Attack on Titan x oc book 1

By Itsahabit17

6.8K 88 11

Latina sanders is a special girl, with a a tragic past, wishes to train and join the scouts and free humanity... More

Latina sanders
I'm gonna be strong
Old friends here too!?!?
Battle for trost
Battle for trost 2
Battle for trost 3
Battle for trost 4
Secrets revealed
Battle to seal the breach
Scouts HQ
Joining the scouts
Expedition 3
Capture annie
Capture annie 2
Capture annie 3

Expedition 2

142 2 0
By Itsahabit17

A sharp Shrill whistles penetrated the silence. The tree has stopped by a circle of trees, taking rest in a clearing."Where'd they get this? How old's your gear?" Reiner asked. As he bandaged armins head."Don't worry about it. It came off like it's supposed to so it didn't break. It should still be in decent shape." Armin answered."Alright. That's something then. Still down a horse though. Not an ideal situation. We can't get moving again till Jeans ride shows up." Jean stopped whistling

' just my luck, reiners horse comes back like an old lover, why the hells mine gotta go AWOL?' He goes back to whistling one more time before stopping' dammit.we can't afford to stay out in the open like this.if worse comes to worse one of us'll have to get left behind. What are we supposed to do? Draw straws?'Jean stops his whistling at this and shoots his head to Reiner and armin ' arguments hurt not runners to speak to ride with safety. Maybe I should just take my chances horse- retrieving on foot.'Jean grumbles before going back to thought, "Damn it!"

' how messed up is it that we might even have to even consider that? Out of the frying pan, into the fire, it's what we get for narrowly escaping death!' Jean let's out another whistle, with armin he wasn't still think back to the titan while he was i'm on the ground paralysed with the titan looming over him

"Armin?" Reiner called out his name.  Getting No reply.  "You with me?" He asked   With a small gasp, Armin gave a jump backwards.  "I guess your heads still pretty shaken up, huh?" He said concernedly. While jean whistles again  "Um, it might still be a little foggy, yeah."  "It's okay. The choice isn't gonna be any easier with you thinking clearly." Reiner the added getting up. "Two of us are gonna have to stay here. We need to figure out who." Jean turns his head in shock "Wait a sec!" Armin exclaimed, leaping up. "I mean, shouldn't we even fire off a smoke signal first? If everyone kept going straight, Row 4 Squad 3 should be in close us now!"

Jean let off a purple flare."Well that's the emergency signal but who knows? I doubt anyone's gonna see it and say 'Hey, somebody must need an other horses.'"

."Armin, hey, listen. We're only gonna wait 3 minutes. If no one comes, we're gonna have to decide who goes."It should be me," Armin said at the same time."But if I'm going to be left out here in the open, I need you to relay a message. If possible, give it only to commander Erwin.""Hey Armin," Jean called. "Looks like you'll be able to tell him yourself."they  turned in surprise." Someone answered the call. Hell yes! They've got 2  horses in tow!Woah!" He gasped when he saw a familiar red with a familiar blond girl next to her, each carrying one horses reins "That's.....It's Latina and christa!"

"Hey guys!" Latina called out "You alright?!" Followed by Christa, ringing with concern.."Well damn!" Jean laughed. "That's my little run away! Easy Bushwall, it's ok. I forgive you."jean chuckled patting his horse

"Poor thing, he ran to us like the devil was on his tail! Did you guys fight a Titan " they then noticed armins head ". Oh no! Armin, your head! Your hurt!" Latina exclaimed

"It's nothing! Promise!" Armin said quickly."I'm impressed someone actually answered our distress signal." Reiner mused."Well, me and Latina bumped into each other, plus we weren't that far away. That and the horses." She smiled."A lot of people wouldn't have risked the trip over here. You're as noble as the steeds you two tame. We're all in your debt." Reiner said

"It was nothing!" Christa smiled kindly, Latina the says  "just glad you're all ok. What would we do without you guys."the three boy's faces turn pink as they stare at her with their mouths dropped.

' she's an angel...'

' a goddess...'

' one day, my wife..'

" I suppose we better all join the formation," Christa said."Yeah, they'll order a retreat any minute now. I'll just say it, I'm glad to be alive, but heading back after only an hour, that's not something to be proud of. And is anybody else curious? Why was she heading away from the command squad?"

"She?" Christa and Latina asks, Suddenly green flare were spotted from the left."Green smoke?!"

"Looks like we're not heading back after all," Armin said. "Just changing course."

"Yeah but, that doesn't make sense!" Christa called."What the hell? Is commander Erwin out of his mind?" Jean exclaimed" Everyone of us had the authority to call the mission failed, so whips is no one speaking up?! Is the command far ahead to see the signals?" Reiner asked "Possibly," Armin stated, as if I'd remained silent. "Either way I think our course is clear." Armin shot off a green signal.

" Well I better make my way back to the squad, you guys be careful" Latina said, armin nods" you too, just warn everyone about a female titan, it's not a regular titan, it's a titan shifter" " wait what?!" She shook her head then nodded, and took off

"Smock signals. Green. Oluo, pass it on." Levi orders as he nods, "with pleasure, sir!" Eren glances up at the sky and goes back to looking forward, thinking, 'things seem to be going pretty smoothly for the moment' Oluo raises the flare gun and shoots the green smoke in the sky, 'Still. I want to how it really is. My gut tells me the front lines already taken a serious hit'

"Reporting, sir!" The group looks over to see a soldier giving news to Levi, " and oral message! It appears the right wing spotters have been wiped out!" Erens eyes widened " The early warning network is of you will need to relay the message down the line" Levi's eyes turn to Petra, "You heard the man, Petra. Go on." She nods, "sir!" With that, she parts away from the group.

'The right Wing?' Eren ponders before gasping' that's where armin's positioned! Still. He wasn't with outliers.And the others were more towards the centre.surely the Titans haven't made it that far in? And where's Latina? She should have been back by now?' he turn their heads to see black flares up on the sky, "Black smoke? Abnormal!" 

"Eren, fire the signal!"Levi orders as Eren nods firmly, "Yes, sir!"

As he goes to send the signal to everyone else, Levi groans slightly, "this is a disgrace. Lotta good the formation does if the bastard's can bore into it that deeply " Eren pulls the trigger and sends the flare out  'So close. too close.Just under that smoke someone- someone's fighting.'

And he was right. People were trying to kill the Female Titan as she continues to run through a small town. She uses one of her hands to protect her nape as one soldier grumbles, raising the flare gun at her, "dammit.I'm right in front of you! Look down, you monster!" Darius yelled, She turns back around to see the flare get released, causing her to move her head to the side. "Now!"

The squad leader tells his soldiers as they go in for the kill, 'We've got you now! You're clever, but I'd like to see you defend all three weeks spots at once!' " The Achilles heel! The spinal-cord! Whatever brings the bitch to her knees! Attack!"

"For the soldiers you've killed!"

"We're gonna make sure this hurts!"

As two soldiers go to cut her feet, the Female Titan reacts and jumps in the air" she jumped?!" The commander exclaimed, the female titan grabbing a soldier's wires and leaving the two soldiers surprised. It wasn't long before she stomped on them and went to stomp on the other soldier that tried to flee. The soldier she was holding whimpers and screams,

"Put me down! Put me down!" She doesn't say anything to him but starts spinning him in circles, causing the squad leader's face to drop.  The squad leader then takes off on his horse as the Female Titan flicks the dead soldier into the sky

" I have to tell the others! She can't be allowed to take anyone else by surprise!" The leader cries, "The platoon will be decimated!." But to his dismay, he turns to see the Female Titan kicking him and his horse up in the air. From afar, two soldiers see the Female Titan and growl

"An Abnormal?" The first soldier exclaimed "this far in? Let's take it out! can't let it make any more headway!" The second said, As the two go in an attempt to kill her, she lazily turns her body to her left and stands there. 

Somewhere off the distance, the supply wagon was being protected by many soldiers" well if the right wing is been all but annihilated why in the hell aren't we retreating?!" "don't know! Commander's orders. Just keep the message moving left!" 

Back with the Female Titan, she looks up to see green flares being sent out. She looks to her right and starts to run off, continuing her search. "If so what's the story, how far is the commander gonna let us run of course?." The first soldier says to his comrade as she responds, " guess is as good as mine.we should be heading south, not least "

"This is crazy, we'll run right into the dam thing!."  "Yeah, And look up ahead "the two looked up how to see the forest " just what we need"

"Titans have used this path," Erwin states, glancing around, "ya right, lack of vegetation's a dead giveaway." Donna said, And so, him and his comrades enter the forest while telling them, "it should be A cinch for the wagons.inform everyone behind us notonly the centre wagon defence squad is to enter this forest."

"Yes, sir!" Two of his men depart to tell the news, meanwhile, Sasha looks deep within the forest then looks over to see various soldiers entering as one wagon also enters. She turns to her squad leader and speaks

"Excuse me looks as though the centre rank is heading straight into the forest, won't we run snagged up into the trees if we follow them?" she asked. "We'll go around." He states firmly, taking off as she nods, "Um. Yes sir!"

Eventually, Armin, Jean, Reiner, and Christa have regrouped by now with the others as "your kidding me!" Jean exclaimed. "we on a sight seeing tour now or what?How much further do they want us to stray off course? This is ridiculous!" Jean exclaimed "Bizarre. But so be it" Armin replies, " Commander Erwin must have something in mind. Prehaps the situation compels him to improvise"

That gives me a lot of confidence, maybe he's looking for a nice, shady spot to throw all the rookies a celebratory picnic Jean rolls his eyes sarcastically as the blonde-haired boy shook his head " Uh. I rather doubt that."

"Lighten up. Point I'd Frankie doesn't intend for us to camp here. Not with that female-form Titan on our ass. We'd be sitting ducks. He's got to know that, yeah, we're just passing through on the way to somewhere else. No one in his right mind would make a stop here"

"All soldiers, halt!"They stop their horses from moving any further and jumped off, and stood by "All right Rookies, listen up. We're assuming intercept position within the trees, on foot. Unsheathe and find a perch. If any Titans attempt to enter the forest, stop them, whatever it takes." 

"Uh, excuse me sir, what exactly-" Jean began.  "I GIVEN YOU AN ORDER!!" The man yelled and leapt into the trees. "Ok, what the hell's going on?" Jean wondered


"So, hey. only the center rank is going into the forest then? What about the formation?" Connie asks while looking at drake. " apparently its breaking up" he says " he's right, The path isn't wide enough for the side ranks; we have to go around. It's the only tactical option." Mikasa adds " even if it means we are useless as spotters"

A bead of sweat forms on Connie's forehead. "But couldn't we just have avoided the forest altogether? The Commander misread a map and realize it too late or what?" he asks nervously. " no clue.maybe we are here to shake the threat that's been on a right.the trees make a decent cover, I suppose.maybe." She mumbled

" guys!" The turned back to see zane and Marco " what's up?" Connie asked " trouble, After server went on to check after harming and the others they told her Engaged a titan, Not a normal one, most likely a person that can also shift into a titan like eren" their eyes widened " and we are still out who are the things on the loose?!" Connie exclaimed " The commander doesn't know! Grayson's speeding around and warning everyone" Marco said " where's Latina right now?" Drake asked " trying to find commander Erwin and Levi squad, spread the word if nobody else has no knowledge of it" Zane rushed on ahead

In the trees

"Do you believe this b.s.? Am I the only one who wonders what happened to the whole legistic space thing or why we didn't go galloping home after the Female Titan showed up. Why are we all playing bird house? Oh, wait, no, I know the last one. No Titans allowed in the centre ranks nature retreat. Fool, he's got no idea what going on." Jean complained."He'll hear you!" Armin warned, looking at the commander on a tree branch next to them "What do I care. He's not explaining anything to the ones risking there lives. Look at him him, he acts all calm and in control but he's petrified."

"What do you mean?"

"The say when officers in the field are deeming incompetent by their men they can be relieved of their duty. Or in more extreme cases they can die of mysterious stab wound in their back. I suppose there's all kinds of accidents that can happen out here."

"Hold on, whatever you're thinking of doing..."

"Look, I'm just talking. The whole situation is screwed and I need to vent, alright. I'm not gonna start a mutiny, well not yet anyway. Just answer me this. You agree with this strategy or do you think it's crap, really? Cause you look like you know something I don't."

"Well um..."

"5 METRE TITAN APPROACHING!" The leader called as a Titan jogged retardedly towards the group in. The trees ' I did the commander opt to bring Us here? Can't make sense of it.what was he thinking?. No. That's wrong. That's not the question I should be asking, the real puzzle is this, if the female Titan is in fact pursuing eren, does Erwin know? Is that why we are here?' Armin wondered

Inside the Forest of Giant Trees, Eren and Levi's Squad were dashing through as Eren speaks, "Captain! Captain Levi!" He glances at him, irritated, "What?"

" come on, Sir! We are in a forest! We Won't see a tight until it's right on top of us! The center ranks totally cut off! something is coming up on the right, Isn't it? So what are we supposed to do? Avoid tightens or defend the wagons?" Eren throws as Levi responds, "Quit whining and move on from the obvious already but neither of those is an option anymore."

"Wha-? What are you talking about?...."

"Haven't you noticed what's around you? Take a look at these big ass trees." Eren stares up at him confused as Levi starts to explain, " perfect environment for ODM year, when do you say? Take my advice eren, calm down and use your head. The best survival tall is your brain. " " yes sir!" He responded

'He's right. I'm new to this, so so virtually everything about it's gonna throw me for a loop. Simple answers of the children. Only way to learn is by doing. If I want to cut it with these guys, i've got a stop crying to be spoon fed.' He turns to see Oluo sweating furiously and rather unsure,

"Doesn't make sense.what are we doing here? There's Gotta be a reason right? They Gotta?" Oluo mutters.Eren looks distraught as he glances at each member who seems nervous, 'Wait.are we all in the dark here? What the hell is going on? Really? Does that mean even...captain Levi's clueless?' He questioned. To himself, staring at the captain in front

' Break it down to its simple as elements. If the titan really is after eren, then... only one reason for our being here. Commander Erwin nose and intends to confront her.'Armin ponder deeply when Jean breaks his trance ."Armin, bear with me," Jean muttered. "Our orders are to keep titans out, right? Right? So, I mean, we don't actually need to fight them, yeah?" Armin looked down and his eyes widened at the Titans swarming below our tree and gave a start."Am I wrong?"

smoke signal goes off, "Black smoke!" Eren announces "It's right behind us that's been chasing us" oluo exclaimed "Damn things been on our own since we came in here." Eld proclaims when they all hear Levi say, " blades drawn. Now." pulling a sword out" it'll happen in the blink of an eye. Be ready"

They continue to gallop until a soldier flies in from afar.  Eren continues to stare when they finally witness the Female Titan charging up to them. gasping as Levi yells, "go move it!"  The Female Titan jumps through and breaks trees, causing Eren to whimper in fright.

The Titan regains her balance and goes after them, staring down at Eren with a manically smile, " holy sh**! How the hell are we supposed to pull evasive manoeuvres in here?" Gunther screams along with Eld, "It's catching up!" Petra turns to Levi and pleads, "Captain! Engage the ODM gear? Captain?!"  As the Female Titan continues to go after them, soldiers come in and try to stop it " where you goin!"

"Rear Reinforcement!" Petra states as a soldier tries to kill the Female Titan, but he gets crushed against a tree while slapping another one away. They all stare in horror as Petra, yet again, pleads, "Captain! Your Orders!"  "It's dangerous! Let's take it out! Tell us to engage, Sir!!" Oluo screams,

"I'll cut that b****!" Eld goes and seethes his blade' Stupid creature, you're racing for speed your own death! You're chasing the best damn team of Titans lose in existence!" Eren looks at each of them before clenching his teeth together, He looks ahead and calls out to Levi, "Captain?" 

"Captain!" Petra called out again "We need your orders, Sir!" Oluo yelled "She is gaining on us! Let's just take her out!" Gunter yelled "That's the whole reason we are here, isn't it? Right, sir? Captain!" Eld yelled " your orders sir! Please!" followed by eren   Finally, Levi looks over his shoulder and says, "One cover your ears. Now." They all stare at him with confusion as Levi brings out his flare gun and shoots it in the air.


A certain redhead was zipping from tree to tree, trying to find Levi squad and commander erwin, when she noticed the flare. ' that has to be Levi's squad' her eyes widened ' the titan must've found them! The commander will have to wait! I need to get to them!' She starts zipping towards their location ' hold on! i'm coming! hopefully I'm not too late!'

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