I N H A L E | Klay Thompson

By theeinterlude__

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Sometimes we can let our anger get the best of us ruining opportunities, friendships, family dynamics and- Lo... More

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By theeinterlude__


August 9th, 2020
Black Ice Gentlemen's Club.
San Francisco California

late tuesday morning
2:12 AM

With a few drinks now in his system Klay had loosened up a bit and was enjoying his night. He was tipsy but he wasn't drunk and didn't plan on getting on that level anyway, the small buzz he had was good enough. Draymond and the rest on the other hand were up a couple more notches dancing and throwing money at the strippers. Klay let them do them and sat comfortably on the couch sipping his drink.

"Nigga you been eye fucking that stripper all night" Draymond yelled over the loud music while focusing his eyes to where Klay was looking "Go speak she'll prolly know who you are"

Klay contorted his face up in confusion, "Im not eye fucking her. You're stupid as hell."

"Well you staring hard as shit damn. She might want her face back"

Klay sighed as he went on and on; drunk Draymond was fun and entertaining but he could also be very annoying "Why are you watching me anyway."

"Besides the point..shoot your shot nigga" He snickered "You do play basketball for a living"

Klay let out a fake laugh "You think you're so funny but I'm coo man"

"You scared bro?" He questioned "I mean she is bad as hell..kinda your type."

"I'm not scared I just don't want to" He replied "I think she pretty that's all"

"Shiiiiiit say less, then I will" He shrugged as he pulled up his jeans preparing to leave their section. Something in Klay made him react and pull Dray back and stand up  causing Draymond and the others who were listening in to laugh. "Changed your mind?"

"Shut up" He grumbled taking the shot he had from his hand and throwing it back. Approaching and making conversation with new people didn't come easy to Klay so some liquor courage is what he needed. Once again he wasn't shy he just got awkward when it came to talking to people for the first time. He focused too much on what to say and what that persons thoughts might be instead of just letting the conversation flow naturally it was a bad habit of his.

     Klay left the section and made his way over to the bar where Chanel was talking to the same girl as earlier. He ignored the bitter taste the vodka left in the back of his throat as the effects started to settle in.

Chanel and Kendra were in the middle of talking about their plans with Loren for the weekend when Klay approached them. He had figured that when he was close to her he would know exactly what to say but it was the complete opposite. She was even more attractive up close. He wasn't afraid to admit it but also a bit intimidating so that itself had him second-guessing. The last thing he needed was to get curved in front of all his friends and never hear the end of it.

"I said can I help you?" Chanel batted her eye lashes as she blinked and waved her hand in front of his face.

Klay snapped out of it and scratched the back of his neck anxiously realizing he had blanked out for a minute "I uh my fault, you just caught my attention and I wanted to introduce myself."

      Kendra made a small noise before turning around and leaving them alone. She peeped game and it looked like Klay had an interest in Chanel, he was cute so she wasn't going to cockblock. If anything Kendra knew Chanel's type and Klay was it so she saw no reason to stick around.

"Klay Thompson" She said for him "I don't think you need an introduction Mr.Warrior."

He let out a nervous laugh and sat beside her on one of the bar stools "Right—I guess so and you?"

"Kharisma" She crossed her legs and stared up at him. It was dark inside the club but she could still see his face perfectly and he was fine. Chanel had a type and he was definitely it standing at 6'6, light brown pale skin, dark brown curls and almond shaped eyes, she really liked his eyes. She also liked that there was a softness to him he didn't look hard at all "Did you want a dance or something..you were staring at me like I stole something from you earlier."

Klay cleared his throat before speaking "I actually wanted to see if I could get your number by chance? I apologize for staring at you and I didn't mean to come off as a creep if that's what you were thinking. I just find you very—-attractive"

     Chanel's eyes widened for a split second because she wasn't expecting that. Men in the club asked for her number everyday but celebrities usually only wanted a dance. Klay was different though he was being so polite and nice to her that she almost forgot she was in a strip club talking to a customer.

     "Thank you" She smiled "But I don't give out my number at work..for many reasons. You understand though right?"

"Oh yeah..most definitely. Thanks for your time anyway" He got up from the stool and started to walk away feeling a bit defeated. Klay hadn't dated anyone in years so his expertise in getting a girls number was slim to none, still he gave himself props for making an effort.

     He had almost made it back to the section with he felt a small hand wrap around his wrist. He swiftly turned around and was met with Chanel again "You can follow me on Instagram though.. you know..if you want"

Klay chuckled a bit "That's fine with me too"

She nodded and held her hand out for his phone. When he gave it to her the Instagram app was already open so she typed her name in and had him follow her. "Okay"

"Cool" He placed his phone back into his pocket "Is it too late to ask for that dance?" He felt his group of friends eyes on him and he didn't feel like going back over to them just yet, they'd just want to know what went down.

Chanel smirked "No it's not, follow me"

     She turned around and started to make her way to one of the many private booths available. Klay followed closely behind careful not to lose her in the crowd of sweaty people. As they got to an empty booth Chanel grabbed Klay's hand and sat him down on the chair. "Feel free to grab a drink" She spoke gesturing towards to the unopened bottle of Ciroc on the side table.

     While she closed the curtains Klay felt his nerves start to pick up again so he obliged and poured himself a shot. When she was done Chanel turned around and faced Klay who sat quietly tapping his fingers against his knee. She walked over to him sitting herself in his lap then pressed her chest against his "Nervous?" She asked softly.

"No I'm straight" He said trying to make himself believe it more than her.

"Okay well this is your dance so how do you want it?"She questioned "Fast..slow..you pick"

"Whatever comes natural" He mumbled staring at her lips as she spoke. Their faces were so close together that their lips could touch at any sudden move.

     Just then the DJ had played the next song The Take by Torey Lanez. Chanel felt like it was the perfect song so she didn't hesitate to start her dance.

im gonna put you in seven positions for seventy minutes
you get it babe
you got a lot on your mind, and i wanna ease it up
and lick it and slip it in

     Chanel grabbed his large hands and placed them on her ass then wrapped her arms around his neck. Throwing her head back she started to slowly grind on his lap, she felt his body tense up so she brought herself back up and looked him in the eyes "Relax I got you" She said.

     He didn't say anything but relaxed his muscles and took another shot. She stood up and turned around before placing herself on his lap again but this time her back was to his chest. Placing her hands on his knees she whined her hips in a circular motion before crawling onto the floor and shaking her ass. Every once and a while she'd look back and Klay's eyes were still glued to her meaning she was doing a good job.

you do a light scream on that ice cream
when I scoop it and dip it in
unzippin the tight jeans and that feminine hygiene is magnificent

Chanel stood up and walked around Klay one leg crossing in front of the other with each step whilst letting her fingernails trace his shoulders and back. Once she was behind him she let both of her hands run down his chest as she flipped her hair to the side and said the next part of the song in his ear

"The feeling of fucking you, feelings all up in you" She purred biting her bottom lip. Her aroma of vanilla and sweet mango's filled his nostrils as they made eye contact.

     Something came over him and he had his hand wrapped around her neck. Just as quick as he done it he had let her go immediately apologizing.

"I'm sorry—I"

She cut him off sitting back down in his lap "No it's okay you can touch me"

"I shouldn't hav—"

She grabbed his hand placing it back on her throat "I like it, don't you?"

     Klay blinked and honestly considered risking it all in that moment but he knew that couldn't happen. This was her working environment and no matter how sexy she was he had to remind himself of that.

But damn it was hard.

make it hard for you to bottle em baby
the dick is too big just to swallow it baby
but still you do it like it's thanksgiving

Chanel swung her leg around and then planted one hand on the ground with the other on his knee. Klay saw what she was trying to do and gripped her thighs to pull her up so she had more balance.

Now in the position she wanted Chanel moved her ass up and down in slow motion as if she was riding him. Mesmerized Klay placed his hands on her ass softly gripping it as she began to twerk when the song sped up during Chris Browns part. When the song ended he grabbed her by her torso and helped her back up.

"That was um—it was uh—thanks" Klay said, with her still in his lap she turned to face him and she noticed that his cheeks were a slight crimson red.

Flipping her hair back she responded "Well it's my job you don't have to thank me or be embarrassed"

"I'm not" He assured her.

The sexual tension in the room was so thick that even though the dance was technically over neither one of them had made a gesture to move. Klay's hands were still on her thighs while her arms were wrapped around his neck again.

"I know we don't know each other..but I cant help but want to kiss you. It's something about you that I can't resist.."Klay boldly said. He couldn't help that his eyes kept traveling to her lips and he wondered how they tasted. He rubbed his hands up and down her thighs as her breathing slowed "Can I?" He whispered in her ear.

Not bothering to respond Chanel smashed her lips onto his placing her palm on the side of his face. Just like him there was something more than attraction that was pulling Chanel towards him. Never would she do this with any other customer but Klay was different.

Klay kissed her back and let the liquor in his system do all of the work as they sloppily kissed. He took control after their tongues fought for dominance and sucked on her bottom lip.

    Chanel felt her lower half moving against him and she knew she had to stop before things got carried away but she couldn't. Klay's lips moved down to her neck then chest where he lightly sucked on it causing her to let out a light moan. He moved back up to her lips and continued the kiss until they were both out of breath.

"I s-should get back to work" She abruptly said as they pulled away. Five had to be looking for her by now and she still had more money to make.

"Yeah yeah...my bad let me pay you" He reached for his wallet

"It's on the house" She said quickly before getting up and walking out.

"Bitch what the hell just happened" She mumbled to herself as she walked to the dressing room to collect herself and change her panties because they were definitely wet.


August 9th, 2020
Enterprise Condos

the following morning
10:32 AM

     The constant buzzing of Klay's phone was enough to wake him up out of his sleep. He groaned and rubbed his eyes as he flipped over to check what it was. As soon as he saw the time he immediately knew that he overslept and missed his morning workout with Dray and Steph which is probably why Dray was calling.

"What man" Klay grumbled still fighting to stay awake.

"Good morning lightweight" He joked "Have fun last night?"

Klay yawned and sat up "What you talking about bro"

"Nigga you passed out in the car as soon as we left the club" He laughed "I only seen you take three shots max"

"Definitely had more than that" He mumbled to himself "Is there a reason why you're calling me"

"Well I mean I never got to know if that stripper gave you her number or not"

Klay sighed and threw his head back on the pillow "You called to be nosey?"

"Pretty much"

"Bye Draymond" He shook his head and hung up the phone then placed it back on his nightstand.

Laying his arm over his eyes he tried to fall back asleep but it was pointless since his body was already up. He could hear Rocco scratching at his door so he got up to let him in then got back in the bed. He started to think about last night and how it was the most fun that he had in a while. But he also couldn't stop thinking about Kharisma he thought he'd regret what happened between them but when he woke up but he didn't. If anything now he was more intrigued by her and desperately wanted to know more.

He remembered that she had gave him his Instagram so he unlocked his phone and went to his following list. Since it was recent it didn't take long to find and click on her page. He stared at her social handle seeing that her real name was in it.

"Chanel" He said to himself before clicking on her most recent picture that was posted this morning

1 hour ago

liked by ab, luvlondynk, saweetie and 9,862 more
my name hold weight..ask about me😘

see comments

He looked over the picture for a few more seconds before scrolling further down her page.


Highland Stories
San Francisco California
Chanel's Apartment

8:45 PM

"Loren you're cheating!" Remika snapped "You can't put a draw four on top of a draw two!"

"Girl says the fuck who!"

"When have you ever seen someone do that!" Remika snapped back.

Kendra twisted her lips "Loren play by her own damn rules"

"Exactly..always cheating" Tah'Jae spoke throwing her deck of cards down.

"This is why we're supposed to establish the rules before we start a game" Chanel said coming out from the kitchen with more snacks.

"Whatever, uno out I won" Loren shrugged.

Remika smacked her lips "I'm not playing with y'all again—Chanel can I borrow your car?"

"For?" She raised an eyebrow taking a seat by Tah'Jae

"Jordan wants to hang out but his car is in the shop"

Chanel shook her head "Chile whatever. My keys on the countertop, you know my rules..bring her back in one piece and don't be out doing shit you know I'm not gon like"

"Yeah yeah I got you..Tah'Jae you want me to drop you off at Giselle's?" She asked while standing up.

"Ooo yes" She smiled "I can go right?" She looked to Chanel for approval.

"Of course, I don't ever mind you going over there."

Both her sisters got theirselves ready and left out the house leaving Chanel, Loren, and Kendra alone in the apartment. "Finally now we can get to business" Loren cheered grabbing a Stella Rose wine bottle from under the couch.

"Bitch" Kendra laughed in shock "How long has that been under there!"

"Since I came" She snickered "I had to hide it cause y'all know how Remika sneaky ass be"

     Remika was 18 so sometimes Chanel allowed her to drink with them in the comfort of their home. However one time she went a little bit overboard and blacked out so Chanel didn't let her drink anymore. She was not about to spend another night cleaning up throw up and taking care of dead body weight.

"I guess I'll get some glasses" Kendra announced walking over to the kitchen. While Kendra did that Chanel went onto her Instagram to check her feed.

4 hours ago

liked by nlechoppa, mulatto, tahjxe_ and 2,456 others
I can't go back and forth with no thot hoe😘 -Mulatto

see comments

10 minutes ago

liked by thatgirlrem, _mamilo, yanna_12 and 1,789 others
your favorite lil angel🤍👼🏾

see comments

2 hours ago

liked by dejountemurray,kkendra.babe, tokyojetz and 4,342 others
is it okay if i call you my Prada Bae 🦋

see comments

thirty minutes ago

liked by bandhunta_izzy, thatgirlrem, ryandestiny and 6,654 others
she keep it cute she keep it classy✨

see comments

She was about to exit out of the app when Kendra sat down the three wine glasses on the coffee table then she saw his name. She scrolled down a bit more to see the whole photo, biting her lip as the flashbacks from what happened the night before flooded her memory.

twenty minutes ago

liked by stephencurry30, money23green, chaneliman and 327,214 others
my dawg😂🐶

see comments

"He's so corny it's cute" She mumbled to herself "Fuck I accidentally liked it, shit!"

Kendra poured Chanel a glass before passing it to her "Um what did you like?"

Chanel took a sip of her wine before placing it back on the table "Remember that basketball player from the club?"

"Ooo his white chocolate ass..what happened with that. I forgot to ask"

Loren looked at them both confused "Back track..cause I'm lost."

Chanel sighed and crossed her legs before she started to explain "Well it was this basketball player at Black Ice and he came up to me  for my number. I didn't give it to him cause it's like I'm at work..and I didn't know what the hell he wanted it for. But bitch he was so damn fine I just ended up giving him my Instagram instead and I just accidentally liked his picture"

"Girl..I'm trying to find the issue here" Kendra said just as confused as Loren.

"Im not finished, I ended up giving him a private dance and things got heated."

"Heated..." Loren dragged out.

Chanel covered her face in embarrassment "I don't know what the fuck it was yall ..but he asked to kiss me and we literally made out. I'm talking his hands groping my ass..sucking on my neck and allat shit. But he was probably just drunk or something I'm tripping"

Just as she said that her phone buzzed in her lap, she looked down and almost choked on her own spit when she saw the notification.

one Instagram notification
Klay Thompson sent you a message

Klay Thompson: Hey..hope you haven't forgot about me just yet beautiful.


Klay when he asked for Chanels number 💀💀 lil nervous ass

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