
By Non-bunnary

4.1K 116 94

"I was never really your friend." Taco never wanted to say those words, in fact, she wasn't talking about Pic... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/N (again sorry)
Chapter 4
A/N Number Three
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
So sorry about this
Chapter 7
A/N 4

Chapter 3

353 11 3
By Non-bunnary

Leafy's POV

"Alright, I know it started when I got an email from Pickle." Taco started off.

"Wait hold on. If you and Pickle had a problem that eventually ended when you said a few words, how come it started with an email from him?" I asked Taco.

"That's the thing. It's extremely possible that someone got into his account and send me that email, and then edit my answer to say certain words, as when I asked him about the email, he didn't even know he sent that." Taco explained.

"Okay, that makes sense." I say.

"Anywho, the email said to record myself answering the questions "How do you think of me? Do you consider me a friend?" and "How do you think of your friend Bomb" and to send the response. I was a little skeptical at first, but I still did that. I know exactly what I said, but someone must've gotten a hold of my video and edited the result. They then changed the file name and swapped it out for a presentation I was going to have, and my teacher clicked on that, displaying the edited video to my entire class, including Pickle." Taco continued.

I'm shocked. I know a lot of people, but barely any of them know how edit a video. Well, knew to be exact.

"Some kid recorded it and sent it to everyone else. It's how everyone got word of it. Because of that, nobody wanted to be my friend as they all thought I would use them to do something bad or become way too toxic for them. I swear, some people are letting their paranoia get the best of them, I'm less than 10 years old, and they think I'm gonna bully someone who's more than half my age?" Taco ranted.

"Well, you got a point there. Also, is that all?" I ask her.

"It's a basic summary of it. I don't feel like going into detail right now." Taco replied. Soon after the bell rang. Well crap, I'm might be late in a class on the first day of school.

We both get up, throw away any trash we have and start towards our next class.

"Say, what class do you have?" I ask Taco.

"Gym, you?" She replies.

"Same!" I say joyfully. Finally a class with Taco! Now I won't be so alone in a class.

We both head to the gym where we see everyone in groups of two or three. I don't see the teacher, so we're both safe from being marked as tardy.

We start up a conversation to get to know each other a bit more, asking questions like "What's your favorite song?" or "Do you have a favorite musical?" and other stuff like that. We were interrupted by what seems to be our gym teacher.

"Alright class, I'm your gym teacher. Call me Two, no Mister or Missus please." Two says out loud. They are a lot like Four, just with a longer side ponytail, green hair, and kinder eyes. Trust me when I say that Four's glare is colder than the coldest place on this planet, even when they just glance at you. Two doesn't seem to have an ice-cold glare, but instead a kind glance.

"Since it's the beginning of the school year, it is still pretty warm outside, so we will being doing most of everything inside until it cools down." Two explains

"Now, why don't you warm up, either a small lap around the gym, or actual stretches, I don't care, just no wrestling." They say looking at a tall golden haired boy who just scowls.

I start by just stretching, while I see Taco walking over to where some people are going to start a lap around the gym. Oh boy, Taco, they could easily injure you with them being so fast. I thought to myself concernedly.

"Taco?" I say as she turns around to face me ."Why don't you stretch with me? You could get hurt." I offer.

She thinks about this for a moment, then sighs.

"Alright, I can see your concern, so yeah." She replies to me.

I let a sigh of relief when she starts to walk over to me. We both start to stretch, me standing and stretching, while Taco sits while stretching. I look over to see Taco's shirt slightly pulled up from her stretch when I see a huge purple bruise on her back. Oh. My. Tree. What happened?

"Um, Taco, where did you get that bruise on your back?" I quietly ask her. She stops, then looks at me. I can tell by the look in her eyes she's hiding something, but doesn't want to say what, "Not here, not now." is the message she's giving me.

"I was walking backwards yesterday when I tripped over my own foot and fell on something." She says back really calm, hiding any evidence that she's lying.

Pretty convincing lie, if I'm being honest. I look around the gym to see if anyone I know that understands sign language. None. Let's just hope she knows sign language. I then sign to her "I know you're lying, but you clearly don't want to say what you're lying about, so I'll leave you be."

She looks shocked at my hand motions, it seems she knows sign language. She guiltily looks at the ground, as if she is sorry for lying.

"Heh, I do that all the time." I hear a male voice say. The voice sounds familiar to me. Taco and I look up to see a tall male with electric green hair paired with a short female with glasses and a gray bob.

Ah, that's who it is, Tennis Ball and Golf Ball.

"YOU!" Gb yells while pointing at Taco.

"Aha, nice to see you again." Taco says nervously.

"Now, let's not get in a fight on the first day of school." Tennis Ball tells Golf Ball.

"Hmph." She says, glaring at Taco.

"GO!" Two says starting the race around the gym. Wait, since when was it a race?

"Two," Tb starts off, "When did it go from a lap around the gym to a race?" He continued, basically reading my mind.

"Since now." They reply.

"Well, is it too late to join the race?" Taco asks with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"No, it isn't. It's just one vs. one races to get a sense of their speed. However, since you're so small and young, why don't you go against the other child prodigy in this class?" Two says to Taco, who looks happy she's racing.

"Ha! I told you I could beat you in a race!" I hear someone say. I look over to see my old friend Needle talking to another one of my old friends, Pin who is panting while having her hands one her knees.

"Wow, that was pretty quick Needle." Two says in a surprised tone.

"Heh, thanks!" Needle says.

We watch some other kids race, before Two calls out "Okay, can I have Taco against Golf Ball in a race?"(Yes, Golf Ball is the other child prodigy in that classroom, 'cause why not?)

I see Taco walk over to where the "starting line" is and I wish her luck.

"GO!" Two yells while blowing her whistle, and Taco and Golf Ball are off. Shortly after the whistle is blown, Taco is far ahead of Golf Ball. I'm telling you, she went Nyooooam! Who knew someone as short as Taco could run that fast. Sure, she's not the fastest on the world, but she's still pretty fast for someone her size and age.

Soon enough, Taco was halfway-done with her lap with Gb tailing far behind.

When Taco finished her lap, Two had a surprised look on their face.

"Did not know you could run that fast!" Two says to Taco.

"Heh, it's just been something I could do" She replies. She starts to walk over to me.

"You did a great job, Taco!" I say happily.

"Thank you" She says.
(You got a chapter where nothing real important happens :P Also, I plan to change my name, and I don't know if that keeps me from editing the story, so keep an eye out for that. Sorry for any writing and/or grammar mistakes
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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