Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

430K 16.5K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 21: New Start

8.6K 348 323
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

... How did it come to this?....

"You've been sleeping till noon all day and yet you're complaining that you're tired?!"

I always wanted us to be together as a family but there are so many things that I'm unaware of.

"Oh my! Sorry! I need to in order to survive! It's not my fault for having such a weak body!"

I place down my fork and wipe my mouth with a napkin. Lily calmly cleans up my plate and goes back into the kitchen. I get off my chair with a cheerful spirit as they constantly scream at each other.

"I'm going to study in the library now!~" I announced.

They stopped arguing and focused their attention on me.

"Ok, go if you wish to" Father crossed his arms and sighed.

"Go ahead!~ But take a break, I don't want to see you pushing yourself!" Mother pouted at me. "Give me a kiss goodbye first" She taps her cheek at me.

I did what she wanted and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then I walked over to my father who was sulking with his head to the side and jumped to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He faced me in shock and rubbed his cheek. "I didn't ask but ok" He smirked specifically at mommy.

"Bye!~" I skipped away with a smile as I felt a fire blazing behind my back.


After getting home from the party, we all went off to our own rooms and washed up. I took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I jumped into bed and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"... Mommy is finally back" I mumbled.

I think about how pretty she is in real life when she came back alive and went to the forbidden room. Well at least for me since father always told me not to go there and even Lucas couldn't get in because it was protected by a magical barrier. However, now I know...

It's her room....


I felt a familiar aura within my room again. He has some nerve to come back here after what he just did to me.

"How was the party?" Lucas hovers over my face.

"Why are you here?" I sit up and look at him with a straight face. "I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to me" I scowl.

He shrugs and gives me a confused expression. "What? That was fun!" He laughs at me. "Did you have a nice fall?"

"Luckily someone caught me or else I would've fallen to the ground" My vein popped.

"... Oh yeah, and that killed the fun" He scoffed at me in irritation. Ohohohoh. This gives me an idea.

"Well for me, it was amazing!" I smirked at him. "My knight in shining armor! He thought I was an angel that fell from the heavens and caught me! A man, famous in the empire" I clap my hands together as I "fantasizes" about Ijekiel like a typical teenage girl. This is cringe but all worth it to mock him.

Lucas sneers at me with a glare. "..." His red eyes glow up as I sense his magic surrounding him.

The presence is weak...

"I have to thank you for that or else I wouldn't have talked to him. He was very nice and a gentleman unlike someone" I continued to taunt him. "So your revenge didn't go as planned. Oops! Sorry that I had a good time!" I lay my head against the pillow with a big smile.

"Then I'll have to kill your knight" He hovers over my face with a thirst for murder. Lucas really hates seeing me being happy during his magic tricks.

"Uh-huh," I lay to the side. "Don't use any more magic on me" I stated seriously.

"I do whatever I want! The only side-effect is minor dis-orientation!" He revolts.


"You lunatic!" I yelled while smacking him in the head. "Don't ever do that to me!"

"Psh. Whatever" He rolls his eyes and leans close to my face. "Don't hit me or else I'll do something worse to you" He threatens me.

Ahhh. The wolf's threat cliche...

I yawned and laid down in bed. However, I can't sleep since I have a lot of energy left. Hmmm.

"Lucas, do you know any spells that can make me sleep?"

"Psh. Of course!" He twirls a piece of my hair around his finger. "But I can't do it now because I'm low on mana"

Low on mana... Ah! That gives me an idea!

I lift my arm and reach out to Lucas with my palm open. I let my hand hang in front of his face as he gave me a confused look. "Give me your hand"

"Why?" He asked while placing his hand on my palm.

I made sure our palms were touching and closed the grip tight so it can't break easily. He becomes frustrated at my action and nags at me about us holding hands.

"... Lucas, I want you to absorb my mana..." I said to him and he got stunned by my request. "I don't use magic much and plus the transfer will tire me out. So just do it"

"... Fine" He faced away and began the process.

I felt my mana slowly leaving my body internally and flowing out of my palm and into his. It flowed one way and I already feel my body getting tired. This satisfies me... but Lucas... is another thing....

"... When will you leave?" My eyes get droopy.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"When will you stop coming here?" I yawned. "When will you stop seeing me and get out of my life, Lucas?" I closed my eyes while my hand was still tangled with his.

He gave no response and stayed silent. Don't tell me he's going to be with me for the rest of my life. Or does he still intend to kill me?

"It's best that you leave as soon as possible," I murmured. "I'm afraid.... Of getting attached..."

"Don't worry too much about it," He exclaimed.

... We don't care for each other yet you say that. How can you say that when you're just going to barge into my life? Gosh, dammit.

"Call me crazy but..." I feel sleepy. "...I...."

I doze off.

*TIME SKIP* - Morning -

I woke up early alone in my room and immediately jumped out of bed energized. I thought I would be super tired after giving my mana to Lucas. After washing up and changing into my indoor clothes, the first thing I did was go to my mother's room.

I want to see her...

However, on my way there, I ran into Ces who was wearing her lab coat. Did she just come back from making potions??

"Miss. What are you doing so early in the morning?" She slowly backs away from me to put some distance between us. "If you need anything, ask the others. They're in the main hall"

I gave her an ok response and proceeded to skip to my mother's room. Hopefully, she's awake at this time, or else I would feel guilty of interrupting her beauty sleep... Wait a minute. A question came into mind.

Does she ever sleep?

She would appear in my dreams and wander around in the mirror world. I don't think she has had any shut eyes ever since her soul came back. But now that she's fully back...

Maybe I shouldn't disturb her at all...

*TIME SKIP* - Breakfast -

"Come again?" I stared at Hannah in shock. "Lily... is hurt?" I begin to worry about her.

"She only sprained her ankle, Miss" Hannah reassures me. "She's fine but she won't be available for about 2 days though"

I sighed out in relief. "Phew." I finished my breakfast and someone picked up my plate for me. "Wait. Who's taking care of her?"

"That would be me" Hannah bluntly told me. "We don't have a proper physician in this household so I had to take over the role by reading some books" She explained to me.

She's becoming a doctor now?? Damn. Lily is the head maid and a spy. Ces, a potion maker, and now Hannah as the doctor?? Hold up, she doesn't have the proper training though...

God. I was beginning to feel excited for her because my three favorites are in charge of something but this is a start for Hannah. I'm glad she found her talent in something. This reminds me when everyone begins to find their skill in something. Like when Lily was able to infiltrate Noble's places and expose them. Ces can make magic potions that can cure and kill at the same time. Hannah is now learning human biology to treat others. At least Hannah is doing good morals but I'm proud of them either way!

"Well, I'm going to the library now!" I hopped off of my chair and ran to my private library.
~ Anastacius POV ~

That damn idiot....

I scrolled through my books and research in seriousness. However, I'm still surprised by the fact that I'm doing this. Whatever. It doesn't even matter.

The emperor is cursed anyway.

"Using black magic after literally getting rid of it in the empire. What irony is that?" I let out a hysterical laugh at his pathetic decision. "Now with Jennette, he's guaranteed to die. A quick death and painless too"

Sigh. That last part is disappointing but it's the least I can do for my younger brother who's been through so much.


"...." What the hell did I just think?

I put down my book and organize my desk before leaving the room. Sweat forms on my forehead as I walk down the hall. That bastard will never be my family. He already has his own and so do I.

*TIME SKIP* - Noon -

"Why are you here?" I asked Lillian. "You shouldn't be even working with that ankle"

"It's fine if I don't overwork it, my Duke. I only wanted to serve the Duchess at this time"

"Oh! She's awake. Finally!" I rolled my eyes. That woman can sure sleep. "I'll tell the others to serve her. For you, take a rest. That's an order"

Lily nods and goes away from my sight. Oh god now I gotta deal with the mother nature of tantrum. Ugh. This is so hard.

I lean against the wall with a gloomy expression. What is happening to me?

Diana is the first woman to make me feel like this and I really don't hate it... I don't know if I like it either. This is confusing.


I snapped out of my consciousness and turned to the person who said my name.

"Diana... You're up"

"Yawn. Yeah, it's been a long time since I have slept. It was refreshing and incredible to wake up in bed with the sun-"

"Ugh." I let out a disgusted voice.

She still smiled regardless of my rude comment and expression. "I see that you're doing well too" She smiles aggressively. "Did you have lunch?"

"What?" I stared at her. "No."

Suddenly she took my hand which caught me by surprise and looked at me with such confidence that struck me in the heart. What does she think she's doing to me?

"Well, I think this is the perfect opportunity for us to know each other a little more and bond too!" She drags me down the hall.

"But I have work"

"Do it later!"

*TIME SKIP* - Lunch -

"Isn't the outdoor beautiful? I see that the maids have been taking care of the garden very well" She makes the best out of this awkward lunch moment.

That smile... God, it just makes me feel weirdly nice in a way. I distracted myself and avoided looking at her by gazing at the sky.

"Athanasia does like coming out here at night to play with Raven" I sip my tea.

"... Anastacius"

"Huh?" I faced forward and saw that her hand was on top of mine. "... What is it?"

She slips her fingers in between with mine while just staring at me. Agh, this is making me feel nervous but at the same time, her hand is soft.

"Ta-da!~" She holds up both of our hands that were grasping each other. "Mission 1: holding hands. Complete!~" She giggled and I grinned at her.

"Ahhh. Yes" I agreed with her and we both put our hands on the table, slightly released but still touching. We both made eye contact with each other and I became enchanted by her pink pupils. It's soothing and nice to stare at but what does she feel when looking into mine?

The familiar jeweled-eyes that only royals have. A cold gaze that my brother also possesses. Does she see me? Or Claude?

We continued looking at each other in the eyes and she put on a soft gentle smile. My heart pounded loud in my chest as my eyes widened in surprise at her expression.

If only she stops making me fall for her deeper...

*TIME SKIP* - Night-Time -

After lunchtime, I went back to my office to finish some stuff. For Diana, I just left her out in the garden because she loves the outdoors so much apparently. As expected of mother nature.

"Sigh." I put down my quill pen and roll up the piece of paper. I snap my finger and yell for a maid. The door opens and someone comes in.

"You called, my Duke?"

I pick up the rolled paper and hand it to the maid. "Take it to Ces and tell her to work on it immediately"

The maid nods and leaves the room but while going out the door someone comes in at the same time.

"My Duchess??" The confused maid cleared her throat and repeated herself. "What is it that you wish, my Duchess?"

"Oh, nothing!" Diana walks inside the room and I watch her in disbelief with a gloomy expression.

"You may leave us" I rub my forehead in frustration and the maid obeys.


"You're working as always" She walks to my desk and looks over my work.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Do you need anything?"

"Not really. I want to help you" She said while picking up the documents. "Before I would watch you write in boredom but now I can be of use!" She squeals in excitement.

"... Are you actually happy about doing work?" I frowned at her. "It's harder than you think"

"Don't worry, I have a bit of knowledge on how to run a kingdom!~"

I smirked at her with a smug face. "Oh really? Hmmm. Since you are the Duchess now, you'll have to contribute to the Dukedom" I hand her a quill pen. "Can you prove yourself worthy?"

She smirks at me while cracking her knuckles in confidence. "Watch me" She takes the pen off of my hand and sits on the couch while writing the documents on the coffee table. Hmmm.

I stroked my chin as I saw her work seriously, determined that she'll get through the work. I should set up a private office for her.

*Meanwhile* ~ Athanasia POV ~

I sit in the flower field with Raven laying by my side while making a flower crown.

"Hmmm. Should I do pink or purple?"

'Red!' Raven wags his tail.

"Good choice!" I pat his head and proceed to pick the red flowers for my crown.

Tying the stem, estimating the size, and making sure it looks nice. So much hard work put into it just for the crown to be destroyed within seconds. However, I have too much time on hand so I might as well think of ways to get rid of Lucas before I get attached to him.

Or if he gets attached to me which is nearly impossible because he is very well aware I ain't living for thousands of years. Sigh. I'm doing this for both of us then.


I sense his presence immediately and instantly stand up to run to his side. When he was in my sight, I ran with the flower crown in one hand and he looked at me in puzzlement.

"Why are you-"

"Surprise!" I shouted and successfully put the crown on his head. "Welcome back, flower boy!~" I tease him and he sneers at me.

"What the hell?!" He rips my work off of his head and burns it in midair. Huh. I never thought he would burn it. "Don't insult me!"

I turned around while picking my ear, not caring about him. "Yeah, yeah. Just do your thing and go" I said.

He appears in front of me with a grimace look and pokes my forehead. "Are you... avoiding me?"

"Hmmm. Maybe!" I smirked at him. "But we both know that I can't since you absorbed my mana"

He nods and walks beside me as I wander around my garden. "I've seen this place too many times..."

"Oh, you're finally tired of it?"

"Not really..." I sighed. Then a place came into mind. "Oh! Lucas!" I gave him sparkling eyes that were appreciating and looking up to him. "Can you read my mind?"
"What's with that look?" He scowls at me. "And no. It's a waste of time"

... I want to strangle you so badly until your face turns purple.....




".....?" I tilt my head at him with a grin.

"You just threatened me in your mind didn't you?" Ah. He figured it out without even reading my mind. Whatever!

"I'm going to move now! You can follow me if you want but it's up to you!" I waved goodbye to him and teleported to my greenhouse.

~ Anastacius POV ~

I get shivers down my spine. What is this chilly feeling??

"Done!" Diana suddenly yelled out as she stood up with the pen slam down against the table. "You can check it!" She waves the documents at me

"Let's see..." I stood up and took her papers. I faced the window with the papers in my hands and looked at them one by one. "....... It's good enough" I comment.

It's impressive that Diana can actually handle these kinds of works. I truly have underestimated her.

"I guess you ca-"


A pair of arms came from my sides and wrapped my stomach which caught me by surprise. I crossed my arms and stood still.

"... What is it?" I wheezed as my heart went crazy.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.

"I wanted to hug you"

This woman is making it hard for me to control myself...

I grip my fist and pretend to ignore her cute response. "And?"

"... I thought you needed one because I need one too" She teases me. "You're cruel"

... Cruel, it's been a long time since someone described me as "cruel". Last time someone called me that... it was when I was emperor... before Claude took it.

Goddammit, I'm overthinking it again. There's no way she's like everyone else.

*TIME SKIP* - The Next Day -

"My Duke!" I heard Ces's voice from behind. I turned around to find her running up to me.

"What is it?"

She took out a scroll that I sent to her from yesterday. "I tried making the potions as you requested but it's above my ability" She shakes her head. "It's not simple"

"Of course not. That's why I assigned it to you" I frowned at her and she shuddered. "Do some more experimenting and get Hannah in on it too" I commanded.

"Yes, My Duke" She excused herself and ran back to the direction of the lab.

*TIME SKIP* - Noon -

"Father! Weren't you supposed to help me train with the sword?" Athanasia pouts.

I sip my tea in front of her and grin. "I think you had enough with the sword. Maybe work on your endurance with the maids"

"Ack! I mean..." She mumbles gibberish, thinking about how to avoid my request. "You know what! I will-"

"Run 200 laps around the field right now" I smirk at her and her expression darkens. "Don't worry, I will cheer you on!"


A hand strikes me in the back of my head from the side. "Don't push her!" Diana scolds me.

"Mommy!" Athanasia runs into her mother's arms and gives her a sad face.

"There. There. Mommy's here" She comforts Athanasia.

I watched them in disbelief as I rubbed my head. "You're spoiling her too much"

"I'm only protecting her" Diana glares at me as she suffocates our daughter with a tight hug.

"...... Sigh. If I must, then I must" I snap my fingers and a sword is summoned in my hand. "Do you still wish to train with me, Athanasia?"

They let go of each other and Athanasia lollygag to me with a happy expression. "Yes!~"

*TIME SKIP* - Hours Later -

"... What happened?" Diana hovers over my face as I rest under the shades after training. "I thought you were strong"

"Physically not mentally" I covered my eyes. "Athanasia is very energetic and... unique" I sighed.

That girl was ambitious until the end. Not accepting the fact that she lost and kept on rematching with me. I decided to give up after standing in the sun all day.

"Hmmm. At least you let her win in the end" Diana sits by me and fans my face. "Here! Rest on my lap!" She pats her dress and I stare at her in astonishment.

How bold can she be?

"Uhhh. No need" I tried to stand up but she grabbed onto my hand and pulled me back down. That sudden action was shocking that left me stunned. She really is brave. I felt my heart burst through my chest again as I continued staring at her with my eyes open wide.

"Come on! Don't be shy!~" She snickers at me and forcefully pushes down my head on her lap. "Tink!~ Mission 3: Complete!"

I let out a heavy sigh and went with it as I lay on my back with my hand on top of my head.

"... Why are you so adorable?" I unconsciously blurt out and immediately regret it. I shouldn't have said that.

"... huh?" Her voice cracks up. "Ahhh! You're complimenting me!" She strokes my forehead.

I kept my eyes shut so I won't know what kind of expression she has on her face. From the tone of her voice, I can already tell it's awkward. Of course, she'll begin to think I'm going crazy...

"I'm going to rest my head here..."

"Go ahead!~" She said. "Stay here as long as you want." She hums.

As I rest on her lap, she sings a song that makes me feel at ease and calm. It's soothing for her angelic voice and the breeze is nice as well. Died and came back from the dead like I did and suddenly became parents. Such a twisted and strange story...

If only she was mine from the beginning.

"Sigh. I'm being selfish again..." I murmured to myself randomly again. Now she thinks I'm crazy.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I felt her hand brush through my side hair. "... Why are your ears red? Are you blushing??"

"... It's hot" I respond and open my eyes to a new expression on her face. "Why are you bashful?" I quickly sit up and touch her warm cheeks. "Is it really that hot?"

"Huh.. Ah! I guess so!" Her face became flushed as she faced the sky. "We should go back inside!" She pulled away from me and stood up instantly.

I also get up and walk behind her. I rub my ear and wipe a bit of sweat from my forehead. She's right of me blushing but why did she look like that at that time? Is she avoiding me?

What is it with my heart breaking apart?

*TIME SKIP* - Night-Time -

"You're here again" I sighed heavily as she leaned against my desk from the side.

"As the duchess! I need to do my duties!" She exclaimed proudly. "Need any help?"

She gave me a smile that I couldn't resist saying no to and so I yielded to her and gave her a portion of work. "Thanks!~" She grinned and walked over to the couch.

"Hmmm." I stared at her working on the coffee table blankly. I should get a more comfortable chair and desk for her....

~ Athanasia POV ~

"And here is your next crown, flower boy!" I smash the thing on his head and he sneers at me. "Pretty!~" I tease him.

"If you keep on doing this, then I'll..." He stops talking and blank out for a moment.

I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "You will what?" I asked. What was he going to say? Kill me? Nah, that's too quick. Hurt me? Possibly.

"..." He grits his teeth and rips the thing off of his head. The crown gets shred apart in mid-air by his magic. "Why make such a useless thing if I'm going to destroy it every time?"

"Hmmm. I don't know, I think it looks great on you!~"

"Yeah right," He pokes my head and as always my body becomes lighter. "... Are you going to sleep?"

"Uhhh" I stroke my chin as I overthink one simple question. "Not yet...." I answered and he nodded his head in appeasement. "Do you sleep?"

"Psh. Not really," He scratched the back of his head and looked to the side. "I don't need any."

"Tsk" I rolled my eyes. "As expected of the 'great and powerful wizard'" I scoffed and air quoted.


"Mock you?" I finished his sentence and he frowns angrily at me. I smirk with pride and flip my hair back. "I'm greater than you think"

*Meanwhile* ~ Anastacius POV ~

"Finished!~" She jumps up in glee and puts down her work. "You can check it if you want!~" She grins with pride.

I rolled my eyes and checked her work while she watched me. "Can you stop staring at me?" I asked her.

"Hm?" She crouches down next to the desk. "How can I not?" She teases me.

Honestly, my heart cannot handle her cuteness every time she's with me. Why is she always flirting with me when she doesn't realize that I'm also a man. How can she let her guard down around me?

Then my heart begins to ache as I think of a forbidden fact.

She was once Claude's lover.

"... It's good" I avoid her gaze. "You may leave"

"Why?" She questioned my request. "But I always stayed," She said and that's true.

She would stay and help me finish work early so that I could get sleep. However, does she really see me as a man or just her fake lover? Why would she think of me like that?

"Well, you should get some rest" I stood up and tried to leave the room only to get stopped by her. She asked me why I was so moody today. "Move"

"No." She refused and I was shocked by her response. Does she really think low of me? "Are.. you avoiding me?"

"Don't forget, Diana. I'm a man and also dangerous" I fear that I'll lose control of myself. "I don't wish to hurt you"

"Anastacius. I know you won't" She gives me a sad face. "Just tell me the truth"

The truth? About what? How do I feel about you? Or how I feel about your past lover?

"Only if you tell me first," I said and she gave me a confused face. I brushed my hair back with a broken smile. "When you look at me, who do you see?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm asking you. When you set your eyes on me" I clench my fist. "With the blonde hair and these damn jewel eyes, do you see me?" I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me. "Or do you reminisce of your past lover, Claude?" I hugged her tight, never wanting to let go as my heart breaks.

"... I..." She was speechless

"You don't need to answer but I want to ask you something" I hold her in my arms. "When it comes between me and him.... I don't care" I admit to her. I'm so insecure right now. "I don't care if you choose him and leave me" I put her head close to my chest where she can hear my beating heart.


"... I used to be a greedy and selfish man until I became a father" I sighed. "I learned many things raising a daughter but I didn't know what love felt like until I met you" I loosen my grip on her. I hate this feeling that made my heart whole, but that didn't stop me from falling for her. Finally, it was too late and no matter what, I still don't have the urge to get rid of it. "You taught me how to be selfless"

"... What do you mean?"

"Diana, I'm giving you the chance to go back to him" I pulled away from her and she gapes at me in surprise. "I only wish for you to be happy with the man you love even if it's not me. However, I won't stop you and be a burden" She lets her head down and trembles as she processes everything.

"... no" She whispered to me.

"Diana..." I frowned at her. "You're the first woman to make me feel like this. So I only want you to know that..."

"Don't say it..."

"I love you" I confessed my love for her. "Even if you still love him, you have captured my heart and I don't intend to take it back"

"Shut up!" She yelled at me with a bashful face. "Idiot!" She hit me in the arm and I was speechless at her sudden reaction.

I did not expect her to be like this. She is truly confusing.

"Diana, stop hitting me" I grabbed both of her hands and she was breathing hard, flustered by my speech. "Calm down...."

"How can I when you're just babbling gibberish?!" She exclaimed and my view of her instantly turned into a child throwing a tantrum.

Is this what they called denial?

"What I feel in my heart is true and I'm aware of it too" I stated. "I do love you"

"Then why did you mention him?"

"... huh?" Now she's crazy. "I only said that if you want to be with him, then I won't hold you back"

"Don't say that." She burst into tears and I began to panic. "If you want to admit that you love me, then say it. No more!"

"What are you talking about??" I wiped her tears with my hand and held her face closed to mine. "You taught me to be selfless"

"And you... Anastacius" She hugs me. "You taught me to be selfish." Her tears wet my shirt but it didn't bother me much. But still this feeling... it shudders me. "I don't want to be with him..."

"Eh?" I was shocked. "Didn't you love him?"

"The man I loved died long ago! And the woman that loved him also died!" That makes no literal sense unless she's being metaphorical but it doesn't seem to click. "We all changed!"

"Yes, that is true" How did the situation get from being emotional to being crazy? "But I still don't get where you're coming at"

"I want to stay with you and Athanasia!" She cried. "I'm being selfish for once" I stayed silent and she slowly walked back with a flushed face. "I don't want to go to another man!"

I had an idea of what she meant that it made my heart flutter in delight. However, isn't it too good to be real? How can it be possible?

"Diana..." I placed my hand on her warm cheek and she sadly smiled at me.

"I love you, Anastacius" She stated and my eyes widened at her. "I also have fallen in love with you and I want you to be with me. That is the only selfish thing I yearn for: To be with you" She laughed with sobbing eyes. "So don't say such silly stuff and... be with me"

That phrase was already enough to make me happy as my heart overflowed with love. All I could do was look at her with loving wholehearted eyes and smile as I fall for her all over again and more.

"I won't" I brush her hair back. " because you're the only woman I love and will stay by your side for as long as you want" I announced.

She smiled with content and held my hand closed to her face. "Then stay with me. Forever"

*TIME SKIP* - Few Days Later - ~ Athanasia POV ~

"Morning, father," I run into him in the halls.

"Morning, Athanasia," He said. "Did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet. I wanted to eat with mother but she's still asleep" I said.

Ever since her return, mother would always sleep until noon and wake up with a lot of energy. The maids looked up to her a lot and didn't mind her behavior including father which is so unfair because he always criticized me for being mannerless!! Nevertheless, mommy is back and we're a real family a bit. I'm happy no matter what. Well except for Lucas.

That guy always gets on my nerves every time he shows up uninvited in the daylight. Night-time, he comes around the same time and as a welcoming gift. I put a flower crown on his head. Ah!~ It's so fun to watch when he becomes mad at a simple flower crown and that reaction never gets old!

"That woman is asleep again?" My father puts on a stern face that gave me chills.

"Well.. yes" I answered.

"Tsk. I can't deal with this anymore" He stomps past me and I turn around to follow him.

"Father?!" I ran up beside him. "You're not going to...?"

"I'm in charge of this house and she needs to stop this habit!" He said and I became startled and scared about what will happen.

Father used to be the man of the house but mother took over that position and instantly everyone followed her. So could this possibly be the return of the King?!

We stopped in front of her door where she was sound asleep and Lily happened to be with us. Lily could tell by the atmosphere that it wasn't a good time to speak and just stood by my side. My father knocks on the door and we all wait in silence.

"That woman!" He gets irritated and barges into the room, shocking us both.

"Father?!" "My Duke?!" We were lost at words and couldn't believe our eyes.

"Wake up! It's daytime!" He yelled before the door closed and so it got quiet in the halls.

These doors and walls are really sound-proof! Gahh! I just want to place my ear on the wall and hear all the chaos!!

"Let's go, Miss" Lily drags me away from the door.

"What?! But father just interrupts mother's sleep!" I stated. "I'm curious about how it'll go!" I whined.

"Well, you'll find out at lunch once your father deals with your mother" Lily reassured.


Yep, that's how it went. Such loving parents argue a lot during the table as the others and I calmly do our own thing. On the other hand, I have to deal with this.

"You're actually becoming a scholar?" Lucas goes through my bookshelves but this time, he's not throwing them on the floor. Ah!~ Such a character development!

"Sure, why not?" I scroll through the pages. "This place is where I can avoid seeing my parents from arguing"

"Arguing?" He said. "I'm not too sure about that"

"What do you mean?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Your mother is also a strange person. Doesn't have any magic yet there's a weird spark on her" He strokes his chin. "But I don't know what it is"

"... Oh. Oh!" I gasped and covered my mouth. My mom came back from the dead so of course, he'll be suspicious of it. "You don't need to think much about it"

"Wasn't going to," He said and then suddenly disappeared.

Finally some peace and quiet...

Knock Knock

I heard a knock and turned my head to the source. It was Lily. "Yes?"

So that's why he left.

"There's a letter for you" She waves a fancy envelope to me and I immediately take it off her hand.

"Really?!" I grinned in excitement. I never got a letter before! "Wait a minute..." I looked at Lily. "Is it a business one?" I frowned. Father always burns my letters regardless of it's just a friendly one or a marriage proposal.

"No, the Duchess receives the messages now" Lily softly whispered to me. "She's in power and no one including your father can stop her" She smiled brightly at me and left me behind. So father failed to get back his power huh? Mommy is too strong.

I run back to my desk in eagerness and inspect the letter. The seal was strangely familiar but it didn't concern me too much so I opened it. Even the paper is expensive so it must be from a high-ranking noble.

Gah! Don't tell me it's from a duke? Could it possibly be Ijekiel?! Did he find out about my household?!

I swallowed my saliva and carefully opened the letter with steady hands. I read the letter and just sighed. No relief yet no worry. It was just meh for me.

".... Jennette's tea party huh?" I mumbled.

Not only that but I'm forced to go too. As expected, the threat must be from the emperor which means that he's starting to favor the "Lovely Princess". I rolled my eyes at the cheesy plot. I wonder what's next? Freaking Ijekiel falling in love with her?

Hold up, how did they fall in love again? All I remember is that they got engaged and married happily ever after. Whatever, it's none of my concern.

I mean there's no harm in becoming friends with her since the emperor doesn't care about me. I was also shocked to learn that he doesn't know that Athanasia exists. So this could mean I successfully avoid my pitiful death meaning I can do whatever I please as long as it doesn't get me killed.

I wonder how the story will go now that "Athanasia" is gone and her mother is back.

End of Chapter 21.

AN: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. My body physically hurts from writing love scenes.

|Word Count: 6513|

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