's. I watch as their eyes widen and Diane starts to babble while Nixon, reluctantly, takes a seat.

"B-but she can't be a guest! She's a bloody psycho-"

"Diane, Alexis is our guest and we do not speak to our guests in such a manner. Now take your seat before you get excused from dinner." The king interjects with a warning look thrown towards both the Anderson's. Diane mutters under her breath for a little bit before taking her seat next to Nixon. Well, that was fun to watch!

"Now, I want an explanation as to why this little event just took place." The king says, looking at me and the Anderson's. "And I want it from..." He trails off as he takes his eyes off of the Anderson's and places them on me. "You." He finishes, his large finger pointing at me. My eyes widen as a small gasp escapes my lips. No! No, no, no. Not going to happen!! I open my mouth to argue against having this conversation but the Anderson's beat me to it.

"How about we explain what happens? Who knows what kind of lies the spoiled little brat will spew out." My eyes widen and my jaw drops. Who the white tails are you calling a spoiled little brat?! You want to see spoiled little brat?! I'll show you spoiled little brat! I yell in mind before starting to reach for the sauce in the middle of the table. Though, before I could get to it, the king starts speaking and halts my movement.

"If I hear another insulting word directed towards Alexis coming from your mouths, you will be escorted out. Now, I want the explanation from Alexis." He states before turning to face me. "So, let's hear it." He finishes, giving me his undivided attention. I avoid his gaze as I gulp and fidget with my fingers. There is no mother ice cream licking way I'm going talk about that night right now!

"Um, I'd rather not have this conversation right now-oooo! Look! Lasagna! Yum, that's my favorite! Can you pass the plate, Lover Boy?" I ask, trying to distract the king with food. Of course, my attempts fail but at least I tried, right?

"Alexis, explanation. Now." He demands making me place my hands back on my lap and look down.

"I'd actually like to hear this one too. I wouldn't mind a good laugh, so would you mind hurrying up?" Dreamer Boy leans over and whispers in my ear. I snap my head towards him with a glare. What the Penguins?! HES SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND AND STAND BY MY SIDE!! NOT BETRAY ME LIKE THIS! You better watch you back Dreamer Boy, you better watch your back.

"You're not helping!" I hiss at him, only to receive an amused chuckle. I narrow my eyes at him even more before sticking my tongue out at him and snapping my head away. Taking a deep breath, I start fiddling with my fingers as I keep my head down. Okay. You can do this. You can do this. You're Alexis Black the Great, you can do anything!

"Okay so..." I start but trail off. I can't do this! What the heck was I thinking?! "You know what? How about w-"

"Alexis," The king drawls out in a warning tone. I look up at him to see him regarding me with a 'don't test me' look. With a gulp I nod my head and again, starting fiddling with my fingers on my lap. Guess I have no choice but to do this.

"Alright." I sigh out, lifting my head slightly before looking back down at my hands. "So..." If I'm going to do this, I need to say it straight up. I can't continue to beat around the bushes, I will dye of nervousness! I DIDN'T COME ALL THIS WAY TO DIE OF NERVOUSNESS!! WHEN I DIE, MY DEATH WILL BE A COOL DEATH!! NOT A DEATH BY NERVOUSNESS!

"Okay, for a long while now, my mother has been trying to get me engaged and married off. I don't know why, but every time she invites the family of who ever she's trying to get me married off to, I scare them away by being...crazier than usual. I'm seventeen for crying out loud! I don't want to already be engaged and get married!" I say, giving them a little background information before I start with my explanation on how I met the Anderson's. Without glancing up to see their expressions, I continue on with my story. "So what happened with the Anderson's was, I acted like the complete opposite of the type of girl they would want for their son. First, I came down in a pair of basket ball shorts and a tank top but my mother made me go change before they arrived, she also warned me not to wear yellow because Mrs. Anderson despises the color. Me, wanting to get rid of them, wore the most yellow a person can possibly wear. I wore the brightest yellow dress, yellow shoes, even yellow make up. I was going to wear yellow hair extensions too, but I forgot to. When I came down, Mrs. Anderson was so appalled it was HILARIOUS! It took everything in me to not burst out laughing. Then, after that we went to eat breakfast and I pretended not to know the prayer you say before eating, then I filled up my plate with so much food that it looked like everything would fall out just by looking it for too long. What really sent them over the edge and running for the hills was when I pretended to be able to talk to the dead. Well actually, it was when I asked when their son would be coming after pretending to be able to talk to the dead. God that was too good!" I finish off with a chuckle at the memory of their faces. I would be full on laughing with tears and everything right now, but I don't want to scare them all too much.

As I'm met with a long period of silence, I slowly lift my head and see that Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy and Sophie silently dying while the king, Dreamer Boy, Lover Boy, The Green Monster, and the two stranger, are just staring at me with a blank look in their eyes. I bite my lip as I start to get nervous of what they're going to say, but the nervousness is quickly wiped away as they all burst into laughter. I let out a sigh of relief and sag in my seat. Thank the fudge queen lord! What did I even think they were going to do?

"Oh dear, Alexis." The king mutters out as he comes to the end of his laughing fit.

"Wait, wait, wait." I hear Mrs. Anderson shout over everyone's laughter, waving her arms for everyone to calm down. Once everyone has calm down, she looks over at me with questioning eyes. "So, all that was an act?" She asks slowly. Should I nod? Or should I not nod? What if I tell her it was all an act and she wants to get me married to her son, again. I DON'T WANT THAT!! I'M TOO YOUNG FOR MARRIAGE!!

Taking a chance and a risk, I slowly bob my head in a nod. Mrs. And Mr. Anderson continue to just stare at me in shock. Okay, this is starting to make me feel weird. They need to stop that. NOW!! I DON'T LIKE BEING STARED AT LIKE THAT FOR SO LONG!! GOD OF FRESH FROGGY LILLIES!! PLEASE MAKE THEM STOP!!

When they don't stop, I lean sideways towards Dreamer Boy. "Please make them stop, it's starting to make me feel weird." I whisper pleadingly in his ear. He looks over at me with an amused smile before slightly laughing under his breath. I narrow my eyes at him in a glare, before pouting. "It's not funny! Make them stop!"I whine making him chuckle under his breath. Stupid lobster! Lets see if you're still chuckling when I bury you ten feet under COW HORSE POOP!!!

"And how am I supposed to do that?" He questions in a whisper, arching his eyebrow in amusement.

"I don't know! They're your aunt and uncle! You should be able to do something!" I exclaim, waving my arms around to add an effect. "And Sophie, would you please stop with the laughing?" I ask her, turning to face her. Yes, she's still laughing! With tears still falling out of her eyes. I'm starting to believe that she's a secret waterfall hidden in the form of a human looking vampire. Does that make sense?

"'re not crazy and you can't talk to the dead?" Mr. Anderson asks slowly, leaning forward in his seat.

"Oh she's still crazy." Lover Boy jumps in. With a gasp I snap my head towards him in shock. How could he say that?! HE'S MY BFFL! HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT A BFFL!! Lover Boy just smirks and sends me a wink. I narrow my eyes at him in a glare. Oh you better watch yourself Lover Boy! YOU BETTER WATCH YOURSELF!



"But why would you do that?"" The Anderson's asked together. Did they not hear me before? Can they not see? You can clearly see that I am too young and sooooo totally not ready for marriage!

"Because I'm seventeen years old and not at all ready for marriage or engagement!" I exclaim as if the question they asked was stupid. Which it was. "Does it look like I'm ready for that kind of thing?" I question them while gesturing to myself.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, can we eat?" Lover Boy asks, eyeing the steaks at the center of the table. I let out a small giggle at his hunger.


[Darren's POV]

"You did what?!" I yell at Peyton in disbelief mixed with a slight bit of anger, as I pull her into my room and shut the door behind me.

"Well, if you had told me yourself it wouldn't have happened!" She exclaims, making me arch my eyebrow. The nerve of this girl.

"Don't you try to pin this on me! You're the one who blew our cover!" I shout back. I can't believe this girl! She blows our cover and she tried to blame me! Now everything we did up to now will be useless! She...they will know that shes my mate and they will definitely hurt her. Cydrick will know and he will definitely come after her and hurt her to get to me! I caused her so much pain...for nothing. I take my pain and turn it into anger and take it out on Peyton. It is all her fault that the plan is now useless!

"Yeah but if you had already told me that you guys kissed I would have not been so surprised, I would have already done my squealing of joy!" She yells at me, making me roll my eyes. "How could you not tell me that you guys kissed?! I'm your best friend! That's the kind of thing best friends share!"

"Well if I had told you, you would have backed out of the plan!" I shout at her. It's the truth, she didn't want to go along with this whole plan in the first place. And will she please stop talking about the kiss? It's making my heart and stomach go all weird. Contrary to popular belief, vampires do have hearts. They just beat slower and need human blood to stay alive and pumping. Anyways, I'm a vampire and a guy, that should not be happening. That has never happened before.

"Damn right I would have! Oh the poor girl! Wait, oh my god that means when you all forced me to snap at her for hugging you, you guys had already kissed..." She drawls out slowly. "Shit! She must be devastated and in so much pain! It's probably even worse because she doesn't know the cause of the pain!" She adds on, thinking out loud. I send her a glare as I feel my heart clench at the thought of causing her any pain. Thanks Peyt, I really needed to hear that out loud. I say sarcastically in my mind. "Oh my god you little shit!" She exclaims before literally attacking me with her fists.

"Ow! What the hell?!" I yell at her as she continues to repeatedly punch me EVERYWHERE. God I really wish I never taught her how to fight! What was I even thinking?

"Don't 'what the hell' me! You're hurting your mate! You're making ME hurt your mate! God, the girl must hate me! She must think I'm a freaking monster!" Peyton yells, while still abusing me.

Finally being able to grab her fists and keep them away from me, I hold back from me. Though that doesn't stop her from struggling against me.

"Peyt!" I yell at, while struggling to get her to calm her shit. Where in the hell does this girl get all that energy and power from?!

"Peyt-PEYTON!" I shout bellow, causing her struggle to break out of my grip and attack me to cease. Finally. Letting out a sigh, I look up at her to see her glaring at me which makes me roll my eyes. Where does her brain go half the time? "Peyton, it's for the greater good." I tell her, trying to reason with her. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Greater good?! What good can possibly come from this stupid, idiotic crappy plan of yours?! What good can it do?!" She shouts at me like I'm a psychopath.

"Uh, keep her alive?" I point out in a 'duh' tone. I'm not doing this for the hell of it, why would I intentionally hurt my mate so much? It hurts me to see her in pain but I no other choice!

"How is this keeping her alive? From where I see it, it's slowly killing her."

"Cydrick wanted her because they thought she's my mate. Also, because they think she's related to Alexandria Black and can improve their power, but their not sure that she is. So, because they aren't sure they won't come after her right away and that will give us time to come up with a plan to keep them away and give us time to prepare her to defend herself. If they know she's my mate, they will surely come after her as soon as they can to get to me. They will take her and hurt her, kill her so that they can get to me and the castle. By having you pretend to be my mate, the word will spread and Cydrick won't go after Alexis for now. Plus, by having you as my fake mate I don't have to worry about putting you in danger because you won't be in danger because of a certain someone." That certain someone being her brother. Peyton's mother was a human and her father was a vampire. After Peyton was born, her father was going to turn Peyton's mother but he died in a battle. Later on, when Peyton's mother finally got over her mate's death, she fell in love with a werewolf who's mate died and had Peyton's brother. Peyton grew up with her whole family in a small house in the village but had to move here once Cydrick found out that Peyton is a vampire. Her and her brother are still really close, and he's quite protective of her, (even though he's four years younger than her) but they can't meet up or see each other as often as before.

"But they still want her either way! This is only delaying them!" Peyton yells, still standing her ground and completely misunderstanding everything!

"Delaying them and giving us more time to prepare ourselves and her so that they won't be able to get her! So that we can put them down!" I shout, trying to get this information through her thick skull. For someone who's lived a thousand years, she ain't very bright.

She opens her mouth to keep arguing me, but abruptly shuts her mouth before she could utter a single sound. She stops and thinks before a cold look passes over her eyes. I narrow my eyes at her in suspicion. What's going on? She crosses her arms over her chest and arches an eyebrow.

"You aren't going to back out of this thing, are you?" She questions me, her tone hard and cold. Still eyeing her suspiciously, I slowly shake my head no. "Fine, then I know how to fix this. I think you should back out of this plan but if you disagree, then we're taking this to a whole new level and you won't be able to back out." She says in a hard tone, trying to warn me. The warning goes right over my head but I do get more confused. What the heck is she talking about?

"I'm not backing out after I've come this far." I tell her. I start getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach but I ignore it.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." I roll my eyes at her with a sigh.

"Just tell me how we're going to fix this." I sigh out while raking my finger through my hair, pushing it back and out of my face.

"There's only one way we can fix this..." She trails off with condescending smirk pulling her redish pink lips up. I stare at her, waiting for her too go on. When she doesn't continue, I gesture for her to go on, with my hands.

"Today would be a good time to finish that sentence." I say sarcastically. This only results in her smirk expanding.

"We have to do it." She says, accenting the it. My eyebrows draw together as confusion fills me. It? What does it mean?

"What do you-oh..." I trail off once realization dawns. "EW! No!" I shout at her in disgust. What's wrong with her?! Is this really her? The Peyton I know would never suggest this! She would be just as disgusted as me at the thought of us doing it.

"I didn't mean actually do it you little shit, ju-wait" She cuts herself off "What do you mean ew? Any guy would be dying to get any sort of action from this killer body!" I stare at her as if she's gone stupid. She really needs to ask that?

"You're like my sister, obviously I'm going to say ew!" I exclaim. She pauses and thinks for a second before a look of disgust crosses her face. She shudders before muttering an ew under her breath.

"You're right. That would be gross." She tells me, shuddering once again. "Good thing we'll only be pretending!" She chirps, brightening up again.

"No." I say. I am not going to go through with this, I want to make Alexis think that we're not mates, not emotionally kill her!


"I said no. We aren't doing this. This will hurt her way more than us acting lovey dovey and holding hands and shit." I growl out at Peyton. How can she think that I will go along with this? How can she think up of such an idea?

"We are going to go through with this. After all, you're the one that wants to continue the plan." She states in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Not like this!"

"This is the only way. My reaction to her telling me that you guys kissed, was excited and happy. I hugged her and squealed like a five year old. Now, she may be crazy but she's not stupid. She's going to start thinking about my reaction, and eventually figure everything out. She'll realize that we were just faking and your little plan will go swirling down the toilet. If we do this, she'll be too distracted by other feeling to think about my reaction and she'll probably forget about it completely and she'll think the kiss was a mistake." Peyton explains. I start having an internal argument/fight with myself over doing this or not. On one hand, I have Alexis' feelings and emotional life. On the other hand, I have life. I don't want to hurt her like this, because believe me, this will literally kill her, emotionally. Though I also most definitely don't want her and everyone to find out that she's my mate and have her life put in danger.

"Say, hypothetically speaking, I do agree to this, how is this going to work?" I ask, arching my eyebrow.

"Since we have to pretend we're doing the nasty, we're going to have to be doing a lot of moaning and groaning. We will also have to jump up and down on the bed, and bang our hands against the wall. Since Alexis' room is right next door, she'll hear us perfectly." And so will the whole entire house! Is she crazy?

"What-where did this idea come from?" I ask her in utter shock. I stare at her as if she's grown a second head and transformed into a eight legged giraffe. I really shouldn't be this shocked considering I've known her all my life and she always has crazy ideas, but this is crazier and weirder than normal.

Laughing at my expression, she clutches her stomach. "I saw this movie." Is her only response. A movie. What kind of movies does this chick watch?

"What kind of movies do you watch?" I exclaim, voicing my thoughts.

"Not the type of movies your thinking of." She says, still chuckling. "It's from Easy A. Remember? You saw the trailer." She says, I roll my eyes and dismiss the whole thing. "So you in?" She asks.

"Are you crazy?" I question her.

"A little." She says, pinching her forefinger and thumb together. "I thought we already went over this?"

"The whole fucking house will hear us." I point out, trying to sway her away from this crazy idea of hers.

"It's actually a castle." She corrects me, only to earn herself a very cold glare. "And it's not like it'll be the first time everyone will have to deal with hearing you getting it on." I roll my eyes at her in annoyance and rub my temples.

"They'll think we're actually doing it." I state slowly, trying to get her to think this through.

"There's this little ability called telepathy that vampires have. Yeah, use it." She bites out. The amount of sass and sarcasm this girl has is unreal.

"I thought you didn't want to go through with the plan and hurt Alexis? How are you now so ready to jump to such high levels?" I ask.

"You didn't want to back out, so now I'm going to make you regret your decision." She says, her previous smirk finding it's way back onto her face. I narrow my eyes at her in a glare.

"What?" She asks, taking on a tone of an innocent. "I did warn you." Is this really happening?

'Guys, what you're about to hear is not really what it sounds like. It's not really happening. It's fake. All fake. Good? Good.' I hear Peyton's voice boom through my mind, amplifying itself. I scowl at her but she just winks at me and acts like nothing is wrong. I guess it is really happening.

"Alright, time to put this plan to action." Peyton says, rubbing her hands together like an evil mastermind, which she is. The evil part, I mean. Not the mastermind part. Rolling my eyes, I follow her onto my bed.

"Now start jumping." I stand there, giving her a blank look as she starts jumping up and down on my bed. "Jump before I decide to cut off your balls and shove them down your throat." She hisses at me. With wide eyes, I start jumping on the bed but pause for a second as she starts making moaning sounds. I look over at her with even wider eyes while biting my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter.

"Come on, you have to contribute too." She whispers at me. I watch her in amusement and shake my head.

"I am not doing that." She arches an eyebrow, thinking that that will intimidate me into obeying her. I just smirk and shake my head.

"Fine, have it your way." She chirps out. I smile in satisfaction, which I really shouldn't have done. I feel an immense amount of burning pain travel through me, making me fall off the bed with a loud thump and release a loud ass groan of pain. She kicked me. The bitch kicked me! In the groin. Ooowwwww! I let out a small whimper as I clutch my crotch and roll on the ground. My balls hurt!

[Alexis' POV]

I slip under the covers of my bed, welcoming the warmth provided by the bed and the covers. I smile and turn on my side while pulling the covers up to my chin. I start wondering about The Green Monster's reaction to me confessing to her about my kiss with Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy but quickly forget about it as sleep starts to push through. I close my eyes and let dreamland start to consume me.

Just as I'm on the brink of falling asleep a loud bang makes me jump. With a shriek of shock and fright, I topple off the bed and land in a tangled mess of my covers. What the penguins was that?! I exclaim in my mind while pushing myself out of the cocoon my covers made around me. I freeze as more loud thumps echo through my room followed by loud moans and groans. My eyes widen as a gasp falls out of my lips. Someones are doing the frickle frackle in the room next door! Hey, I may be slow on some things but I'm not stupid! I know what those sounds lead too! I lived with Grace people, the girl goes through guys like I go through Oreo cookies!

Wait...isn't the room next door Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy's? I freeze in my spot and rake through my mind, trying to recall my memories. Yes, yes it is. I feel the breath got knocked right out of my as I feel a tug at my heartstrings. At my already broken heart.


"No. Nuh-uh. Not going to happen!" I exclaim. The king has lost it. He has gone crazy. CRAZIER THAN ME!! He has to have to be able to suggest such a thing.

"He's the only one of us who knows how to deal with magic like an expert, Little Red." Lover Boy explains. I narrow my eyes at him in a glare. Why must he contribute to the king's crazy?! Is he going crazy too?

"And why is that? I thought vampires can't do magic." I point out. Ha! That's right! I did my homework! I wasn't about to stay in a house full of vampires without knowing anything about them! I don't want to die! And the library is there for a reason.

"Someone's been doing her reading huh?" The king teases. Not the time to be teasing Robert Downy Jr. look alike! Not the time!

"Because, our mother was a warlock, kind of like you, and Dare was the one who spent the most time with her. She taught him everything she knew." Sophie justifies. Great bananas! Is everyone turning on me now? What has the world come to?! They're turning on Alexis Black the Great?! I feel like crying. I should cry. I'm going to cry. Okay, no I'm not. BUT THEY PUT THE THOUGHT OF CRYING THERE SO THAT MAKES THEM HORRIBLE PEOPLE!! Ever heard of the phrase, it's the thought that counts? Well, my thoughts were filled with crying which they put there! SO IT COUNTS!

"But you were her daughter to-" I cut myself off as my eyes widen and a thought struck my like a bolt of lightening. their mother... " your guys' mother..." I trail off, averting my gaze to my shoes while fidgeting with the hem of Sophie's over-sized, green, long sleeved, Simple Plan shirt. Sasquatch hating icicle tepee! WHY DID I JUST ASK THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I'm a horrible person! I just reminded them of their mother and their probably going over their good memories with her and then her death. DEAR QUEEN OF BUTTERFLY DEATH! TAKE ME NOW! I GIVE YOU PERMISSION! I'M READY NOW! Probably the only time I will be ready so you better take advantage of this! I'm giving myself to you freely! That never happens!

"Uh, yeah she passed away." Sophie mumbles out, avoiding everyone's eyes as the room falls silent. Seriously Queen of Butterfly Death, take me know. I mean it.

"I am so very sorry for bringing it up. Like, really, really, REALLY sorry!" I say, trying to convey how sorry and bad I feel for reminding them of their mother's death and making them sad and drown in misery.

"It's-" Sophie starts but gets cut off.

"Not okay." Darren interjects. "You are not forgiven." He adds, a gasp falls out of my eyes as my head snaps towards him. He stands there with a blank expression on his face while staring at me with hard eyes. Just his stare makes my palms sweat and my heart start racing. Why does he have to be so intense and mean!?

"Darren!" Everyone shouts in shock while snapping their heads to gape at him in shock. Yaay! I'm not the only one shocked by his answer! What do I do? No one has ever reacted that way to someone apologizing about bringing up someone's death! Well, I've never seen it happen! Skittle buddies! Where are you! I need your help!!

Okay, now I really do feel like crying. I can't believe I just did that! I made him feel so bad that he won't even except my sorry! Something is really wrong with me!

"But I might forgive you if you let me help you with your memory and powers..." He adds, trailing off with a slight smile on his face. My eyes slightly narrow at his face in suspicion. Was he playing me? I think he was playing me! THAT BUFFALO BUTT FACE! But...what if I really did hurt him and he's just trying to cover his hurt up. After all, he doesn't strike me as the type to wear his emotions on his sleeves. I feel a tug on my heart as guilt swallows me whole.

I stare at him for a second, trying to calculate his behavior before hesitantly bobbing my head up and down in a nod. Am I making a mistake or am I not? Stay tuned to find out, i say in my mind, pretending to be a news reporter.

"Great." He says before heading out of king Jared's office. Once he realizes that I'm not following he turns around with an arched eyebrow. "Are you coming?" He asks like he already knows the answer to his question. I turn to face everyone else to see them wearing smirks. SMIRKS! THEY'VE ALL BEEN SUCKED INTO THE DARK SIDE!! I'M ALL ALONE! I stick my tongue out at them before walking up to Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy. He looks down at me in amusement with a smirk playing on his lips. JUST BECAUSE YOU MAY LOOK REALLY GOOD DOING THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I WILL APPRICIATE IT OR TREAT ANY DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHERS! Sending him a glare, I stick my tongue out at him too before stomping out of the door, walking in front of him.

"You're going the wrong way!" I hear Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy call out in his deep, smooth voice. I can hear the amusement ringing loud and clear in his voice. That LAMB TOOSH! How dare he find amusement in Alexis Black the Great! HE SHALL BE CURSED THE DEEPEST OF CURSES! Did that make sense? Hmm...ALEXIS! PAY ATTENTION! I snap at myself.

"How dare you doubt Alexis Black the Great! Magic only works in the basement, that's where I'm going. So I'm not going the wrong way!" I exclaim before turning around and sticking my tongue out at him, once again.

"I didn't doubt you, don't worry, but before we can head to the basement we have to go to the library to gather all the spell books and the book on your history." He points out before whistling and pointing towards the opposite direction. With a scowl gracing my face, I stomp over to him and follow him around the castle, all the way to the library.

"Wait, how do you know that magic only works in the basement?" Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy asks as he starts searching through the library for spell books. Ignoring him, I stay silent. I agreed to letting him help me, I didn't agree to talking to him! I still think he's the root of all my pain so, I don't want to talk to him and I'm not going to! He has made me cry more than I have ever cried in my whole entire life so far, and I never cry! So not talking. No sir-y!

Realizing that I'm not answering his question, he turns his head towards me with an arched eyebrow. I give him a glare before shifting my gaze to the books on the shelf. I don't know what the spell books look like, but I don't want to look at him!

"Why so cold?" He asks, stepping closer to me. I hold in my gasp as I lift my chin in the air with a huff. I'm not talking to you, I say in a sing song voice in my mind.

Suddenly, there's a warm hand cupping my chin and turning my head towards Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy. This time I do gasp. My face flushes as my body starts tingling. Wait...his hand is warm, but he's a vampire! Aren't vampires supposed to be cold? Quickly snatching his hand in both mine, I test it's warmth by moving it around between my hands. It's quite warm. How? What kind of beluga sorcery is this?!

"Done feeling me up yet?" Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy asks with his annoying smirk still on his lips. I snap my head up and send him an ice cold glare as a blush starts to color my cheeks. I HELD HIS HAND! WHY DID HE HAVE TO SAY I WAS FEELING HIM UP?! THAT EVIL PIG NOSED BAT! Ignoring his teasing, I proceed asking my question.

"Aren't vampires supposed to be cold? Why is your hand warm?" I ask him, tilting my head to the right a little while scrunching my eyebrows and slightly puckering my lips in confusion.

"And where did you get that fact from?" He asks, amusement lingering in his tone of voice as the smirk keeps its ground on his face. Can I stab that thing? IT'S REALLY ANNOYING! HE WEARS IT ALL THE TIME!

"The world!" I say in a duh tone. Where else am I supposed to get my vampire facts? The books here that I read on vampires didn't say anything on vampire body temperature so I figured that the famous fact about vampires is true! You would think the same okay! Don't try to hide it! I already know! Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy rolls his eyes, but the smirk still remains. I'm going to stab it. In his sleep, that way he won't be able to stop me.

"Contrary to the human myths on vampires, vampires aren't always cold. We're only when we're running low on blood and need to feed. Otherwise, we're quite warm." He informs me, making my mouth form an O shape.

"Oh." I say slowly, stretching out the word while nodding my head. Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy leans forward and hooks a finger under my chin, shutting my mouth.

"Don't want to catch flies now do we?" He asks with his annoying smirk before backing away and returning to his search. I stand frozen in my spot with wide eyes and a heart that's trying to commit suicide. Why he gotta keep doing this to me? How does he keep doing this to me? THERE IS SOMETHING REALLY WRONG AND STRANGE GOING ON HERE!

Shaking my head, I pull myself back together once Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy yanks out a large book from the book shelf and turns towards me.

"Stretch out your arms." He tells me. My eyebrows knit together in confusion. Huh? "Suite yourself." He says before dropping the book in front of me. Acting on reflex, I push out my arms to catch the book. I let out a groan as the extremely heavy weight of the book practically crushes my arms. "Can't say I didn't warn you." He sings out before pulling out yet another large book. Is he going to make me hold that one too? What kind of a man is he?!

"By the way, if you want me to forgive you for..." He pauses as he stops to think. "Earlier, I suggest you answer my questions when I ask them." He finishes before placing yet another extremely heavy book in my arms. IS HE TRYING TO MURDER MY ARMS WITH HEAVY BOOKS!?

"Wait, what happened ear-ooooh!" I say, cutting myself off before making the mistake of bringing up a certain someone once again. "Hey!" I shout in slight anger. "This is blackmail!" I add, in the same tone as before. HE'S TRYING TO BLACKMAIL ME!! THAT'S NOT COOL! THAT'S NOT COOL AT ALL! I narrow my eyes at him in a glare, only to receive a very amused chuckle.

Once we're both holding a pile of large books, him with the large pile thank the chocolate swan Jesus, we head down to the basement. It was a very long trip. A very long annoying trip since Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy suddenly decided today's the day he expresses his love for talking. I was about to dump the pile of spell books on his head. If only he was a little shorter. And by a little, I mean a lot. HE LOOK TALLER THAN THE GIANT IN JACK AND BEAN STOCK!! LIKE WHAT THE HAY BAG?! HOW DO YOU GET SO TALL?!
"Alright, so how do you know that your magic only works in the basement." He asks me once again while placing the books down on the couch I read my background history book on. Following him, I place the books in my hand down next to his pile before answering him.

"I tried using my magic upstairs twice before but every time I did, I would get a major headache and practically die. Then, when I was down here I tried it again and it worked. So yeah." I finish with a bright smile. Of course, I didn't tell him the multiple chats I've been having with my family back home but he doesn't need to know that. The only reason I answered him was because the elephant sized loser is BLACKMAILING ME!! Isn't blackmailing illegal? I'm pretty sure it is. Maybe I can send him to jail? THEN I'LL NEVER HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIM EVER AGAIN!! YAAAY!

He regards me with a suspicion gleaming in his eyes before slowly nodding his head. Yes!! He bought it! Haha! Suuuckkkeeeer! Not so smart now are ya!?

"Okay, let's just get started." He is before lifting a large book up and opening it. He takes a seat on the couch and calls me over to take a seat beside him. In case you're wondering, its a large couch.


"IT'S NOT WORKING!! IT HASN'T WORKED THIS WHOLE WEEK, IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK NOW!" I shout at Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy as he keeps trying to pressure me into trying to perform magic that I can't do! We've been at this for a whole monkey licking fudge caking week!! Guess how much we've accomplished? Did you guess nothing! DING DING DIIIIINNNNGG!! WE HAVE A BUNCH OF WINNERS!! Go get yourselves a singing carrot from the singing carrot corporation! YES IT'S A REAL PLACE! Anyways, Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy can't get it through his thick monkey poop skull that this isn't going to work! My powers aren't about to come rushing back if I try to do magic that I have never done in this lifetime! I CAN'T DO IT!! IS HE TRYING TO SHOVE ME INTO DEPRESSION?!

"It will!" He shouts back with a glare. "It has too." He adds more quietly, to himself. He starts skimming through the last huge elephant sized grim-wore, I FOUND OUT WHAT SPELL BOOKS ARE ACTUALLY CALLED!! WOOOHOOO!!! Trying to find some sort of magic activity that I should try to perform. I DON'T WANT TO DO IT ANYMORE!! IT'S NOT FUN!!! I yell in my head with a pout gracing my face. "Here, try this." He says, pushing the open book towards me. "It's-" He stops when he looks up at me. "Stop pouting and start trying harder." He says with a roll of his eyes. My pout quickly dissolves into a scowl. "Now, this is as easy as it gets." He starts again, redirecting his attention back to the grim-wore.

"I'm going to smack you with the book." I hiss at him, still scowling at him. He chooses to ignore me and continue on with his hopeless drive to get me to do actual magic.

"All you have to do is move an object without actually touching it princess. Read it, it tells you exactly how to do it." He explains. Finally the day has come! I get to give Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy the 'are you stupid or are you stupid?!' look! That is exactly what I did. He arches an eyebrow at me, hoping to get an explanation out of me.

"I think you've finally lost the little brain you already had." I tell him, slowly nodding my head, trying to hold back my laughter at his shocked expression. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY THAT!! IT'S SO FUNNY TO SEE THE EXPRESSIONS THAT FOLLOW! "I can already move things with my mind. I've always been able to move things with my mind and you already know this too!" I snap at him, seriously considering to smack the baboon over his head with the heavy book.

I release a sigh before collapsing on the floor with my back against a random workout equipment. I could probably name it if I wasn't so tired, lazy, agitated, and feeling very hopeless. "This is hopeless. It's not going to work." He releases a sigh of hopelessness before sitting back against the the wall opposite me. He rakes a hand through his dark locks before leaning his head back against the wall with his eyes shut.

"I don't think the reason this isn't working is because the memories and your powers are too far suppressed, I think it's because of the wixband. It's had way too much of an effect on you. How long did you wear the thing?" Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy asks me, his head lightly banging against the wall behind him and his eyes still shut.

At the mention of the anklet-wixband-whatever that thing is, brings back the thoughts of my mother and how she's the one who gave it to me, along with all the horrible feelings. I gulp and push back the lump in my throat and the water in my eyes.

"Since I was five." I whisper out, not being able to speak any louder while attempting to keep my emotions under control.

I take a deep breath and shake myself out of this upsetting state. "Can we not talking about that thing?" I ask him. He cracks open on of his eyes before opening the other one and leaning forward.

"You're going to have to talk about it sooner or later." He responds, his voice taking on a softer tone.

"Well then I choose later." I state with a hard voice. I am going to avoid the topic for as long as I can. I'm running from this problem of mine but I don't care. I already have way too much on my plate, there is no room for such betrayals. "Why are you so dead set on getting my magic to work?" I ask, changing the subject before he could speak. He was about to. He had opened his mouth. Now, he shut it and stares at me for a second before shaking his head and clearing his thoughts, I think.

"Because..." He trails off, leaning his head back against the wall again, staring up at the ceiling of the basement. "If this doesn't work, your going to have to go through the hypnoses. That's dangerous, you can get stuck in memory land, you can wake up loosing all your current memories, worse; you can die." He says in a quiet voice. His tone lacing with tiredness and...sadness? Is he upset over the fact that one of those things can happen to me? Does about me? I feel my heart swell in my chest and spread warmth throughout me at the thought of that. Why you ask? I have no clue! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME! I NEED A DOCTOR PEOPLE! CALL ME A DOCTOR!

"You care? Why?" I ask, voicing my thoughts with a tilt of my head. He brings his gaze towards me and looks at me like I've gone crazy. I get the look a lot. I actually sort of take it as a compliment sometimes. Being crazy means not normal which means UNIQUE! I'M UNIQUE!! YAAAY! So when someone gives me that look, their basically calling me unique.

"I've always cared, princess, and I always will." My heart lurches up and quickens it's beating. I stare at him with my mouth slightly ajar with every creature exploding in my stomach. "And why? I have my reasons." He adds, gazing at with so much care, possibly admiration, and determination to get me to believe him. Is it possible for a heart to actually pop right out of your chest? I think that's about to happen to me if he keeps talking like this and looking at me like that! HE NEEDS TO STOP BEFORE MY HEART SUCCEEDS IN JUMPING OUT OF MY BODY AND HOPPING AWAY!

Strangely enough, I've grown to tolerate Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy during the span of this week. I think I've also grown to slightly care for him. I think it's because he actually showed his kind side. I know! I was just as shocked to see it! HE ACTUALLY HAS A GOOD SIDE! Plus, he didn't bring anything up that would bring me pain or make me think of the painful events that involve him. Especially a certain night when the frickle frackle occurred in the room next door to me with him and a certain green monster inside.

"But-then why..." I trail off, not knowing how to word myself. Wow. I don't know what words to say. THAT SHOULD BE SAYING SOMETHING TO YOU!! I NEVER RUN OUT OF WORDS! WHAT KIND OF SICKNESS IS THIS THAT I'M STARTING TO SUFFER FROM?!

"Why do I act like I don't most of the time?" He asks, I slowly nod my head. What am I doing?! I'M JUST ENCOURAGING MY HEART TO SUCCEED IN JUMPING TO FREEDOM! THIS CONVERSATION NEEDS TO STOP! I NEED TO STOP! HE NEEDS TO STOP! "I have my reasons for that too." He adds. I open my mouth, but quickly slap a hand over my mouth to keep it from opening and saying something to continue this crazy conversation. He quirks an eyebrow upwards before smiling in amusement, I lower my hand give him a playful glare, making him release a small chuckle.

Slightly shaking my head, lean more back against whatever machine I'm leaning against and close my eyes. Do I really want my memories back? Do I even have to ask myself that? Obviously I want my memories back! I want to know how I was like back then, why I was so dangerous, and why I killed myself rather than take an alternative root. I need to see how powerful I am, I need to remember how to use my powers, I need to know how not to make the same mistakes as before. Most importantly, I need my powers back so that I can protect myself and everyone I love. More importantly, so that I can get my dad back, so that I can save him. The better question would be, is it worth it. Is almost the chance of loosing myself or dying worth the shot if it means that I can protect everyone I love and save my dad? Yes. I don't even have to think on that. Am I ready for this? Hmm...let me change that question around. Am I ready to do anything I can and whatever it takes to save the people I love? Yes. Definitely yes.

"Well, we have no choice but to go through with the hypnoses. I need my memories back." I say, opening my eyes and sitting up straighter

"What?" Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy asks sharply, snapping his head towards me so fast, you'd think his neck would snap. Well, he clearly doesn't like the idea.

"Reading and trying to do magic clearly isn't working and clearly isn't going to work. The only way to get my memories back is by going through with the hypnoses so that's what I'm going to do." I say with a hard voice, standing my ground with determination flashing in my eyes, in my body language, and on my face. I want this and I want him to know how much I want it so that he won't try to stop me. I know he's against the idea, but it's the only way and I won't be backing down. Not when it comes to this.

Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy regards me with a calculating look, as if analyzing me and trying to read my thoughts. Wait...what if he's really doing that?! Vampires can do that! THAT LITTLE PONY POOP BUCKET! HOW DARE HE INVADE THE PRIVACY OF ALEXIS BLACK THE GREAT! Just as I'm about to yell at him to not invade my mind, he stands up and holds out his hand in front of my face. Is he...offering me his hand? To hold? Who the cheese balls is this and what the snowflakes happened to Mr. Greek God Jerk Bad Boy!

"Take my hand before you start drooling over it." He comments with that stupid smirk of his and amusement filled eyes. Nope. It's still him. I roll my eyes and without thinking, place my small hand in his large, callous one.I ignore the tiny pleasurable shocks that spread through my body from the hand to hand contact and let him pull me to my feet. "Let's go." Is all he says before he starts dragging me out of the basement. Go? Go where? At this late hour? In case you were wondering, it's nine in the night.

"What do you think?" He asks, rhetorically. "To get you hypnotized and your memories back." He simply adds, leaving me trailing behind him with a dropped jaw and wide eyes. What the beluga fish tails?! Greeeaaat the fish fetish is back! I thought I had left that behind me last week! GO AWAY FISH FETISH! Alexis! You're about to get hypnotized and there is a possibility that you might die and you're worrying about a stupid fish fetish?! My subconscious snaps at me. Oh right. What was I going to say? Oh yeah! I remember now!

"Right now? So fast?" I ask, picking up my pace so that I'm walking next to him. He gives me a quick glance before nodding his head. I turn my head away from him and look straight ahead as he guides me through the castle to where ever our destination is. I take in a deep breath and start preparing myself for whatever might happen, and for what ever I might see in my memories.

"The faster we get do it, the better. Waiting will only waste our time and raise doubt and uncertainty." He justifies. I agree. I nod my head but don't bother talking.

I'm about to go through hypnotic therapy to get back my memories from my past life. I might come wake up with all my answers and both the memories from my past and present, I might wake up with only the memories from my past, I might get stuck in the world of my past and die the way I died back then, or I might not wake up at all.


How was that? Good? Hopefully! It took almost two whole days to write! LoL! And man was this chapter long! It's FIFTEEN pages on word! Holy cow! LoL!

Anyways, Merry Christmas guys and happy holidays!!! And don't worry, there WILL be more updates after this one(hopefully), I'm on holidays! 😃😀


Live! =F
Love! <3
Laugh! =D


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