Fairy Tales From Around the W...

By rockstarninja89

593 1 2

For centuries, fairy tales have been treasured and passed down from generation to generation. Some are funny... More

Inojin and the Beanstalk
Hinata and the Seven Hedgehogs
The Three Little Ham Hams
The Queen's New Clothes
The Diamond Nutcracker
Little Red Cream
The Little Glass Slipper
The Maiden in the Tower
Naruto and Naruko
The Princess and the Pearl
The Little Mermaid
Sleeping Beauty
The Frog Prince
The Princess and the Pauper
Rob o' the Hedge of Mercia
Eiji and the Magic Lamp
The Elves and the Shoe Maker
The Booted Cat
The 12 Dancing Princesses
The Swan Princess
Diamonds and Toads
The Snow King
Inuyasha's Christmas Carol

Beauty and The Beast

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By rockstarninja89

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a beautiful and slightly odd girl named Mina Mikon. She lived with her mother in the village and although she longed to make friends, most of the other people in the village thought of her as very strange and some of them didn't want anything to do with her.

One day, Mina's mother, Miku Mikon, was called away on an important business trip in the city. Before she left for her journey, she asked her daughter, "Now, Mina, when I return home, what gift would you like me to get you?"

"Oh Mom, I don't need anything. All I want is for you to return home safely," The young woman said humbly.

"Come on, there must be something I can bring back for you. What would you like?"

"Okay, okay. Since you are offering and all. I'd just like a red rose if it isn't too much trouble."

"A rose it is."

Miku nodded her head, gave her daughter a quick hug, and she was on her way.

After her meeting was finally done and over with, Miku remembered Mina's request, but she couldn't find a red rose for her. She searched every garden, every greenhouse, and every flower shop she could find, but she had no luck. As she was on her way home through a dark forest, Miku was suddenly caught in the middle of a horrible thunderstorm. During the storm, she came across a mighty castle, and surrounding the castle was the largest and most exquisite garden she had ever seen in her life.

Miku walked around the castle grounds with wide eyes, taking in the beautiful plants and flowers that surrounded the enormous manor. And suddenly, something caught her eye. A rose as red as fire, just what Mina had asked for. It was growing on a bush that grew all different colors of roses.

'A red rose! What luck!' she thought as she excitedly walked towards the bush.

But just as she picked up the red flower, Miki was greeted by an angry snarling roar, unlike anything she had ever heard before.

"Who is stealing flowers from my garden?! You're not welcome here!" A loud, unfamiliar voice boomed.

Miku was so scared that she almost fell over. She quickly whipped her head around to look for the source of the voice. When she craned her neck up, her eyes widened the moment she saw a tall dark figure standing over her. Miku gasped and cringed in terror at the sight. She backed away in horror, unsure of what to do.

"Don't just stand there. Who are you? What are you doing here? And why are you stealing my roses?" The figure demanded.

Miku caught her breath and she could finally talk, but her voice wavered from fear and panic while she spoke to the horrendous creature.

"M-m-my...name is Miku, my lord. I'm just a simple woman and I was lost in the forest after trying to find a present for my daughter," she said nervously, trying not to scream in terror.

"So that's it?" The figure asked. "You've come to steal from me, have you?!"

"Please, I meant no harm! Honest!" Miku pleaded.

"Likely story. I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget."

The dark figure reached out an enormous claw, snatched up Miku, and took her back into his castle, slamming the door shut behind him.

A week went by and Mina hadn't heard anything from her mother yet and soon, she began to worry about her. Even though she was told never to leave the village borders because nobody had bothered to go into the forest that stood beside the town, Mina was desperate. She grabbed herself a cloak, headed outside, and ran into the forest in search of her beloved mother.

She wandered the narrow forest paths looking for any sign of Miku, but hours had passed and Mina had finally realized that she was lost. As exhausted and hungry as she was though, she kept going, determined not to rest until she was reunited with her mother at last. When hope seemed dismal, Miku saw an old iron gate hidden in the heart of the forest. She was confused at first, but she ran up to it, pushed open the gate, and ran up to what looked like the very same castle Miku had discovered.

'Maybe Mom is here!' she thought before knocking on the door.

"Hello? Anyone home?" she called. No one answered.

Mina tried knocking again, this time a bit louder and harder, only to realize that the door was never locked and it slowly glided open. Gulping, Mina cautiously stepped into the castle, with the door closing behind her with a slam. As she walked down the dimly lit castle halls, Mina couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" she called nervously. "My name is Mina Mikon and I'm looking for my mother."

"Mina? Mina Mikon, is that you?" An all too familiar voice called from the top of a nearby set of winding stairs.

"Mom?! Don't worry, I'm coming!!" Mina cried as she ran up the stairs until she found herself in some kind of dungeon-like chamber to the top.

She looked and gasped in surprise when she saw Miku trapped in one of the cells. She ran to the cell door and held her mother's hand in her own, with a big smile spread across the woman's face.

"Mina, my dear! How in the world did you find me?" Miku asked.

"Oh gosh, you're as cold as ice. What happened to you?" Mina asked worriedly.

"It's a long story. You need to leave before it catches you."

"It? Who did this to you?"

"No time to explain. You have to go, now!!"

"No! I won't leave you here!"

Mina's sentence was suddenly interrupted by a loud roar that seemed to come from behind her.

"What are you doing here?!" A deep gruff voice asked.

"Who's there? Who are you?" Mina asked as she looked back at the stairs, only to see a large dark figure standing there.

"The master of this castle. Who are you and what are you doing here?" The figure asked.

"I am Mina Mikon and I've come for my mother!"

"Your mother is a thief."


"She stole one of my roses. And in return, she'll stay here for the rest of her life."

"A life sentence? For picking one flower?!"

"Apparently so," Miku grumbled.

"Quiet, you!!" The figure yelled at the woman.

"Wait! I asked for the rose," Mina said. "Punish me, not my mother."

"Is that so?" The figure asked. "You would take her place?"

"What?! No, Mina, you can't!! You don't know what you're doing!!" Miku protested.

"If I did, would you let her go?" Mina asked.

"Yes, but...you have to promise to stay here forever," the figure said.

"Wait. Come into the light," Mina said, narrowing her eyes.

Reluctantly, the figure slowly stepped into the light of a burning torch on the wall, only for Mina to gasp in shock. The tall dark figure was revealed to be an enormous and hideous wereworlf Beast with gray hair and big black eyes.

"No, Mina. I won't let you do this!!" Miku cried, but it was too late.

She stepped forward and hesitantly said, "You have my word."

"Done," the Beast said before unlocking the cell door and letting the woman out.

Mina looked back at her mother with tears welling in her eyes. She gave her mother a tight hug before she was carried off by the Beast. Before Miku left the castle, the Beast told her, "One more thing. You will tell no one of this place."

And with that, the castle doors slammed shut right in Miku's face, leaving her in a state of shock and sadness. She turned around to go back home, only to find out that she was already home.

Back at the castle, Mina was left standing at the bottom of the stairs while still staring at the Beast.

"What are you looking at?" he asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I...I'm sorry," Mina said, trying to hold back tears. "You know...I'll never see her again, right?"

"Uh...I'll show you to your room," The Beast reluctantly said.

"My room? But I thought..."

"Do you want to stay up in the tower?"


"Then follow me."

The Beast led the girl to a bed chamber of the finest furniture with silk on everything, the bed was an antique four poster with garnet red and golden yellow damask silk for the bedding and curtains, certainly the most beautiful Mina had ever seen. She sat on the bed and she was surprised at how comfortable it was. She looked at the walls of the room and she saw that they were lined with shelves filled with books of all kinds and the walls themselves are painted aqua green and there was a large golden sun painted on the ceiling where the chandelier was hanging. The sun resembled her tattoo.

"I hope this will be fine for you," The Beast said.

"It's...great. Thank You," Mina said.

You're welcome. I'll see you later...milady."

Before giving a quick bow to her, the Beast then left, leaving Mina to get used to her new home. Mina didn't know what to think now, but when she was a little girl, she learned from her wise older brother that she should always look on the bright side of things, even if they might seem tough or questionable at first.

A week or two went by and Mina had already grown accustomed to living in the castle. She was given the best of everything by the Beast, but the best gifts he gave her were rare flowers and lots of books on whatever she wanted to read. The Beast watched as the beautiful young girl would trot through the garden and hum to herself without a care. He hoped that one day his life could change for the better and Mina would always be there for him.

Every night, the Beast would hold a grand banquet for Mina and himself, with the most lavish and delectable of foods, and every night as the Beast retired to his drawing room, he would ask her to marry him and every night she would say no, explaining that she only liked him as a friend and nothing more.

The Beast would always reply, "As you wish, milady." And he would leave her be.

A few months had passed and everything stayed the same. Both of them were happy with each other's company. They had grown accustomed to knowing each other's likes and dislikes. Sometimes the Beast would disappear for hours on end and he always came back unhappy and moody. Knowing he would scream at her if she tried to pry, Mina kept quiet.

Sometimes, she would throw a little party for the Beast to try and cheer him up. A few times it worked, but mostly they didn't. As the roses came in full bloom one Spring day, Mina remembered her mother. She realized she wanted to go back and see him again. That night as they dined, she asked the Beast to let her go back home.

"Beast, I want to go back to my mother," she said.

"Why should I let you go? If you leave, you won't come back," The Beast said, looking away from the girl.

"Let me go, Beast, please. I stayed here for a year already which means I will come back. Promise."

The Beast looked at Mina standing before him and saw that there was truth to her words. He knew what he had to do. He let out a sigh.

"I'll let you go for a week, but then you must come back. Promise me that you will come back on the date I ask."

Mina smiled a big grin and she hugged the Beast tightly.

"Of course, I'll come back. How could I leave my best friend behind? I promise," she said.

The next morning, she was waiting in the foyer to say goodbye to the Beast. He came towards her and hugged her tightly and gave her a beautiful amulet with a red gemstone. He told her that if she wants to go back home or back to the castle, she'll put the amulet on her neck and follow the sun or moon and she'll be there. Mina gave the Beast her necklace and a big hug as a goodbye gift. She waved goodbye to the Beast before putting on the amulet and she ran out the door and towards the old chicken farm by following the rising sun.

The next thing she knew, Mina could see her old house peeking over the horizon. She was almost home. Miku looked out at the town. It was so quiet since her little Mina Mikon left. But that was soon to change. She saw Mina come from over the hill to see that the farm hardly changed. Sitting just outside the door was her mother. Mina's heart skipped a beat, and she ran to her mother, giving her a big hug.

"Mom! Oh, Mom, I missed you so much! You have so much to tell me!" Mina exclaimed joyfully.

Miku smiled. Her daughter had barely changed, except her face. It glowed with health and happiness.

"Mina Mikon, my darling, you've come back! I'm glad that monster didn't hurt you. But how did you escape?" she asked.

"I didn't escape. The Beast let me go to see you," Mina replied.

"That horrible creature?!"

"Aw, come on. He's not so bad once you get to know him. In fact, he's actually really sweet."

Miku smiled and hugged her daughter close.

As Mina was getting ready for bed later that night, she thought about the Beast and she dreamed of him all through the week. That week was up. Mina woke up with a heavy heart. She went down to breakfast and found her mother staring at her with a sad look.

"Please don't leave me again, Mina," she said. "Can't you stay for just one more day, please?"

The tears in her eyes broke Mina's heart. She was reluctant to stay longer, but also to leave so soon. "Well, I know I promised and all but... Oh alright. I guess I can stay, but just for one more day. I promise the Beast I'd come back. What's one more day?"

As the sun went down on the eighth day, Mina felt very guilty for breaking the promise she made to the Beast. As she was napping, Mina had a horrible nightmare about the Beast. She saw him half dead on the floor of the castle, tears were streaming down his face and his claw was clasping around the necklace she had given him before she left. Mina woke up in tears. She just realized she hurt her best friend.

"Beast! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!!" She wept loudly.

Miku came into her room and saw her in tears.

"Mina, dear, what's going on? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" she asked.

"Mom! It's...it's the Beast! He...he needs me! I broke my promise to him and I...I feel so guilty about it! I have to go back!!" Mina pleaded through her tears.

Miku looked at her sobbing daughter and she could tell right away that she was being dead serious about this whole thing.

"Go to him," Miku said, letting out a sigh in defeat.

"Really? You mean it?" she asked.

"I do. He needs you more than me now..." she said.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!!" Mina cried with joy.

She hugged her mother goodbye one more time, grabbed the magical amulet, put it on her neck, and ran out the door as fast as she could back to the Beast's castle. As the moon was now high in the night sky, Mina was back in the castle. She ran throughout the entire manor calling his name, but there was no sign of the Beast. And soon, she discovered him. Lying on the castle staircase was the Beast. Mina ran to him and held his body in her arms. He was so limp and cold. She looked at her friend as his eyes slowly opened to look at her. She let out a fresh spat of sorrowful tears as she held the Beast's claw.

"Beast! Oh, Beast! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I broke my promise! I never ever wanted to hurt you!" Mina sobbed.

"I thought...I thought you deserted me," The Beast said.

"No, no, no, no! I would never do that!! You're my best friend and I would never leave you for dead! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have broken my promise!" Mina cried.

"No, Mina. Maybe...maybe it's better this way," The Beast said weakly.

"No! Don't talk like that. We're together. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see. My brother always told me to look on the bright side and that's what you should do too," she said as she tried her best to smile.

"At least...at least I got to see you...one last time. I'm sorry, Mina. I...I love you." The Beast whispered before passing away in the girl's embrace.

"No! Please! Please, don't leave me! You can't die! Not now!! I care too much about you! Please! I love you too, Beast! Do you hear me?! I LOVE YOU!!!!"

Mina began to cry rivers onto the Beast's lifeless body. She didn't want him to die like this. Suddenly, a strange bright light enveloped the Beast, lifting him into the air, and changing his form. The light was so bright and vibrant that anyone in any city could see it. Mina kept her eyes shut the entire time, she was too sad to even acknowledge it. As the light subsided, Mina opened her eyes and saw that her beloved Beast was turned into a handsome prince with messy brown hair, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils, pronounced canine teeth, and nails that changed into claws. He also has the distinctive red fang markings of his clan on his cheeks. As he descended, Mina could hardly believe what just happened.

"Mina...it's me! Don't you recognize me?" The young man asked as he approached her.

"What? But-but-but...but how can that be? Who the heck are you?" Mina stammered.

"My name is Prince Kiba Inuzuka and I was put under a spell," he answered.

"A spell?" hhe asked, confused.

"Yes," he said. "Many years ago, I was a spoiled brat living under my mother and older sister. She gave me everything and I took it all for granted. And to top it all off, I didn't know how to properly have a good time. One day, just to prove the darkness in my heart, a witch stopped by my old home, a castle in the city of Konohagakure. When she asked to come in for the night, I denied her request and sent her away. That was when she punished me by using her dark magic to change me into a hideous beast and leaving me in this castle deep within the forest, telling me that I would only turn back to my old self when I was ready to let friendship, love, kindness, and laughter into my heart. I kept myself here, shutting out everyone except for your mother. There was something different about her. She told me about you and I knew you were the key to everything. I'm just...so glad that I found you." He kissed her hand and smiled.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in when you say it all at once. And I gotta admit, this will have to take some getting used to," Mina said.

"I understand. So...can I ask you something?" The Prince asked.

"Of course, what is it?" Mina asked.

"Mina Mikon..." Prince Kiba started as he took her hand and kneeled before her. "Will you finally...marry me?"

Mina gasped as she smiled a big grin.

"Yes!! Of course, I will!!" she cried as she embraced the Prince. He hugged her back.

As they were in each other's embrace, swarms of bright, magical light swirled around the two. The castle reverted to life and when they opened their eyes, Mina and Prince Kiba were both dressed in beautiful clothes. They quickly noticed that they were now in the castle ballroom which was now as clean and beautiful as can be. The couple then started to dance with many people, including Mina's mother, who was happily watching them. That day, Mina Mikon and Prince Kiba Inuzuka were married and they all lived happily ever after.

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