The Goblet of Fire | Hermione...

By kieran_w

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Your fourth year at Hogwarts welcomes new schools and new problems. More

Book Four
1. Frank Bryce
2. The Invite
3. Harry's Arrival
4. The Portkey
5. The Quidditch World Cup
6. The Dark Mark
7. The Aftermath Of The Attack
8. Back To School
9. The Triwizard Tournament
10. Professor Moody
11. Durmstrang And Beauxbatons
12. The Goblet Of Fire
13. The Hogwarts Champions
14. Four Champions
15. A Rivalry
16. Rita Skeeter
17. Dragons
18. The First Task
19. The Golden Egg
20. McGonagall's Announcement
21. The Yule Ball
22. The Second Task
23. Witch Weekly
24. Father And Son
26. The Third Task
27. Grandfather And Grandson
28. The End Of Fourth Year

25. Confessions

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By kieran_w


The next morning, I was in the Common Room, waiting for Hermione to leave for breakfast. Nothing interesting happened apart from the fact that I was given a note from a someone telling me that Dumbledore wanted to meet with me and that Harry came over to try and apologise.

"I don't like Hermione you know." he said. Ron and Hermione had engaged in another conversation so they weren't listening.

"Harry, I want to believe you, I really do." I sighed.

"Then why can't you?" he questioned.

"I'm not sure, Skeeter didn't really lie though did she. You and Hermione seem to of bonded in the library." I said bitterly.

"Y/N you can't really believe her over me! Me and Hermione have hugged but we've nothing done anything more!" Harry defended.

I looked at Harry, it seemed like he had told the truth but I still had uncertainty in my thoughts.

"You've taken so much from me Harry, you've always taken the spotlight, you've taken the hero role in everything, you always treat us like we're just your sidekicks. I'm not letting you take Hermione away from me." I gave Harry one last look and turned, walking out the Great Hall.

Later on, after all my lessons had finished I spent some time in the library with Hermione before I had to make my way to Dumbledore.

Walking through the empty corridors, I made my way to the Headmaster's office, when I reached the gargoyles at the front, I looked down at the slip and saw the password.

"Sherbet Lemon."

The gargoyles parted and revealed a spiraling staircase, once I was up, I was met with a big wooden door. Knocking gently, I waited for a response.

"Come in." said Dumbledore, from the other side.

When I walked in, Dumbledore was by this cauldron thing, looking into it with concern.

"Are you ok Professor?" I asked.

He nodded. "I merely just wanted to have a chat with you Y/N. Something...interesting has happened.

I was confused but I nodded, Dumbledore carried on speaking. "I want you to know that with what has happened, people will treat you differently. You will have to deal with all the negative people."

"What has happened sir?" I asked

"The Ministry have discovered your true parentage." Dumbledore said gravely.

"Fudge knows about my father and grandfather?" I said, shocked. "I thought he already knew?"

My mind flashed back to the fated day when I found out Sirius was my father.

Dumbledore looked guilty. "I took...precautions that made him forget."

I looked at the headmaster in shock.

Dumbledore continued, his eyes meeting mine. "He is not very happy with it, he will see you differently now. I have persuaded him not to disclose this information to the public but knowing him, it will not be long."

I sighed. "I'm sure some of my classmates know, but they never told anyone. Will this affect anything Professor?"

"He has no control over what happens here at Hogwarts, whilst I am headmaster, you will continue to learn here although Fudge will not want it. He will want to make sure you do not turn into Voldemort, he lives in fear and denial and will not be able to cope when Voldemort himself returns or when you start to display evil like him."

"I'm not like him." I said quickly. "I'm not evil."

Dumbledore nodded. "I know Y/N, but Fudge may not. I want you to stay as far away from the Ministry as possible, they will corrupt you and they will find any reason to keep you away from magic."

I nodded. "Ok Professor."

There was a silence before I looked around and noticed this cauldron. "What is that sir?"

He pointed to his cauldron. "That is a Pensive."

"What does it do?"

"It allows me to look back on my memories. Come here."

I walked over to him and he pointed his wand to his temples before drawing a silvery wisp from it. He then placed it into the cauldron and beckoned me to join him. We plunged out heads into the Pensive and I was suddenly being dragged into this whole new place.

My insides went cold. There were dementors gliding slowly toward the chair in the center of the room, each grasping one of the man's arms with their dead and rotten-looking hands. The man between them looked as though he was about to faint, and I couldn't blame him, I knew the dementors could not touch me inside a memory, but I remembered their power only too well.

The watching crowd recoiled slightly as the dementors placed the man in the chained chair and glided back out of the room. The door swung shut behind us. I looked down at the man now sitting in the chair and saw that it was Karkaroff. Karkaroff looked much younger; his hair and goatee were black. He was not dressed in sleek furs but in thin and ragged robes. He was shaking.

"Igor Karkaroff," said a curt voice to my left. I looked around and saw Mr Crouch standing up in the middle of the bench beside him. Crouch's hair was dark, he looked fit and alert, "you have been brought from Azkaban to present evidence to the Ministry of Magic. You have given us to information that you have important information for us."

"I have, sir," Karkaroff said, "I wish to be of use to the Ministry. I wish to help. I know that the Ministry is trying to round up the last of the Dark Lord's supporters. I am eager to assist in any way I can."

"You say you have names for us, Karkaroff," said Mr Crouch, "let us hear them, please."

"You must understand," said Karkaroff hurriedly, "that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named operated always in the greatest secrecy. He preferred that we - I mean to say, his supporters - and I regret now, very deeply, that I ever counted myself among them-"

"Get on with it," sneered Moody.

"-we never knew the names of every one of our fellows. He alone knew exactly who we all were."

"Yet you say you have some names for us?" said Mr Crouch.

Karkaroff began to name names, they were all previously cleared Death Eaters who I knew would still be supporting Voldemort. Everything seemed normal, more people were being questioned, it wasn't until the last person everything went crazy. It was none other than Mr Crouch's own son.

As soon as I was dragged back into Dumbledore's office, he said nothing to be but instead we were greeted by a knock. To my surprise, opening the door was Harry.

"Ah Harry, do come in, Y/N is just on his way out." Dumbledore said cheerily as I walked past Harry, he gave me a small smile and I looked at him, gave him a half smile before walking back to the Common Room.

When I got back, Ron was nowhere in sight as was probably upstairs asleep but Hermione was on one of the armchairs, reading alone. There was no one else in the room so I decided to scare her.

"Boo!" I said, jumping in front of her and pulling her book away from her.

She shrieked. "Y/N! Don't do that." she got up and hit me with her book and whilst she was standing up, I took her seat.

"That's my favourite seat!" she whined.

I smirked. "Well, you can sit here if you want." I patted to the small space next to me. Sure this was a one-person seat but you could always make room.

In the end, Hermione ended up finding a comfortable spot sitting on me and she started reading her book whilst I was playing with her hair. This was it, it was the perfect moment. I had to tell her how I felt. The moment felt right. I couldn't let Harry take Hermione away from me.

"Hey 'Mione, can I tell you something?" I said nervously.

Hermione looked up from her book, twisted her head and her eyes met mine. "Yeah, what is it?"

I took a deep breath. "IreallylikeyouandIhavesincefirstyearandIreallywantogooutwithyou"

Hermione looked puzzled. "Say what again?"

I sighed. "Hermione, I really like you. As in more than a friend. Since I met you there was something about you. I think you're really pretty, and you're really smart. I mean this could be really stupid right now and I might be embarrassing myself, dang I think I'm rambling now-"

I was cut off by Hermione's lips meeting mine, we shared a kiss before she pulled away. "Y/N you're such an idiot sometimes. I like you too."

I smiled goofily. "So well, do you want to be my girlfriend then?"

Hermione nodded and I pulled her in for a kiss, this was more passionate than the last. We both pulled back for air, Hermione noticed my goofy smile and giggled. "You're such an idiot sometimes Y/N."

I smiled. "Well at least I'm your idiot now."

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