Attack on Titan x oc book 1

By Itsahabit17

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Latina sanders is a special girl, with a a tragic past, wishes to train and join the scouts and free humanity... More

Latina sanders
I'm gonna be strong
Old friends here too!?!?
Battle for trost
Battle for trost 2
Battle for trost 3
Battle for trost 4
Secrets revealed
Battle to seal the breach
Scouts HQ
Joining the scouts
Expedition 2
Capture annie
Capture annie 2
Capture annie 3

Expedition 3

210 2 0
By Itsahabit17

Sorry everyone but I just don't have the energy to write the entire scenes for the next episode, so I'm just gonna start small, because I've been dying to Write the scene I've been waiting for, well one of them at least, there may be more one of them being a wedding in all, i'll try not to let this happen again, but I can't promise anything just how I present it right now so adding pictures though so don't worry, plus this is 10712 words long

Latina zipped through the forests, as fast as she possibly could ' come on dammit! Just how far are they?! If I don't make it! They'll be killed!' Just then she heard

" Latina!" She turned and saw her sister zipping up to her " lizzy what are you doing here?!" She Exclaimed " Commander Erwin sent me! he said to bring you to him!" Her sister explained

" Levi's squad's being chased by another titan shifter, armin believes she's after eren, I have to get to them!" Latina exclaimed

" They are leading whoever they are into a trap!" Lizzy yelled " follow me!" The two shot down the path, staying on guard for any Titans that could show up and attack them, until a small area perfect appeared in sight, Latina look into the trees to see Mike, Hange, Donna, Erwin, and a few other soldiers.' What are they doing?' Latina wondered

" Donna! We're here!" She called out to her, catching her attention " quick girls! Up here, we've got a plan," she states,

Both shoot their hooks out and fly up to the branch with their cousin. "Okay so Let me get this straight, you want to capture the Titan that's making her way through the ranks?" Latina ask, in disbelief

The commander nods. "I knew you would figure it out. That's exactly what we're doing. Now be prepared. Incase we fail, you need to jump in." She nods, Heavy footsteps and several sets of hooves in the distance catch my attention, and  Latina look down at the area below her

She prepares her household vessel just incase things didn't go as planned so she could quickly swoop in, she crouched down next to kanna, before a high-pitched noise rings through the air

'Is that an acoustic flare?' Her eyebrows furrow at the annoying sound. "Get ready," Erwin says, and She nod, looking to her side to see Mike and Donna on a branch next to them, she meets her young cousins gaze, and sh send her a small nod

' I can do this, I can do this, I wouldn't back down on my promise' latina  repeated in her head, preparing herself to do whatever was needed.

The footsteps and hooves get closer, and Levi's squad rides through the area with the Female Titan right on their tail. She stops suddenly, and Latina eyes widen as She sees her appearance

. 'Wait a minute, Short blonde hair....icy blue eyes, no cant be...' she frown. She looks at one of the soldiers in the trees, and Erwin gives the signal. "FIRE!" he exclaims, and hundreds of steel wires with arrowheads are shot out at the Female Titan.

She immediately covers her nape and looks down as the arrowheads pierce through her body.

'armin was right, she definitely has intelligence'  Latina noted looking at the female titan covering her nape 'but I hope I'm wrong...please...don't be her'. Wires connect to the tree I'm on, and Levi appears a second later

. The two exchange glances before sharing a small nod before he looks down at the Titan below us. "She's not putting up much of a fight," he says as the Female Titan doesn't struggle all that much in her restraints. "We still shouldn't let out guard down. Who knows what she's capable of," Latina mutter, still eyeing her down. Commander turns his attention to levi

"Good work leading her here. I'm more than a little impressed," he states. "We couldn't have without the rear contingent whose lives bought us time. This belongs to them. I don't intend to ever forget that," Levi responds with a bit of force behind his voice

'So there were planned sacrifices to keep the Female away,from Eren...oh my god no....' Latina frown, glancing up at Levi 'Even if he doesn't show it, he cares for other people's lives' she thought in an admirable way, small smile "That so?" Erwin frowns. "Yes," Levi says lowly, his eyes sliding to the side to look down at the Titan. "Because of their sacrifices, we can expose whoever this really is." The Female Titan looks up and her icy blue eyes fixate directly on Latina's emerald ones. 'I need to know' she frown.

She walks up, catching Levi and Erwin's attention. "Latina, What are you doing?" Levi narrows his eyes, she stare directly at the Titan. 

Not answering; instead, She shoot her wires out at the Female's head and glide over to it. " Latina! get back here!" Donna orders in shock, but she ignore her.

retracting her wires once close enough, shooting them into the Titan's face and landing on her nose. "Latina! Get away from her" Levi calls out, but she just look into the blue eyes of the Titan. "Annie... that you?" She whisper, and the Titan stops struggling completely and looked at her.

Her lips twitch into a shocked frown. "I see...why would you do this? I considered you a friend, and to find out you killed all these soldiers... it pains me so much! You also hurt Armin!." Her Titan body didn't move, Latina grip some of her blonde hair and tears in her eyes

"What the hell motivated you to do this?! What do you want with Eren?!" She demand. "romanoff! retreat now! That's an order!" Erwin calls out.

She look over her shoulder at him and sigh before turning back to Annie. "I'm really disappointed in you, Annie. I'm sorry," She says, in a depressed voice, before retracting her wires and pushing off her face, wiping her tears.

Flippping down and walking away, then shooting her hooks up to the tree Erwin and Levi are in, flying up and retracting the hooks and land on the branch, then crouched position in dismay. "Brat, what the hell was that?!" Levi snaps, and She glance up at him. "It was nothing. I just wanted to see the Titan for myself," she lie with a monotonous tone

Erwin and Levi both could tell she was lying. She then pull out her blades and hold them out in front of her. "are we going to expose her or not?"

"We need more reassurance," Erwin states before giving the order for more arrows to be fired. Dozens more shoot out of barrels and pierce through Annie's Titan form, and Latina stand up. "I apologize for going against orders, sir. Something kepted bugging me about her." "Tch, well it still must be still bugging you," Levi says while crossing his arms that hold his blades. 'You're not wrong, captain' she thought

"Poor thing... can't so much as bat an eyelash, can we? Must be terribly frustrating; get used to it, my dear. Hah! Biology can often times be a curse! Case and point, the more your wounds heal, the stiffer your joints become," Hange grins and giggles before looking up at the group. "Levi, Mike, go for her hands. Romanoff, you go for the nape once it's open," Erwin orders, they nod. They shoot their wires up into the trees and fly off into the air. Levi and Mike move in first, shooting towards the Female Titans hands. Once they're close enough, Latina's triggered her gas and glide forward, her eyes widening when Mike and Levi's blades shatter from Annie's Titan form hardening her skin.

"Oh crap," she whisper before maneuvering and aiming for one of her biceps. She glides forward at fast speeds, sliding her blades through Annie/ the female titans bicep which causes her to drop one of her arms.

'Dammit she's still protecting her nape!' Thought as Annie hardens the rest of her remaining arm so it couldn't be slashed through.

Latina shoots her grappling hooks back up to the trees and launch upwards, retracting her wires immediately, Before she falls.

She jumps from the tree and land beside Donna and mike, Donna looked over to her. "Girls gonna expect any attacks on her arms," she sigh while Erwin raises an arm and a soldier appears. "She's unhardened her skin," Mike points out,

Latina looks over to see an ice-like substance that surrounded her hands and arms has shattered. 'I wonder how often she can harden her skin though' She wondered, before looking at Levi who stands on top of her head, making me click her tongue. "And he got mad at me for doing the same thing, now he's doing it." She mumbled with a slight pout, just then the Female Titan lets out a deafening cry.

Latina cringe and cover my ears while gritting her teeth as the wind blows sharply around everyone ' what is she doing?!'  she continues her screeching cry. Annie's Titan form suddenly stops the deafening sound, and violet uncovers her ears. "Captain, what did you say to her?!" She shout

"She knows," he states and taps her head a few times with one of his boots.

"Dammit," Donna says, readying her blades, kanna was still next to her and followed her actions. "Get ready, girls." Latina eyes furrowed, and levi glides over to Erwin at the same time as my ears pick up on several sets of footsteps in the distance.

"Oh, no," She mutter in realization. "So she called for backup from other Titans!." She grip her blades, a lone six-meter Titan was making its way towards them

. 'I can at least stop this guy before the others arrive' She thought, shooting her wires at a tree past its body, she goes flying forward, swooping past its body before retracting her wires and turning in the air. She then shoots her wires into its neck and launch forward, slicing through its nape with ease in a x shape. landing on its back, immediately jumping off it and shooting my wires out to the tree Erwin, Donna, kanna  and Mike are in. "They're coming from all sides. I can hear it," Latina says, and Erwin nods, Mike saying same thing.

"Your auditory perception is sharp, like Mike's sense," he says, Latina gasp before turning around. "The first wave is here," she whisper, and Erwin looks at some of the soldiers. "Faster on the artillery, gentlemen!"

"They're closing in from the east and coming in fast," Mike says while joining donna's side. "Wagon Defense Squad, intercept! Now!" Erwin shouts, and those soldiers make their move towards three Titans.

"What?"  Latina questioned in shock as the Titans completely ignore the soldiers and head towards the Female Titan.

'Why are they going for her?! Aren't they here to help her?! Why did they ignore the soldiers?' The Titans head toward the Female that Levi still stood on. "Captain!"She cry out, and he stomps on her head a few times before shooting his wires out and taking down the three Titans expertly

She let out a small breath of relief before sighing when she notice a three-meter Titan attack Annie's Titan form's leg. "I got this one," Latina shoots her wires down and slicing through its nape, using her momentum to launch myself high into the air again.

Her eyes widen as at least a dozen Titans storm the Female. "All squads, commence combat! Defend the Female Titan at all costs!" Erwin shouts, and every soldier makes their move. Latina shoots her wires down at one of the Titan's napes, flipping through the air and dragging her blades through the back of its back.

Blood goes everywhere, retract both of her wires,  and shooting them out at a tree a fair distance away.

She reeled herself towards it, slicing the napes of any Titans she pass by. She retract her wires again and flip upside down in the air, shooting my wires at the nape of another Titan. cutting through it at the same time as Levi but in a x shape again, they make eye contact before moving onto more Titans. 'There's too many' she frown at the thought as her blades started dull out.

She shoots Her wires at another Titan and quickly, zipping towards it then cutting through its nape, just deep enough to kill it before looking at my blades. 'Theirs so many, i won't be able to hold them back for long, I can still get at least one more kill My blades, after that I'm gonna have to act with my power' Latina notice before sprinting across the shoulders of the Titan She just killed, jumping off. looking down at the one below her, she spins her body, gaining momentum, before slashing a very large chunk of its nape off which breaks her blades " crap!" She muttered

"Withdraw!" Erwin shouts, and violeylt shoots her wires up to the side of a tree and land at the same time as Levi. 'Completely dulled my blades now, I'll use what I have , if not I'll have to rely on my powers from now on' Latina frowned, releasing them from the handgrips and sliding on new ones. "Redeploy the formation! Return to Karanes District!" Erwin exclaims, and violet look down back at all the Titans that are surrounding the area Annie's Titan form just was. "Dammit," she whisper, but then her eyes catch a flash of blonde leave the group of Titans and head into the forest. 'she's alive, she's just ditching her titan body' Latina narrowed her eyes.

"We've been bested," Erwin says from the branch beside me. "Don't give me that shit. Not now. Not yet," Levi says quietly, wiping some Titan blood off his face. "Think about it, the enemy was prepared to make sacrifices- enormous ones. So committed to maintaining her secret she would rather let herself be cannibalized then exposed."

"That whole song and dance in the courtroom and this is what we've got to show for it. We scurry back now with our tail between our legs, and Eren's right back in chains or worse." "We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it. Right now, our only concern is getting back without sustaining further casualties however we can." she's alive," Latina said, catching both men's attention.

"Care to explain why, romanoff?" Erwin asks, she point one of my blades down at the ground which is now covered by steam. "I just saw a flash of a blonde run past before the steam took over. I would stay on guard."

"Her chances of making it out of there alive are slim to none. Are you sure she's what you saw?"

"yes, I'm guessing she's going to head straight for Eren. He needs to be protected." She exclaimed "I'll gather up the squad," Levi announced, and Erwin faces where Annie's Titan form just was. "Not yet, Levi. First, replenish your blades and your fuel," Erwin tells him. "I can deal with what I've got. We're running against the clock as it is."

"It's not up for negotiation, Levi."

"Whatever you say, sir," Levi says while looking at him before turning away. "I trust you implicitly." Levi shoots his wires down to the ground while Erwin faces the redhead. "Romanoff, I want you to backup Levi's squad. If that Female Titan is still around the area, they'll need your help. You still have enough fuel, right?"

"Yes, sir." She nod, and he looks out into the forest. "Continue down the center path and you should eventually find the Special Operations Squad. Protect them, please, Levi won't be too far behind you."

"I will," Latina nodded before jumping out of the tree and shooting her wires out at a branch ahead of her ' I won't let you kill them, Annie!'

Latina through the air, following the path further into the forest, when she saw several blue flares are fired into the air. 'Seems commander Erwin gave the rest the order to retreat' She hummmed, facing forward again.I loop around a tree and land on a branch, looking down at Levi's squad from the shadows. "All right, let's saddle up! We're going home!" Gunther announces to the others, violet sighs in relief ' I made it in time'

" chop chop, runt. One would think you'd be beside yourself to get an eyeful of who is driving that gargantuan harpy" oluo commented, the redhead held in her giggles so it wouldn't give her position away from Annie and the squad

they check their gear while violet keep an eye over them and their surroundings" you really think they found out who it is?" Eren asked "Of course, all thanks to you!" Petra smiled

" I didn't do anything" eren said " You learned to trust the fellow members of the squad, that's big. The sort of thing that turns out well for everyone involved, actually a lesson on in your dilemma probably would've buckled then where would we be?" She said

" Oh, please. Why don't you stroke his forehead while you're at it. Would be exactly where we are now, we'd be without of course having had to endure his insistent whining, dont Wait for me to decorate your path in pink and white rose petals. Survived the journey home and I might be persuaded to respect you. The mission is an over. not till we're through the gates, do you understand?"

" yes, sir. I completely understand" eren said, 'I wonder where Annie is now' Latina wondered, around the area until Eld and Gunther shoot their wires out and glide into the air.Eren, Petra, and Oluo follow behind them, and she shoots her wires behind her, turning her body around so she can see where she's  going.

She makes her way through the trees, staying in the shadows as she follow behind the group " Petra! Oluo! I gotta have it to you both. For someone who was themselves first time out, you've come along way" Eld shouted while Petra let out a scream

"I thought we agreed never to speak of it again!" She shouted at him ' woah! Seriously?' Both eren and Latina thought in shock " like. Incidentally, I would never want to piss myself in battle." Eld said " how dare you! I have the highest kill count of everyone on the damn squad! Argh! Imbecile!" Olou spat

"You wanna hide that stain behind your kill counts, be my guest" Eld said "Shut your hole!"oluo yelled" so did it, like, rain down on everyone mid air, or what?" Eren asked, Latina was trying so hard to hide her laugh"Enough! No one cares who pissed who's pants! Focus on the job at hand!  For the record, my shorts've always been dry" ' oh my god! I love this squad!' She thought, shaking her head in amusement

A green flare is suddenly shot into the air to our left, and her eyebrows furrow. 'There's no way that was captain Levi who shot off that flare, he went to replenishing his gas and blades' Latina frowned, realization hitting her, making her eyes widen 'that's not captain levi! it's Annie!'.

Gunther lands on a branch and shoots a green flare into the air before the group continues forward.

Latina shoots her wires out and follow after them closely and quietly, not wanting to give away her location just yet.

A hooded figure shows up to our left, and Gunther looks over at them. "Captain Levi?" he questions, and a frown comes to his face. "Wait, that's not... oh, sh!t!" Annie's hooded figure retracts her fires before twisting their body and triggering their gas.

They shoot towards Gunther and hold the blades out to her side before swinging them forward and slicing through one of his wires. Latina quickly flies toward Gunther at her  fastest speed, grabbing his body before he crashed into the tree.

he slowly snaps out of shock. "I'm alive?" he murmurs in confusion before looking at me, his eyes widening. "Lati-?!" She cover his mouth with one hand while bringing up a finger to her lips. "Shhh, stay quiet. Commander Erwin ordered me to follow after your group and protect you guys. Captain's on his way now. When he does Tell him the situation; I'm going after the others." He nods with a small blush, and She remove her hand. She turn around and shoot my wires out at some trees, but Gunther grabs her hand before she could fly off, she looked over her shoulder at him, and he bows his head. "Thank you, I would've been dead if not for you, I'm in your debt," he says, which she smile slightly, nodding

"I'm glad your alright. Stay safe," She tell him, before, shooting her hook and zipping off. 'That hooded figure had to be Annie' She frown and quickly make my way through the forest, maneuvering around the trees and over or under the branches

'The rest of you, please be all right' she pleaded with worry, continuing in the direction the rest of Levi's squad.

She flies through the air, moving over one branch before diving under another soon she's sees. Eren, Eld, Petra, and Oluo, up ahead of her, and let out a sigh in relief. "They're alive... but where's Annie," she whisper, surveying the area around me. A flash of light the ground ahead of her, and the Female Titan appears, making her frown.. "Damn you! Not again! I'll kill you! I swear I will!" Eren shouts at the Female and prepared to bite his thumb.

"No, don't!" Eld exclaims, making Eren hesitate. "We've got this. The three of us can handle her! You get back to base! Go, now!" Eren hesitates while Latina pulls out her blades, preparing herself to help, and to make sure everyone left lives

She shot her wires out and move to the side, gliding past the Female, still behind the tress so she's closer to Levi's squad and incase the female titan surprised attacked

"I can fight her too!" Eren cries out while looking back at the Titan chasing them. "Just go! This is our best course of action! We can not afford to put you at risk!" Eld barks his order again.

"Have you learned nothing?! After all this, you still doubt our skills?!" Oluo questions Eren. "Is that true, Eren?! I thought you had faith in us, and you trusted us!" Petra shouts, and Eren's face contorts, showing how conflicted he is. He relaxes after a second and faces forward, using more of his gas to go faster. "I have faith in the Levi Squad! Good luck!" he exclaims,

Latina shoot her hooks out at the Female Titan, eyes calculating her every move.

Annie noticed and reached for her wires' what the hell is she aiming for?' They all wondered, Latina retract them, shooting them down at her waist and diving down into view, She swings  around her legs, slicing through her calves before retracting her wires and using my gas to keep her in the air.

" Latina?!" Eren shouts from a distance

Annie's Titan form collapses to her knees, and Latina landed in one of the trees, Eld, Oluo, and Petra stare at her in  absolute shock. " where the hell did You come from?!" Oluo yelled

"No time to explain! We need to stop her, now!" She announce, and they nod.

Eld launches forward, raising his blades as if he's going to throw them at Annie's eyes, before faking her out by shooting his wires behind him and pulling back as Annie tries to grab him.

Her hand moves through a cloud of smoke that came from Eld's gear, and Petra and Oluo shoot past Eld and spin and slash through Annie's eyes. 'We've got some time before her vision comes back, let's make it count' Latina note as the Female Titan falls back, raising both arms and covering her nape with her hands before pressing her back against a tree.

"I got this!" she call out, shooting her wires out and dashing forward.

She spinnned and sliced through the tendons of one of her biceps, continuing past it and doing the same to the other.

She use my momentum to launch herself into the air before shooting down and slicing extremely deep into one of Annie's arms while Eld does the same to the other.

The shoot their wires behind us and pull back, Latinas eyes widened when she notice one of Annie's eyes return.

'oh crap, she's focasing on healing on one eye to make it regenerate faster!' She grabbed Eld's arm before he couldt go for her nape. "Eld, stop! Her sight has returned!"

"We'll go for the nape!" Petra shouts, Latina eyes widen, whipping around to see her and Oluo heading straight towards the Female's nape. "Petra! Oluo! No!" She scream, shooting towards them, Annie sprints toward Petra, and violet zoom forward, holding both of her blades out to the right

'I got to make it' she keeps telling herself, instead of heading towards Annie, she rushed in front of the two, pushing Petra into oluo, making their eyes widen" Latina?!"

" watch out!" she smiled weekly as The kick was enough to slam the girl into the tree " Latina!" Eld shouted, the poor girls back leaned against the Tree

While Eren was shocked from a distance 'no....'

" yep....knew that would hurt...ow..." she groaned, she had already crunched herself in a ball, arms sheilding her in an x

she looked up and saw Annie charging towards her, she quickly stood up, hissing from the pain and shooting her wires and flying off, before Annie punched the tree, leaving a large hole in it, Latina rolled out on the ground as soon as she landed, her head slightly bleeding

' shit how am I supposed to beat her?! It was easy in human form, now in titan form...I don't think I can beat her! I need the others! But their too far away!' She shakes her head, she shot her wires towards the Female Titan. She turns to face her

Doing a side-kick my way. Latina glide under it, retracting my wires and shooting them at her calves.

She dived down and move at a crescent around her body, slicing around her legs before slashing through her ankles.

She begins to fall, Latina appeared above her head, shooting down towards her nape.

Just then the skin around it hardens" god damn it" she snarled " I've had just about enough of this" slicing through her shoulder blades and pushing away from her, Annie tries to swat her out of the air.

She moved out of the way, but Annie's fingers hit her wires, she grabbed the wire and yanked it, sending the girl flying backward, hitting another tree, and falling down through the branches and landing on her stomach on the ground.

" Latina!" Eren shrikes

Her vision became hazy, but she could see giant footsteps charging towards her ' oh Great...looks like I'm dead...sorry sis...cousin...guys...' just then Wires are shot past her, and she got scooped up into a set of arms

" I got you," Eld says while flying through the air.He lands on a tree branch, but only tightens his hold on me as Annie runs off in the direction Eren went in, the rest join them " is she okay?!" Petra asked " slight injury to the head" Eld says " slight?! Her heads bleeding" oluo exclaimed, the redhead flinched from the ringing in her ears, which made her head hurt more " stop shouting, it will have the pain worse" Eld scoulded him

"Have to...have to stop her... ," she whisper, when a flash of light appears and Eren's Titan form lets out a roar from somewhere in the forest."Latina, you've already injured yourself enough," Eld says

" don't force yourself" Petra pleaded, Eld sets her down, she placed her hand against her arm that's in pain again. It didn't go unnoticed, and Eld frowns. "You broke something else, didn't you?"

"No, but my arm hurts. My guess is I bruised or fractured it when I hit the floor."Eld crosses his arms and leans against the trunk of the tree. "We need to wait for backup. At this rate, trying to slay the Female Titan and stop Eren's would be suicide." Oluo muttered

"Levi should be coming, Gunther should be with him."Eld nods and not even thirty seconds later, Levi and Gunther fly over to the four " what happened?!" He noticed the injured cadet " That titan would've gotten me, if it weren't for Latina" Eld states, " neither would us" Petra said, hanging her head down in shame with the tongue biter

"Erwin ordered me to protect you guys, I'm glad I was able to save you guys, but now she's going after eren." The injured girl muttered " Latina," Levi says, she refuse to face him. "Brat! Turn around."She sigh before facing Levi who stares at her

" you did your job, and saved my squad, now quit shaming yourself, you can still help us save the brat".

"We should keep moving," Gunther states, and Eld looks at the redhead."can you to keep moving? I don't like the fact that your other injuries arent healing yet," he states, catching Gunther and Levi's attention."What?" Levi asks lowly, narrowing his eyes.  "Latina almost died too, pushing us out of the way." Petra said sadly "Petra, stop! Im fine," the girl  says, attempting to get up, Levi sends the girl a sharp look.  "Like hell You are! What the hell happened to you?!" he demands, she sighed

  "After I pushed Petra and oluo out the way, I Tried to fight the Female titan but she caught punched me into a tree..."

"I swear, brat, you might end up being dead," Levi mutters to himself in a softer tone, but she still heard

" we need to go. Eren changed into a  Titan, and who knows what's going on right now," She said, focusing on what the objective.  "How's your fuel?" Levi asks,atina taped her metal tanks.  "I still have enough, even if i didn't I can still fly." 

"Then go on ahead. I have reason to believe Ackerman is up there. Go and Stop her." 

"Yes sir," She nodded, turning around to leave.  "Latina," called out, causing her to stop.And turn back look at him and the others, and he sends her a nod, his eyes softening a bit. "Thank you, from all of us."  She smiled " no need, I'm just glad I made it in time" she then zipped off

Latina flies through the forest, moving at a swift pace. 'I wonder why I haven't heard Eren in a while' She frown, swinging around a tree and continuing forward. 'This isn't settling right with me'. 

She keeps gliding through the trees, when she spots Mikasa on the side of the tree, looking down at the Female Titan who's knelt on the ground. "Mikasa!" She shout, flying over and landing on a tree branch near her. "What's going on?" 

"She ate eren," she whispers in horror." Your kidding me" Latina muttered, anger, before looking back at the raven-haired woman. "You need to fall back and join up with Levi, all right? Explain to him what's going on. I'll go after her; I'm calmer than you right now."  "But, Latina" she then saw her injuries " your hurt!..."

"Just go, Mikasa. I promise I won't let her get away"  she nods, and watches violet shoots out her wires and chase after the Female Titan, who stood up and started running.

Latina pov

I remained calm and zipped forward, shooting out my wires at Annie's back. She covers her nape with one hand, I spin and slice through her shoulders, using my momentum to fling around in front of her. She reaches for me, but I dodge her hand and spin and slice up her arm. I push off her limb that goes limp before shooting my wires at her chest.  I spin as I'm reeled towards it, cutting a deep line across the top of her breasts. 

I swing my body over her shoulder, dragging my blades through her skin and into the muscles and tendons. Annie's Titan form goes to grab the wire I attached to her chest with her good arm, but I retract it as I start to fall behind her. I connect my hooks to her back again and trigger my gas, shooting forward.  Annie turns around and aims a roundhouse kick at me, but I fly over it, stabbing my blades into her calf, slicing up while moving forward. I pull them out once I reach her thigh, spinning and cutting into her waist before she falls to the ground.

I glide over to a tree branch and land on it ' hopefully this should give enough time for captain Levi and the others to catch up' I pull out my flare gun and shoot a green flare into the air, so they know where I am.  "Why would you do this, Annie?" I whisper while tucking my flare gun away. 

She stares up at me, still covering the nape of her neck. 'Eren must be in her mouth, I could cut the muscles around her mouth, so she's forced to open it' I thought, when several wires shoot out, and Levi, Mikasa, Eld, Petra, oluo and Gunther join me. 

" you saw my flare?" I ask as the Female Titan finishes healing all the damage I did and stands up and starts running again

.  "We did," Gunther said, and Levi clicks his tongue.  "I didn't mean for you to fight the Female Titan by yourself when I sent you after Ackerman, Latina, you've injured yourself enough " he says as the seven of us follow Annie from a distance.

"We would've lost the Female if Mikasa and I returned. I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about. I'm not going to act out," I reassure him.

"How are your arms and head doing? Judging by the state the Female was in when we arrived, I would say she gave you quite a beating," Eld says  "They hurt, but it's nothing. I said, I most likely bruised or fractured them but nothing worse." 

"We'll take it from here, I don't need Donna killing me if you die," Levi says, and I frown.  "I'll be fine, I can still fight."  He shakes his made, making me pout, I knew he wouldn't change his mind. "Ackerman explained to me the situation. To me, it doesn't sound like Eren survived her ripping him from his Titan's nape." 

"He's still alive in there," Mikasa states with certainty.

  "I agree," I say, and they look at me. "Her objective is unlike any other Titan. If she wanted Eren dead, she would've just crushed him as she did to all the others soldiers she's killed." 

"But instead she placed him in her mouth... she wants to capture him," Gunther figures out, I nod.  "Exactly." 

"And since she needs her hands to fight, she has to store him in her mouth," Eld adds on, and I nod.  "It is possible that she just wanted to savor her glory. In which case, it's likely he's already been swallowed. If so, he's dead," Levi says calmly

  "He's alive!" Mikasa shouts, and Levi looks over at her.  "Well someone's optimistic."  "If you had just done your damn job and protected him like you were supposed to, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"  Levi gasps slightly and turns around, so he's facing Mikasa while flying backward.

"Oh, I see now, your childhood friend, right? Suddenly it's all making sense..." he trails off, and Mikasa's eyes widen about fraction. "Right. For the sake of argument, let's narrow our goals. First, we forget about taking her down." 

"Captain, why?! She's killed so many of us," Petra says with a small scowl.  "But she has defenses that none of us know how to deal with," Eld points out with a frown.  "Exactly. It's a lost cause for us to try and take her down. Instead, we'll act on the cadets' assumption that Eren is alive and focus only on freeing him before she exits the forest," Levi states and holds one of his blades in front of him. "Eld, Gunther, Ackerman, you three find a way to distract her. Petra, oluo keep Latina with you, she still hasn't recovered enough ." 

"Right," they all respond " damnit" I sulked, and Mikasa, Eld, and Gunther glide ahead while the other two remained with me

They end up in front of the Annie, making her look down. Eld and Gunther swing around both sides of her and slice through her heels while Levi flies forward, slicing

Levi fires his wires out at her face, Levi moves at fast speeds, slicing though her arm to Annie's face in a second and slashing his blades through her eyes. pushes off her face, retracting his wires before diving down and slicing around her body

hitting all her weak spots ' wow, he's fast, she can't even harden her skin in time' I thought, still watching him slice though the titan body.  He shoot my wires out at a tree, his feet grazing the ground and dragging him on top it"Eld! Gunther! Take out her legs!" Levi calls

"On it!" both men respond, shooting their wires down and slicing through her Achilles' tendon in both legs.  Annie stumbles back and falls to the ground, resting her back against a tree, and Levi  shoots forward. slashing through Annie's arms too quickly for her to harden her skin, moving around the tree and striking from different angles, Levi continues to cut her arms until they go limp. Mikasa gasps, noticing the nape was wide open, immediately she charges to slice it " mikasa no!" I Callled out

  "Don't do it!" Levi shouts as Mikasa makes her move to strike Annie's nape.  The skin around the back of the Female's neck hardens, and she lifts her hand up. Levi flys over, pushing Mikasa out of the way before landing on Annie's hand. His face contorts in pain for a second, his ankle twisted further than it should be. " captain!" Petra yelled " that must Have hurt" I cringe slightly before levi shot towards Annie's face. 

Spinning and cut through the muscles around her mouth, making her jaw drop, revealing a saliva-covered Eren.

"Eren!" i yelled, levi grabbing Eren's body before shooting his wires to a tree.  " you got him!," eld states as landed beside him.  "Yeah," Levi muttered, disgusted ,looking down at the saliva-covered man in his arms. "He's all right, disgusting, but all right."  Levi said looking over to Mikasa who rests on the side of a tree

"What'd I tell you about trying to take her down? Now, come on! We've got Eren. That means our work here is done. Don't screw this up by making this personal, you understand? We all get that you love him, but try not to act crazy."  He then zipped off" it's not like that" she states glaring but following him, the others joining in a few seconds later.

I glance, over my shoulder at Annie's Titan to see tears rolling out of her eyes, making my eyebrows knit together. Gunther and Levi send glances back at Annie as well With a surprised expression, before turning back ' I'm sorry Annie...but you brought this upon yourself...'

Time skip no pov

the Survey Corps stopped riding their horses as they scouted out for any incoming Titans and laid the soldiers who sacrificed their lives on the ground.

Latina looks at Eren, pulls her knees to her chest, and sighs.

She then noticed Mikasa approaching the two as she shared a worried look to her friends.

They turn their heads at the wrapped up corpse.

It was almost the end of the day,Armin and Jean placed a body on the wagon with the rest, "This is the part Of our Job I'll never get used to" Jean mutters

" you're not alone in that" Armin says " seems like deaths just everywhere, all I can think about is how it'll end. Which one of us is next and whether it'll be me"

Armin smiled slightly, " try not to obsess over it.only thing that train of thought is good for is breaking your nerve. Believe me. Push it out of your mind" Jean studies him a bit before replying, "i s'pose You're right." The two go over and lift a body up as they continued to place the corpses away."Nah.I know you're right"

" so how much longer till our numbers up, you think?" Connie asks Sasha, who were feedings the horse and giving them water. Sasha glances over her shoulder and looks back at the horse she was feeding, "I don't know, but we've made it this far" Connie blinks, staring down at the ground, "Yeah, luck of the draw"

"Know what? We are alive. Be glad for it!" She tries to lighten him up, but he just brings it down even more, "sorry, it's kinder hard to celebrate around so many bodies"She goes silent as the grass flows with the wind, making Connie continue, "they'll never see Home again. Why should we?"

" all most done so. We estimate about 5 to be unrecoverable" A soldier tells Erwin, to which, he furrows his eyebrows, "Not even an arm or a leg?" The soldier shakes his head, "Ideally, the Titans didn't leave much behind, and honestly so, I think it would be best for the families if we didn't bring back what little there is" Erwin sighs, "Will put them down as missing " Donna turned her head sadly

"Sir. Also, sir. The spotters report several Titans have emerged from the forest. Fortunately, none yet seem to be heading in our direction"

" we move out immediately. Inform the squads" The soldier nods" sir" as Erwin walks off to his horse, but another soldier stops him from doing so "I refuse! It's inhuman!" He turns his head to see a soldier yelling at him, " damn you! Shut up!"

"We can't just leave them out here! He was there! I saw Ivan's body. He was right in front of us!"

"And if you didn't noticed there were Titans nearby. Go back and we could wind up dead ourselves!" A soldier retorts as he continues to yell, " so if they attack, will fight! It's what we do, right?"The soldier beside him turns to the Commander, "Ivan and me, We grew up in the same town together. His parents are like family to me! I can't FaceTime again if we leave him!"

"Sentimental garbage!" " stop shrieking" The soldiers and Erwin turn to see Levi look at them, "Captain Levi!" He looks at the two soldiers and states coldly "If you've already confirmed his death, then there's nothing more to do. Whether we have his body or not makes no difference now, he is still just as dead either way." The soldier stares at Levi with disbelief, "That's cold..."

"Ivan And the others will be listed as missing in action that's my decision and its final. Now let it go." Erwin says as he and Levi start to walk off as the soldier who was yelling talks yet again, "you heartless bastards! That's the kind of respect you show the men give their lives for you?!"

"Unless you want to be MIA I suggest you shut your mouth!"Dieter looks at the soldier with disbelief as the Commanders and Levi get on their horses and lead everyone back to Trost.

Time skip

As they gallop, Latina and mikasa glanced at Eren every now and then as he remained unconscious

" wait!" A voice yelled "heads up! We've got company!" A soldier looks up from the wagon and gasps, exclaiming, " titans!"Mikasa and violet look behind themselves to see Dieter, the soldier, and Ivan's corpses on the horses as the Titan gradually approaches them "Is that... Dieter!" The soldier groans and holds up a flare gun,

"That damn fool..."He shoots out a red flare as one soldier reports to everyone, "enemy spotted at the rear!"Erwin turns back from looking behind and orders,

"Full speed! All soldiers!" Levi turns to him and says, "Our best chance might be to circle back, make a beeline for the trees, we can't put up much of a fight out here"

"No, our beasts option now so to continue to the walls."Levi groans" tch." and slows his horse down. Meanwhile, Dieter and his friend continue to gallop when a Titan's hand comes and tries to swoop them up. Dieter ducks but by doing that, he drops Ivan's body on the ground. He gasps and turns to see his friend getting picked up by a Titan.

He stops his horse and flies over to kill the Titan as one runs past him and heads straightforward."it's about to be right on top of us!" Armin exclaims. "Looks like We've got no choice but it fight?" Jean question as he answers

"Grounds too flat to engage odm gear. And not only that-!" He saw a swam running in their direction from the side "we'll soon be outnumbered"

" perfect. And what do you suggest we do, genius?"Armin looks around until he spots the dead wrapped up bodies, "the only thing we can do..." Jean looks over and gasps as Titans start to attack to soldiers

Zane saved the guy who got caught in the titans hand, Latina and Mikasa watch as Dieter gets caught by a Titan.

Mikasa stands and uses her gear to kill the Titan. It falls and she makes her way back to the wagon, watching Dieter crawling out of the Titan's hand. A soldier shrieks, "we're done! It's gaining on us!"

Another soldier shouts, "I'll jump behind the bastard and distract him! Give you a chance to- "dont bother."The soldiers turn to see Levi as he states, "You've got to jettison the extra weight, dump the bodies." The soldier looks at him like he was a madman, "B-But sir!.." They trail off as Levi continues, "You know how many courses we've already left behind? These aren't special. Dump them consider it the last service to the cause." One of the soldier sweats as another screech, "Are we doing this? We can't seriously be doing this?!"

The soldier looks between the corpses and the Titans " damnit" Levi said, and he feels the pain in his leg, the soldier then shouts, "I'm sorry, there's just no other way!"

" yes there is! So don't you dare!" Latina  snapped, standing up from where she sat and jumping off the wagon, rolling out and heading for the titan " Latina! Get back here!" Levi yelled

Background music

" over here stupid!" She yelled gaining the titans attention, it tried to grab her but she jumped high out of the way just in time

" Lizzy! Zane! Drake! Grayson! Back me up! Defend the wagons!" She yelled, they stop moving in the same direction as the survey corps and rush to their friend/ sister " you five get back here!" Levi yelled

" if you dump those bodies she'll kick your ass!" Grayson yelled" Erwin I'm going after them, keep everyone going" Donna turned her horse and followed the other five before he could reply

" alright kids, lizzy stay with me, you haven't been in a fight yet, the rest of you, keep em distracted so the others can escape! Let loose!" They nod

Lizzy was up first, she raised her hands up, suddenly plants raised up from the group with thorns, and then thrust her arms out and the vines wrapped around three on coming titans, then the vines thorns slice the napes, before moving on to the next on coming titans

Example, and also awesome and Lizzy power reveal!

Drake's arm began to cover up in frost, then thrust his arm out, creating a giant ice spike, stabbing a horde of  titans, then at more that tried to be sneaky


Zane managed to find a very large rock, he lifted it up and tossed it with a large amount of force at a titan that was just about to pick him up, that titan crashed onto two smaller ones

Wow wish I was that strong

Grayson just runs around at full speed, slashing titans napes with his two swords and gaining their attention away from the other scouts

This fast

As for Latina and Donna, she used her flight, instead of the odm gear since she was weak a little bit from The hits she took, and Donna summoned her wrist blades, using small ice obsticles Drake conjured for her, The titans stopped chasing the wagons And so, the scouts get away from the Titans and move forth

" it's working! Their doing it! We're loosing them" one soldier cheered, the wagon continued its path forward, levi and Erwin glances back at the fight, along with everyone else, till they were out of sight, while a certain someone was watching the five fight plus adult, mostly on the red head from afar ' she reminds me of someone' they thought

Grayson started slowing down to his surprise " no! Not now!" He exclaimed, same thing was happening with Zane, at the distance, not too far zane tried to lift another rock, but as soon as he did " woah!" He lost balance and the rock fell backwards " my strengths depleting!" He yelled, Draco was hyperventilating, swung his arm for that only a small ice pillow formed

" my ice....haven't got much left..." he huffed, even lizzy was getting tired" I can't anymore..." along with Donna, who Retracted her blades " shit! I'm out to!"

Latina eye widened and she looked at her friends, they were getting tired ' crap, everyone's at their limit!' Just then she looked down at her household vessel ' if I use this I'll be at the end of my limit!' She then looked at her friends, with a horrified expression, titans were closing in, hanging her head low' but I could never live with myself if anything ever happened to them!' She glared up with anger

" any ideas?! anyone?!" Grayson asks " nothing...Zane?" Drake turned to him "  I haven't got enough power left" he muttered still staring horrified at the incoming titans " now what?!" Lizzy turned to Donna scared

" I'm sorry kids, I've got nothing, you should have gone with the others" just then the group gasped The floor started forming ice, everyone turned to drake " drake! Thought you said you were at your limit!" Grayson yelled " it's not me doing it!" He yelled " then who?!-" Just then, Zane was interrupted, the group on the ice started rising up, they looked down to see it was the redhead's doing, and yelled

Drake " Latina!"

Lizzy " sis!"

Zane " what are you doing?!"

Grayson " get out of there!!!"

Donna " what are you doing kid!?"

She looked up and Them with a week smile" i'm sorry... I could never live with myself if anything happened to any of you!" She cried,

Donna gasped when she realised what She was doing " no! Don't do it red! Your not ready!" Her household vessel started glowing, but before she used it, she tapped her foot on the floor, creating multiple ice pillars " but I have to,  so I can protect!" She growled, once her eyes opened again, revealed blueish, white, like a electricity alit in her eyes

Launched to chains at two ice pillars, she used them like a sling shot, and launched hers forward " kid! You crazy?!" Donna exclaimed out of pure shock, one titan attempted to grab her, but she wrapped the chains round its arm, while swinging hers around too

' she's using the chains to dodge attacks?!' The woman exclaimed in thought, while the redhead pondered to hers ' wow! These chains are like an extension of my arms!' She swing herself round to the titans nape, then charged in full speed, striking a killing blow, which she repeated to other incoming titans " holy cow...she's really going all out" zane Said astonished

" too all out..." the adult muttered " what do you mean?" Drake asked worried " she is using so much of a power, sooner or later she is going to run out fast, and let's just say it won't be a pretty sight" the others gasped in shock ' let's hope she finishes them off in time before she reaches her limit!'

' alright! Now to trap them in a large group, and finish them off!' Latina continues fighting them, making a lot of them, back up, some stumble and fall on smaller or the same size titans, trapping them, once she felt like it was perfect, she launched herself into the air " time to end this" she muttered, Donna gasped, she knew what she was doing " kid! Stop! You'll kill yourself!" She screamed

Latina swung her arms forward, wrapping them around the large horde, as she was about to use her final move she heard "no! Kid!" But she ignored it

" Household vessel!" She roared

'how'd she know what to do?!' Donna exclaimed in thought

Blue flames danced down the chains, onto the wrapped up Titans, flames dancing all titans bodies burned up in the flames, as a surprise to the others on the top of the pillar, the red head landed down safely, then staring down at her hands excited and happy, in her mind ' I did it! I used my household vessel! Now I can be even more useful to everyone!' She didn't noticed her hands trembling in real life, blood slightly leaking down her head

" kid!" Donna and the rest made it down as soon as their strength was back and rushed over to her, eyes widened at her state " I....i...I did it...I did it everyone..." she then loser conscious " Latina!" Meanwhile the person watching from afar's eyes widened in shock ' so she is a....romanoff...he had a child...'


"Alright soldiers, look sharp. We head out the moment our positions are confirmed!" A soldier announces as Dieter along with his friend, stares at the ground. His face was full of traumatization as he hears a horse approaching him. He turns to see Levi getting off his horse,

"Captain Levi... I..." Levi approaches him after digging in his coat, saying, "This proves that they were alive, at least to me."

He hands him something on his hands as Deiter gasps. There he held the badge as Levi said, "This was Ivan's." Dieter shakes and quivers and soon, tears fall down his face, "Captain..." Levi looks at him one more time before leaving. Deiter continues to cry as a soldier announces again, "We're leaving!"

" Erwin! What about Donna and the rest!" Levi called out " I don't know...we've been waiting too long, the titans will find us again if we don't move" he lowed his head down while levi stared in shock " wait!" Just then they heard a familiar female voice, they looked back in shock to see the others all Worn out, but what was more shocking, was the redheads appearance, bleeding from her head again, covered in cuts and bruises, just like ther others, just not as bad " we need a medic now!" He yelled, the others staring at the groups return in shock, the red head was picked up and placed in the same wagon as eren, drake and Grayson climbing back on their horses next to Reiner and Bertholt " you guys okay? What happened your all covered in blood, cuts and bruises!" Reiner exclaimed, the two just lowered their heads

" can we not...let's just get back..." drake said, grayosn not saying a word, just nodded his head, the two just left it at that, knowing what must have happen, must have been traumatising, Zane too his place next to Marco, armin and jean " okay?!" Marco asked in worry

" I'm fine...wish I could say the same for Latina..." he lowered his head and rested it against his horse " Zane what happened?!" Jean exclaimed, his lip quivered, he wanted to say something, but at the same time he didn't " jean take it easy! look at him! that's enough!" Armin ushered

Lizzy and her horse made their way over to Christa, Ymir, Sasha and Connie " lizzy! Your still hurt!" Christa and her horse rush to her side in worry " hey little blond, you okay?" Ymir joined her, she did say anything, instead stared forward which a look of horror plastered on her face

Like this

" Lizzy it's okay, we're going home now" Connie said, she still didn't say a word " Connie. Not now" Sasha shakes her head, Donna takes her place back next to Erwin" Donna what happened out there?" He asked, hanji appearing next to them, she noticed her friends expression" that...that idiot!" She sobbed " she...she did the stupidest thing!......I told her she wasn't ready!....But she did it anyway!" She continued sobbing while her female companion, patted her up back

Levi squad not to far with their captain looking down in sadness, while levi clenched his horse's reins, the scouts continued their path back to the walls

Time skip

" eren!" He gasped, waking up to see mikasa staring down at him " easy" she said "Don't try to move just yet, you need rest". He gasps, remembering the Female Titan and quickly asks."where's The female titan?" She looks over, her anger disappearing as she sighs, "She got away from us." Shocking eren "What do you mean? She- she was- we were- what about the mission?"

"Didn't go as planned, but don't worry about that right now" Eren's eyes twitch as he looks away from her, "how did I get here? Did you have to step in and save me again? Is that it?" Mikasa looks down at the wood, "look we're almost home, okay, don't talk so much, let Latina sleep" she whispered " Latina?" He raised an eyebrow, before finally noticing the redheads condition, which made his eyes " what....what happened to her..." he asked, his voice quivered,mikasa looked down sadly

" she took a lot of hits from the female titan, and wore herself out when she and the others Prioritised our escape... they returned worn out... she returned like this..." she turned her head away' you ended up like this cause of me...' he though In dismay, he reached his hand over to hers which was only a few inches away, and linked his with hers, tears spewing and let out a small sob, just then he felt it move " Latina?..." mikasa turned back in surprise " where...where am I...?"

" please don't move, your weak and hurt as it is" mikasa pleaded " where...are we..." Latina asked with a weak voice " we're on our way now, you've worried everyone a lot" mikasa said

Eren looks at her for one more moment and lays himself down as they enter Trost. Many civilians start to gossip to each other, "am I miscounting or are there few of em then when they left? Look at the amount of bodies though"

"No... theres a lot many died"

" must have been a bad one."

" I don't get it. They were all pissed and vinegar, this morning there already back??"

" Hell, why bother leavin in the first place?"

" no idea. I say by the looks on their faces they hoped to be gone longer, I would taxes hard at work, ladies and gentlemen. Bravo?" One said sarcastically

Eren had his teeth clenched together as he couldn't bear to listen to these insults and gossiping anymore. He starts to get up, ready to yell, "Eren, ignore it." Mikasa said, He was able to push himself up when he noticed the kids from the morning smiling at them, violet follows his gaze and sees the kids as well as she gets reminded when she was younger, "awesome!" The boy gawked,

"Beat, but the still ready to go! You've gotta be made of nails to ride with these guys they're on stoppable!" At this, Eren sits himself down as violet continued to look at the young kids" give us some answers, Damn you! We have a right!" A man yelled

" how many lives were lost on this mission? Was it worth it? Was it really worth it?" A woman yelled

" You think the last thing going through their minds was "for the good of humanity? "citizens start to yell at Erwin, Erwin doesn't say anything as they continue to head back to base. Along with Donna, The costs and casualties of the failed expedition were easily enough to discredit the faction that had supported the Recon Corps.

Eren had laid himself back down as he had his left arm to cover his face from the whimpers and sobs. Latina goes and holds his hand and squeezes it for comfort. He tightens his grip on her hand and continues to sob harder.

" as usual they died for nothing!"

That final comment made the red head snap. The final straw, She let go of erens hand took the gun one of the other soldiers in the carriage was carrying, informing the pain no matter how bad it was,  she walked over to the man who made the comment and cocked it against his head, silencing him and the surrounding people.

Even the sound of the gun being cocked was threatening enough to silence everyone. He gulped."You dim witted people don't understand, do you?" Her began eerily calm."Every month, every day, every year, these soldiers witness things you can't even imagine. Sure, you receive the news of your loved one dying, but are you the one witnessing it?" She asked.

Her words hung in the air. It suffocated everyone. The tension was thick. it had everyone's attention."Are you the ones knowing that that soldier's family is going to fall to their knees in tears? Begging for them to come back all while blaming the people who risk their lives everyday?"All eyes were on her. All ears were on her. No one dared make a noise. Half of them were even afraid to breathe.

."You people have no idea what it's like beyond the walls. You thrive for freedom yet you condemn and shame the people who are actually trying to reach for it!." She continued on, her irritation level high, yet she still able to keep a composed tone.

Anger was the only thing coursing through her veins."It doesn't matter how many casualties or injuries happen. What matters is that these people have more guts than you would any day! You would never have the guts to do so! " she mocked, her voice going from calm and venomous to innocent and mocking.

She lowered the gun from his head ."Oh, by the way... if any of you want to see what's beyond the wall looks like I'll be happy to show you." She finished. Turning away and walking about to the wagon, giving the soldier his gun back, Everyone was silent after the speech. No one made a sound. The scouts moved on again.

Within hours of their return, Erwin And the battle weary survivors were called to the capital, The scouts custody of Eren and violet Was summarily revoked, surprisingly they didn't want the others, but there was something about the redhead they wanted her for the most

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